945 resultados para clinical characteristics


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In view of the growing prevalence of Alzheimer's disease (AD) worldwide, there is an urgent need for the development of better diagnostic tools and more effective therapeutic interventions. At the earliest stages of AD, no significant cognitive or functional impairment is detected by conventional clinical methods. However, new technologies based on structural and functional neuroimaging, and on the biochemical analysis of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) may reveal correlates of intracerebral pathology in individuals with mild, predementia symptoms. These putative correlates are commonly referred to as AD-related biomarkers. The relevance of the early diagnosis of AD relies on the hypothesis that pharmacological interventions with disease-modifying compounds are likely to produce clinically relevant benefits if started early enough in the continuum towards dementia. Here we review the clinical characteristics of the prodromal and transitional states from normal cognitive ageing to dementia in AD. We further address recent developments in biomarker research to support the early diagnosis and prediction of dementia, and point out the challenges and perspectives for the translation of research data into clinical practice.


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CONTEXT: Liver metastases are a common event in the clinical outcome of patients with colorectal cancer and account for 2/3 of deaths from this disease. There is considerable controversy among the data in the literature regarding the results of surgical treatment and prognostic factors of survival, and no analysis have been done in a large cohort of patients in Brazil. OBJECTIVES: To characterize the results of surgical treatment of patients with colorectal liver metastases, and to establish prognostic factors of survival in a Brazilian population. METHOD: This was a retrospective study of patients undergoing liver resection for colorectal metastases in a tertiary cancer hospital from 1998 to 2009. We analyzed epidemiologic variables and the clinical characteristics of primary tumors, metastatic disease and its treatment, surgical procedures and follow-up, and survival results. Survival analyzes were done by the Kaplan-Meier method and the log-rank test was applied to determine the influence of variables on overall and disease-free survival. All variables associated with survival with P<0.20 in univariate analysis, were included in multivariate analysis using a Cox proportional hazard regression model. RESULTS: During the period analyzed, 209 procedures were performed on 170 patients. Postope-rative mortality in 90 days was 2.9% and 5-year overall survival was 64.9%. Its independent prognostic factors were the presence of extrahepatic disease at diagnosis of liver metastases, bilateral nodules and the occurrence of major complications after liver surgery. The estimated 5-year disease-free survival was 39.1% and its prognostic factors included R1 resection, extrahepatic disease, bilateral nodules, lymph node involvement in the primary tumor and primary tumors located in the rectum. CONCLUSION: Liver resection for colorectal metastases is safe and effective and the analysis of prognostic factors of survival in a large cohort of Brazilian patients showed similar results to those pointed in international series. The occurrence of major postoperative complications appears to be able to compromise overall survival and further investigation in needed in this topic.


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Este estudo transversal teve como objetivo caracterizar as manifestações de incontinência urinária autorreferida no pós-parto. Foram entrevistadas 288 mulheres atendidas em um Centro de Saúde Escola do município de São Paulo, entre janeiro e agosto de 2009. Os dados indicaram que, dentre as 71 mulheres incontinentes (24,6%), 44 destas (62%) referiram incontinência urinária aos esforços, 65 (91,5%) sentiam a urina escoar, 33 mulheres (46,5%) apresentavam perdas por mais de uma vez na semana e 24 (33,8%) acusaram perda urinária persistente no momento da entrevista. A gravidade, classificada como incontinência urinária moderada, foi constatada em 53 mulheres (74,7%). Os achados realçam a importância de investigações sobre incontinência urinária no período pós-parto, assim como sua abordagem no ensino e na assistência à mulher no período reprodutivo.


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A rapid, sensitive and specific method for quantifying hydroxocobalamin in human plasma using paracetamol as the internal standard (IS) is described. The analyte and the IS were extracted from plasma by liquid-liquid extraction using an organic solvent (ethanol 100%; -20°C). The extracts were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS-MS). Chromatography was performed on Prevail C8 3 μm, analytical column (2.1×100 mm i.d.). The method had a chromatographic run time of 3.4 min and a linear calibration curve over the range 5-400 ng.mL-1 (r>0.9983). The limit of quantification was 5 ng.mL-1. The method was also validated without the use of the internal standard. The precision in the intra-batch validation with IS was 9.6%, 8.9%, 1.0% and 2.8% whereas without IS was 9.2%, 8.2%, 1.8% and 1.5% for 5, 15, 80 and 320 ng/mL, respectively. The accuracy in intra-batch validation with IS was 108.9%, 99.9%, 98.9% and 99.0% whereas without IS was 101.1%, 99.3%, 97.5% and 92.5% for 5, 15, 80 and 320 ng/mL, respectively. The precision in the inter-batch validation with IS was 9.4%, 6.9%, 4.6% and 5.5% whereas without IS was 10.9%, 6.4%, 5.0% and 6.2% for 5, 15, 80 and 320 ng/mL, respectively. The accuracy in inter-batch validation with IS was 101.9%, 104.1%, 103.2% and 99.7% whereas without IS was 94.4%, 101.2%, 101.6% and 96.0% for 5, 15, 80 and 320 ng/mL, respectively. This HPLC-MS-MS procedure was used to assess the pharmacokinetics of Hydroxo cobalamin following intramuscular injection 5000 μg in healthy volunteers of both sexes (10 males and 10 females). The volunteers had the following clinical characteristics (according to gender and expressed as mean ± SD [range]): males: age: 32.40 ± 8.00 y [23.00-46.00], height: 1.73 ± 0.07 m [1.62-1.85], body weight: 72.48 ± 10.22 Kg [60.20- 88.00]; females: age: 28.60 ± 9.54 y [18.00-44.00], height: 1.60 ± 0.05 m [1.54-1.70], body weight: 58.64 ± 6.09 Kg [51.70- 66.70]. The following pharmacokinetic parameters were obtained from the hydroxocobalamin plasma concentration vs. time curves: AUClast, T1/2, Tmax, Vd, Cl, Cmax and Clast. The pharmacokinetic parameters were 120 (± 25) ng/mL for Cmax, 2044 (± 641) ng.h/mL for AUClast, 8 (± 3.2) ng.mL-1 for Clast, 38 (± 15.8) hr for T1/2 and 2.5 (range 1-6) hr for Tmax. Female volunteers presented significant (p=0.0136) lower AUC (1706 ± 704) ng.h/mL) and larger (p=0.0205) clearance (2.91 ± 1.41 L/hr), as compared to male 2383 ± 343 ng.h/mL and 1.76 ± 0.23 L/hr, respectively. These pharmacokinetic differences could explain the higher prevalence of vitamin B12 deficiency in female patients. The method described validated well without the use of the internal standard and this approach should be investigated in other HPLC-MS-MS methods.


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La malattia da reflusso gastroesofageo (GERD) si divide in due categorie: malattia non erosiva (NERD) ed erosiva (ERD). Questi due fenotipi di GERD mostrano caratteristiche patofisiologiche e cliniche differenti. NERD è la forma più comune. Anche se ERD e NERD sono difficili da distinguere a livello clinico, la forma NERD possiede caratteristiche fisiologiche, patofisiologiche, anatomiche, e istologiche uniche. La replicazione cellulare dello strato basale si pensa sia una delle cause implicate nella resistenza della mucosa e nella difesa strutturale dell’epitelio. Diversi studi hanno dimostrato che la proliferazione cellulare è ridotta nella mucosa esofagea esposta ad insulti acidi e peptici cronici, in pazienti GERD, in più uno studio recente ha dimostrato che il recettore per i cannabinoidi CB1 era implicato nella riparazione delle ferite nella mucosa del colon. Sulla base di questi dati abbiamo valutato la presenza del recettore CB1 in biopsie della mucosa esofagea, di pazienti ERD, NERD e di controlli sani, tramite analisi Western Blot, Immunoistochimica e Real-Time PCR, dimostrando per la prima volta la presenza di questo recettore nell’epitelio dell’esofago e una riduzione dei suoi livelli di espressione nei pazienti ERD, camparati con i NERD e con i controlli sani. Successivamente, per chiarire meglio i meccanismi molecolari che caratterizzano ERD e NERD, abbiamo effettuato un analisi proteomica con la tecnica shotgun, la quale ha evidenziato un patter proteico di 33 proteine differenzialmente espresse in pazienti NERD vs ERD, sette delle quali confermate in wester Blot, e quattro in immunoistochimica. Concludendo i nostri risultati hanno confermato che ERD e NERD sono due entità distinte a livello proteico, e hanno proposto dei candidati biomarker per la diagnosi differenziale di ERD e NERD.


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Mutations in OPA1 gene have been identified in the majority of patients with Dominant Optic Atrophy (DOA), a blinding disease, and the syndromic form DOA-plus. OPA1 protein is a mitochondrial GTPase involved in various mitochondrial functions, present in humans in eight isoforms, resulting from alternative splicing and proteolytic processing. In this study we have investigated the specific role of each isoform through expression in OPA-/- MEFs, by evaluating their ability to improve the defective mitochondrial phenotypes. All isoforms were able to rescue the energetic efficiency, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) content and cristae integrity, but only the presence of both long and short forms could recover the mitochondrial morphology. In order to identify the OPA1 protein domains crucial for its functions, we selected and modified the isoform 1, shown to be one of the most efficient in preserving mitochondrial phenotype, to express three specific OPA1 variants, namely: one with a different N-terminus portion, one unable to generate short form owing to deletion of S1 cleavage site and one with a defective GTPase domain. We demonstrated that the simultaneous presence of the N- and C-terminus of OPA1 was essential for the mtDNA maintenance; a cleavable isoform generating s-forms was necessary to completely rescue the energetic competence and the presence of the C-terminus was sufficient to partially recover the cristae ultrastructure. Lastly, several pathogenic OPA1 mutations were inserted in MEF clones and the biochemical features investigated, to correlate the defective phenotypes with the clinical severity of patients. Our results clearly indicate that this cell model reflects very well the clinical characteristics of the patients, and therefore can be proposed as an useful tool to shed light on the pathomechanism underlying DOA.


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Background: cognitive impairment is one of the non motor features widely descripted in parkinsonian syndrome, it has been related to the motor characteristics of the parkinsonian syndrome, associated with neuropsychiatric dysfunction and the characteristic sleep and autonomic features. It has been shown to be highly prevalent at all disease stages and to contribute significantly to disability. Objectives: aim of this study is to evaluate longitudinally the cognitive and behavioral characteristics of patients with a parkinsonian syndrome at onset; to describe the cognitive and behavioral characteristics of each parkinsonian syndrome; to define in PD patients at onset the presence of MCI or Parkinson disease dementia; to correlate the cognitive and behavioral characteristics with the features of the parkinsonian syndrome and with the associated sleep and autonomic features. Results: we recruited 55 patients, 22 did not present cognitive impairment both at T0 and at T1. 18 patients presented a progression of cognitive impairment. Progressive cognitively impaired patients were older and presented the worst motor phenotype. Progression of cognitive impairment was not associated to sleep and autonomic features. Conclusion: the evaluation of cognitive impairment could not be useful as a predictor of a correct diagnosis but each non motor domain will help to clarify and characterize the motor syndrome. The diagnosis of parkinsonian disorders lies in building a clinical profile in conjunction with other clinical characteristics such as mode of presentation, disease progression, response to medications, sleep and autonomic features.


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The combination of ruptured aneurysms with acute subdural hematomas (aSDHs) is a rare presentation. Patients with aSDH associated with aneurysmal bleeding represent a subgroup within the spectrum of aneurysmatic hemorrhage. We summarize the clinical characteristics, diagnostic evaluation, and management of a series of cases presenting with aSDH associated with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH).


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Aims: We investigated the impact of arterial injury on neointimal hyperplasia following implantation of drug-eluting stents (DES). Methods and results: A total of 196 patients with 223 segments (sirolimus-eluting stents [SES]: 104, paclitaxel-eluting stents [PES]: 119) underwent intravascular ultrasound eight months after DES implantation. Arterial injury was defined as the balloon-to-artery ratio (BAR). Segments were categorised into two groups: high BAR defined as BAR>1.1 (120 segments), and low BAR defined as BAR ≤1.1 (103 segments). Baseline clinical characteristics were similar for both groups. Although reference vessel diameter was smaller, stent diameter, maximal balloon pressure and balloon diameter were higher in the high BAR compared with the low BAR group. Lumen (7.10±1.91 vs. 6.25±1.69, p=0.001), stent (7.31±1.95 vs. 6.41±1.80, p=0.001), and external elastic membrane (17.1±4.9 vs. 14.8±4.0, p<0.0001) areas (mm2) were higher, but neointimal hyperplasia (0.21±0.36 vs. 0.16±0.48, p=0.42) area (mm2) was similar in the high BAR compared with the low BAR group. Arterial injury as assessed by BAR was not associated with the amount of neointimal hyperplasia (R2=0.003, p=0.40). Conclusions: Arterial injury does not correlate with the amount of neointimal hyperplasia following DES implantation. Conventionally aggressive DES implantation techniques do not adversely affect long-term outcome with respect to restenosis. - See more at: http://www.pcronline.com/eurointervention/30th_issue/79/#sthash.1do4X31G.dpuf


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Individuals with first episode psychosis (FEP) experience high rates of premature mortality, in particular due to suicide. The study aims were to: a) Estimate the rate of sudden death among young people with FEP during an 8-10 year period following commencement of treatment; b) Examine and describe the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics associated with sudden death; and c) Examine the timing of death in relation to psychiatric treatment.This was a cohort study. The sample comprised 661 patients accepted into treatment at the Early Psychosis Prevention and Intervention Centre between 1/1/1998 and 31/12/2000. Demographic and clinical data were collected by examination of the medical files. Mortality data were collected via a search of the National Coroners Information System; the Victorian State Coroner's office and clinical files. Nineteen patients died and just over two thirds of deaths were classified as intentional self-harm or suicide. Death was associated with male gender, previous suicide attempt and greater symptom severity at last contact. People with FEP are at increased risk of premature death, in particular suicide. A previous suicide attempt was very common amongst those who died, suggesting that future research could focus upon the development of interventions for young people with FEP who engage in suicidal behaviour.


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Symptom development during the prodromal phase of psychosis was explored retrospectively in first-episode psychosis patients with special emphasis on the assumed time-related syndromic sequence of "unspecific symptoms (UN)-predictive basic symptoms (BS)-attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS)-(transient) psychotic symptoms (PS)." Onset of syndromes was defined by first occurrence of any of their respective symptoms. Group means were inspected for time differences between syndromes and influence of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics on the recalled sequence. The sequence of "UN-BS/APS-PS" was clearly supported, and both BS and, though slightly less, APS were highly sensitive. However, onset of BS and APS did not show significant time difference in the whole sample (N = 126; 90% schizophrenia), although when each symptom is considered independently, APS tended to occur later than first predictive BS. On descriptive level, about one-third each recalled an earlier, equal and later onset of BS compared with APS. Level of education showed the greatest impact on the recall of the hypothesized sequence. Thereby, those with a higher school-leaving certificate supported the assumed sequence, whereas those of low educational background retrospectively dated APS before BS. These findings rather point out recognition and recall bias inherent to the retrospective design than true group characteristics. Future long-term prospective studies will have to explore this conclusively. However, as regards the criteria, the results support the notion of BS as at least a complementary approach to the ultrahigh risk criteria, which may also allow for an earlier detection of psychosis.


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Most clinical studies on the outcome of apical surgery concentrate on periapical healing based on radiographic and clinical characteristics (signs and symptoms). This study focuses on long-term changes in periodontal parameters after apical surgery.


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Background: Long-term evolution of congenital toxoplasmosis is not documented. We assessed the outcome of treated congenital toxoplasmosis in a cohort of adult individuals who had undergone ante- and postnatal treatment to provide information for pediatricians and parents on the evolution of the disease. Methods: We conducted a questionnaire study on 126 adults with congenital toxoplasmosis (mean age: 22.2 years; age range: 18–31 years) monitored regularly until the time of inclusion. The main outcome measures were quality of life (Psychological General Well-Being Index) and visual function (VF14 questionnaire), and the outcomes were correlated with disease-specific factors. Results: Of the 102 patients (80.9%) who were finally included in the study, 12 (11.8%) presented neurologic effects and 60 (58.8%) manifested ocular lesions; in the latter category, 13 individuals (12.7%) had reduced visual function. The overall global quality-of-life score (74.7 ± 14.2) was close to the expected normal range for the general population (73.7 ± 15.3). Overall, visual function was only slightly impaired (M = 97.3; 95% confidence interval, 95.8–98.8). Although disease-independent critical life circumstances were associated with a reduced Psychological General Well-Being Index, this index was not influenced by any of the clinical characteristics of congenital toxoplasmosis. Neurologic pathologies, reduced visual acuity, foveal location of the retinal lesion, and squinting contributed to decreased visual function at follow-up. Conclusions: Our data reveal that treated congenital toxoplasmosis has little effect on the quality of life and visual function of the affected individuals. These encouraging findings may help to alleviate the anxiety of affected individuals and their parents.


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Enchondromatosis is characterized by the presence of multiple benign cartilage lesions in bone. While Ollier disease is typified by multiple enchondromas, in Maffucci syndrome these are associated with hemangiomas. Studies evaluating the predictive value of clinical symptoms for development of secondary chondrosarcoma and prognosis are lacking. This multi-institute study evaluates the clinical characteristics of patients, to get better insight on behavior and prognosis of these diseases.


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The aim of the study was to describe the prevalence, demographic, and clinical characteristics and etiologies of hypercalcemia in emergency department patients.