987 resultados para classic permanence


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Chagas disease (CD) is a parasitic infection that originated in the Americas and is caused by Trypanosoma cruzi. In the last few years, the disease has spread to countries in North America, Asia and Europe due to the migration of Latin Americans. In the Brazilian Amazon, CD has an endemic transmission, especially in the Rio Negro region, where an occupational hazard was described for piaçaveiros (piassaba gatherers). In the State of Amazonas, the first chagasic infection was reported in 1977, and the first acute CD case was recorded in 1980. After initiatives to integrate acute CD diagnostics with the malaria laboratories network, reports of acute CD cases have increased. Most of these cases are associated with oral transmission by the consumption of contaminated food. Chronic cases have also been diagnosed, mostly in the indeterminate form. These cases were detected by serological surveys in cardiologic outpatient clinics and during blood donor screening. Considering that the control mechanisms adopted in Brazil's classic transmission areas are not fully applicable in the Amazon, it is important to understand the disease behavior in this region, both in the acute and chronic cases. Therefore, the pursuit of control measures for the Amazon region should be a priority given that CD represents a challenge to preserving the way of life of the Amazon's inhabitants.


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Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) is a cholestatic liver disease, which is characterized by a chronic inflammatory destruction of intrahepatic bile ducts. It is a rare disorder whose precise etiology is still to be elucidated. Even though the liver is the principal target of PBC, other organ systems also might be affected. Muscular involvement has rarely been described in this disease, and in the majority of cases, muscular weakness has been interpreted as polymyositis. We report the case of a 48-year-old woman suffering from classic PBC, in association with a myopathy whose histological features are distinct from the cases reported before. We also performed a MEDLINE research for PBC and concomitant muscular diseases.


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Tenofovir (TFV) is one of the most used antiretroviral drugs. However, it is associated with tubular damage with mitochondria as a possible target. Tubulopathy precedes glomerular dysfunction, thus classic markers of renal function like the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) do not detect early TFV damage. Prediction and management of drug induced renal injury (DIRI) rely on the mechanisms of the drug insult and in optimal animal models to explore it. Zebrafish (Danio rerio) offers unique advantages for assessing DIRI, since the pronephros is structurally very similar to its human counterpart and is fully developed at 3.5 days postfertilization. The main aim of the present work was to evaluate the effects of TFV, as well as its pro-drug, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF), on the GFR and in mitochondria morphology in tubular cells of zebrafish larvae. Lethality curves were performed to understand the relationship between drug concentration and lethality. LC10 was selected to explore the renal function using the FITC-inulin assay and to analyze the mitochondrial toxicity by electron microscopy on larvae exposed to TDF, TFV, paracetamol and gentamicin (positive controls) or water (negative control). Lethality curves showed that gentamicin was the most lethal drug, followed by TDF, TFV and paracetamol. Gentamicin and paracetamol decreased the GFR, but no differences were found for either TDF or TFV, when compared to controls (%FITC Control = 33±8; %FITC TDF = 35±10; %FITC TFV = 30±10; %FITC Gentamicin = 46±17; %FITC Paracetamol = 83±14). Tubular mitochondria from treated larvae were notably different from non-treated larvae, showing swelling, irregular shapes, decreased mitochondria network, cristae disruption and loss of matrix granules. These results are in agreement with the effects of these drugs in humans and thus, demonstrate that zebrafish larvae can be a good model to assess the functional and structural damage associated with DIRI.


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OBJECTIVE: To review the current literature on human herpesvirus 8 with particular attention to the aspects related to the etiopathogenesis of Kaposi's sarcoma. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The authors searched original research and review articles on specific aspects of human herpesvirus 8 infection, including virology, epidemiology, transmission, diagnosis, natural history, therapy, and Kaposi's sarcoma etiopathogenesis. The relevant material was evaluated and reviewed. RESULTS: Human herpesvirus 8 is a recently discovered DNA virus that is present throughout the world but with major geographic variation. In the Western world, the virus, transmitted mainly by means of sexual contact, is strongly associated with Kaposi's sarcoma and body cavity-based lymphoma and more controversially with multiple myeloma and other non-proliferative disorders. There is no specific effective treatment, but HIV protease inhibitors may play an indirect role in the clearance of human herpesvirus 8 DNA from peripheral blood mononuclear cells of HIV-infected patients. Human herpesvirus 8 DNA is present in saliva, but there are as yet no documented cases of nosocomial transmission to health care workers. The prevalence of human herpesvirus 8 among health care workers is probably similar to that in the general population. CONCLUSION: Human herpesvirus 8 appears to be, at least in Western Europe and United States, restricted to a population at risk of developing Kaposi's sarcoma. Human herpesvirus 8 certainly has the means to overcome cellular control and immune responses and thus predispose carriers to malignancy, particularly Kaposi's sarcoma. The wide diffusion of Human herpesvirus 8 in classic Kaposi's sarcoma areas appears to represent an important factor in the high incidence of the disease. However, additional co-factors are likely to play a role in the development of Kaposi's sarcoma.


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This study centers on the assessment of psychological value of guarantees in pension products and the behavior biases associated with choice. When a guarantee on a product increases from 99% to 99,5% less than half of respondents show willingness to pay in contrast with 73% when going from 99,5% to 100%. Out of 105 respondents, 55 show that their choices concerning pension products are inconsistent with classic utility theory. Financial background proves insignificant thus pointing to behavioral biases. As individuals make choices that leave them worse-off, we argue that pension plan design would highly benefit from public policy interventions.


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As transformações operadas no mundo contemporâneo, em especial no que respeita às estruturas do poder, à sua maior autonomização e diferenciação, tiveram particulares reflexos ao nível dos Parlamentos e das funções que prosseguem. Desde a sua origem, no passado século XIII, à atualidade, grandes acontecimentos, clivagens e factos históricos estão presentes na sua linha evolutiva. A democratização do regime parlamentar e a legitimidade outorgada através de eleições democráticas e concorrenciais são um marco ímpar na sua história. A complexidade das sociedades hodiernas catapultou o Poder Executivo em detrimento do Parlamento, enquanto órgão legislativo por excelência. Tal circunstancialismo levou, não ao proclamado declínio dos Parlamentos, mas a reformas estruturantes. Outras e mais importantes funções seriam prosseguidas. Se as iniciativas legislativas e a definição das políticas públicas passaram a ser quase um exclusivo do Governo, havia que desenvolver e ampliar, por parte dos Parlamentos, os instrumentos de controlo, fiscalização e escrutínio da ação governativa. Entre os clássicos instrumentos de controlo avulta o Inquérito Parlamentar, materializado em Comissões Parlamentares de Inquérito, dotadas de poderes especiais para recolha de informação e para investigação. No seu percurso parlamentar, também as Comissões de Inquérito foram sendo alvo de constantes aperfeiçoamentos, de ordem constitucional, legal e regimental. A excessiva partidarização da atividade parlamentar de outrora e sobretudo a confusão entre o governo e o partido que o sustentava a nível parlamentar, o confronto desequilibrado de meios entre as maiorias e as minorias, levaram a um reposicionamento do inquérito parlamentar enquanto garante do direito das minorias. Não sendo expectável que as grandes iniciativas de controlo sejam tomadas pelo partido maioritário, cabe à oposição esse papel. Em Portugal, diminuta era a tradição do instituto do inquérito parlamentar, razão porque foi efémera e sem resultado a sua utilização no tempo da monarquia constitucional. O regime democrático, abraçado com o 25 de abril de 1974, relançou o órgão de soberania Parlamento e estabeleceu prioridades. Até ao amadurecimento da democracia viveram-se tempos mais conturbados mas de grande aprendizagem. O inquérito Parlamentar, a partir da revisão constitucional de 1982, passou conceptualmente a integrar um dos meios mais relevantes da fiscalização política. É, pois, o levantamento exaustivo e a análise das Comissões Parlamentares de Inquérito no Portugal democrático, período de 1976-2015, o objetivo a que nos propomos neste estudo.


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The assessment of concrete mechanical properties during construction of concrete structures is of paramount importance for many intrinsic operations. However many of the available non-destructive methods for mechanical properties have limitations for use in construction sites. One of such methodologies is EMM-ARM, which is a variant of classic resonant frequency methods. This paper aims to demonstrate the efforts towards in-situ applicability of EMMARM, as to provide real-time information about concrete mechanical properties such as E-modulus and compressive strength. To achieve the aforementioned objective, a set of adaptations to the method have been successfully implemented and tested: (i) the reduction of the beam span; (ii) the use of a different mould material and (iii) a new support system for the beams. Based on these adaptations, a reusable mould was designed to enable easier systematic use of EMMARM. A pilot test was successfully performed under in-situ conditions during a bridge construction.


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This paper presents the numerical simulations of the punching behaviour of centrally loaded steel fibre reinforced self-compacting concrete (SFRSCC) flat slabs. Eight half scaled slabs reinforced with different content of hooked-end steel fibres (0, 60, 75 and 90 kg/m3) and concrete strengths of 50 and 70 MPa were tested and numerically modelled. Moreover, a total of 54 three-point bending tests were carried out to assess the post-cracking flexural tensile strength. All the slabs had a relatively high conventional flexural reinforcement in order to promote the occurrence of punching failure mode. Neither of the slabs had any type of specific shear reinforcement rather than the contribution of the steel fibres. The numerical simulations were performed according to the Reissner-Mindlin theory under the finite element method framework. Regarding the classic formulation of the Reissner-Mindlin theory, in order to simulate the progressive damage induced by cracking, the shell element is discretized into layers, being assumed a plane stress state in each layer. The numerical results are, then, compared with the experimental ones and it is possible to notice that they accurately predict the experimental force-deflection relationship. The type of failure observed experimentally was also predicted in the numerical simulations.


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Brazil is one the largest producers and exporters of food commodities in the world. The evaluation of fungi capable of spoilage and the production mycotoxins in these commodities is an important issue that can be of help in bioeconomic development. The present work aimed to identify fungi of the genus Aspergillus section Flavi isolated from different food commodities in Brazil. Thirty-five fungal isolates belonging to the section Flavi were identified and characterised. Different classic phenotypic and genotypic methodologies were used, as well as a novel approach based on proteomic profiles produced by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionisation time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Type or reference strains for each taxonomic group were included in this study. Three isolates that presented discordant identification patterns were further analysed using the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and calmodulin gene sequences. The data obtained from the phenotypic and spectral analyses divide the isolates into three groups, corresponding to taxa closely related to Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillus parasiticus, and Aspergillus tamarii. Final polyphasic fungal identification was achieved by joining data from molecular analyses, classical morphology, and biochemical and proteomic profiles generated by MALDI-TOF MS.


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Numa sociedade e cultura em que problemáticas biopsicoafetivas nas escolas emergem a cada dia, parece justificar-se ponderar formas eficazes de prevenir comportamentos sexuais de risco. Esta Investigação-Ação inicial e exploratória tem como fundamento a avaliação-intervenção e reflexão sobre ideias/pensamentos de jovens acolhidos em Lares de Infância e Juventude (LIJs), no sentido de se entender melhor o impacto de fatores de risco e de fatores de equilíbrio/moderadores, em LIJ´s, com condições de vida problemáticas associadas: orfandade, situação socioeconómica frágil, exposição a modelos educativos desajustados, entre outros critérios de relação e cultura distinta de “meios naturais de vida”. Parecem evidentes as consequências negativas do afastamento familiar, absentismo escolar, limitações de competências sociais-pessoais, para se melhorar/potenciar a existência de menores. Compreendem-se dificuldades na área da implementação da Educação Sexual, consistente e prolongada, assim como a emergência de condutas psicossexuais desajustadas, que possam comprometer uma sexualidade saudável. Assim, foram efetuadas entrevistas semiestruturadas a 8 jovens, de 18-26 anos, antigos residentes de LIJs, com permanência (prolongada), excedendo os quatro anos, o que possibilita apresentar, por método e técnicas de Analise de Discurso, conceções de sexualidade e consequentemente poder delinear um plano interventivo com outros mais jovens. Entre outros dados, apreende-se que nenhum dos participantes refere motivos plenos para a sua institucionalização, ignorando ou rejeitando a adversidade e maus tratos/abuso na sua infância.


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Aims: The present study focuses on the analysis of novelty emergence in classic Gloria Films with Rogers, Perls, and Ellis to understand how the same client formulated her own problem and if and how change occurred in those three sessions. Method: The Innovative Moments Coding System was applied to track innovative moments (IMs) and their themes. Results: The session with Rogers showed more diversity in disclosed problems and themes of IMs, as well as a higher proportion of reflection IMs. The session with Perls demonstrated a high proportion of protest IMs. The session with Ellis showed less innovation than other sessions. The changes found were based mostly on reflection and protest IMs in three sessions. Conclusion: Narrative innovations occurred in the three single sessions. The type of dominant innovation is consistent with the therapeutic model and the IMs model. The exploration of the IMs’ themes allowed a more precise identification of Gloria's new narrative positions and their development throughout those sessions.


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Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Arquitectura


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A inclusão de estudantes com deficiência na Universidade tem desafiado as instituições a responderem às demandas de acesso e permanência específicas destes estudantes. Neste artigo analisaremos como estão organizadas as iniciativas institucionais de inclusão, tomando como objeto os serviços de apoio na universidade e os desafios explicitados pelos responsáveis dos setores. Participaram do estudo três responsáveis técnicas pelos serviços de inclusão em três universidades portuguesas. Os dados foram recolhidos por meio de entrevista semiestruturada e analisados numa abordagem exploratória. Os resultados apontam para o desafio de proporcionar, para além das condições de acesso, a qualificação das condições de permanência que possam resultar em experiências exitosas dos estudantes, ampliando a oportunidades de obter autonomia e sucesso académico. A partir da discussão, apresentaremos considerações que podem constituir indicadores de intervenção e, ainda, temas para investigações futuras que possam contribuir para práticas mais adequadas de atendimento a esse grupo de estudantes.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Design e Comunicação de Moda


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Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia Molecular e Ambiental (área de especialização em Biologia Celular e Saúde).