952 resultados para centrifugal distortion
The quantum-kinetic energy of a finite number of trapped fermionic atoms provides a restoring force for shear motion due to a distortion of the momentum distribution. In analogy to the twist mode of nuclear physics, it is proposed that counter rotating the upper and lower hemisphere of a spherical atomic cloud yields a finite-frequency mode closely related to transverse zero sound waves in bulk Fermi liquids.
Due to the immiscibility of 3He into 4He at very low temperatures, mixed helium droplets consist of a core of 4He atoms coated by a 3He layer whose thickness depends on the number of atoms of each isotope. When these numbers are such that the centrifugal kinetic energy of the 3He atoms is small and can be considered as a perturbation to the mean-field energy, a novel shell structure arises, with magic numbers different from these of pure 3He droplets. If the outermost shell is not completely filled, the valence atoms align their spins up to the maximum value allowed by the Pauli principle.
We present a weakly nonlinear analysis of the interface dynamics in a radial Hele-Shaw cell driven by both injection and rotation. We extend the systematic expansion introduced in [E. Alvarez-Lacalle et al., Phys. Rev. E 64, 016302 (2001)] to the radial geometry, and compute explicitly the first nonlinear contributions. We also find the necessary and sufficient condition for the uniform convergence of the nonlinear expansion. Within this region of convergence, the analytical predictions at low orders are compared satisfactorily to exact solutions and numerical integration of the problem. This is particularly remarkable in configurations (with no counterpart in the channel geometry) for which the interplay between injection and rotation allows that condition to be satisfied at all times. In the case of the purely centrifugal forcing we demonstrate that nonlinear couplings make the interface more unstable for lower viscosity contrast between the fluids.
We introduce a modification to Hele-Shaw flows consisting of a rotating cell. A viscous fluid (oil) is injected at the rotation axis of the cell, which is open to air. The morphological instability of the oil-air interface is thus driven by centrifugal force and is controlled by the density (not viscosity) difference. We derive the linear dispersion relation and verify the maximum growth rate selection of initial patterns within experimental uncertainty. The nonlinear growth regime is studied in the case of vanishing injection rate. Several characteristic lengths are studied to quantify the patterns obtained. Experimental data exhibit good collapse for two characteristic lengths, namely, the radius of gyration and the radial finger length, which in the nonlinear regime appear to grow linearly in time.
The radial displacement of a fluid annulus in a rotating circular Hele-Shaw cell has been investigated experimentally. It has been found that the flow depends sensitively on the wetting conditions at the outer interface. Displacements in a prewet cell are well described by Darcy's law in a wide range of experimental parameters, with little influence of capillary effects. In a dry cell, however, a more careful analysis of the interface motion is required; the interplay between a gradual loss of fluid at the inner interface, and the dependence of capillary forces at the outer interface on interfacial velocity and dynamic contact angle, result in a constant velocity for the interfaces. The experimental results in this case correlate in the form of an empirical scaling relation between the capillary number Ca and a dimensionless group, related to the ratio of centrifugal to capillary forces, which spans about three orders of magnitude in both quantities. Finally, the relative thickness of the coating film left by the inner interface, alpha i, is obtained as a function of Ca.
We have studied the interfacial instabilities experienced by a liquid annulus as it moves radially in a circular Hele-Shaw cell rotating with angular velocity Omega. The instability of the leading interface (oil displacing air) is driven by the density difference in the presence of centrifugal forcing, while the instability of the trailing interface (air displacing oil) is driven by the large viscosity contrast. A linear stability analysis shows that the stability of the two interfaces is coupled through the pressure field already at a linear level. We have performed experiments in a dry cell and in a cell coated with a thin fluid layer on each plate, and found that the stability depends substantially on the wetting conditions at the leading interface. Our experimental results of the number of fingers resulting from the instability compare well with the predictions obtained through a numerical integration of the coupled equations derived from a linear stability analysis. Deep in the nonlinear regime we observe the emission of liquid droplets through the formation of thin filaments at the tip of outgrowing fingers.
Fertilization and/or the accumulation of organic matter from plant residues can influence the composition of soil and litter community. The goal of this study was to evaluate the effects of P and K fertilization on total faunal and nematode faunal composition and richness in plant litter and soil for 360 days in an area reforested with Acacia auriculiformis (A. Cunn), located in the municipality of Conceição de Macabu in the State of Rio de Janeiro. For each treatment (fertilized and unfertilized plots), samples of litter and soil (to a depth of 5 cm) were collected and transferred into a Berlese-Tüllgren funnels for the extraction of fauna. Mesofauna and macrofauna were quantified, and the major taxa identified. Nematodes were extracted by centrifugal flotation in sucrose solution and identified according to feeding habits. Density (number of individuals m-2) of total fauna, microphages, social insects and saprophages varied significantly per treatment and sampling time in both litter and soil. The total number of individuals collected was 5,127, and the total number of nematodes 894. Phosphorus and potassium fertilization resulted in an increase in total fauna density and richness in the litter due to an increased abundance of social insects, saprophages and herbivores. In the soil, fertilization increased the saprophage and predator densities. Saprophages were the predominant taxa in the litter, while social insects (Formicidae) prevailed in the soil. Litter nematode populations were favored by mineral fertilization. Bacteriophages were the predominant nematode group in both litter and soil.
The Defense Mechanisms Rating Scales (DMRS), one of the most widely used and validated instruments in the study of defense mechanisms, does not include psychotic defenses. The Psychotic-DMRS (P-DMRS) has been developed to include 6 psychotic defense mechanisms: psychotic denial, autistic withdrawal, distortion, delusional projection, fragmentation, and concretization. We discuss psychotic defenses, including the difference between psychotic defenses and psychotic symptoms. Six clinical illustrations demonstrate how the 6 P-DMRS defenses can be identified in patients' narratives selected from the transcripts of dynamic interviews. Implications with respect to patient evaluation and treatment are discussed.
We describe simulations of an elastic filament immersed in a fluid and subjected to a body force. The coupling between the fluid flow and the friction that the filament experiences induces bending and alignment perpendicular to the force. With increasing force there are four shape regimes, ranging from slight distortion to an unsteady tumbling motion. We also find marginally stable structures. The instability of these shapes and the alignment are explained by induced bending and nonlocal hydrodynamic interactions. These effects are experimentally relevant for stiff microfilaments.
Distortions of polyacene polymers are studied within a many-body valence-bond framework using a powerful transfer-matrix technique for the valence-bond (or Heisenberg) model of the system. The computations suggest that the ground-state geometry is either totally symmetric or possibly exhibits a slight (A2 or B2 symmetry) bond-alternation distortion. The lowest-energy (nonsymmetric, in-plane) distortions are the A2 and B2 modes, which, within our approximations, are degenerate.
This investigation was initiated to determine the causes of a rutting problem that occurred on Interstate 80 in Adair County. 1-80 from Iowa 25 to the Dallas County line was opened to traffic in November, 1960. The original pavement consisted of 4-1/2" of asphalt cement concrete over 12" of rolled stone base and 12" of granular subbase. A 5-1/2" overlay of asphalt cement concrete was placed in 1964. In 1970-1972, the roadway was resurfaced with 3" of asphalt cement concrete. In 1982, an asphalt cement concrete inlay, designed for a 10-year life, was placed in the eastbound lane. The mix designs for all courses met or exceeded all current criteria being used to formulate job mixes. Field construction reports indicate .that asphalt usage, densities, field voids and filler bitumen determinations were well within specification limits on a very consistent basis. Field laboratory reports indicate that laboratory voids for the base courses were within the prescribed limits for the base course and below the prescribed limits for the surface course. Instructional memorandums do indicate that extreme caution should be exercised when the voids are at or near the lower limits and traffic is not minimal. There is also a provision that provides for field voids controlling when there is a conflict between laboratory voids and field voids. It appears that contract documents do not adequately address the directions that must be taken when this conflict arises since it can readily be shown that laboratory voids must be in the very low or dangerous range if field voids are to be kept below the maximum limit under the current density specifications. A rut depth survey of January, 1983, identified little or no rutting on this section of roadway. Cross sections obtained in October, 1983, identified rutting which ranged from 0 to 0.9" with a general trend of the rutting to increase from a value of approximately 0.3" at MP 88 to a rut depth of 0.7" at MP 98. No areas of significant rutting were identified in the inside lane. Structural evaluation with the Road Rater indicated adequate structural capacity and also indicated that the longitudinal subdrains were functioning properly to provide adequate soil support values. Two pavement sections taken from the driving lane indicated very little distortion in the lower 7" base course. Essentially all of the distortion had occurred in the upper 2" base course and the 1..;1/2" surface course. Analysis of cores taken from this section of Interstate 80 indicated very little densification of either the surface or the upper or lower base courses. The asphalt cement content of both the Type B base courses and the Type A surface course were substantially higher than the intended asphalt cement content. The only explanation for this is that the salvaged material contained a greater percent of asphalt cement than initial extractions indicated. The penetration and viscosity of the blend of new asphalt cement and the asphalt cement recovered from the salvaged material were relatively close to that intended for this project. The 1983 ambient temperatures were extremely high from June 20 through September 10. The rutting is a result of a combination of adverse factors including, (1) high asphalt content, (2) the difference between laboratory and field voids, (3) lack of intermediate sized crushed particles, (4) high ambient temperatures. The high asphalt content in the 2" upper base course produced an asphalt concrete mix that did not exhibit satisfactory resistance to deformation from heavy loading. The majority of the rutting resulted from distortion of the 2" upper base lift. Heater planing is recommended as an interim corrective action. Further recommendation is to design for a 20-year alternative by removing 2-1/2" of material from the driving lane by milling and replacing with 2-1/2" of asphalt concrete with improved stability. This would be .followed by placing 1-1/2" of high quality resurfacing on the entire roadway. Other recommendations include improved density and stability requirements for asphalt concrete on high traffic roadways.
The ab initio cluster model approach has been used to study the electronic structure and magnetic coupling of KCuF3 and K2CuF4 in their various ordered polytype crystal forms. Due to a cooperative Jahn-Teller distortion these systems exhibit strong anisotropies. In particular, the magnetic properties strongly differ from those of isomorphic compounds. Hence, KCuF3 is a quasi-one-dimensional (1D) nearest neighbor Heisenberg antiferromagnet whereas K2CuF4 is the only ferromagnet among the K2MF4 series of compounds (M=Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, and Cu) behaving all as quasi-2D nearest neighbor Heisenberg systems. Different ab initio techniques are used to explore the magnetic coupling in these systems. All methods, including unrestricted Hartree-Fock, are able to explain the magnetic ordering. However, quantitative agreement with experiment is reached only when using a state-of-the-art configuration interaction approach. Finally, an analysis of the dependence of the magnetic coupling constant with respect to distortion parameters is presented.
The National Academies has stressed the need to develop quantifiable measures for methods that are currently qualitative in nature, such as the examination of fingerprints. Current protocols and procedures to perform these examinations rely heavily on a succession of subjective decisions, from the initial acceptance of evidence for probative value to the final assessment of forensic results. This project studied the concept of sufficiency associated with the decisions made by latent print examiners at the end of the various phases of the examination process. During this 2-year effort, a web‐based interface was designed to capture the observations of 146 latent print examiners and trainees on 15 pairs of latent/control prints. Two main findings resulted from the study: The concept of sufficiency is driven mainly by the number and spatial relationships between the minutiae observed on the latent and control prints. Data indicate that demographics (training, certification, years of experience) or non‐minutiae based features (such as level 3 features) do not play a major role in examiners' decisions; Significant variability was observed between detecting and interpreting friction ridge features and at all levels of details, as well as for factors that have the potential to influence the examination process, such as degradation, distortion, or influence of the background and the development technique.
BACKGROUND: In an experimental setting, the performance of the LifeBox, a new portable extracorporeal membrane oxygenator (ECMO) system suitable for patient transport, is presented. Standard rectilinear percutaneous cannulae are normally employed for this purpose, but have limited flow and pressure delivery due to their rigid structure. Therefore, we aimed to determine the potential for flow increase by using self-expanding venous cannulae. METHODS: Veno-arterial bypass was established in three pigs (40.6+/-5.1 kg). The venous line of the cardiopulmonary bypass was established by cannulation of the external jugular vein. The arterial side of the circulation was secured by cannulation of the common carotid artery. Two different venous cannulae (SmartCanula 18/36F 430mm and Biomedicus 19F) were examined for their functional integrity when used in conjunction with the centrifugal pump (500-3000 RPM) of the LifeBox system. RESULTS: At 1500, 2000, 2500, and 3000 RPM, the blood flow increased steadily for each cannula, but remained higher in the self-expanding cannula. That is, the 19F rectilinear cannula achieved a blood flow of 0.93+/-0.14, 1.47+/-0.37, 1.9+/-0.68, and 1.5+/-0.9 l/min, respectively, and the 18/36F self-expanding cannula achieved 1.1+/-0.1, 1.9+/-0.33, 2.8+/-0.39 and 3.66+/-0.52 l/min. However, when tested for venous line pressure, the standard venous cannula achieved -29+/-10.7mmHg while the self-expanding cannula achieved -13.6 +/-4.3mmHg at 1500 RMP. As the RPM increased from 2500 to 3000, the venous line pressure accounted for -141.9+/-20 and -98+/-7.3mmHg for the 19F rectilinear cannula and -30.6+/-6.4 and -45+/-11.6mmHg for the self-expanding cannula. CONCLUSION: The self-expanding cannula exhibited superior venous drainage ability when compared to the performance of the standard rectilinear cannula with the use of the LifeBox. The flow rate achieved was approximately 40% greater than the standard drainage device, with a maximal pump flow recorded at 4.3l/min.
Recent data on the AFM studies of nucleoprotein complexes of different types are reviewed in this paper. The first section describes the progress in the sample preparation methods for AFM studies of nucleic acids and nucleoprotein complexes. The second part of this paper reviews AFM data on studies of complexes of DNA with regulatory proteins. These studies include two different types of DNA distortion induced by proteins binding: local bending of DNA at sites of protein binding and formation of large loops due to protein-protein interactions between molecules bound to distant sites along the DNA molecules (DNA looping). The prospects for use of AFM for physical mapping of genomes are discussed in this section as well. The third part of the paper reviews data on studies of complexes of DNA with non-sequence specific binding proteins. Special emphasis is given to studies of chromatin which have resulted in progress in the understanding of structure of native chromatin fiber. In this section, novel data on AFM studies of RecA-DNA filaments and complexes of dsRNA with the dsRNA-specific protein p25 are also presented. Discussion of the substrate preparation procedures in relation to the AFM studies of nucleoprotein complexes is given in the final section.