639 resultados para broilers.


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The performance of broilers reared at different temperatures and fed diet with or without yeast extract and/or prebiotic in the starter phase was evaluated. One thousand, four hundred and forty 1-d male Cobb-500 (R) were reared at different climatic chambers. The diets with or without yeast extract or prebiotic were fed only in the starter phase (1 to 7 days), and from the 8(th) day on all broiler were fed the same commercial diet. It was used a complete randomized experimental design, as a 3 x 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, with 3 rearing temperatures (high 34 +/- 1 degrees C, control 32 +/- 2 degrees C and low 27 +/- 2 degrees C), 2 yeast extract level (with or without) and 2 prebiotic level (with or without). High and low temperatures decreased the performance of brids at 7 and 21 days old. The inclusion of prebiotic in the pre-starter phase increased weight gain of birds under low temperature at 21 days old and the viability until 21 days old. The inclusion of yeast extract increase feed conversion at 21 days old.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the anticoccidial efficacy of a product containing coumestans from Eclipta alba. Experimental conditions were set up as to reproduce the environment conditions for husbandry adopted in commercial broiler farms. Broilers were raised in broiler chicken shed provided with feeders, drinkers, illumination and temperature control systems and floor covering to afford an adequate nourishing environment. Male Cobb broilers (240) were assigned to four experimental groups being each experimental group set apart in rice straw-covered shed isolated with wire mesh. One-day-old broilers were reared in a coccidian-free environment with ad libitum supply of filtered water and freely available standard feed, from the 1st to the 35th day of life. The T1 group received standard feed (negative control); T2 was treated with standard feed supplemented with 66 ppm of salinomycin (positive control); groups T3 and T4 had standard feed supplemented with the ethyl acetate fraction from methanolic extract of E. alba aerial parts, which contains the coumestans WL and DWL (120 and 180 ppm, respectively). The chicken broilers were individually infected with 2 x 104 oocysts of Eimeria tenella when they were 14 days old and were monitored weekly to evaluate zootechnical parameters such as weight gain and food conversion ratio. Counting of coccidial oocyst in chiken feces was assessed from random samples, from the 21st to 28th days of life, which corresponded to 7-14 days after the infection. Five chickens selected at random from each experimental group were subsequently euthanized at 21, 28 or 35 days of life to determine the lesion score in the cecal region and to excise a cecum portion for histopathological evaluation. The group treated with coumestans from E. alba presented an average weight gain and food conversion ratio higher than the negative control group and similar to the mean value of the positive control group. Coumestan-treated groups showed a significant decrease in the oocyst counting since the 21th day of life and displayed a reduced number of macroscopic lesions. Histopathological evaluations of cecum fragments showed that both treatments induced the migration of defense cells at the site of infection. A severe destruction of the cecal lining was found in the intestinal tract of broilers fed with a coumestans dose of 180 ppm. Overall, our results validate the use of a phytotherapy containing E. alba coumestans at a dose of 120 ppm as a therapeutic or prophylactic agent against avian coccidiosis. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Various degrees of lameness were compared among male broilers ranging in age from 28 to 49 d that had been randomly selected from a commercial farm. Gait scores were given to the broilers while they walked on a force measurement platform system, and the force exerted by their feet was measured and compared in 2 distinct conditions: with and without administration of an analgesic. Postmortem femoral degenerative lesions were observed, and the femur strength in response to a compression load was measured and compared. Results showed a difference in the peak vertical forces of the right and left feet before and after medication. The researchers also found that as BW increased, the locomotion ability of broilers tended to decrease. After birds received the analgesic, the peak vertical force increased among the more severely lame broilers at 35 to 49 d of age and their walking speed was decreased, indicating that they might have felt pain during locomotion. No difference was found between the femur (right and left) strength in response to a compression load; however, the results showed that femurs of 28-d-old birds were less resistant to compression (P < 0.05) than those of older broilers. The foot force platform was a useful tool for assessing the walking ability of broilers.


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A performance trial was conducted with broiler chicks to Study the effect of phytase (PHY) supplementation in diets formulated With reduced AME, Ca, and P. The nutrient digestibility was determined during the 14- to 21-d and 28- to 35-d periods. The treatments consisted of 3 diets (NC1, NC2. NC3) differing ill nutrient content and each diet with Or without supplemental PHY (NC1, 0 oi 500; NC2, 0 or 750; NC3, 0 or 1,000 U of PHY/kg feed) and I positive control diet (PC). Compared with the PC diet. negative control diets (NC) resulted in lower AME and apparent ileal amino acid digestibility for some amino acids. Phytase Supplementation of the NC diets increased AME. apparent ileal amino acid digestibility, and apparent ileal crude protein digestibility. Phytase addition also increased mineral absorption in 2 1 - and 35-d-old broilers fed NC diets. Reduced nutrient digestibility appears to be I factor in the weight gain and feed intake results. Reducing Ca and P content reduced feed intake in a stepwise fashion in the NC diets. Phytase increased feed intake and generally improved nutrient digestibility, which resulted in an increase in digestible nutrient intake. Averaged across NC diets. PHY improved body weight. Bone-breaking strength was the most consistent predictor of Ca and P reduction. All NC diets had significantly lower bone-breaking strength than the PC. Phytase supplementation of the NC diets gave bone-breaking strengths that were comparable to the PC. Diets with PHY had the highest bioeconomic index.


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The experiment was conducted to determine the effect of feeding three levels of energy (2800, 3000 and 3200 kcal ME/kg) in diets and two stocking densities (10 and 22 birds/m 2) on broilers performance. The experimental design was randomized blocks in a 3 × 2 × 2 factorial arrangement with four replication per treatment. The factors studied were levels of energy in the diet, population density, and sex. The birds were killed at 42 days of age. The data indicate that increasing energy levels in the diets of broilers, 1 to 42 days of age, reduced feed intake, improved feed conversion, and increased the amount of abdominal fat, energy intake, and weight gain without affecting carcass yield. There was no significant effect of diet on the live weight production of broilers produced per area of floorspace or on mortality. The higher values for carcass yield were obtained for birds raised under the higher population density and for males in comparison to females. With the exception of the undesirable elevation in the amount of abdominal fat, the increase in the level of energy in the diets resulted, in general, in an improvement in the performance of the broilers independent of the population density. However, the response to the amount of energy in the diet was similar for both population densities.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of broilers reared under different population densities in the cold and hot seasons of the year. Two identical experiments were conducted, one during the winter for 49 days, and the other during the summer where the chicks were slaughtered at 42 days of age. Commercial Hubbard broiler-type chicks were distributed in a randomized block design in a 4 × 2 factorial arrangement with population densities of 10, 14, 18, and 22 birds/m 2, by sex, and with four replications. Feed intake was reduced with a progressive decrease of available space for the chicks, and it resulted in a linear decrease in weight gain. However, there was a linear increase in the live weight of broilers in kilograms per area of floor space, proportional to the increase of population density, without effect on the viability. The progressive increment in the population density reduced the observed feed/gain ratio during the total winter rearing period for both sexes. There was no effect of population density on this characteristic during the hot season of the year. Population density did not affect the carcass yield of chicks during the summer. However, there was a linear increase on carcass yield with an increase in population density in the winter. The males, at the age slaughtered, had higher weights, feed intakes, and better feed/gain ratios, and lower abdominal fat and higher live weight production in kilograms per floor area than females. However, the viable index for the males was lower. From the results obtained, there was a linear increase in the liveweight of broilers in kilograms per floor area, making it possible to rear broilers under higher population densities, independent of the season of the year, as well as the occurrence of a decrease in feed intake and weight gain of the chicks with a decrease of available space.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate effect of fasting period in the last growing phase on performance and mortality of male broilers. Two thousand one-day old male chicks were distributed in five randomized blocks according to a 4x2 factorial. (Four feeding programs (FP): ad libitum or one of three fasting schedules: 8-12, 12-16 and 8-16; and two strains (S): Ross or Hubbard-Peterson). Fifty birds were used per replicate. Birds were raised under identical feed and management conditions until day 42. During the experimental period (days 43-56), average temperature, relative humidity and temperature-humidity index (THI) recorded at day and at night were 29.4°C, 57.7 % and 78.1; and 22.0°C, 73.1% and 67.4, respectively. No SxP interaction was observed for all characteristics studied. At day 56, the Ross broilers showed higher mean weight (3104 g), weight gain, WG (3059 g), feed/ gain ratio, FC (2.22) and production factor, PF (213), than the Hubbard-Peterson birds (3011, 2967, 2.28 and 194, respectively). During the experimental period, the Ross broilers showed higher WG (831 g) and FC (3.40) than the Hubbard-Peterson ones (770 and 3.67, respectively). Birds submitted to the 8-12 h fast showed higher feed intake (2864 g) than those that fasted during the 8-16 period (2690). No effect of P on mortality was observed, either considering the overall period (days 1-56) or the experimental period (days 43-56). Fasting in the last phase of rearing not aided by other practices failed to decrease heat stress effects on performance and mortality of male broilers.


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The effect of feed restriction (0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50%) from 8 until 14 days post-hatching on performance, total mortality incidence and sudden death syndrome (SDS) rate was studied in male broilers during winter and summer.Ad libitum fed broilers had a better performance, but a higher total mortality rate (13.00% in winter, 3.67% in summer) and SDS (3.67% in winter, 0.67% in summer). All restricted groups had a lower mortality level in winter than the control group with a non linear response influenced by feed restriction. Birds submitted to 40% feed restriction showed the lowest mortality incidence (2.67%) followed by groups submitted to 30% (4.67%), 50% (5.33%) and 10% and 20% (7.67%) feed restriction. Birds fed ad libitum had the highest SDS incidence (3.67%, against .33, 1.00, .67, 1.33 and 1.33% at 10, 20, 30, 40, 50% feed restriction, respectively), but differences were not significant. In summer, incidences of total mortality and due to SDS were low and not influenced by feed restriction, either during the restrictive period itself (8 to 14 days) or during the total period of raising (1 to 49 days). In both seasons, the feed restricted birds showed compensatory gain only until three weeks post-restriction period. At 49 days, body weight and weight-gain were lower in feed restricted birds, but feed :gain ratio rate was improved. This resulted in better productivity index in winter, but not in summer. The feed restriction at 30 to 40% for seven days during the second week may decrease mortality in male broilers raised in winter without lowering productivity if the restriction is followed by at least three weeks of full feeding.


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Two experiments were conducted to compare broiler chicken responses to methionine and betaine supplements when fed diets with low protein and relatively high metabolizable energy levels (17%, 3.3 kcal/g) or moderate protein and lower metabolizable energy levels (24%, 3.0 kcal/g), resulting in different levels of carcass fat. In Experiment 1, the basal diets were formulated with corn, soybean meal, poultry by-product meal, and poultry oil. In Experiment 2, glucose monohydrate was also added, so that identical amino acid profiles could be maintained in the 17 and 24% protein diets. On average, feeding the 17 vs. 24% protein diet decreased 21-d body weight gain by 20%, increased feed conversion ratio (FCR) by 13%, and increased abdominal fat pad weight by 104%. Methionine and betaine supplements improved the performance of chicks fed the 24% protein diet in both experiments, as indicated by body weight gain and FCR. Only supplementary methionine increased performance of chicks fed 17% protein diets, and then only in Experiment 2. Neither methionine nor betaine decreased abdominal fat pad size in either experiment. Methionine supplementation decreased relative liver size and increased breast muscle protein. Both methionine and betaine increased sample feather weight, but when expressed as a percentage of body weight, no significant differences were detected. It is concluded that increasing carcass fat by manipulating percentage dietary protein level or amino acid balance does not influence betaine's activity as a lipotropic agent.


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Broiler production in Brazil has turned into a very competitive activity in the late years. Constant innovation leads to higher productivity maintaining the same cost of production, which is a desirable situation. Lately one characteristic for broiler housing in Brazil has been the increase in birds density requiring the use of controlled environment through the use of fan and fogging systems in order to achieve better birds productive performance. Most Brazilian producer already uses cooling equipment however it is still unknown the right way to control the wind speed and direction towards the birds. This present research has the objective to evaluate the effect of the wind speed on the heat transfer from the birds to the environment for broilers at 27 days old. There was used 200 birds, placed in a wind tunnel measuring 1.10 m high by 1.10m wide x 10.0 m of length, and the birds density varied from 9, 16 and 20 birds/m 2. Two wind speed were simulated 340 rpm (1.0 m/s) and 250 rpm (0.3 m/s). The increase in the wind velocity related to the smaller bird densityled to a higher heat loss and to a more uniform temperature distribution in its exposed areas.


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Sodium (Na+) and chloride (Cl-) nutritional requirements, dietary electrolyte balance (DEB), and their effects on acid-base balance, litter moisture, and tibial dyschondroplasia (TD) incidence for young broiler chickens were evaluated in two trials. One-day-old Cobb broilers were distributed in a completely randomized design with six treatments, five replicates, and 50 birds per experimental unit. Treatments used in both experiments were a basal diet with 0.10% Na+ (Experiment 1) or Cl- (Experiment 2) supplemented to result in diets with Na+ or Cl- levels of 0.10, 0.15, 0.20, 0.25 ,0.30, or 0.35%, respectively. In Experiment 1, results indicated an optimum Na+ requirement of 0.26%. Sodium levels caused a linear increase in arterial blood gas parameters, indicating an alkalogenic effect of Na+. The hypertrophic area of growth plate in the proximal tibiotarsi decreased with Na+ levels. The TD incidence decreased with increases in dietary Na+. Litter moisture increased linearly with sodium levels. In Experiment 2, the Cl- requirement was estimated as 0.25%. Chloride levels caused a quadratic effect (P ≤ 0.01) on blood gas parameters, with an estimated equilibrium [blood base excess (BE) = 0] at 0.30% of dietary CT-. No Cl- treatment effects (P ≥ 0.05) were observed on litter moisture or TD incidence. The best DEB for maximum performance was 298 to 315 mEq/kg in Experiment 1 and 246 to 264 mEq/kg in Experiment 2. We concluded that the Na+ and Cl- requirements for optimum performance of young broiler chickens were 0.28 and 0.25%, respectively.


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We studied the efficacy of hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate (HSCAS) as an inhibitor of the toxic effects of ochratoxin in broilers from 1 to 42 d of age. A total of 288 broilers was distributed into four treatments with four replicates of 18 birds each: T1, control; T2, 0.25% HSCAS; T3, 2 ppm of ochratoxin; T4, 0.25% HSCAS + 2 ppm ochratoxin. The parameters evaluated were feed intake; weight gain; feed conversion; relative weights of the liver, kidneys, and bursa; and serum levels of Ca, P, total protein (TP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and γ-glutamiltransferase (GGT). Ochratoxin in the diet negatively affected (P < 0.05) all performance parameters evaluated when the birds were 21 and 42 d of age. However, HSCAS did not affect performance, and there was no interaction between HSCAS and dietary ochratoxin. The liver and the kidneys of birds fed ochratoxin with or without HSCAS were relatively heavier (P < 0.05) than those of the control birds, demonstrating the influence of ochratoxin, but not of HSCAS, on the relative weight of these organs. Although the bursa of birds exposed to ochratoxin with or without HSCAS had a lower relative weight as compared to control birds, the difference was not significant. Ca, P, and TP serum levels were lower (P < 0.05) in birds exposed to ochratoxin, whereas AST and GGT levels were higher (P < 0.05) in these birds. These results reflect that ochratoxin in the diet impaired the productivity indexes and that HSCAS did not improve these parameters.


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Broiler chicks aged 12 h after hatching were allotted according to a block design in a 7 x 2 factorial schedule of 14 treatments and four replications of 50 chicks each one. The main experimental factors were fasting for 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 h after chick placement and sex. Independent of sex, fasting had a negative linear effect on weight and productivity of broilers at market age (42 d) without affecting feed conversion or mortality index. Groups subjected to 18 and 36 h of fasting after placement, corresponding to 30 and 48 h posthatching fasting, had lower biometrical values for small intestine (length, weight, and size; villus height; and crypt depth) than chicks fed immediately after placement. According to the Pearson test, BW of birds at 21 and 42 d were significantly correlated to BW at 7 d (r = 0.77) and 21 d (r = 0.45), respectively. Males performed better than females but had higher mortality rates. Fasting did not influence serum concentrations of corticosterone or sexual steroid hormones. Nevertheless, early signs of sexual dimorphism arose from the high estradiol (E2) concentration on female serum. Heterophil:lymphocyte ratio was not different among treatments, indicating that early fasting did not seem to be a stress factor 21 or 42 d after fasting. The results suggested a maximum fasting of 24 h after hatching in order to preserve broiler productivity at market age.


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Individually caged male Cobb broilers (24), 44 d of age, were used to evaluate effects of heat stress (1 d of data collection) and dietary electrolyte balance (DEB; Na + K - Cl, mEq/kg from 1 d of age). During summer rearing, mortality was variable, but DEB 240 improved growth, feed conversion ratio, water intake, and waterrfeed ratio vs. DEB 0. The temperature sequence for heat stress was 24 to 32°C in 30 min, 32 to 36°C in 30 min, 36 to 37°C in 15 min, and 37 to 41°C in 45 min. Maximum temperature was held for 15, 60, 90, or 360 min for data collection (relative humidity averaged 42 ± 7%). Results from the same room before and after heat stress were analyzed by DEB (1-factor ANOVA) and before vs. after heat stress compared across DEB (2-sample t-test). Heat stress decreased blood Na, K, and pCO2, and lymphocytes but increased heterophils. Blood HCO3 rose, Cl declined, and hematocrit gave a concave pattern (lowest at DEB 120) as DEB increased. After heat stress, DEB O decreased blood Na and K, and DEB O and 120 levels decreased blood HCO3. After heat stress blood pCO2 and hemoglobin decreased with DEB 240, but it had highest pCO2, a key factor. The DEB 120 gave longest times to panting and prostration with DEB O and 240 results lower but similar statistically. In heat stress, DEB 360 was excessive, DEB 120 and 240 were favorable, and DEB 0 was intermediate based on hematology, panting, and prostration responses.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)