959 resultados para bivalve fauna


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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During April and May 2006, experiments were carried out in Brejo do Mutambal, Varzelandia Town, Minas Gerais State, to evaluate the attractiveness of phlebotomine sandflies to CDC light traps, baited with kairomones. of the 19 species of Lutzomyia already registered for the region, L. lutziana (Costa Lima), L. longipennis (Barreto), L. goiana (Martins, Falcao & Silva) and L. brasiliensis (Costa Lima) were recorded for the first time, thus increasing the diversity of phlebotomine sandflies fauna in this area to 23 species. The new registered species and distribution are shown and discussed herein.


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Silicified stromatolites have been described in the Permian Teresina Formation, Passa Dois Group, of the Parana Basin. These stromatolites occur as blocks in the Fazenda Monte Alegre area at the headwaters of the creek known as Corrego Catanduva in the municipality of Angatuba. These blocks originate from the Serra de Angatuba region and were recognized in a road that was cut in the midst of sandstones and siltites. The stromatolites are isolated bioherms that are domed to subspherical with a flat base in profile and a rounded to lenticular shape in plan view. The stromatolites exhibit a reddish coloration and are composed of microcrystalline quartz. Lamination is continuous, non-columnar, and anastomosed, showing parallel to divergent growth; however, divergent columns also occur, especially at the tops of the bioherms. The lamination is fine and well preserved, with alternating light and dark laminas. Microfossils of filamentous cyanobacteria are preserved and were related to the genera Microcoleus and Rivularia. Silicified bivalves occur in association with the stromatolites and are preserved in the form of coquina beds and rare isolated specimens within the bioherms. The described specimens belong to the Pinzonella illusa biozone, with representatives of the species Pinzonella illusa, Angatubia cowperesioides, and Houldausiella elongata. The formation environment of these stromatolites is associated with tidal plains of shallow, brackish, relatively calm, warm waters of good luminosity with the presence of weak currents. There was likely a low level of predation, and the environment may have been hypersaline. The coquina beds associated with the stromatolites indicate a probable proximal tempestite, i.e., they were formed near the coastline. The stromatolites were originally composed of carbonates, although these were replaced by silica during early diagenesis.


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This study presented data on helminth fauna of two gecko lizards, Hemidactylus agrius and Lygodactylus klugei, from Caatinga biome in northeastern Brazil. It was found four helminth species parasitizing H. agrius, cistacanth of Centrorhynchidae (Acanthocephala) and the nematodes Physalopteridae (larvae), Parapharyngodon alvarengai (Pharyngodonidae) and Skrjabinelazia sp. (Seuratidade). The host Lygodactylus klugei presented two helminth species, one individual of Mesocoelium monas (Trematoda: Mesocoeliidae) in the small intestine and one encysted larvae of Physalopteridae (Nematoda: Physalopteridae) attached at stomach wall. The lizard species showed a low prevalence and low richness of helminths. Moreover, H. agrius presented a low intensity of infection. The foraging mode, arboreal habit and a restricted composition of diet could favoring the low prevalence, low infection rates and low richness of helminths found in these geckonid host species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The present study analyzed the composition of the aquatic fauna associated to the mangrove forest in a southeastern Brazilian river. The composition of the macrofauna in the roots of the marginal vegetation located at three different salinity stretches was analyzed by sampling pieces of the submerged branches of the vegetation (natural substrate) and pieces of sisal rope (artificial substrate), installed close to the natural vegetation and sampled after a period of 14 colonization days. In both types of substrate, twelve taxonomic groups were sampled, representing three phyla (Cnidaria, Annelida and Arthropoda). The crustaceans, corresponding to the most diversified group, were represented by Copepoda, Tanaidacea, Isopoda, Amphipoda and Decapoda. The highest salinity stretch showed the highest abundance, with a progressive decrease from high to low salinity for both substrates. Copepoda and Tanaidacea predominated on both substrates, although the artificial substrate exhibited the highest total abundance and species richness. Considering the relative abundance of the taxonomic groups on both substrates, the majority of groups predominated in the highest salinity range. Significant differences on the longitudinal distribution of abundance were associated to the variation on salinity and with the complexity of the substrate.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The consequences of introducing Cichla cf. monoculus Spix & Agassiz, Astronotus ocellatus (Agassiz) and Pygocentrus nattereri Kner into lakes in the River Doce basin, Brazil, on richness, diversity and efficiency of aquatic macrophytes as natural refugia to native fishes was investigated. Samples were taken from lakes with and without alien fishes in areas with and without aquatic macrophytes. The presence of alien fishes reduced richness and diversity of the native fish community. The refugia function, which could be attributed to the clustering of aquatic macrophytes, does not exist in these lakes probably because the alien fishes exploit such habitats for reproduction. Since introductions threaten the native fish diversity of the region, studies on regional dispersion and factors that minimise the spread of alien fishes are needed.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Este estudo é parte do monitoramento limnológico empreendido pela Companhia Energética do Estado de São Paulo (CESP) durante o processo de enchimento do reservatório de Porto Primavera (Usina Hidrelétrica Engenheiro Sérgio Motta). Este reservatório, localizado no alto rio Paraná, entre os Estados de São Paulo e Mato Grosso, é o quarto maior do país. A primeira etapa de enchimento do lago começou em dezembro de 1998 e a segunda em março de 2001. Amostras para a análise da comunidade bentônica e das características sedimentológicas foram coletadas trimestralmente entre agosto de 1999 e novembro de 2001 e também em agosto de 2002 (11 campanhas). As coletas foram feitas em 13 estações de amostragem distribuídas no reservatório e em uma localizada a jusante da barragem. 128 táxons de invertebrados foram encontrados, sendo Mollusca, Annelida, Insecta e Nematoda os grupos dominantes durante praticamente todos os meses analisados. A classe Insecta foi a melhor representada, com 9 diferentes ordens, dentro das quais os Diptera contribuíram com a ocorrência de 63 táxons. A espécie exótica de bivalve Corbicula fluminea foi registrada em todas as estações de amostragem mostrando sua grande capacidade para colonizar novos habitats em regiões neotropicais. Variações consideráveis na densidade da fauna foram observadas para os diferentes períodos e locais analisados. A densidade máxima (média de 7812 ind.m-2) foi registrada no centro do reservatório enquanto que as densidades mínimas foram registradas na zona lacustre próxima à barragem (média de 9 ind.m-2). A maior riqueza de espécies por local/período (24 táxons) foi encontrada no trecho superior do reservatório (trecho fluvial). A diversidade máxima foi observada nas zonas superior e central do reservatório, com valores de 3.82 e 3.86 (bits.ind-1) no início (agosto/1999) e final (agosto/2002) do processo de enchimento, respectivamente. Não foi encontrado um padrão de distribuição dos grupos faunísticos que pudesse estar associado com a textura granulométrica dos diferentes locais amostrados. Por outro lado, constatou-se a diminuição, ou mesmo a não ocorrência de organismos, nas estações com elevada concentração de matéria orgânica (>40%) em baixo estado de degradação (grandes detritos vegetais). Tal fato pode estar relacionado com a falta de depósitos de sedimentos, dificultando a fixação de organismos da fauna bentônica, bem como com condições químicas mais redutoras em função da intensidade dos processos de decomposição da fitomassa inundada.