1000 resultados para bentonic community
Musgrave Park Community Garden includes a Community Garden Area, Group and Individual allotment plots. Musgrave Park, Stockmans Lane, Belfast, BT9. Conservation Volunteers NI Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Antrim Funding Conservation Volunteers NI Partner Agencies Public Health Agency
Our Vision is that each individual accessing these service’s be provided with a choice of affordable, nutritious meals in a safe, warm and attractive environment. We achieve this through the following best practice standards: – Quality service – Maintaining a high quality environment – The highest quality food standard (with choice of meals) Cafes are open to the public from 8am serving breakfast until 11.30 and lunch/dinner from 12-4pm.(open Monday - Saturday) Telephone: (01) 5515916 Initiative Type Community Cafés Location Dublin 2
WTID rents allotments to members of the community which promotes grow your own. HSE West; FAS CE scheme; Involve: Senior Youth Worker; Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Childcare Service; Pobal Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Galway Target Groups At risk youth Children ( 4-12 years) Children (0-4 years) Children (13-18 years) Families Lone parents Men Migrant, minority ethnic groups Older people People with mental health difficulties Travellers Unemployed Women Funding HSE West; FAS CE scheme; Involve: Senior Youth Worker; Department of Children and Youth Affairs: Childcare Service; Pobal Partner Agencies Equal Ireland FÃÂS Galway County Council GCCCC GRD HSE Involve RAPID VEC Adult Education Service
Fettercairn Growing Community Roots will deliver a range of programmes around exercise and healthy eating to improve, encourage and integrate the target schools into the wider local community through linkages with community based projects e.g. Fettercairn Community Garden. Part of theCFI Programme 2013-2015 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Dublin 24 Partner Agencies safefood
KASI acquired a site from Killarney Parish for a community garden project. The community garden provides a form of activity through volunteerism for asylum seekers in direct provisions who are not allowed to work. The participants will focus on growing crops and developing the garden which will facilitate interaction between the target groups and local communities in a very holistic and organic manner of working together, sharing and exchanging ideas, skills, crops, food and culture. KASI is developing a community garden on the outskirts of Killarney town. The sedentary lifestyle in direct provisions can cause isolation, depression and other mental health issues for asylum seekers. The community garden project provides a space for migrant workers and their families (most of whom live in flats and apartments and do not have access to a garden space) to grow their own crops. The community garden project will provide training on organic gardening, nutrition, healthy eating habits,cooking on a budget, cookery demonstrations and an opportunity for participants to exchange skills, knowledge, recipes and food. In addition, the project will enable locals to get information on nutritional values of herbs and authentic, healthy ethnic recipes. This initiative could also facilitate KASI influencing the diets and menu in direct provision centres. KASI will open a social space for training and cookery demonstrations for target groups and locals. Part of theDemonstration Programme 2010-2012 Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Kerry Target Groups Migrant, minority ethnic groups
Community garden project and allotments aims to increase community involvement, participation and activity in the locality. We have a number of family groups (parents and children) working together. It is a lot of fun and a great way to meet new people from the area, get out of the house a few hours a week and be part of a really nice community group. We see our garden somewhat like a Co-op. Everyone is welcome to join us, we meet up at least three times a week and do the jobs around the garden together – mainly around vegetables and some fruit trees but we are interested in flowers and other things as well. We have a garden sale every Thursday between 12pm-2pm. We sell all organic produce grown in the garden and make our own jams to sell weekly also. At the end of the season we all share the crops, vegetables and fruits if there is any left after the sale on Thursday. Contact: Kevin Dunne, 087 272 4537. Email: communitygardens@ballyfermotpartnership.ie  Dublin City Council via Cherry Orchard Regeneration Board Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Location Dublin 10 Target Groups Children ( 4-12 years) Children (0-4 years) Children (13-18 years) Lone parents Men Older people Unemployed Funding Dublin City Council via Cherry Orchard Regeneration Board Website https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxED179ZBWiRa251UQh4l1A Connect with this Initiative Facebook
Promoting health both physical and mental in the community is part of the ethos of Moville FRC and the Community Garden is an important part of our programme. It encourages people to grow their own food and cook and eat healthily. An important aspect of the Community Garden is to promote neighbourliness, combat isolation and to give people the opportunity to work together to improve their community. Moville is a small town in North Donegal. The garden is situated in the middle of the community between three housing estates.It has 30 raised beds and a large shed. We are hoping to develop an adjoining site for potatoes and fruit trees. We run gardening classes during Spring/Summer each year. Participants in the Community Garden are drawn from all sections of the community, families, young and old, unemployed, people with disabilities. Initiative Type Community Food Growing Projects Nutrition Education and Training Programmes Location Donegal Partner Agencies Donegal County Council
The objective of this study was to evaluate the relationship between toxocariasis frequency and demographic, environmental, sanitary variables, eosinophylia, and other intestinal parasites in a rural population of Argentina. Serological examination of 100 individuals was carried out by using ELISA technique for the detection of anti-toxocara antibodies. Eosinophiles in peripheral blood, presence of intestinal parasites, and demographic, environmental, and socio-cultural data were evaluated. Eighty-one feces samples of dogs belonging to the studied people were analyzed to detect eggs of Toxocara canis. Thirty of them were from 30 dogs and 51 were pools from dog feces. Samples of dirt from around the homes (n: 47) and from public park (n: 4) were taken. To determine the associations, the c² and Fisher tests were used. The seroprevalence was 23%. Eosinophilia in peripheral blood was detected in 86.95% seropositive individuals and in 37.66% seronegative individuals (p < 0.001, OR = 11.03). Of the 23 people with positive serology, 69.56% had at least one intestinal parasite. All individuals with positive serology had dogs in their homes. Among the dog owners there was a significant association between the presence of anti-toxocara antibodies and home flooding. Eggs of T. canis were detected in the feces of 5/81 dogs and three of these dogs belonged to individuals with positive serology. Eggs of Toxocara spp. were found in 41.17% of the dirt samples, eight of which came from the area surrounding the homes of individuals with positive serology (p = 0.032; OR = 4.36). Taking into account all the variables influencing the frequency of toxocariasis in this population, the implementation of Public Health programs specifically focused on anti-parasitic treatment of dogs is recommended.
The Belfast Health Development Unit (BHDU) was established as a Ministerial priority in March 2010, co-locating staff from The Public Health Agency (PHA), Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (BHSCT) and Belfast City Council (BCC). One of the strategic priorities for the BHDU is: an integrated approach to planning and delivery of services for older people in the city.The PHA and the BHDU had identified a need to examine the extent of substance misuse issues within the older population of the city of Belfast and to explore early intervention programmes targeting this population. It is envisioned that this piece of work will inform and support the Belfast Healthy Ageing Strategic Partnership on older people and its multi-sectoral action plan and will influence the work and priorities of the Belfast Strategic Partnership and its constituent stakeholders in taking drug and alcohol work forward in Belfast.The aim of this research was to review knowledge, awareness and evidence of the impact of substance misuse on the older population (aged 55+) and to review good practice in reducing substance related harm within this population which has been done by undertaking a review of available research, data and information sources. However, the main focus of the research involved consulting with a broad range of community and voluntary sector organisations working in the Belfast area to assess their views and perceptions of the prevalence and extent of substance misuse within the older population and the services currently in place to address this issue.�
Care pathway and model for community forensic teams in Northern Ireland, October, 2011.
The Community Development Strategy for Health and Wellbeing has been developed jointly by the Health and Social Care Board and the Public Health Agency.�The main purpose of the strategy is to recognise and support the important and pivotal role that community development plays in improving health and wellbeing.�The HSCB and PHA want to see strong, resilient communities where everyone has good health and wellbeing - places where people look out for each other and have community pride in where they live.�We seek to narrow the gap in health inequalities and improve the health and wellbeing of the population.�This means working to address the determinants of ill health and reducing risk factors, including those associated with poverty and social exclusion, and this can only be achieved in partnership with the community.The strategy was influenced by a widespread consultation in 2011 - details available here - during which over 300 individuals and organisations attended workshops and 60 written responses were received.�The following documents are attached below:Community Development Strategy - Consultation ResponsesCommunity Development Strategy - Executive SummaryCommunity Development Action PlanCommunity Development Strategy Community Development Strategy - Performance Management Framework
The objective of this study was to analyse the effect of using two health education approaches on knowledge of transmission and prevention of schistosomiasis of school children living in a rural endemic area in the state of Minas Gerais, Brazil. The 87 children participating in the study were divided into three groups based on gender, age and presence or absence of Schistosoma mansoni infection. In the first group the social representation model and illness experience was used. In the second group, we used the cognitive model based on the transmission of information. The third group, the control group, did not receive any information related to schistosomiasis. Ten meetings were held with all three groups that received a pre-test prior to the beginning of the educational intervention and a post-test after the completion of the program. The results showed that knowledge levels in Group 1 increased significantly during the program in regard to transmission (p = 0.038) and prevention (p = 0.001) of schistosomiasis. Groups 2 and 3 did not show significant increase in knowledge between the two tests. These results indicate that health education models need to consider social representation and illness experience besides scientific knowledge in order to increase knowledge of schistosomiasis transmission and prevention.
This�leaflet is part of an extension of the cleanyourhands campaign, aimed at preventing the spread of healthcare associated infections (HCAIs) in community healthcare settings including primary care and dental services, residential and nursing homes (including independent sector homes), hospices and independent clinics/hospitals. It describes the campaign and outlines the campaign resources.