999 resultados para barn med speciella behov


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Studiens overordnede hensikt er å bestemme begrepet ensomhet i et vårdvitenskapelig perspektiv. Avhandlingen er en monografisk eksplorativ hermeneutisk studie og oppbygget i fire større helheter, der første hoveddel starter med en inntreden i den hermeneutiske spiral, og hvor paradigme, ontologiske, epistemologiske og metodologiske overveielser angir studiens videre retning. Andre hoveddel anses som studiens teoretiske substans og belyser ensomhetens `Hva´ gjennom ulike teoretiske perspektiv og begrepsanalyse av ensom. I belysningen framkommer ensomhet både som lidelse og som meningsfullt for eksistensen. Første hoveddel avsluttes med en bestemmelse av ensomhet som substanskunnskap innenfor vårdvitenskapens helse-og lidelsesforhold som utgjør ulike nivåer av gjørende, værende og vardende. Tredje hoveddel er en empiriskstudie med deltagende observasjon, forskersamtaler og kvalitative intervjuer i samtaleform. Informantene var åtte aleneboende personer med alvorlig psykisk lidelse i en storby og foregikk over ca. ett år. I tolkningsprosessen søkes en gradvis fordypende forståelse av den enkelte informants ensomhet i relasjon til vårdvitenskapens livs-, sykdoms- og vårdlidelse. Tolkningsrammen er i det vesentligefra første teoridel, samtidig som nye tolkningsteoretikere innlemmes som opplysende "lamper". Forståelsens tolkningsresultater framkommer gjennom en sammenfattende diskusjon, der livsberettelsens felles skjebne synliggjør savn som ideografisk invarians. Fjerde hoveddel er en vårdvitenskapelig filosofisk belysning av forholdet ensomhet og savn, hvor Levinas' fundamentaletikk utgjør tolkningsrammen. Studien avsluttes med en horisontsammensmeltning av forholdet ensomhet og savngjennom fellesskap og oppfyllelse i tid og rom. Horisontsammensmeltningen viserat ensomhet og savn i sin dybdestruktur forholder seg til hverandre i en dialektikk til motsetningene: fellesskap og oppfyllelse. Det nedfelles fem teser som ansatser til vårdvitenskapelig teori. Resultatene får implikasjoner for så vel pedagogikk som vårdpraksis.


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En väsentlig fråga inom såväl lingvistiska som kognitiva teorier är, hur språket beskriver kausala relationer. I finskan finns det en speciell typ av kausativa verb avledda med suffixet (U)ttA som används för att uttrycka att handlingen i fråga utförs av någon annan än subjektreferenten, t.ex. Maija haetuttaa Matilla kirjastosta kirjan ’Maija låter Matti hämta boken från biblioteket’ och Matti juoksuttaa Maijan kaupunkiin ’Matti låter Maija springa till staden’. Syftet med denna avhandling var att med exempel av sociala dominansens kausativer undersöka ordbildningens natur samt begreppet ’socialt förorsakande’. För att beskriva avledningars regelbundna argumentstruktur i form av kopplingen mellan syntaxen och semantiken upprättades deras prototypiska strukturer. Dessa verb har emellertid också specifika användningsområden som framhäver variationer i sociala relationer. Säregna egenskaper hos den sociala dominansens kausativer inkluderades i undersökningen och definierades som konstruktioner. Konstruktionerna omfattar speciella syntaktiska och/eller semantiska element och utöver det också pragmatiska värderande implikationer. Uppbyggnaden av den sociala dimensionen hos de undersökta verben består av egenskaper förbundna med typen av förorsakande, argumentens agentiva egenskaper (aktivitet eller passivitet, dominans, kontroll, viljestyrdhet och ansvarighet) samt konventionaliserade attityder och tolkningar. Ett exempel på en s.k. 'tolkningskonstruktion’ är den negativa dominansens uttryck som i avhandlingen kallas Maktmissbrukskonstruktionen. Denna konstruktion inkluderar talarens starkt kritiska hållning till den uttryckta situationen, t.ex. Asiakas juoksuttaa lentoemäntää ’Kunden låter flygvärdinnan springa’. Dessa konstruktioner fyller en viktig funktion i språklig kommunikation: att beskriva avvikande av sociala normer och att foga expressivitet till budskapet. Metodologiskt kombinerar denna avhandling teorier som baseras på det aktuella språkbruket och teoretisk lingvistisk analys. Verbens samt konstruktionernas konceptuella lexikala struktur och prototypstrukturerna analyserades med hjälp av den konceptuella semantikens verktyg, som har utvecklats av Jackendoff, Nikanne och Pörn.


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Dedicated to: Hans Maj:t Konungen.


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Dedicated to: Carl Gustaf Tessin, Jean Georg Lilljenberg & Johan Browallius, Algot A. Scarin & Johan Leche & Jonas Synnerberg & Joachim Schultz.


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Digital reproduction, The National Library of Finland, Centre for Preservation and Digitisation, Mikkeli


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Digital reproduction, The National Library of Finland, Centre for Preservation and Digitisation, Mikkeli


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Digital reproduction, The National Library of Finland, Centre for Preservation and Digitisation, Mikkeli


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Cultural heritage has become something of an in-word in recent times. Intangible cultural heritage, however, is a category that has received relatively little attention. This folkloristic study focuses on intangible cultural heritage as concept and as process. Folkloristics as a scholarly branch emphasizes non-material culture. Consequently, there is a big potential in bringing existing knowledge of folklore together with current scholarly theories concerning cultural heritage in order to expand the understanding of intangible cultural heritage. In this thesis cultural heritage is regarded as a symbolic construct, which is spoken of and discussed in specific ways. The study of intangible cultural heritage (Swe. kulturarv) as concept focuses on this area. For a cultural component to be experienced as intangible cultural heritage it is, however, not enough to discuss it in those terms. Instead, cultural heritage status needs to be acted out during lengthy processes. This is demonstrated by the study of intangible cultural heritage as process. As a consequence performativity appears crucial to an understanding of cultural heritage – when a sufficient number of people speak and act as if a cultural component has a special status, it will also be perceived as cultural heritage. In this dissertation intangible cultural heritage is studied through cultural analysis, more specifically through discourse analysis. The usage of the concept intangible cultural heritage within cultural organizations, in scholarly use and in the Swedish-speaking press in Finland is examined. Traditional music in the Swedish-speaking districts of Finland is used as a case study of intangible cultural heritage as process. The examination concerns how traditional music, an intangible cultural component, has been discussed, transformed, standardized and objectified in a cultural heritage process. Cultural heritage is generally used as a token of value so that certain cultural components, both intangible and tangible, which are discussed in terms of cultural heritage are perceived to be valuable and should therefore be safeguarded. Intangible cultural heritage depends on performance, that is practitioners use their bodies to act out their traditional knowledge through song, handicraft, storytelling and so on. Intangible cultural components can be transmitted to other individuals in a performance situation, and they can also be documented. In Finland documentation and subsequent filing in archives have been associated with safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage. If the aim of safeguarding is to uphold traditional practices, which is the case for among others UNESCO’s programs aimed at intangible cultural heritage, other efforts are called for: forms of safeguarding that support performance and transmission.


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The aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge about learning in and through art related to pupils’ study processes developing clown characters in secondary school. The pre understanding of this qualitative piece of micro ethnographic research is that the elaboration of clown has openness to play, creative activity and imagination. The art form clown inspires and motivates. The clown character creates a kind and friendly atmosphere, calls upon smile, which promotes learning. It is an art form promoting deep and personal reflection and evoking questions regarding identity formation. The pre understanding finally is that existential themes are brought to articulation in the art form clown. The problem formulation for the hermeneutic phenomenological study is an exploration of the meaning potential of an arts educational work with clown from the pupils’ as well as the teacher’s perspective. The study elaborates the following research questions: 1.) How are the pupils staging themselves in the work with clown? a) How are they constructing the clown character? b) How do they reflect upon their construction? c) What are the characteristics of the working process in the elaboration of clown? 2.) What is characteristic of the teacher’s contribution to the arts educational work? 3.) What is characteristic of the meaning making in the elaboration of clown? One group of 21 pupils and their drama teacher in a Swedish secondary school in six workshops (each one 90 minutes) elaborating the clown theme is the group under study through video observation, interviews, students’ logs and drawings, teacher log and researcher’s field notes. The theoretical framework comprises three perspectives on clown: a perspective on the culture of carnival, a drama education perspective and a performance perspective. Through a content analysis of texts about clown a set of characteristics for the clown is used as analytical concepts in the subsequent analysis of the pupils’ working process when they create three clown characters: August, the white clown and the bag lady. The results are presented as fictive narratives built on the video observations and the interviews. The presentation is brought to even more condensation through poetic ethnographic writing of haiku poems by the researcher. This ethnographic writing is idiomatic to the art form under study, and can be seen as a metaphorical meta commentary to the narratives. As a main result the researcher has developed a model describing the different aspects of the clown characters and the meaning potential of the clown as learning regarding exploration of identity and elaboration of existential questions regarding life, loneliness, love, religion and death.