832 resultados para apex predator
生物多样性的维持、监测、保育与恢复是生物多样性科学的核心研究内容( DIVERSITAS)。作为世界上典型的植被类型,常绿阔叶林以其丰富的生物多样性而倍受世人关注。我国的常绿阔叶林是全球分布面积最大,发育最为典型的常绿阔叶林,其分布区多为农业区,与长江流域的生态安全密切相关:伴随着人们的生产活动,生境的岛屿化与破碎化问题越来越突出,常绿阔叶林的合理保育问题和生态恢复问题已成为大家关注的焦点。本研究“常绿阔叶林恢复生态学研究初报”正是在这种背景下开展的,主要实验研究工作与结果如下: 1.系统综述了生态系统退化程度的诊断指标体系、途径与方法,绘制了生态系 统退化程度的概念模型,为恢复生态学研究和生态恢复实践提供参考。 2.固定样地的建立:为深入开展生物多样性与恢复生态学研究,本研究建立了一系列固定样地(常绿阔叶林固定样地、常绿落叶阔叶林固定样地、退化生态系统恢复与重建实验样地等),这些样地的建立为进一步深化研究奠定了坚实基础。 3.种群大小级结构特征:对栲树Castanopsis fargesii和油茶Camellia oleifera种 群大小级结构特征研究表明,栲树种群大小级结构(高度级和胸围级)呈弱双峰型分布,油茶种群大小级结构呈倒“J”型分布。对树木大小级划分标 准的比较研究表明划分标准的选择应基于研究目的和物种性质。作者认为应深入研究干扰特别是生境的岛屿化与破碎化对常绿阔叶林稳定性的影响。 4.种子扩散与种群维持:种子扩散是种群维持的一个关键阶段,而建群种的维持机制可在一定程度上反映群落的维持机理。对都江堰常绿阔叶林固定样地的主要建群种栲树种子扩散的研究表明,种子雨密度、种子在地上保留密度以及种子丢失状况是个动态过程,种子雨在2001年持续了约3个月的时间,种子年产量达到每平方米73.37个正常种子;研究发现栲树种子下落后能在地上保留一段相当长的时间(捕食者饱和现象“predator satiation"),这为种子萌发提供了更多的时间和机会,从而使得栲树种群能通过大年(the mast year)的高种子产量与捕食者饱和现象顺利完成自然更新;捕食者饱和现象有助于解释栲树的优势种群地位和稳定机制,以及对整个生态系统稳定性的贡献;作者提出了一个描述栲树种子扩散命运的概念模型,该模型表明种子雨与种子丢失的不同阶段是在不同程度上以不同方式贡献于栲树的自然更新。总之,栲树自然更新伴随着一个复杂的种子扩散过程。 5.光因子调控与生态恢复:光是影响植物生长的一个重要生态因子。研究了三种不同遮荫处理(100% PAR、40% PAR和22% PAR)对青冈Cyclobalanopsis glauca幼苗在亚热带弃耕地上的影响作用,两年的研究结果显示:青冈幼苗 可以在弃耕地上正常生长:两种遮荫处理(40% PAR和22% PAR)对青冈的萌芽和幼苗生长有正效应,并且22% PAR遮荫处理有明显的促进作用;本研究也说明了植物在不同的遮荫处理作用下有不同的生长策略。关于在生态恢复中如何利用光因素对植物生长的影响以及遮荫的复合效应问题值得深入研究。 6.种间关系与生态恢复:杂草竞争是植被恢复中的一个重要问题。对两种常绿阔叶树种(青冈和石栎Lithocarpus glaber)在不同坡位(坡上位、中位、下位)和有无地上杂草竞争的情况下的对比研究表明:不同物种在不同坡位,其幼苗生长对杂草竞争的反应是不同的;在坡上位和下位,除草处理能显著地提高青冈幼苗的田间保存率、苗高、基径和冠幅的生长,而在中位,除草处理的效果不显著;但是对于石栎来说,除草处理仅能显著地提高坡中位幼苗基径的生长量;研究说明了(地上)杂草竞争对植物生长的影响(程度)因物种而异,因而除草处理并不是对所有常绿阔叶树种的幼苗生长有促进作用,杂草竞争也不是一切常绿阔叶树种在弃耕地上建立与定居的障碍因子。作者建议在生态恢复实践中应根据具体情况选择除草与否,关于杂草竞争/除草在植被恢复中的作用值得进一步研究。
Thirteen morphometric and seven meristic characters, length-weight relationship and food and feeding habits of Otolithoides biauritus of Bombay coast (Maharashtra, India) were studied. Compared morphometric characters revealed positive allometric growth and high correlation ("r" ranging 0.898 - 0.996) between each other. Meristic characters were observed to be B sub(vii), D sub(1) 8-10, D sub(2) 27-31, P 17-20, V 5-7 and 7-10. Number of gill rackers on the first left gill arch ranged from 15 to 19. Length-weight relationship for both sexes together worked out to be W = 0.026, L super(2.646). The species is a predator, feeding mainly on motile Acetes, small fish and Loligo in order of preference.
The predatory behaviour of a snake-head, Channa striatus (Bloch) on Labeo rohita fingerlings was studied in the laboratory. The study was conducted with six C. striatus (120 to 210 g and 22 to 28 cm) over 24h a day for 3 weeks. Three different sizes prey of large (2.00g and 5.8cm), medium (1.30g and 4.5cm) and small (0.72g and 3.5cm) were used for the first week and then medium size prey for 2nd and 3rd weeks. All the predators preferred eating the small group of L. rohita although all three size groups of L. rohita offered were available. It was found that the prey fishes remained together aside of the aquarium from the predator. Predator first targeted a prey, drove fast towards it, the prey tried to escape from the predator's attack using a specific route and finally the predator grasped the prey on head first and then engulfed. The handling time ranged between 45 and 50 sec. The time of peak feeding was found in the morning and in the evening of day. When 2 or 3 predators were kept in one aquarium, they engaged in fighting, head on, followed by an attack on the mouth region by the dominant one, and subsequently on the pectoral fin and caudal fin of the defeating one. After 2-3 days they became habituated to remain together and did not involve themselves in fighting.
The growth performance of a predatory snakehead, Channa striatus was tested by supplying tadpoles of Rana tigrina and fingerlings of Puntius gonionotus and Labeo rohita as prey for a period of 21 days in aquaria. Prey consumption by C. striatus was significantly different (P<0.05) for different prey used (T1 - R. tigrina, T2 - P. gonionotus, T3 - L. rohita). Tadpoles of R. tigrina were preferred by the predator (C. striatus) over P. gonionotus and L. rohita although tadpole is nutritionally inferior to each of P. gonionotus and L. rohita. Each predator rayed on 50-330 mg per day per g of their body weight. Fish preyed on tadpoles also showed the highest growth. Significant difference in weight gain was found between T1 and T2 and also between T1 and T3 but no difference was found between T2 and T3. Food conversion ratio (FCR) was found to be lowest in treatment T3 followed by the treatments T2 and T1 respectively.
A feeding strategy model is proposed using stomach content and resource availability data as a modification to Costello (1990) and Amundsen et al. (1996). Incorporation of feeding electivity index (E) instead of the prey-specific abundance signifies the importance of resource availability in prey selection as well as the predator's ability to specialize, generalize or avoid particular prey items at the individual and population level.
The Crown-of-Thorns starfish Acanthaster planci is a predator of coral and has been responsible for the widespread destruction of coral reefs. In Sri Lanka this starfish was first reported by Clarke in 1915. Recently skin-divers reported that Acanthaster planci was present in very large numbers in the coastal waters off Trincomalee, especially on the coral formations around Pigeon Island. It is well known that the multiplication of the starfish to plague proportions is a serious threat to the coral reef formations round the Island. If it were allowed to continue its depredations the entire coral reef belt round the Island might be destroyed in a short time. The monsoon waves would then convert the dead coral to rubble. In the absence of a barrier against the advancing waves during the monsoon it would also lead to serious erosion of the shoreline. The coral reef fish would also disappear with the destruction of the coral formations. On account of these considerations it was decided to conduct a survey of the Crown-of-Thorns starfish in eastern coastal waters in order to estimate the magnitude of the population of the starfish in these waters.
Although the reservoir area in south-east Asia is considerable, the fish production is low in the majority of reservoirs. Although high fish production has been recorded in a number of reservoirs in Sri Lanka and Indonesia, high fish production in reservoirs has with few exceptions resulted from the introduction of typical lake species from Africa. Addition of further lake fish species especially into deeper reservoirs will probably increase present fish yields. Diversification of the lake fish fauna can be achieved by introduction of species indigenous to the region like Etroplus suratensis. In this introduction of fish species, three points may be noted with specific reference to Tilapia spp.: (a) Lakes without indigenous cyprinids show marked fluctuation in fish catch with the introduction of Tilapia, and this could be stabilised by the introduction of predators and more diverse species. (b) Lakes with a moderate diversity of fish fauna show a high stabilised production with the introduction of Tilapia, presumably because of the effect of predator pressure on excessive Tilapia breeding. (c) Lowland lakes with a rich diversity of indigenous fish species colonising lakes may not require the introduction of Tilapia. Introduction of invertebrates into reservoirs in south east-Asia has not been done deliberately so far. However, the experience in other parts of the world, notably the Soviet Union, indicates that such introductions are likely to prove beneficial and to increase fish production. The potential for a considerable increase in fish production from reservoirs exists in south-east Asia. Proper management is likely to cost less than what is required for fish culture. Rural areas are likely to benefit most from increased fish production in reservoirs, and this might be a way to provide cheap protein where it is most urgently needed.
Predatory behaviour of Nandus nandus was studied by offering Cyprinus carpio as prey. The study was conducted with six N. namdus (8.2 ±0.2 cm and 7.60 ±0.3g) represented as P 1, P 2, P 3, P 4, P 5 and P 6. Three size categories of prey (C. carpio) such as small (2.0 ±0.1 cm and 0.23 ±0.01g), large (3.6 ±0.1 cm and 0.57 ±O.O.lg) and mixed group consisting of both small and large prey were used for 14 days of trial. Predatory behavior was classified as targeting, driving, catching, handling, resting and next attempt of catching prey. After introduction of prey into the aquarium predators followed the movement of preys by eye movements and tried to target smaller one first. The predator grasped the head of the prey by its jaws by a drive and engulfed it wholly into the mouth. The average handling time (time taken to manipulate and swallow prey from capture to ceasation of pharyngeal movement) was 42±2 sec and 47±2 sec for small and large prey respectively. N. nandus were ingested more small prey than large prey though the size classes were equally available in case of mixed prey used. Although the prey consumption was higher in number when small prey were ingested but in weight the consumption was higher when ingested large size of prey. The study indicated that N. nandus, ingested more small prey and grasped the headfirst.
Nile perch (Mputa), Lates niloticus was introduced into Lakes Victoria and Kyoga from lake Albert to increase fish production of these lakes by feeding on and converting the small sized haplochromines (Nkejje) which were abundant in these lakes into a larger table fish. It was, however, feared that Nile perch would prey on and deplete stocks of the native fishes and affect fish species diversity. Nile perch became well established and is currently among the three most important commercial species. It is presently the most important export fish commodity from Uganda. Considerable changes have taken place in fishery yield, and in life history characteristics of the Nile perch itself since the predator got established in Lakes Victoria and Kyoga.
Data on sleep-related behaviors were collected for a group of central Yunnan black crested gibbons (Nomascus concolor jingdongensis) at Mt. Wuliang, Yunnan, China from March 2005 to April 2006. Members of the group usually formed four sleeping units (adult male and juvenile, adult female with one semi-dependent black infant, adult female with one dependent yellow infant, and subadult male) spread over different sleeping trees. Individuals or units preferred specific areas to sleep; all sleeping sites were situated in primary forest, mostly (77%) between 2,200 and 2,400 m in elevation. They tended to sleep in the tallest and thickest trees with large crowns on steep slopes and near important food patches. Factors influencing sleeping site selection were (1) tree characteristics, (2) accessibility, and (3) easy escape. Few sleeping trees were used repeatedly by the same or other members of the group. The gibbons entered the sleeping trees on average 128 min before sunset and left the sleeping trees on average 33 min after sunrise. The lag between the first and last individual entering the trees was on average 17.8 min. We suggest that sleep-related behaviors are primarily adaptations to minimize the risk of being detected by predators. Sleeping trees may be chosen to make approach and attack difficult for the predator, and to provide an easy escape route in the dark. In response to cold temperatures in a higher habitat, gibbons usually sit and huddle together during the night, and in the cold season they tend to sleep on ferns and/or orchids.
In the present research, a total of 207 pieces of fish from 25 sampling stations in Gilan Province coasts in the years 2001-2002 were biologically studied in terms of their growth and development, reproduction and feeding. The average length and weight of the fishes are increased, as they get older. The highest index of length and weight growth is observed in the years 1 to 2. As the age increases, gradient of length and weight growth diagrams decrease. In studying the relation between length and weight, it was observed that proportionate to the total length, the weight is increased progressively. The fatness coefficient index in the initial years of life and prior to maturity is higher than the post maturity period. As the age increases, the decrease of this index is observable. The fatness coefficient index rate is directly related to index of fullness. The highest Gonadosomatic Index is seen in the months of June and July, i.e. at the times of spawning; and the lowest index rate is observed in the months of November and December. The appropriate temperature for reproduction of these species is from 18 to 22 degree centigrade. The Gonadosomatic Index is higher in spring and summer seasons as compared with autumn and winter. Besides, as the fishes become aged, the amount of the said index increases in a manner that the gradient of it in the years to maturity is less than the maturity time and thereafter. Sexual maturity stages in different months are directly related to Gonadosomatic index, and increase as the age increases. The sexual ratio of male fishes to the female fishes in terms of number is plus one prior to maturity; about one at the time of maturity and minus after maturity. In general the frequency of male fishes as compared with female fishes in all group ages is approximately two times. The fecundity mean, and the diameter and the rate of eggs will substantially increase, as the Gonadosomatic index rises. The maturity age in the male fishes is 3 to 4 years and in female fishes is 4 to 5 years. The spawning of this species in rivers occurs repeatedly and in different time intervals, and do not take place once (Asyncronous). The Gastrosomatic index is directly related to index of fullness and will decrease, as the age increases. The index of fullness is relatively the months of April and May. The underlying reason is the need of the fishes to energy for reproduction. As the spawning time commences, the index of fullness moves down and the downward direction continues. After spa g mg and reduction of the volume of energy in the body, the index of fullness rises, and it will be substantially high until the beginning of fall. In fall and winter as it gets cold, the index of fullness moves downward and the body fat deposits are used. A correlation is shown between the changes in vacuity index and fullness indices. This means that as the fullness index rises, the vacuity index decreases, and vice versa. The Hepatosomatic index prior to the reproduction is at the highest amount and after spawning is at the lowest. No correlation is observed between the fullness and Hepatosomatic indices. In other words reproduction is an inherent and instinct originated matter; and its cycle goes on, alternately and in an orderly manner, upon completion of germinal cells, even when it coincides with reduction or stoppage of somatic cell growth. The rising trend of Hepatosomatic starts in August and will continue until the next July. The volume of fat around digestive tract is severely reduced in early spring and this trend will reach its apex in summer season. In the cold seasons, i.e. the fall and winter, the accumulation of fat around digestive tract increases. Consequently, a meaningful and inverse relation is observed between index of fullness, also the progress of sexual maturity stages and the volume of fat.
Haplochrmine cichlids were the most abundant taxa in Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo prior to introduction of the Nile perch. As stocks of the introduced predator increased, these taxa were depleted to such an extent that they are now virtually absent from the lake. The haplochromine cichlids played an important role in the ecology of Lakes Victoria, Kyoga and Nabugabo. They occupied virtually all trophic levels in the lake and facilitated an efficient flow of energy through the ecosystem. Their depletion seem to have left much organic matter whose decomposition has contributed to accumulation of dead organic matter which may be contributing to prolonged anoxia in Lake Victoria. The haplochromines formed an important small-scale fishery. Fishermen formerly subsisting on this fishery have been driven out of business because they cannot afford the expensive nets required for Nile perch fishery. In addition to providing a cheap source of fish protein to humans, the species were an important source of Scientific material for students of genetics antd adaptive radiation.
Under the Implementation of the Fisheries Management Plan (IFMP) for Lake Victoria Result area 4, quarterly gillnet surveys are undertaken to monitor changes in fish stocks and environmental parameters in the shallow nontrawlable areas of the lake For purposes of monitoring surveys, the Ugandan sector of Lake Victoria is divided into 3 zones as shown in Figure 1. During the second quarter of APE2, two gillnet surveys were undertaken in zones 1 and 3 in February and March 2006 respectively. The purpose of the surveys was to monitor changes in the fish stocks and their biological characteristics, water quality, algal dynamics and invertebrate communities; as detailed in the various sections of the report. The surveys followed those conducted in November and December 2006 in the same zones. Results of the surveys showed that the number of fish taxa was higher in the near-shore fleets (0-100m) decreasing towards offshore. The near-shore areas were also associated with high primary productivity and hence secondary production to which Caridina and other invertebrates are part. These organisms are an important source of food for the fish and this may partly account for the high number of fish species recorded in this area of the lake. It was also observed that although Nile perch was the most dominant fish species recorded in all the stations during the surveys, haplochromines, Brycinus sadleri, Brycinus jacksonii Oreochromis niloticus and various mormyrid species contributed significantly to the fish biomass. The presence of many fish species and their coexistence with the predator, Nile perch is attributed to the presence of macrophyte cover and rocky habitats which serve as refugia in the shallow inshore habitats of Lake Victoria. In addition, the vegetated habitats are an important source of food for the fishes. As reported in macro-invertebrate studies, big populations of Caridina and other invertebrates were recorded among macrophyte beds. Caridina is an important source of food for juvenile Nile perch and other fish species so are the other invertebrates especially chironomid larvae, odonata nymphs and molluscs. Resurgence in haplochromine cichlids was observed during the surveys. The presence of haplochromines cichlids in all the sites especially Thruston Bay where it ranked the second by percentage contribution in number, is evidence of the recovery of this group of fishes which had declined largely due to predation by L. niloticus. Caridina nilotica has also increased in biomass and is a major component of the Nile perch diet. This could have reduced predation pressure on the haplochromines by Nile perch and has possibly contributed to recent resurgence in haplochromines cichlids in the lake in the shallow nontrawlable areas of the lake Rastrineobola argentea was found to be an important prey item for Nile perch and other fish species such as Clarias gariepinus. Measures should therefore be taken to ensure sustainable harvesting of Dagaa so that there is enough left to sustain the fishery of Nile perch and other species.
This paper is an outline of methods practically useful for the evaluation of ichthyomass, fish abundance, available production and yield in lakes and rivers. Terms and concepts are reviewed, and difficulties stemming from the use of "predetermined" mathematical models are discussed. Sampling with toxicants in blocked-off areas was found to be the most practical method and is described in detail. For the total estimation of ichthyomass the spatial ranges of fish distribution must be determined; the results of echo-sounding surveys for horizontal, vertical, topographical, seasonal and diel fish distribution are given. Some of the most important methods for computing available production are listed and applied to Lake Kariba as an example. In particular, a method based on the balance between the main predator and prey species is reviewed. The ecological production survey concept is finally stressed as applied to multispecies fish stocks.
The traditional lucrative fisheries of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga were based on similar multispecies itchthyofaunas. Man's activities on and around these lakes have both directly and indirectly assisted to modify the natural trends and components of the commercial fisheries. The exotic L.niloticus and O.niloticus together with the native R. argentea form the major component of current commercial landings. The total catches are higher but it is not yet clear whether the increase would endure given the fragility of predator/prey systems. The trophodynamics are still modifying and it is not certain how ecosystem function would be influenced. It is, therefore, prudent and desirable to undertake appropriate research investigations in order to guide the multiobjective activities of man on these lakes.