451 resultados para amateur cyclist
Rapid clearance of dying cells is a vital feature of apoptosis throughout development, tissue homeostasis and resolution of inflammation. The phagocytic removal of apoptotic cells is mediated by both professional and amateur phagocytes, armed with a series of pattern recognition receptors that participate in host defence and apoptotic cell clearance. CD14 is one such molecule. It is involved in apoptotic cell clearance (known to be immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory) and binding of the pathogen-associated molecular pattern, lipopolysaccharides (a pro-inflammatory event). Thus CD14 is involved in the assembly of two distinct ligand-dependent macrophage responses. This project sought to characterise the involvement of the innate immune system, particularly CD14, in the removal of apoptotic cells. The role of non-myeloid CD14 was also considered and the data suggests that the expression of CD14 by phagocytes may define their professional status as phagocytes. To assess if differential CD14 ligation causes the ligand-dependent divergence in macrophage responses, a series of CD14 point mutants were used to map the binding of apoptotic cells and lipopolysaccharides. Monoclonal antibodies, 61D3 and MEM18, known to interfere with ligand-binding and responses, were also mapped. Data suggests that residue 11 of CD14, is key for the binding of 61D3 (but not MEM18), LPS and apoptotic cells, indicating lipopolysaccharides and apoptotic cells bind to similar residues. Furthermore using an NF-kB reporter, results show lipopolysaccharides but not apoptotic cells stimulate NF-kB. Taken together these data suggests ligand-dependent CD14 responses occur via a mechanism that occurs downstream of CD14 ligation but upstream of NF-?B activation. Alternatively apoptotic cell ligation of CD14 may not result in any signalling event, possibly by exclusion of TLR-4, suggesting that engulfment receptors, (e.g. TIM-4, BAI1 and Stablin-2) are required to mediate the uptake of apoptotic cells and the associated anti-inflammatory response.
Western Yiddish, the spoken language of the traditional Jewish society in the German- and Dutch-speaking countries, was abandoned by its speakers at the end of the 18th in favour of the emerging standard varieties: Dutch and German, respectively. Remnants of Western Yiddish varieties, however, remained a medium of discourse in remote provinces and could be found well into the 19th and sometimes the 20th century in some South-western areas of Germany and Switzerland, the Alsace, some areas of the Netherlands and in parts of the German province of Westphalia. It appears that rural Jewish communities sometimes preserved in-group vernaculars, which were based on Western Yiddish. Sources discovered in 2004 in the town of Aurich prove that Jews living in East Frisia, a Low-German speaking peninsula in the North-west of Germany, used a variety based on Western Yiddish until the Second World War. It appears that until the Holocaust a number of small, close-knit Jewish communities East Frisia, which depended economically mainly on cattle-trading and butchery, kept certain specific cultural features, among them the vernacular which they spoke alongside Low German and Standard German. The sources consist of two amateur theatre plays, a memoir and two word lists written in 1902, 1928 and the 1980s, respectively. In the monograph these sources are documented and annotated as well as analyzed linguistically against the background of rural Jewish life in Northern Germany. The study focuses on traces of language contact with Low German, processes of language change and on the question of the function of the variety in day-to-day life in a rural Jewish community.
Rapid elimination of cells undergoing programmed cell death (apoptosis) is vital to maintain tissue homeostasis. The phagocytic removal of apoptotic cells (AC) is mediated by innate immune molecules, professional phagocytes and amateur phagocytes that recognise "eat me" signals on the surface of the AC. CD14, a pattern recognition receptor expressed on macrophages, is widely known for its ability to recognise the pathogen-associated molecular pattern lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and promote inflammation. CD14 also mediates the binding and removal of AC, a process that is considered to be anti-inflammatory therefore suggesting CD14 is capable of producing two distinct ligand-dependent responses. Our work seeks to define the molecular mechanisms underlying the involvement of CD14 in the non-inflammatory clearance of AC. Here we describe three different differentiation strategies used to generate macrophages from the monocytic cell line THP-1. Whilst CD14 expression was increased in each macrophage model we demonstrate significant differences in the various macrophage models' abilities to respond to LPS and clear AC. We show that CD14 expression correlates with CD14-dependent AC clearance and anti-inflammatory responses to AC. However LPS responsiveness correlates, as expected, with TLR4 but not CD14 expression. These observations suggest CD14-dependent AC clearance is not dependent on TLR4. Taken together our data support the notion that CD14 ligand-dependent responses to LPS and AC are derived from changes at the macrophage surface. The nature and composition of the CD14-co-receptor complex for LPS and AC binding and consequent responses is the subject of further study.
In a time of rapid shift and loss of smaller, regional and minority languages it becomes apparent that many of them continue to play a role as post-vernacular varieties. As Shandler (2006) points out for Yiddish in the United States, some languages serve the purpose of identity-building within a community even after they have ceased to be used as a vernacular for daily communication. This occurs according to Shandler through a number of cultural practices, such as amateur theatre, music and folklore, translation, attempts to learn the language in evening classes, etc. This paper will demonstrate that the paradigm developed by Shandler for Yiddish can be applied to other linguistic communities, by comparing the post-vernacular use of Yiddish with Low German in Northern Germany. It will focus on the linguistic strategies that individuals or groups of speakers apply in order to participate in a post-vernacular language community.
A growing body of academic and popular literature considers the history of South African football. These and existing publications pay little or no attention to the emergence of white professional football in apartheid South Africa. The National Football League (NFL) challenged the amateur game and introduced professional football to the country. During its 17-year existence, the NFL grew each season with large attendances until its demise in 1977. In addition, the NFL imported a range of international players, invited foreign teams and actively engaged in the political debates in South African sport at the time. The NFL was instrumental in popularising the game across the country for all South Africans. The NFL became the most popular sports entertainment of choice for South Africans during this period. Finally, the NFL actively engaged in a campaign of destroying rival non-racial anti-apartheid leagues while simultaneously co-opting less progressive organisations. © 2013 Taylor and Francis.
Purpose: In golf, the impact of eye-hand dominance on putting performance has long been debated. Eye-hand dominance is thought to impact how golfers judge the alignment of the ball with the target and the club with the ball, as well as how golfers visualize the line of the putt when making decisions about the force needed to hit the ball. Previous studies have all measured ocular dominance in primary gaze only, despite golfers spending a significant amount of their time in a putting stance (bent at the hips, head tilted down). Thus, the purpose of this study was to assess ocular dominance in both primary gaze (aligning the ball with the target) and putting gaze (addressing the ball and aligning the club). Methods: This study investigatedmeasuring pointing oculardominance in both primary and putting gaze positions on 31 golfers (14 amateur, 7 club professionals, and 10 top professionals). All playerswere right-handed golfers, although one reported having no hand dominance and one reported being strongly left hand dominant. Results: The results showed that (1) primary and putting gaze ocular dominances are not equal, nor are they predictive of each other; (2) themagnitude of putting ocular dominance is significantly less than themagnitude of primary gaze ocular dominance; (3) ocular dominance is not correlated with handedness in either primary or putting gaze; and (4) eye-hand dominance is not associated with increased putting skill, although ocular dominance may be associated with increased putting success. Conclusions: It is important that coaches assess golfers' ocular dominance in both primary and putting gaze positions to ensure they have the most accurate information upon which to base their vision strategy decisions.
President Jimmy Carter once said, "I had a different way of governing." In attempting to explain what he meant by this, Carter has been variously described as a political amateur, a trustee, a non-political politician, an "active-positive" president, and a forerunner of the 1990s' New Democrats. It is argued here, however, that mere secular descriptions and categories such as these do not adequately capture the essence of Carter's brand of politics and his understanding of the presidency. Rejecting Richard Neustadt's prescriptions for effective presidential leadership, Carter thought political bargaining and compromise were "dirty" and "sinful." He deemed the ways of Washington as "evil," and considered many, if not most, career politicians immoral. While he fully supported the institutional separation of church and state, politics for Carter was about "doing right," telling the truth, and making the United States and the world "a better demonstration of what Christ is." Like two earlier Democrats, William Jennings Bryan and Woodrow Wilson, Carter understood politics as an alternative form of Christian ministry and service. In this regard, Carter was a presidential exception. Carter's evangelical faith gave his politics meaning, skill, vision, and a framework for communication. Using Fred Greenstein's categories of presidential leadership, Carter's faith provided him with "emotional intelligence", too. However, Carter's evangelical style provoked many of his contemporaries, including many of his fellow Democrats. To his critics at home and abroad, Carter was often accused of being arrogant, stubborn, naive, and ultimately a political failure. But as evinced by his indispensable role in negotiating peace between Israel and Egypt, his leadership style also provided him some remarkable achievements. The research here is based on a thorough examination of President Carter's many writings, his public papers, interviews, and opinion pieces. Written accounts from former Carter administration officials and from Israeli and Egyptian participants at Camp David are also used. This project is largely descriptive, qualitative in approach, but quantitative data are used when appropriate and as supplements.
Con el cambio de milenio se han producido dos hitos significativos que determinan un giro sin precedentes en la práctica fotográfica. Uno de ellos es la implantación definitiva de los procesos digitales. Estos procesos implican dos cuestiones fundamentales, por un lado en lo cuantitativo la popularización de los sistemas de captura, donde la cámara ligera del siglo XX queda transfigurada en teléfonos, tabletas, ordenadores, cámaras ultraligeras y todo tipo de dispositivos y, por otro lado, en lo cualitativo, la toma de conciencia e irrupción del ciudadano en la práctica de los procesos de postcaptura o interpretación de la imagen registrada en los ámbitos no profesionales. Tales cambios tecnológicos afectan de forma notoria a los operadores del nuevo sistema produciéndose una crisis excepcional en la historia de la fotografía que diluye las fronteras entre operadores profesionales y amateurs. Se configura y determina así la aparición de un nuevo amateur sui géneris. También se producen giros excepcionales en lo tecnológico que afectan a los nuevos operadores de la fotografía y a su propia función y naturaleza: el desarrollo de las comunicaciones en Internet y en particular con la normalización del uso de las redes sociales. Este nuevo contexto mediático convierte al usuario de las redes ya no sólo en un mero consumidor sino también en un productor de contenidos. Esta mutación del ciudadano en prosumidor (productor y consumidor) despierta su necesidad de aprendizaje práctico y operativo y de la alfabetización en los códigos icónicos...
La presente tesis doctoral aborda el conflicto entre texto e imagen en la producción de conocimiento y más especialmente incide sobre la forma en la que tal conflicto opera dentro del ámbito de la investigación en arte y desde el arte. Se parte pues de la hipótesis de que hay un repertorio de imágenes de la materia escrita – como una suerte de imaginación textual desatendida – que es transversal a las humanidades y que a menudo se encuentra naturalizada como algo inerte o simplemente poco atractivo. Una estética insignificante del conocimiento académico que sin embargo sirve de puente entre las llamadas prácticas artísticas y las propiamente científicas y/o universitarias. Para dar lugar a una definición de esta plástica de lo textual – que sería distinta de la prosodia o la poética del texto más literario – la investigación se articula a través de una serie de casos de estudio cuyo eje no es aleatorio sino diagonal tal y como lo planteaba Roger Caillois a principios de los años 60. Así, las categorías de estudio de esta investigación parten de detalles inéditos, en tanto que apenas han sido enunciados con anterioridad, y atraviesan ámbitos que van desde la biología del camuflaje hasta la bibliografía, pasando por la epistemología, el discurso amateur y el diseño del espacio propio de una biblioteca. Estos hilos conductores aparentemente imprevistos tratan de revelar por contra ciertos principios consistentes del texto según se ensaya, se distribuye y se imagina a sí mismo, ejemplificando así los diferentes grados de contaminación – o dicho de otra forma más cercana a lo visual, los diferentes grados de montaje, revisión e instalación – a los que se somete habitualmente todo texto del conocimiento...
Ce mémoire propose d’explorer quel(s) statut(s) sont accordés aux compositeurs contemporains dans le contexte musical parisien des premières années du XXe siècle à travers une analyse de la presse musicale spécialisée de l’époque. Le corpus de notre recherche est constitué de trois revues, chacune ancrée dans des sphères de sociabilités bien distinctes : La Revue musicale (histoire et critique), une « revue savante » proche du milieu de la Schola cantorum ; Le Mercure musical, une « petite revue » d’avant-garde militant en faveur de la musique de Maurice Ravel ; et Musica, une « grande revue » destinée à un lectorat issu de la petite bourgeoisie en plein essor, essentiellement féminin et pratiquant la musique en amateur. Cette étude révèle que la traditionnelle opposition entre la conception du compositeur-artisan et celle du compositeur-génie issue de la fin du XVIIIe siècle et du XIXe siècle voit apparaître un troisième joueur à l’aube du XXe siècle : le compositeur-vedette, un statut qui était jusqu’alors généralement réservé aux interprètes. Ces trois statuts coexistent dans le panorama de la presse musicale du tournant du XXe siècle, et leur promotion par certains organes de presse spécifiques répond à une logique tantôt esthétique, tantôt économique. Il se dégage de cette étude que la presse musicale constitue non seulement un indice des variations qu’a subies la figure du compositeur dans le spectre de la grandeur en culture, mais qu’elle a également joué un rôle actif dans ces transformations.
El propósito de esta ponencia es narrar como una Institución, el Club de Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata, recupera el Hockey, deporte del cual había sido pionero y que, debido a una severa sanción durante 56 años se vio perjudicado en su desarrollo y crecimiento y alejado de la competencia oficial. Se hace un recorrido tratando de recuperar textos y relatos de aquella época y actuales. Trasmitir, dar a conocer la historia de un deporte dentro de una institución con la intención de marcar huella y Poner en valor. Es un humilde homenaje, después de tantos sueños derrumbados, para los que siguieron y siguen soñando intentando todo sin bajar los brazos, los que creen que con poco se puede hacer mucho, para los que saben que solos no se logra nada y que en la unión esta la base del éxito. Para los que entienden que el deporte es parte de la vida y es el deporte amateur el que da vida a las instituciones día a día
El propósito de esta ponencia es narrar como una Institución, el Club de Gimnasia y Esgrima La Plata, recupera el Hockey, deporte del cual había sido pionero y que, debido a una severa sanción durante 56 años se vio perjudicado en su desarrollo y crecimiento y alejado de la competencia oficial. Se hace un recorrido tratando de recuperar textos y relatos de aquella época y actuales. Trasmitir, dar a conocer la historia de un deporte dentro de una institución con la intención de marcar huella y Poner en valor. Es un humilde homenaje, después de tantos sueños derrumbados, para los que siguieron y siguen soñando intentando todo sin bajar los brazos, los que creen que con poco se puede hacer mucho, para los que saben que solos no se logra nada y que en la unión esta la base del éxito. Para los que entienden que el deporte es parte de la vida y es el deporte amateur el que da vida a las instituciones día a día
This dissertation examines the gentleman-scholar depicted at home in Dutch seventeenth-century genre paintings, focusing primarily on art created in the Northern Netherlands from the 1630s through the 1670s. The methodological approach is art historical but also pertains to history of architecture, history of dress, and gender studies. Employing the framework of the 'Ages of Man', this thesis investigates three related pictorial themes: the student, the scholar in his prime, and the aged scholar. Variations of male scholarly figures and the accoutrements of the study have a long history in Europe. Prototypical sources include religious history paintings of learned hermit-saints; artistic interest in the allegorical Saturnine persona; portraits of famous scholars; and the iconography of scholarly melancholy implied through vanitas allusions in portraiture and genre paintings. While the majority of Dutch genre paintings pertain to themes of women, male domestic routines form a small but important subset of this imagery and have not been studied. By the 1640s, this subject is readily identified by his setting, clothing, and actions. The ubiquity of scholarly attributes, such as books and globes, paired with the wearing of scholarly robes suggest the merits of intellectual curiosity and the privileges of studying as a pastime and designating a room as a study (studeerkamer). Distinct themes in genre also imply the challenges and rewards of scholarly activity pursued in concert with masculine civic and familial duty. Central to the development of this pictorial theme were: the innovative treatment of learned men by Rembrandt and his circle; the fijnschilder subjects of Dou; and the practice of amateur study by elite men, as suggested by the art of Vermeer. As this dissertation reveals, this convention did not grow to be consistent across the Northern Netherlands, nor was artistic interest limited to university towns. Rather, the larger relevance of scholars in Dutch society is evident in visual and literary sources. The domesticity of this figure in genre painting suggests that scholars mediated between an active and a contemplative life. Societal respect was garnered for scholars through their balance of familial and social duties with the honorable pastime of scholarly leisure.
Currently the media have made many new tools on their websites in order to broaden the dialogue with its users, a feature that has been called interactivity. The objective of this research is to describe the interactive resources of Chilean media websites. The analysis was conducted at 20 sites using a pattern of six dimensions with interactive forms which are today using identified. The findings indicate that digital media Chileans are expanding the possibilities of dialogue with users on social media, especially Twitter and Facebook, and the mediauser interaction is monological, that is to say, from the media to the user, but with very low feedback.
In this study three chronicles from national newspapers (one generalist and two sport press) were analyzed. The chronicles belong to Spain’s soccer final of the King’s Cup in 2014. The aim of the study was to know if there was any influence on the readers’ perception of justice and consequently if this influence could cause a particular predisposition to participate in acts of protest. 462 university students participated. The results showed that different chronicles caused differences in the perception of justice depending on the chronicle read. However, a clear influence on the willingness to participate in acts of protest was not obtained. These results should make us think about the impact of sport press and its influence, and to be aware of the indirect responsibility of every sector on the antisocial behaviors generated by soccer in our country.