775 resultados para acrylonitrile butadiene(NBR) rubbers


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Earlier studies5773 in our laboratory showed that when a nucleophile is used along with disulphide or sulphenamide accelerators the vulcanization is accelerated greatly and the reaction mechanism is generally nucleophilic in nature. However it was observed that it also changes with the systems under review. The present study, deals with the use of unsubstituted amidino thiourea i.e. aminoimino methyl thiourea(AMT) V in the vulcanization studies of different elastorners and their blends. One of the aims of this study was to get further proof with regard to the theory of nucleophilic reaction mechanism in such binary systems.Mixes containing thiourea are used as controls. AMT is more nucleophilic than TU and this is clear from the fact that the fonner can condense with isothiocynate even in the absence of alkali while TU cannot". Also the guanidinyl group in AMT can facilitate the polarization of the C=S bond favouring a nucleophilic reaction


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IntraCavity Laser Absorption Spectroscopy (ICLAS) is a high-resolution, high sensitivity spectroscopic method capable of measuring line positions, linewidths, lineshapes, and absolute line intensities with a sensitivity that far exceeds that of a traditional multiple pass absorption cell or Fourier Transform spectrometer. From the fundamental knowledge obtained through these measurements, information about the underlying spectroscopy, dynamics, and kinetics of the species interrogated can be derived. The construction of an ICLA Spectrometer will be detailed, and the measurements utilizing ICLAS will be discussed, as well as the theory of operation and modifications of the experimental apparatus. Results include: i) Line intensities and collision-broadening coefficients of the A band of oxygen and previously unobserved, high J, rotational transitions of the A band, hot-band transitions, and transitions of isotopically substituted species. ii) High-resolution (0.013 cm-1) spectra of the second overtone of the OH stretch of trans-nitrous acid recorded between 10,230 and 10,350 cm-1. The spectra were analyzed to yield a complete set of rotational parameters and an absolute band intensity, and two groups of anharmonic perturbations were observed and analyzed. These findings are discussed in the context of the contribution of overtone-mediated processes to OH radical production in the lower atmosphere.


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En el presente texto se busca mostrar las capacidades explicativas que puede tener la conjunción entre las perspectivas de la ética hacker y la defensa de la propiedad intelectual para dar cuenta de las reacciones generalizadas de rechazo ante las normatividades de derechos de autor en el espacio digital. Así, se lleva a cabo un resumen de los principios de cada una de estas perspectivas dando cuenta de sus capacidades explicativas y características teóricas para, posteriormente, aplicarlas a la realidad empresarial, laboral y de opinión en el marco social contemporáneo. Cómo conclusión de este trabajo se logra observar que a pesar de que en principio ambas perspectivas podrían parecer contradictorias, existen aspectos comunes que permiten vislumbrar como un trabajo en conjunto permitiría generar normatividades que se acoplen a las realidades contemporáneas.


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Este trabajo explica las razones por las cuales China se estrecha sus vinculos con Afirca. El tema principal es el inicio de la relacion sino-sudanesa y la evolucion de esta hasta el fin de la guerra civil en Sudan.


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The photochemistry of 1,1-dimethyl- and 1,1,3,4-tetramethylstannacyclopent-3-ene (4a and 4b,respectively) has been studied in the gas phase and in hexane solution by steady-state and 193-nm laser flash photolysis methods. Photolysis of the two compounds results in the formation of 1,3-butadiene (from 4a) and 2,3-dimethyl-1,3-butadiene (from 4b) as the major products, suggesting that cycloreversion to yield dimethylstannylene (SnMe2) is the main photodecomposition pathway of these molecules. Indeed, the stannylene has been trapped as the Sn-H insertion product upon photolysis of 4a in hexane containing trimethylstannane. Flash photolysis of 4a in the gas phase affords a transient absorbing in the 450-520nm range that is assigned to SnMe2 by comparison of its spectrum and reactivity to those previously reported from other precursors. Flash photolysis of 4b in hexane solution affords results consistent with the initial formation of SnMe2 (lambda(max) approximate to 500 nm), which decays over similar to 10 mu s to form tetramethyldistannene (5b; lambda(max) approximate to 470 nm). The distannene decays over the next ca. 50 mu s to form at least two other longer-lived species, which are assigned to higher SnMe2 oligomers. Time-dependent DFT calculations support the spectral assignments for SnMe2 and Sn2Me4, and calculations examining the variation in bond dissociation energy with substituent (H, Me, and Ph) in disilenes, digermenes, and distannenes rule out the possibility that dimerization of SnMe2 proceeds reversibly. Addition of methanol leads to reversible reaction with SnMe2 to form a transient absorbing at lambda(max) approximate to 360 nm, which is assigned to the Lewis acid-base complex between SnMe2 and the alcohol.


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A cylinder forming poly(styrene-b-butadiene-b-styrene) triblock copolymer melt is cyclically processed through a capillary at a high shear rate in the Cambridge Multipass Rheometer (MPR). In situ X-ray diffraction experiments enable observation of the effect of the shear on the block copolymer (BCP) nanophase orientation, both during and after processing. Temporal resolution of the X-ray exposures is increased, whilst retaining intensity, by exploiting the cyclical nature of the shear and the material's response to it; short exposures from many cycles, individually having few counts, are added together to produce well resolved X-ray patterns. Orientation of the cylinders reduces during processing, then increases during pauses between processing. The loss of orientation is attributed to the high shear rate deforming the melt faster than the structure can respond, whilst it is believed that melt relaxation, linked to the compressibility of the material, produces much lower shear rates after mechanical processing has ceased, which induces strong orientation of the nanostructure.


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We use ellipsometry to investigate a transition in the morphology of a sphere-forming diblock copolymer thin-film system. At an interface the diblock morphology may differ from the bulk when the interfacial tension favours wetting of the minority domain, thereby inducing a sphere-to-lamella transition. In a small, favourable window in energetics, one may observe this transition simply by adjusting the temperature. Ellipsometry is ideally suited to the study of the transition because the additional interface created by the wetting layer affects the polarisation of light reflected from the sample. Here we study thin films of poly(butadiene-ethylene oxide) (PB-PEO), which order to form PEO minority spheres in a PB matrix. As temperature is varied, the reversible transition from a partially wetting layer of PEO spheres to a full wetting layer at the substrate is investigated.


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In order to fabricate a biomimetic skin for an octopus inspired robot, a new process was developed based on mechanical properties measured from real octopus skin. Various knitted nylon textiles were tested and the one of 10-denier nylon was chosen as reinforcement. A combination of Ecoflex 0030 and 0010 silicone rubbers was used as matrix of the composite to obtain the right stiffness for the skin-analogue system. The open mould fabrication process developed allows air bubble to escape easily and the artificial skin produced was thin and waterproof. Material properties of the biomimetic skin were characterised using static tensile and instrumented scissors cutting tests. The Young’s moduli of the artificial skin are 0.08 MPa and 0.13 MPa in the longitudinal and transverse directions, which are much lower than those of the octopus skin. The strength and fracture toughness of the artificial skin, on the other hand are higher than those of real octopus skins. Conically-shaped skin prototypes to be used to cover the robotic arm unit were manufactured and tested. The biomimetic skin prototype was stiff enough to maintain it conical shape when filled with water. The driving force for elongation was reduced significantly compared with previous prototypes.


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Modern neuroimaging techniques rely on neurovascular coupling to show regions of increased brain activation. However, little is known of the neurovascular coupling relationships that exist for inhibitory signals. To address this issue directly we developed a preparation to investigate the signal sources of one of these proposed inhibitory neurovascular signals, the negative blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) response (NBR), in rat somatosensory cortex. We found a reliable NBR measured in rat somatosensory cortex in response to unilateral electrical whisker stimulation, which was located in deeper cortical layers relative to the positive BOLD response. Separate optical measurements (two-dimensional optical imaging spectroscopy and laser Doppler flowmetry) revealed that the NBR was a result of decreased blood volume and flow and increased levels of deoxyhemoglobin. Neural activity in the NBR region, measured by multichannel electrodes, varied considerably as a function of cortical depth. There was a decrease in neuronal activity in deep cortical laminae. After cessation of whisker stimulation there was a large increase in neural activity above baseline. Both the decrease in neuronal activity and increase above baseline after stimulation cessation correlated well with the simultaneous measurement of blood flow suggesting that the NBR is related to decreases in neural activity in deep cortical layers. Interestingly, the magnitude of the neural decrease was largest in regions showing stimulus-evoked positive BOLD responses. Since a similar type of neural suppression in surround regions was associated with a negative BOLD signal, the increased levels of suppression in positive BOLD regions could importantly moderate the size of the observed BOLD response.


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This paper deals with the effect of silica fume and styrene-butadiene latex (SBR) on the microstructure of the interfacial transition zone (ITZ) between Portland cement paste and aggregates (basalt). Scanning electron microscope (SEM) equipped with energy dispersive X-ray analysis system (EDX) was used to determine the ITZ thickness. In the plain concrete a marked ITZ around the aggregate particles (55 mu m) was observed, while in concretes with silica fume or latex SBR the ITZ was less pronounced (35-40 mu m). However, better results were observed in concretes with silica fume and latex SBR (20-25 mu m). (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Oligonucleotides have unique molecular recognition properties, being involved in biological mechanisms such as cell-surface receptor recognition or gene silencing. For their use in human therapy for drug or gene delivery, the cell membrane remains a barrier, but this can be obviated by grafting a hydrophobic tail to the oligonucleotide. Here we demonstrate that two oligonucleotides, one consisting of 12 guanosine units (G(12)), and the other one consisting of five adenosine and seven guanosine (A(5)G(7)) units, when functionalized with poly(butadiene), namely PB-G(12) and PB-A(5)G(7), can be inserted into Langmuir monolayers of dipalmitoyl phosphatidyl choline (DPPC), which served as a cell membrane model. PB-G(12) and PB-A(5)G(7) were found to affect the DPPC monolayer even at high surface pressures. The effects from PB-G(12) were consistently stronger, particularly in reducing the elasticity of the DPPC monolayers, which may have important biological implications. Multilayers of DPPC and nucleotide-based copolymers could be adsorbed onto solid supports, in the form of Y-type LB films, in which the molecular-level interaction led to lower energies in the vibrational spectra of the nucleotide-based copolymers. This successful deposition of solid films opens the way for devices to be produced which exploit the molecular recognition properties of the nucleotides. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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In industrial polymer and synthetic rubber production facilities, workers are exposed to 1,3-butadiene. This compound is converted in vivo to 1,2,3,4-diepoxybutane (DEB) and has been linked to increased incidences of cancer in these individuals. Carcinogenesis has been attributed to formation of DEB induced DNA interstrand cross-links. Previous studies have demonstrated that DEB cross-links deoxyguanosine residues within 5'-GNC sequences in synthetic DNA, in restriction fragments, and in defined sequence nucleosomes. The current study utilized the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) to examine DEB damage frequencies within nuclear genes, found within "open" regions of chromatin, as compared to regions of unexpressed sequence that reside in tightly packed, "closed" chromatin, to more closely model DEB reactivity in vivo. These initial studies have been performed in chicken liver homogenates. Preliminarily, we have found a dose-dependent DEB lesion-forming response within "open" chromatin. DEB appears to have little-to-no effect upon regions of "closed" chromatin.


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We report spectroscopic results from investigations of a novel solid polymeric fast-ion-conductor based on poly(acrylonitrile), (PAN, of repeat unit [CH2CH(CN)]n), and the salt LiCF3SO3 . From NMR studies of the temperature and concentration dependencies of 7Li- and lH-NMR linewidths, we conclude that significant ionic motion occurs at temperatures close to the glass transition temperature of these polymer-in-salt electrolytes, in accordance with a recent report on the ionic conductivity. In the dilute salt-in-polymer regime, however, ionic motion appears mainly to be confined to local salt-rich domains, as determined from the dramatic composition dependence of the ionic conductivity. FT-Raman spectroscopy is used to directly probe the local chemical anionic environment, as well as the Li+–PAN interaction. The characteristic δs(CF3) mode of the CF3SO3 anion at ~750–780 cm−l shows that the ionic substructure is highly complex. Notably, no spectroscopic evidence of free anions is found even at relatively salt-depleted compositions (e.g. N:Li~60–10:1). A strong Li+–PAN interaction is manifested as a pronounced shift of the characteristic polymer C=N stretching mode, found at ~2244 cm−l in pure PAN, to ~2275 cm−l for Li+-coordinated C=N moieties. Our proton-NMR data suggest that upon complexation of PAN with LiCF3 SO3, the glass transition occurs at progressively lower temperatures.


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Conductivities greater than or equal to 10−8 S cm−1 at Tg are reported in polymer electrolytes based on lithium triflate salt and a series of polymers whose Tg is greater than 90°C. The highest conductivities were observed for poly(acrylonitrile) based systems with salt concentrations greater than 60 wt.%. The conductivity in all cases investigated increases with increasing salt concentration. 1H-NMR T2 relaxation measurements suggest that Tg decreases with increasing salt content and confirms that these materials are glassy at room temperature and hence that the conductivity is significantly decoupled from the structural relaxations. It appears that the nature of the polymer is important in determining the level of ionic conductivity, possibly due to differences in polymer coordinating ability or differences in Tg. Polymer-in-salt mixtures based on a tetra-alkyl ammonium imide molten salt and several high Tg polymers are also reported. The conductivities of these mixtures appear to be independent of the polymer type.


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Ageing can lead to the degradation of the tensile properties of natural rubber. The ageing process causes changes in the polymer segmental motion as well as the chemical structure, both of which can be monitored using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. This work demonstrates that NMR can quantify rubber degradation due to ageing, and also that relatively simple NMR equipment can be used. This simpler equipment can be made portable and so could give a simple and fast indication of the condition of rubber in service. The 1H NMR transverse relaxation time, T2, and the 13C NMR spectrum using cross polarization and magic angle spinning (CP MAS) for samples taken at various levels of a degraded natural rubber liner were compared. These experiments showed that, as the level of degradation increased, the 1H NMR transverse relaxation time decreased. The 13C spectra showed considerable peak broadening, indicative of decreased mobility with increased level of degradation as well as the presence of degradation products. Further investigations using lower powered NMR equipment to measure the 1H NMR transverse relaxation times of two different series of natural rubbers were also performed. This work has shown that this simpler method is also sensitive to structural and mechanical property changes in the rubber. This method of monitoring rubber degradation could lead to the non-destructive use of NMR to determine the condition of a part in service.