990 resultados para Web2.0
El trabajo que se presenta a continuación es un plan de marketing para la empresa Gastronomía Vasca, concretamente, para el desarrollo de uno de sus servicios, Menú 2.0, el cual se creó en 2012 y para el que se pretende establecer el camino de crecimiento para el periodo 2015/2016. Para la determinación del modo en el que desarrollar este crecimiento, en primer lugar, se va a analizar la situación en la que se encuentra actualmente tanto a nivel interno como respecto del entorno. Esto nos permitirá detectar las fortalezas y las debilidades que presenta la empresa, así como las amenazas y las oportunidades que le ofrece el entorno, y a partir de las cuales se definirán los objetivos que deben establecerse para Menú 2.0. Por último, tras la definición de los objetivos, se establecerán las estrategias y las acciones que se han de realizar para el cumplimiento de éstos. Además, se establecerán métodos de control para que la empresa pueda medir durante el desarrollo del plan, el cumplimiento de los objetivos planteados.
[ES] Viablidad de un proyecto económico, restaurante inteligente HENAO 40 2.0
This paper reports room-temperature ferromagnetism in Co- and Cu-doped In2O3 samples synthesized by a solid-state reaction method. Structure and composition analyses revealed that Co and Cu were incorporated into the In2O3 lattices. Photoluminescence measurement revealed an additional emission at 520 urn from these doped samples. The magnetic measurement showed that additional Cu doping greatly enhanced the ferromagnetism of In1.99Co0.01O3 bulk samples. The implication of the effects of additional Cu doping is also discussed. (c) 2007 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
ZnO films were fabricated on LiGaO2 (0 0 1), (10 0) and (0 10) planes by RF magnetron sputtering. The structural, morphological and optical properties of as-grown ZnO films were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), atomic force microscopy (AFM), Raman spectra and photoluminescence (PL) spectra. It is found that the orientation of ZnO films is strongly dependent on the substrate plane. [0 0 0 11, [1 (1) over bar 00] and [11 (2) over bar0] oriented ZnO films are deposited on LiGaO2 (001), (100) and (010), respectively. AFM shows the (0001) ZnO film consists of well-aligned regular hexagonal grains. Raman spectra reveal a tensile stress in the (0 0 0 1) ZnO film and a compressive stress in (110 0) and (112 0) ZnO films. PL spectra of all ZnO films exhibit only a near-band-edge UV emission peak. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nanocrystalline Zn0.95 - xNi0.05AlxO (x = 0.01, 0.02, 0.05 and 0.10) diluted magnetic semiconductors have been synthesized by an auto-combustion method. X-ray diffraction measurements indicate that all Al-doped Zn0.95Ni0.05O samples have the pure wurtzite structure. Transmission electron microscope analyses show that the as-synthesized powders are of the size 40 - 45 nm. High-resolution transmission electron microscope, energy dispersive spectrometer and X-ray photoemission spectroscope analyses indicate that Ni2+ and Al3+ uniformly substitute Zn2+ in the wurtzite structure without forming any secondary phases. The Al doping concentration dependences of cell parameters (a and c), resistance and the ratio of green emission to UV emission have the similar trends. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
[EN]To interpret the temporal information on texts, a mark-up language that will code that information is needed, in order to make that information automatically reachable. The most used mark-up language is TimeML (Pustejovsky et al., 2003), which has also been choosen for Basque. In this guidelines we present the Basque version of ISO-TimeML (ISO-TimeML working group, 2008). After having analysed the tags, attributes and values created for English, we describe the most appropriate ones to represent Basque time structures’ information.
MDe; Máster en Investigación de Ámbitos Socioeducativos
[EUS] Azken urteetan eskolatze goiztiarrak nabarmen egin du gora gure gizartean. Gero eta gehiago dira hilabete gutxirekin haur eskolara joaten hasten diren haurrak, beraientzat segurtasun iturri den ingurunetik aldenduz. Banaketa hau bereziki zaila suerta dakieke ume gehienei aparteko ezinegonak, larritasun uneak edota gaixotasunak sortuz, eskolarekiko harremana betirako baldintzatzeaz gain. Hori dela eta, haur txikiaren eskolatzearen inguruan hausnartzeko beharra dago ezinbestean. Gaur egun haurra haur eskolako erritmo eta eskakizunetara ahalik eta azkarren moldatzeko asmoz, egokitzapen aldi bezala ezagutzen den denboraldia eskaintzen zaio haur txikiari, bere garaian Haur Hezkuntzaren bigarren ziklokoei eskaintzen hasi zitzaien bezala. Zoritxarrez honek egoerari zailtasun gehiago erantsi dizkio, ez baitira haurtxo eta haur txikiaren erritmoak errespetatzen. Hori dela eta, hezitzaileen muina eskola atsegina bihurtzeko asmotan, komunikazioan eta errespetuan oinarritutako etxekotze prozesua aurkezten da, zeinen helburua haurraren hezkuntzan parte hartzen duten guztien, familia eta eskola, elkarlanari esker bere ongizatea bermatu eta haur eskolarako igarobidea erraztuko duen giro lasaia, atsegina eta ez bakarrik adinari, baizik eta norberaren beharrizanen arabera egokia sortzea den.
Daily and seasonal activity rhythms, swimming speed, and modes of swimming were studied in a school of spring-spawned age-0 bluefish (Pomatomus saltatrix) for nine months in a 121-kL research aquarium. Temperature was lowered from 20° to 15°C, then returned to 20°C to match the seasonal cycle. The fish grew from a mean 198 mm to 320 mm (n= 67). Bluefish swam faster and in a more organized school during day (overall mean 47 cm/s) than at night (31 cm/s). Swimming speed declined in fall as temperature declined and accelerated in spring in response to change in photoperiod. Besides powered swimming, bluefish used a gliding-upswimming mode, which has not been previously described for this species. To glide, a bluefish rolled onto its side, ceased body and tail beating, and coasted diagonally downward. Bluefish glided in all months of the study, usually in the dark, and most intensely in winter. Energy savings while the fish is gliding and upswimming may be as much as 20% of the energy used in powered swimming. Additional savings accrue from increased lift due to the hydrofoil created by the horizontal body orientation and slightly concave shape. Energy-saving swimming would be advantageous during migration and overwintering.
Comunicación (Poster) en panel del congreso: Designing New Heterogeneous Catalysts, Faraday Discussion, 4–6 April 2016. London, United Kingdom.
[ES] Actualmente, los plásticos están presentes en multitud de aplicaciones debido a sus buenas propiedades y bajo coste. Sin embargo, el corto uso de algunas aplicaciones y la baja degradabilidad de estos materiales, provoca un problema medioambiental. Debido a que la disponibilidad de materias primas para la producción de polímeros es limitada y, además, cada vez se presta mayor atención a los asuntos medioambientales, es necesario cerrar el ciclo de vida de dichos materiales y centrarse en la reconversión de residuos plásticos a nuevos productos.