940 resultados para Web 2.0 applications
Aquest projecte pretén ser una solució puntual en l'entorn de la gestió eficient dels serveis proporcionats per a una petita empresa, aportant una solució en forma d'aplicació Web 2.0 basada en l'àrea J2EE. Les J2EE són tecnologies basades en Java que proporcionen solucions empresarials, traient el màxim profit de l'orientació a objectes, amb patrons de disseny i bastiments (Framework) com Spring Framework, amb la gestió d'accés a dades (DAO) a través del framework Hibernate. La presentació a l'usuari es fa a través de JSP utilitzant JSTL i incorporant les tecnologies revolucionàries JQuery i Ajax per proporcionar un aspecte visual en l'entorn de les noves aplicacions web.
El treball mostra el procés d'implantació del projecte Xarxipèlag 2.0 a l'IES Juníper Serra de Palma de Mallorca.
Over the past year, the Open University of Catalonia library has been designing its new website with this question in mind. Our main concern has been how to integrate the library in the student day to day study routine to not to be only a satellite tool. We present the design of the website that, in a virtual library like ours, it is not only a website but the whole library itself. The central point of the web is my library, a space that associates the library resources with the student's curriculum and their course subjects. There the students can save the resources as favourites, comment or share them. They have also access to all the services the library offers them. The resources are imported from multiple tools such as Millennium, SFX, Metalib and Dspace to the Drupal CMS. Then the resources' metadata can be enriched with other contextual information from other sources, for example the course subjects. And finally they can be exported in standard, open data formats making them available for linked data applications.
Insecticide-treated nets provide a reduction in human-vector contact through physical barrier, mortality and/or repellent effects that protect both users and non-users, thereby protecting the wider community from vector-borne diseases like malaria. Long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLINs) are the best alternative. This study evaluated the bioefficacy of LLINs PermaNet® 2.0 and Olyset® under laboratory conditions with Anopheles albimanus. The laboratory strain was evaluated for insecticide susceptibility with selected insecticides used for malarial control. Regeneration time and wash resistance were evaluated with the standard bioassay cone technique following WHO guidelines. Heat assistance was used for Olyset® nets; the nets were exposed to four different temperatures to speed the regeneration process. The regeneration study of PermaNet® 2.0 showed that efficacy was fully recovered by 24 h after one and three washes and wash resistance persisted for 15 washes. Regeneration of Olyset® nets was not observed for nets washed three times, even with the different temperature exposures for up to seven days. Thus, for Olyset® the wash resistance evaluation could not proceed. Differences in response between the two LLINs may be associated with differences in manufacturing procedures and species response to the evaluated LLINs. PermaNet® 2.0 showed higher and continuous efficacy against An. albimanus.
Boletín semanal para profesionales sanitarios de la Secretaría General de Salud Pública y Participación Social de la Consejería de Salud
En la web, hi ha una gran quantitat de coneixement desorganitzat i molt heterogeni. Tal com està construïda ara mateix la web, es possible que el coneixement sobre un camp estigui dispers per varis recursos de la web. Una forma d'intentar inferir coneixement de recursos diferents sense intervenció humana, seria creant programes intel·ligents que interpretessin la informació de les diferents fonts. Aquesta solució seria costosa i seria tot un repte fer-ho. D'altra banda, també hi ha la idea, d'acompanyar els continguts amb representació d'ells mateixos, (una representació estandarditzada), que permetés crear autentiques xarxes de coneixement per les quals un programa intel·ligent podria inferir coneixement molt mes fàcilment. El propòsit d'aquest projecte és aprofundir sobre aquesta última proposta, que afegeix coneixement a la web. Per fer-ho coneixerem una eina proposada per afegir significat a la web, l'OWL. Investigarem les seves característiques, i la seva base i entendrem perquè i com s'utilitza. També es presentaran diferents eines per treballar amb OWL. Finalment es presentarà una web semàntica a mode d'exemple.
Revisió de l'ús que fan els centres hospitalaris americans dels recursos que ofereix Internet, amb l'objectiu de promoure l'alimentació saludable entre la població.
Introduction. The Andalusian Public Health System Virtual Library (Biblioteca Virtual del Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía, BV-SSPA) was created in June 2006, after being determined by the II Quality Plan in the key process Guarantee the Knowledge Exchange into the Health System which was established by the Strategy IV, Knowledge Management, 2005-2008. It is a government strategy with its own budget and management with the aim of rationalizing the subscriptions into the Andalusian Health System and democratizing the health professional access to qualify scientific information, regardless of the professional workplace. Andalusia is a wide region with more than 8 million inhabitants, more than 90,000 health professionals for 41 hospitals, 1,500 primary healthcare centres, and 12 centres for non-medical attention purposes, and the Virtual Library was created to cover all this Health Services. Before the creation of the BV-SSPA every centre had its own budget and management decisions concerning scientific resources, with the creation of the BV-SSPA both management and budget were centralized. Objectives. With this work we pretend to analyze if the results after these five years have reached the expectations from an economic point of view and determine if really we can offer a benefit to the Andalusian Professional and Society in general. We will demonstrate the following: - The BV-SSPA supposed a cost reduction. It meant cost-effectiveness. - It resulted in Economics of Scale, as we have every year more resources and services investing a minor proportional amount of money. - In terms of Efficiency it implemented more services than the System had before its creation, we a lower budget. Methods. The BV-SSPA was appointed the only intermediary for contracting electronic resources destined to the Andalusian Health System. This had some consequences which should be analyzed: - Hospitals were not allowed to subscribe any resources. - Services offered for the whole System. - A remote access system was created. - Tools to give more visibility to the Public Health System were developed. - Negotiations techniques changed as the BV-SSPA is stronger than individual hospitals. Results. - The amount of 2,431 electronic reviews, 8 data bases and other scientific information resources at the disposal of the Andalusian Health System Professionals and available worldwide requiring only an internet connection. Before the BV-SSPA, 5,267 titles were subscribed by hospital and 2,967 of them were subscribed repeatedly (by two or more hospitals), this represented more than 55%. The rationalization of the subscription investment has been reached. - The establishment of several important scientific services for the whole territory of Andalusia, not only big hospitals. - The use of appropriate tools through a Web 2.0 and Social Media to be acknowledged by most National Health Professionals. Conclusions. It has been demonstrated that the BV-SSPA has become the Central Unit for purchasing, offering librarian services and a reference for users in terms of knowledge management, but from the point of view of business it has also obtained the following results: - Cost-Effectiveness: Its budget for subscriptions is lower than the hospital former one in a 30% and now more electronic resources are available. - Economics of Scale: Near 95,000 health professionals can access this Virtual Library in 2010. Before its creation Professionals for small hospital and Primary Care centres were not able to access to scientific information subscribed by big hospitals. - Efficiency Besides the central electronic purchasing, services were created for the System, without increasing the expenses: - Remote access to all the library resources independent of the user’s location. The BV-SSPA usage increased in a 147% in 2008, when it was installed. - The Document Supply Service implemented in 2009. - The Institutional Repository which contains the whole intellectual, scientific production generated by the Andalusian Public Health Professionals as a result of their healthcare, research or managing activity. - The creation of an application developed by the BV-SSPA to study the Andalusian Health System Scientific Production. - The visibility of the Andalusian Health System reached thanks to the BV-SSPA, through the numerous events in which it participates and organizes such as the 2nd. European National Digital Libraries of Health Conferences and the National Conference of Health Science Information and Documentation held in Cadiz in 2010; and its profile in social media where it can be contacted by citizens and health professionals all over the world. - Negotiation with electronic resource suppliers is much more advantageous as the BV-SSPA is stronger to deal with them thanks to its consolidated budget, its managing independence and its visibility.
Implementació d'un projecte per migrar un framework basat en Struts 1.1 a JSF 2.0, incloent les biblioteques de tags.
La Unidad de Apoyo a la Calidad y a la Innovación Docente de la Escuela Superior Politécnica (Universidad Pompeu Fabra) crea una Web para potenciar las experiencias innovadoras que responden a las necesidades y demandas del profesorado de la Escuela así como a las directrices del EEES. Esta Web se propone afianzar el contacto entre esta Unidad y el personal a quien ofrece sus servicios – fundamentalmente, profesorado de la ESUP- de manera muy dinámica. Quedan recogidas publicaciones, congresos, recursos metodológicos, bibliográficos, etc. En catalán, español e inglés respondiendo a la tendencia multilingüe hacía la que se dirige la UPF.
La Unidad de Apoyo a la Calidad y la Innovación Docente de la Escuela Superior Politécnica (Universidad Pompeu Fabra) se plantea la necesidad de potenciar experiencias innovadoras que respondan a las necesidades y demandas del profesorado de la Escuela así como a las directrices enmarcadas en el EEES. Es por esto que apostamos por la creación de un espacio Web sobre la USQUID que se fundamente en la idea de favorecer el contacto entre esta Unidad y el personal a quien ofrece sus servicios –fundamentalmente, profesorado de la ESUP-. En esta Web se facilitan recursos e informaciones varias como publicaciones, anuncios de congresos, recursos relacionados con metodologías docentes experimentadas en Ingenierías, etc.en los dos idiomas oficiales de Cataluña y en inglés para responder también al multilinguismo por el que apuesta nuestra universidad así como para potenciar el desarrollo de actividades multilingües en el aula.
A Web 2.0 veio criar uma nova perspetiva de utilização dinâmica, cooperativa, colaborativa da informação, proporcionando assim, uma mudança de paradigma no contexto e na comunicação organizacional. Para o contexto educacional, os desafios são árduos, visto que requer adequar e ajustar de uma forma criteriosa toda e qualquer informação difundida na rede, integrando frequentemente os serviços web 2.0 para o ambiente da aprendizagem. Este estudo interpreta e analisa algumas das linhas de força orientadoras do Processo de Bolonha, e como as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) estão a utilizar a Web social. Procura-se com este estudo contribuir para o crescimento do espaço do conhecimento no campo de Sistemas de Informação (SI). O estudo não aspira apresentar-se como solução definitiva para os problemas de adoção da web 2.0, mas sim, espera chamar a atenção sobre factos que podem trazer benefícios às Instituições de Ensino Superior. Deste modo, e tendo em conta a relevância do estudo no contexto organizacional, surge este trabalho que tem como um dos principais objetivos compreender as razões que levam as IES a adotarem as plataformas da Web social. Outrossim, são identificadas as plataformas utilizadas pelas Instituições de Ensino Superior (para além do seu site institucional), apresentadas algumas métricas de adoção e utilização, e fornecidas pistas para uma reflexão crítica sobre o alinhamento entre as práticas visíveis (mais ou menos publicitadas) e os propósitos do Processo de Bolonha. Por sua vez, estuda-se a convergência em torno das plataformas Facebook, iTunes U, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, Flickr, Slideshare, hi5, Issuu, Vimeo e Google+, e do alinhamento da Web social com alguns propósitos do Processo de Bolonha.
Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphisms (AFLPs) are a cheap and efficient protocol for generating large sets of genetic markers. This technique has become increasingly used during the last decade in various fields of biology, including population genomics, phylogeography, and genome mapping. Here, we present RawGeno, an R library dedicated to the automated scoring of AFLPs (i.e., the coding of electropherogram signals into ready-to-use datasets). Our program includes a complete suite of tools for binning, editing, visualizing, and exporting results obtained from AFLP experiments. RawGeno can either be used with command lines and program analysis routines or through a user-friendly graphical user interface. We describe the whole RawGeno pipeline along with recommendations for (a) setting the analysis of electropherograms in combination with PeakScanner, a program freely distributed by Applied Biosystems; (b) performing quality checks; (c) defining bins and proceeding to scoring; (d) filtering nonoptimal bins; and (e) exporting results in different formats.
La técnica de rejilla es un instrumento de evaluación de las dimensiones y estructura del significado personal que se deriva de la teoría de los constructos personales. Tanto en la versión original de G. A. Kelly (1955) como en sus continuas actualizaciones, esta técnica pretende captar la forma en que una persona da sentido a su experiencia en sus propios términos. No se trata, por tanto, de un test convencional, sino de una forma de entrevista estructurada orientada a explicitar y analizar los constructos con los que la persona organiza su mundo. De la entrevista se genera una matriz de datos que se somete a varios análisis para revelar su estructura implícita. El programa RECORD ofrece los resultados de una forma clara y proporciona además una serie de gráficos de fácil interpretación. Todo ello permite dibujar la estructura del mapa cognitivo del sujeto desde su propia semántica, culminando así, con rigor metodológico, una vieja aspiración fenomenológica. Se trata de un instrumento muy 'flexible que puede adaptarse a diversas áreas de aplicación: evaluación individual, grupal, familiar y de pareja, intervención psicoeducativa, asesoramiento vocacional, investigación de mercados, asesoramiento empresarial, investigación terapéutica, estudio de la estructura cognitiva de la personalidad, etc.