778 resultados para Watson, Matt
Contient : 1-2 Deux lettres de « JAQUES [VI, roi d'Écosse]... à monseigneur de Bethune, conseillier d'Estat... De Saincte Croix, le XIXme novembre 1599 » ; 3 Lettre de « JAQUES [VI, roi d'Écosse]... à monseigneur de Bethune,... De Saincte Croix, le cinquiesme de fevrier 1601 » ; 4-5 Deux lettres d'«ANNA [DE DANEMARCK], r[eine d'Écosse]... à monseigneur de Beton » ; 6 « Chiffre baillé à monseigneur de Bethune » allant en Écosse. « May 1599 » ; 7 Déclaration de « HENRY » IV, qui exempte « du droict d'aubeyne les Escossois qui decedderont [en France]... Donné à Fontainebleau, au moys de mars 1599 ». Copie ; 8 « Passeport pour monseigneur de Bethune [envoyé en Écosse]... Donné à Fontainebleau, le XXVe jour de may 1599 » ; 9 « Declaration du roy [HENRY IV] en faveur des marchans escossois, pour les exempter des XII deniers pour livre des marchandises qu'ils transporteront en Escosse... Donné à Fontainebleau, au moys de mars 1599 ». Copie ; 10 Lettres closes de « HENRY » IV à la « court des aydes de Normandie... Donné à Fontainebleau, le dernier jour de may 1599 ». Copie ; 11 Lettre de « HENRY [IV]... à monseigneur de Bethune, conseiller d'Estat, ambassadeur en Escosse... Escript à Blois, le XVIIIe jour d'aoust 1599 » ; 12 Copie d'une lettre de « HENRY [IV]... à mon cousin le duc de Montpensier,... Escript à Fontainebleau, le dernier jour de may 1599 » ; 13 Lettre de monseigneur « DE NEUFVILLE [DE VILLEROI]... à monseigneur de Bethune [ambassadeur en Écosse]... De Conflans pres Paris, le VIIe de juilet 1599 » ; 14 Lettre de HENRI IV à Jacques IV, roi d'Écosse. « Escript à Fontainebleau, le XXIIIe jour de may 1599 ». Copie ; 15 Mémoire sur le Sr « Colville », ancien ministre de l'église réformée en Écosse, depuis converti au catholicisme. « A Paris, le X may 1602 ». Copie ; 16 « Series regum et decreta per eos in publicis comitiis circa successionem in regno Angliae », depuis Guillaume le Conquérant jusques et y compris Jacques 1er, roi d'Angleterre. Signé : « JOANNES HONORIUS VAN AXELAE ». En latin ; 17 « Proclamation » de la reine ÉLISABETH « contre tous les jesuites, prebstres seculiers et ceulx qui les reçoipvent et maintiennent... Donné à Richemont, le cinqiesme de novembre 1602 ». Copie ; 18 « Recueil abregé des paroles que le roy [d'Angleterre, JACQUES Ier] a tenues à la dissolution de la premiere assemblée des Estatz, en juillet 1604 » ; 19 « Publication faicte à Londres apres la mort de la reine [Élisabeth] d'Angleterre, en faveur de la succession du roy d'Ecosse [Jacques VI]... martii 24, anno Domini 1602, stilo veteri ». En latin ; 20 « Passeport » pour plusieurs prêtres bannis d'Angleterre. « Fait à la court à Whitehall, le 25 d'octobre 1601 ». Copie ; 21 « Autre Passeport... Datum Whitehalle, novembris 5° 1601 ». En latin. Copie ; 22 Passeport pour les personnes qui doivent accompagner les prêtres bannis. « De la courte à Richmonde, octobre 1601 ». Copie ; 23 « Double du passeport donné aux prestres anglois... John Moushe et Françoys Barnaby,... qui doibvent passer à Rome... A la courte de Basing, le 10 de septembre 1601 » ; 24 « Discursus de providentia necessaria habenda pro restitutione fidei catholicae, quando Deus optimus maximus reginam [Élisabeth d'Angleterre] ex hac vita auferet... Presenté au pape ». En latin ; 25 « Double de la lettre de monseigneur DE BEAUMONT » à Henri IV, sur la mort de la reine Élisabeth d'Angleterre. « De Londres, le IIIe apvril 1603 » ; 26 « Copie de la proclamation faicte en Angleterre apres la mort de la roine [Élisabeth], en faveur du roy d'Ecosse », Jacques VI. 1603 ; 27 « L'Ordre gardé aux funerailles d'... Elisabeth, royne d'Angleterre, depuis le palais de Withal jusques à l'eglise cathedralle de Wosminster, le 28 d'avril 1603, stil antien » ; 28 « Extraict d'une lettre parlant de l'entrée du roy [Jacques Ier] à Londres... De Londres, du XXXe jour de mars 1604 » ; 29 « Discours de l'entrée du roy d'Angleterre », Jacques Ier, à Londres. Mars 1604 ; 30 « Declaration du roy d'Angleterre [JACQUES Ier] contre les puritains... Donné en nostre manoir de Oteland, le XVIe jour de juillet 1604 » ; 31 « Extraict d'une lettre escripte de Londres, le IIIe jour de juin 1604, en laquelle il est raconté les premiers propos tenus entre les deputés pour traicter la paix d'Espagne et d'Angleterre » ; 32 « Premiere Requeste que les catholicques d'Angleterre ont presentée à leur roy » Jacques Ier ; 33 « Double de la lettre escritte par le roy d'Angleterre [JACQUES Ier] à son parlement sur le changement de nom d'Angleterre et d'Escosse en celuy de Grande Bretaigne » ; 34 « Double d'une lettre intercepté [du Sr] ROBINSON,... sur la paix recherchée par les Espagnols en Angleterre... A Londres, le 27 mars, stilo veteri, 1602 » ; 35 « Extrait d'une lettre d'Angleterre du XXX juillet 1603, touchant la conjuration contre le roy d'Angleterre » Jacques Ier ; 36 « Advis » concernant les affaires d'Angleterre. « Fait à Wincester, le XVe octobre 1603 ». Copie ; 37 « Coppie des articles accordez entre le vice roy [d'Irlande] et Don Juan de Aquila. A Kinsale, le 17/7 janvier 1602/1601 » ; 38 « Objections proposées par les chambres de parlement premiere et seconde contre le changement de nom et stil d'Angleterre et Escosse au nom de Grand Bretaigne » ; 39 « Oratione del senator BOVIDA, fatta in Londra, a 30 di maggio 1604, in risposta al conte di Ortanton, nel primo abboccamento per il trattato di pace ». En italien ; 40 « Copie d'une letre du pape [CLEMENT VIII] au roy d'Angleterre », Jacques Ier. En latin ; 41 « Manifeste » au nom du roi d'Espagne, publié en Irlande, contre le vice roi, par « Don JUAN DEL AQUILA ». En latin. Copie ; 42 « Copie de la lettre du confesseur du duc de Parme « Fra DOMINGHO DE MENDOSA à [Élisabeth], reine d'Angletere ». En espagnol ; 43 « Coppie de l'edit » de JACQUES Ier, « roy d'Angleterre », contre les jésuites, les prêtres séculiers et tous les « catoliques... Wastminster, 22 febvrier » 1604 ; 44 « Requeste presentée » à Jacques Ier, « roy d'Angleterre, par quelques catoliques ». Copie ; 45 « Articles du serment des prebstres anglois que l'on nomme appelans ». Copie ; 46 « Sommaire de tout ce qui s'est passé en la conférence de l'Union des deux royaumes sous le nom de Grande Bretaigne ». Copie ; 47 « Requeste au roy d'Angleterre » Jacques Ier des États des « provinces unies des Païs Bas ». Copie ; 48 Lettre de JACQUES Ier, « roy d'Angleterre », à « Mariano Grimano », doge de Venise. « Data e regia nostra Grenwicensi ». En latin. Copie ; 49 « Copie de la commission » de JACQUES Ier, roi d'Angleterre, « envoyée au sheriff de Hanpshire... pour la surseance de l'execution des milordtz d'Angleterre » ; 50 Copie de l'«eedict du roy d'Angleterre [JACQUES Ier] par lequel il se donne le nom de roy de la Grande Bretagne » ; 51 Copie de la « response faite au conte d'Arainberg de la part du roy d'Angleterre », Jacques Ier ; 52 « Coppie de la lettre du roy d'Angleterre [JACQUES Ier] à messieurs des Estatz » généraux des Pays-Bas ; 53 Copie de la « response à la susdicte lettre faite au Sr Winwod, agent [de Jacques Ier] vers messieurs des Estats... Faict à La Haye, ce XXIXe aoust 1603 » ; 54 « Abregé de ce qui s'est passé au jugement des Srs Brooc, Gr. Markhim, Ed. Percham, Watson, Clerke, Brookeby et Copley », accusés de conspiration contre le roi Jacques Ier ; 55 « Coppie d'une lettre escripte le 15/25 decembre 1603 par le sieur T...M au Sr H...a, touchant la proceddure de Wincester, où les naguerres seignrs Cobam et Gray et le chevalier Griffin Marchant, tous condamnez de trahison... furent prestz d'estre executez le vendredi 9/19 de decembre 1603, auquel temps le mandement de Sa Majesté, duquel la copie est icy annexée, fut delivré, commandant de suspendre l'execution » ; 56 « Abregé de ce qui c'est faict au jugement du Sr Ragley »
1998 Brock Badger men's baseball team photo. Front Row (L to R): Bill Gillen, Ryan Villers, Greg Arbour, Mark Cheeseman, Andrew Tinnish, Rick Bottomley, Matt Fletcher, Brad Namtzu, Darryl Presley, Dan Pino, Grant Giffen, Mike Caruso, Mark Reilly Back Row (L to R): Jeff Lounsbury (Head Coach), Jayar Green, Creston Rudolph, Ryan Fisher, Jamie Trull, Stefan Strecker, Andrew Robb, Jeremy Walker, Ryan Johns, Matt Stezycki, Steve Lester, Fabio Del Rio, Jarrod Haase, Jess Dixon, Rick Falconer (Pitching Coach) Absent: Marc Purdy, Ian Bala, Marc LePage (Asst. Coach), Waybe Briggs-Jude (Asst. Coach)
The effects of the female postmating odour on male sexual behaviour were examined in Heliconius erato and H. charithonia (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Predictions from the antiaphrodisiac hypothesis were tested using the two reproductive strategies of these species. Within the pupal mating strategy, results from behavioural experiments quantified and statistically tested dispersal rates of pupal-perched males to the presence of stimuli with and without the postmating odour. Results do not support an antiaphrodisiac function to the postmating odour. Similarly, within the adult courtship strategy, behavioural test results indicate that males do not alter their expenditure of energy in terms of either the duration or frequency of courtship behaviours elicited by females with and without the postmating odour. The data from both experiments did not support the antiaphrodisiac hypothesis for the function of the female postmating odour. A novel hypothesis predicting that the postmating female odour acts as an oviposition-deterring pheromone is presented.
This study was an evaluation of the sexual knowledge of individuals who have '"a developmental disability and the effect of sex education. This was also a pilot study involving the evaluation of the Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool (SSKAAT; Griffiths & Lunsky, in press). This tool is a revised version of the Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Test (SSKAT; Wish, Fiechtl McCombs, & Edmonson, 1980). Thirty-two individuals participated in the study (20 males and 12 females), who were receiving supports from local community agencies. Participants were assessed using the SSKAAT and SSKAT in an initial assessment and in a 6-week follow-up. Sixteen participants received a 6-week sex education program, Life Horizons I and II (Kempton & Stanfield, 1988a, 1988b), between the assessments, while 16 participants served as a control group. It was found that sex education was successful at increasing knowledge regarding sexuality, as demonstrated by increased scores on both the SSKAT and SSKAAT. However, the current study did not demonstrate any significant effect of gender on knowledge about sexuality. It was also found that IQ did not have a significant effect on knowledge regarding sexuality. The present study found the SSKAAT to be very reliable, with test-retest reliabilities ranging from .87 to .99. This appeared to be an improvement over the original SSKAT, whose reliability ranged from .72 to .90. Furthennore, the revised SSKAAT was fOlmd to provide a much more in-depth assessment of sexual knowledge and attitudes for individuals who have a developmental disability.
The intent in this study was to investigate in what ways teachers· beliefs about education and teaching are expressed in the specific teaching behaviours they employ, and whether teaching behaviours, as perceived by their students, are correlated with students· critical thinking and self-directed learning. To this end the relationships studied were: among faCUlty members· philosophy of teaching, locus of control orientation, psychological type, and observed teaching behaviour; and among students· psychological type, perceptions of teaching behaviour, self-directed learning readiness, and critical thinking. The overall purpose of the study was to investigate whether the implicit goals of higher education, critical thinking and self-direction, were actually accounted for in the university classroom. The research was set within the context of path-goal theory, adapted from the leadership literature. Within this framework, Mezirow·s work on transformative learning, including the influences of Habermas· writings, was integrated to develop a theoretical perspective upon which to base the research methodology. Both qualitative and quantitative methodologies were incorporated. Four faCUlty and a total of 142 students participated in the study. Philosophy of teaching was described through faCUlty interviews and completion of a repertory grid. Faculty completed a descriptive locus of control scale, and a psychological type test. Observations of their teaching behaviour were conducted. Students completed a Teaching Behaviour Assessment Scale, the Self-Directed Learning Readiness Scale, a psychological type test, and the Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal. A small sample of students were interviewed. Follow-up discussions with faculty were used to validate the interview, observation, teaching behaviour, and repertory grid data. Results indicated that some discrepancies existed between faculty's espoused philosophy of teaching and their observed teaching behaviour. Instructors' teaching behaviour, however, was a function of their personal theory of practice. Relationships were found between perceived teaching behaviour and students· self-directed learning and critical thinking, but these varied across situations, as would be predicted from path-goal theory. Psychological type of students and instructor also accounted for some of the variability in the relationships studied. Student psychological type could be shown as a partial predictor of self-directed learning readiness. The results were discussed in terms of theory development and implications for further research and practice.
In 2007, Barry Bonds hit his 75 6th home run, breaking Hank Aaron's all-time record for most home runs in a Major League career. While it would be expected that such an accomplishment would induce unending praise and adulationfor the new record-holder, Bonds did not receive the treatment typically reserved for a beloved baseball hero. The purpose of this thesis is to assess media representations of the 2007 home run chase in order to shed light upon the factors which led to the mixed representations which accompanied BOlTds ' assault on Aaron's record. Drawingfrom Roland Barthes ' concept of myth, this thesis proposes that Bonds was portrayed in predominantly negative ways because he was seen as failing to embody the values of baseball's mythology. Using a qualitative content analysis of three major American newspapers, this thesis examines portrayals of Bonds and how he was shown both to represent and oppose elements from baseball's mythology, such as youth, and a distant, agrarian past. Recognizing the ways in which baseball is associated with American life, the media representations of Bonds are also evaluated to discern whether he was portrayed as personifYing a distinctly American set of values. The results indicate that, in media coverage of the 2007 home run chase, Bonds was depicted as a player of many contradictions. Most commonly, Bonds' athletic ability and career achievements were contrasted with unflattering descriptions of his character, including discussions of his alleged use of performance-enhancing substances. However, some coverage portrayed Bonds as embodying baseball myth. The findings contribute to an appreciation of the importance of historical context in examining media representations. This understanding is enhanced by an analysis of a selection of articles on Mark McGwire 's record-breaking season in 1998, and careful consideration of, and comparison to, the context under which Bonds performed in 2007. Findings are also shown to support the contemporary existence of a strong American baseball mythology. That Bonds is both condemned for failing to uphold the mythology and praised for personifYing it suggests that the values seen as inherent to baseball continue to act as an American cultural benchmark.
This paper examines the factors associated with Canadian firms voluntarily disclosing climate change information through the Carbon Disclosure Project. Five hypotheses are presented to explain the factors influencing management's decision to disclose this information. These hypotheses include a response to shareholder activism, domestic institutional investor shareholder activism, signalling, litigation risk, and low cost publicity. Both binary logistic regressions as well as a cross-sectional analysis of the equity market's response to the environmental disclosures being made were used to test these hypotheses. Support was found for shareholder activism, low cost publicity, and litigation risk. However, the equity market's response was not found to be statistically significant.
Survey map and description of Philip Carrol's land created by The Welland Canal Company. Included are three written descriptions of the lands along the Northern Reservoir, Southern Reservoir as well as the Canal and Reservoir with a drawing of the aforementioned lands. Noteable features for the Northern Reservoir include; line between Philip Carrol's land and Widow McAlpine's land. The land contains 9 acres, 2 roads and 24 perches of wood land. The survey is dated 1830. Noteable features for the Southern Reservoir include; Road to shorthills, side line North, and Watson's land. This survey is not dated. Noteable features for the Canal and Reservoir include; West line of lot, lot.213. The land contains 9 acres and 5 perches. The surveyor's updates for this survey are dated 1846. Surveyor notes are seen in pencil on the map.See also Pp 109-113
This qualitative self-study explored the disappointment I felt as a part-time university teacher in a mid-sized, primarily undergraduate Ontario university, where I experienced difficulty integrating my beliefs about teaching into my practice of teaching. The purpose of this qualitative study was to inquire into why it was difficult for me, representative of a part-time university teacher in a mid-sized, primarily undergraduate university, to enact the critical pedagogical practices I espoused in my teaching philosophy. The secondary purpose was to apply the findings of the study to reframe my university teaching practice in a way that met my need to enact my beliefs about university teaching while complying with the broader geo-political conditions of part-time university teaching in Ontario (Loughran, 2006; Russell & Loughran, 2007). This study is grounded in the sociological theoretical framework of critical pedagogy (Freire, 1970; Giroux, 1988, 2010; McLaren, 2003) and the methodological framework of The Self-Study of Teacher Education Practices (S-STEP). This study combined the methods of Brookfield’s (1995; 2002) critically reflective practice and Cole and Knowles (2000) practice of reflexive inquiry with Creswell’s (2005) methods of thematic analysis to answer the research question: Why is it difficult for me to enact my beliefs about university teaching as a part-time teacher in an Ontario university? Findings suggest the geo-political contexts of part-time university teaching work can impact a teacher’s ability to enact his/her beliefs about teaching within his/her practice of teaching.
A photograph of the Owls Bicycle Club in the year 1889. The men are in the rear of the Watson memorial with St. Joseph's convent/orphanage and St. Catharines Cathedral in the background. There are 21 men on bicycle including Stanley G. Smith (second row, fourth from the left).
This thesis tested whether cognitive performance during passive heat stress may be affected by changes in cerebrovascular variables as opposed to strictly thermally-induced changes. A pharmacological reduction in cerebral blood flow (CBF) using indomethacin along with a hypocapnia-induced CBF reduction during passive heat stress (Tre ~1.5°C above baseline) were used to investigate any cerebrovascular-mediated changes in cognitive performance. Repeated measures analysis of variance indicated that One-Touch Stockings of Cambridge (OTS) performance was not affected by a significant reduction in CBF during passive heat stress. More specifically, OTS accuracy measures did not change as a result of either a reduction in CBF or increasing passive heat stress. However, it was found that OTS response time indices improved with increasing passive heat stress independent of CBF changes. In conclusion, a significant reduction in CBF does not cause additional changes in performance of an executive functioning task during severe passive heat stress.