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La región del espectro electromagnético comprendida entre 100 GHz y 10 THz alberga una gran variedad de aplicaciones en campos tan dispares como la radioastronomía, espectroscopíamolecular, medicina, seguridad, radar, etc. Los principales inconvenientes en el desarrollo de estas aplicaciones son los altos costes de producción de los sistemas trabajando a estas frecuencias, su costoso mantenimiento, gran volumen y baja fiabilidad. Entre las diferentes tecnologías a frecuencias de THz, la tecnología de los diodos Schottky juega un importante papel debido a su madurez y a la sencillez de estos dispositivos. Además, los diodos Schottky pueden operar tanto a temperatura ambiente como a temperaturas criogénicas, con altas eficiencias cuando se usan como multiplicadores y con moderadas temperaturas de ruido en mezcladores. El principal objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es analizar los fenómenos físicos responsables de las características eléctricas y del ruido en los diodos Schottky, así como analizar y diseñar circuitos multiplicadores y mezcladores en bandas milimétricas y submilimétricas. La primera parte de la tesis presenta un análisis de los fenómenos físicos que limitan el comportamiento de los diodos Schottky de GaAs y GaN y de las características del espectro de ruido de estos dispositivos. Para llevar a cabo este análisis, un modelo del diodo basado en la técnica de Monte Carlo se ha considerado como referencia debido a la elevada precisión y fiabilidad de este modelo. Además, el modelo de Monte Carlo permite calcular directamente el espectro de ruido de los diodos sin necesidad de utilizar ningún modelo analítico o empírico. Se han analizado fenómenos físicos como saturación de la velocidad, inercia de los portadores, dependencia de la movilidad electrónica con la longitud de la epicapa, resonancias del plasma y efectos no locales y no estacionarios. También se ha presentado un completo análisis del espectro de ruido para diodos Schottky de GaAs y GaN operando tanto en condiciones estáticas como variables con el tiempo. Los resultados obtenidos en esta parte de la tesis contribuyen a mejorar la comprensión de la respuesta eléctrica y del ruido de los diodos Schottky en condiciones de altas frecuencias y/o altos campos eléctricos. También, estos resultados han ayudado a determinar las limitaciones de modelos numéricos y analíticos usados en el análisis de la respuesta eléctrica y del ruido electrónico en los diodos Schottky. La segunda parte de la tesis está dedicada al análisis de multiplicadores y mezcladores mediante una herramienta de simulación de circuitos basada en la técnica de balance armónico. Diferentes modelos basados en circuitos equivalentes del dispositivo, en las ecuaciones de arrastre-difusión y en la técnica de Monte Carlo se han considerado en este análisis. El modelo de Monte Carlo acoplado a la técnica de balance armónico se ha usado como referencia para evaluar las limitaciones y el rango de validez de modelos basados en circuitos equivalentes y en las ecuaciones de arrastredifusión para el diseño de circuitos multiplicadores y mezcladores. Una notable característica de esta herramienta de simulación es que permite diseñar circuitos Schottky teniendo en cuenta tanto la respuesta eléctrica como el ruido generado en los dispositivos. Los resultados de las simulaciones presentados en esta parte de la tesis, tanto paramultiplicadores comomezcladores, se han comparado con resultados experimentales publicados en la literatura. El simulador que integra el modelo de Monte Carlo con la técnica de balance armónico permite analizar y diseñar circuitos a frecuencias superiores a 1 THz. ABSTRACT The terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum(100 GHz-10 THz) presents a wide range of applications such as radio-astronomy, molecular spectroscopy, medicine, security and radar, among others. The main obstacles for the development of these applications are the high production cost of the systems working at these frequencies, highmaintenance, high volume and low reliability. Among the different THz technologies, Schottky technology plays an important rule due to its maturity and the inherent simplicity of these devices. Besides, Schottky diodes can operate at both room and cryogenic temperatures, with high efficiency in multipliers and moderate noise temperature in mixers. This PhD. thesis is mainly concerned with the analysis of the physical processes responsible for the characteristics of the electrical response and noise of Schottky diodes, as well as the analysis and design of frequency multipliers and mixers at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. The first part of the thesis deals with the analysis of the physical phenomena limiting the electrical performance of GaAs and GaN Schottky diodes and their noise performance. To carry out this analysis, a Monte Carlo model of the diode has been used as a reference due to the high accuracy and reliability of this diode model at millimeter and submillimter wavelengths. Besides, the Monte Carlo model provides a direct description of the noise spectra of the devices without the necessity of any additional analytical or empirical model. Physical phenomena like velocity saturation, carrier inertia, dependence of the electron mobility on the epilayer length, plasma resonance and nonlocal effects in time and space have been analysed. Also, a complete analysis of the current noise spectra of GaAs and GaN Schottky diodes operating under static and time varying conditions is presented in this part of the thesis. The obtained results provide a better understanding of the electrical and the noise responses of Schottky diodes under high frequency and/or high electric field conditions. Also these results have helped to determine the limitations of numerical and analytical models used in the analysis of the electrical and the noise responses of these devices. The second part of the thesis is devoted to the analysis of frequency multipliers and mixers by means of an in-house circuit simulation tool based on the harmonic balance technique. Different lumped equivalent circuits, drift-diffusion and Monte Carlo models have been considered in this analysis. The Monte Carlo model coupled to the harmonic balance technique has been used as a reference to evaluate the limitations and range of validity of lumped equivalent circuit and driftdiffusion models for the design of frequency multipliers and mixers. A remarkable feature of this reference simulation tool is that it enables the design of Schottky circuits from both electrical and noise considerations. The simulation results presented in this part of the thesis for both multipliers and mixers have been compared with measured results available in the literature. In addition, the Monte Carlo simulation tool allows the analysis and design of circuits above 1 THz.


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This research on odometry based GPS-denied navigation on multirotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicles is focused among the interactions between the odometry sensors and the navigation controller. More precisely, we present a controller architecture that allows to specify a speed specified flight envelope where the quality of the odometry measurements is guaranteed. The controller utilizes a simple point mass kinematic model, described by a set of configurable parameters, to generate a complying speed plan. For experimental testing, we have used down-facing camera optical-flow as odometry measurement. This work is a continuation of prior research to outdoors environments using an AR Drone 2.0 vehicle, as it provides reliable optical flow on a wide range of flying conditions and floor textures. Our experiments show that the architecture is realiable for outdoors flight on altitudes lower than 9 m. A prior version of our code was utilized to compete in the International Micro Air Vehicle Conference and Flight Competition IMAV 2012. The code will be released as an open-source ROS stack hosted on GitHub.


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Integrated master-oscillator power amplifiers driven under steady-state injection conditions are known to show a complex dynamics resulting in a variety of emission regimes. We present experimental results on the emission characteristics of a 1.5 µm distributed feedback tapered master-oscillator power-amplifier in a wide range of steady-state injection conditions, showing different dynamic behaviors. The study combines the optical and radio-frequency spectra recorded under different levels of injected current into the master oscillator and the power amplifier sections. Under low injection current of the master oscillator the correlation between the optical and radio-frequency spectral maps allows to identify operation regimes in which the device emission arises from either the master oscillator mode or from the compound cavity modes allowed by the residual reflectance of the amplifier front facet. The quasi-periodic occurrence of these emission regimes as a function of the amplifier current is interpreted in terms of a thermally tuned competition between the modes of the master oscillator and the compound cavity modes. Under high injection current of the masteroscillator, two different regimes alternate quasi-periodically as a function of the injected current in the power amplifier: a stable regime with a single mode emission at the master oscillator frequency, and an unstable and complex self-pulsating regime showing strong peaks in the radio-frequency spectra as well as multiple frequencies in the optical spectra.


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A depth-based face recognition algorithm specially adapted to high range resolution data acquired by the new Microsoft Kinect 2 sensor is presented. A novel descriptor called Depth Local Quantized Pattern descriptor has been designed to make use of the extended range resolution of the new sensor. This descriptor is a substantial modification of the popular Local Binary Pattern algorithm. One of the main contributions is the introduction of a quantification step, increasing its capacity to distinguish different depth patterns. The proposed descriptor has been used to train and test a Support Vector Machine classifier, which has proven to be able to accurately recognize different people faces from a wide range of poses. In addition, a new depth-based face database acquired by the new Kinect 2 sensor have been created and made public to evaluate the proposed face recognition system.


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The use of telerobotic systems is essential for remote handling (RH) operations in radioactive areas of scientific facilities that generate high doses of radiation. Recent developments in remote handling technology has seen a great deal of effort being directed towards the design of modular remote handling control rooms equipped with a standard master arm which will be used to separately control a range of different slave devices. This application thus requires a kinematically dissimilar master-slave control scheme. In order to avoid drag and other effects such as friction or other non-linear and unmodelled slave arm effects of the common position-position architecture in nonbackdrivable slaves, this research has implemented a force-position control scheme. End-effector force is derived from motor torque values which, to avoid the use of radiation intolerant and costly sensing devices, are inferred from motor current measurement. This has been demonstrated on a 1-DOF test-rig with a permanent magnet synchronous motor teleoperated by a Sensable Phantom Omni® haptic master. This has been shown to allow accurate control while realistically conveying dynamic force information back to the operator.


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Concentrating Photovoltaics (CPV) is an alternative to flat-plate module photovoltaic (PV) technology. The bankability of CPV projects is an important issue to pave the way toward a swift and sustained growth in this technology. The bankability of a PV plant is generally addressed through the modeling of its energy yield under a baseline loss scenario, followed by an on-site measurement campaign aimed at verifying its energy performance. This paper proposes a procedure for assessing the performance of a CPV project, articulated around four main successive steps: Solar Resource Assessment, Yield Assessment, Certificate of Provisional Acceptance, and Certificate of Final Acceptance. This methodology allows the long-term energy production of a CPV project to be estimated with an associated uncertainty of ≈5%. To our knowledge, no such method has been proposed to the CPV industry yet, and this critical situation has hindered or made impossible the completion of several important CPV projects undertaken in the world. The main motive for this proposed method is to bring a practical solution to this urgent problem. This procedure can be operated under a wide range of climatic conditions, and makes it possible to assess the bankability of a CPV plant whose design uses any of the technologies currently available on the market. The method is also compliant with both international standards and local regulations. In consequence, its applicability is both general and international.


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Uno de los temas más importantes dentro del debate contemporáneo, es el que se refiere a la sostenibilidad a largo plazo de la sociedad tal y como la entendemos hoy. El ser humano está recuperando la sensibilidad perdida que le concebía como una pieza más dentro del ciclo natural de la vida. Por fin hemos entendido que no podemos ser auto suficientes e independientes del entorno natural que nos rodea. Más allá del respeto y del cuidado, está abierta la puerta del conocimiento infinito que nos brinda la naturaleza a todos los niveles y a todas las escalas. Dentro de la disciplina arquitectónica han existido ejemplos como Antoni Gaudí o Frei Otto que han referenciado su obra en el mundo Natural, encontrando en él las estrategias y bases para el diseño arquitectónico. Sin embargo han sido una minoría dentro del enorme elenco de arquitectos defensores del ángulo recto. En las últimas décadas, la tendencia está cambiando. No nos referimos tanto a la sensibilidad creciente por conseguir una mayor eficiencia energética que ha llevado a una puesta en valor de la arquitectura vernácula, trasladando su sabiduría a las estrategias bioclimáticas. Nos referimos a un caso específico dentro del amplio abanico de formas arquitectónicas que han aparecido gracias a la incorporación de las herramientas computacionales en el diseño y la producción. Las arquitecturas que nos interesan son las que aprovechan estas técnicas para analizar e interpretar las estrategias complejas y altamente eficientes que encontramos en la naturaleza, y trasladarlas a la disciplina arquitectónica. Esta tendencia que se enmarca dentro de la Biomímesis o Biomimética es conocida con el nombre de Bioarquitectura. La presente tesis trata de morfología y sobre todo de morfogénesis. El término morfología se refiere al estudio de una forma concreta que nos permite entender un caso específico, nuestro foco de atención se centra sin embargo en la morfogénesis, es decir, en el estudio de los procesos de generación de esas formas, para poder reproducir patrones y generar abanicos de casos adaptables y reconfigurables. El hecho de estudiar la forma no quiere decir que ésta sea una tesis “formalista” con la connotación peyorativa y gestual que se le suele atribuir a este término. La investigación concibe el concepto de forma como lo hace el mundo natural: forma como síntesis de eficiencia. No hay ninguna forma natural gratuita, que no cumpla una función determinada y que no se desarrolle con el mínimo material y gaste la mínima energía posible. Este afán por encontrar la “forma eficaz” es lo que nos hace traspasar la frontera de la arquitectura formalista. El camino de investigación morfológica se traza, como el título de la tesis indica, siguiendo el hilo conductor concreto de los radiolarios. Estos microorganismos unicelulares poseen unos esqueletos tan complejos que para poder entender su morfología es necesario establecer un amplio recorrido que abarca más de 4.000 años de conocimiento humano. Desde el descubrimiento de los sólidos platónicos, poliedros que configuran muchas de las formas globales de estos esqueletos; hasta la aplicación de los algoritmos generativos, que permiten entender y reproducir los patrones de comportamiento que existen detrás de los sistemas de compactación y teselación irregular de los esqueletos radiolarios. La tesis no pretende plantear el problema desde un punto de vista biológico, ni paleontológico, aunque inevitablemente en el primer capítulo se realiza un análisis referenciado del estado del conocimiento científico actual. Sí se analizan en mayor profundidad cuestiones morfológicas y se tratan los diferentes posicionamientos desde los cuales estos microorganismos han servido de referencia en la disciplina arquitectónica. Además encontramos necesario analizar otros patrones naturales que comparten estrategias generativas con los esqueletos radiolarios. Como ya hemos apuntado, en el segundo capítulo se aborda un recorrido desde las geometrías más básicas a las más complejas, que tienen relación con las estrategias de generación de las formas detectadas en los microorganismos. A su vez, el análisis de estas geometrías se intercala con ejemplos de aplicaciones dentro de la arquitectura, el diseño y el arte. Finalizando con un cronograma que sintetiza y relaciona las tres vías de investigación abordadas: natural, geométrica y arquitectónica. Tras los dos capítulos centrales, el capítulo final recapitula las estrategias analizadas y aplica el conocimiento adquirido en la tesis, mediante la realización de diferentes prototipos que abarcan desde el dibujo analítico tradicional, a la fabricación digital y el diseño paramétrico, pasando por modelos analógicos de escayola, barras metálicas, resina, silicona, látex, etc. ABSTRACT One of the most important issues in the contemporary debate, is the one concerning the long-term sustainability of society as we understand it today. The human being is recovering the lost sensitivity that conceived us as part of the natural cycle of life. We have finally understood that we cannot be self-sufficient and independent of the natural environment which surrounds us. Beyond respect and care, we’ll find that the gateway to the infinite knowledge that nature provides us at all levels and at all scales is open. Within the architectural discipline, there have been remarkable examples such as Antoni Gaudí or Frei Otto who have inspired their work in the natural world. Both, found in nature the strategies and basis of their architectural designs. However, they have been a minority within the huge cast of architects defenders of the right angle. In recent decades, the trend is changing. We are not referring to the growing sensitivity in trying to achieve energy efficiency that has led to an enhancement of vernacular architecture, transferring its wisdom to bioclimatic strategies. We refer to a specific case within the wide range of architectural forms that have appeared thanks to the integration of computer tools in both design and production processes. We are interested in architectures that exploit these techniques to analyse and interpret the complex and highly efficient strategies found in nature, and shift them to the discipline of architecture. This trend, which is being implemented in the framework of the Biomimicry or biomimetics, is called Bioarchitecture. This thesis deals with morphology and more specifically with morphogenesis. Morphology is the study of a concrete form that allows us to understand a specific case. However, our focus is centered in morphogenesis or, in other words, the study of the processes of generation of these forms, in order to replicate patterns and generate a range of adaptable and reconfigurable cases. The fact of studying shapes does not mean that this is a “formalistic” thesis with the pejorative connotation that is often attributed to this term. This study conceives the concept of shape as Nature does: as a synthesis of efficiency. There is no meaningless form in nature. Furthermore, forms and shapes in nature play a particular role and are developed with minimum energetic consumption. This quest to find the efficient shape is what makes us go beyond formalistic architecture. The road of morphological investigation is traced, as the title of the thesis suggests, following the thread of radiolaria. These single-cell microorganisms possess very complex skeletons, so to be able to understand their morphology we must establish a wide spectrum which spans throughout more than 4.000 years of human knowledge. From the discovery of the platonic solids, polyhedrons which configure a huge range of global shapes of these skeletons, through the application of generative algorithms which allow us to understand and recreate the behavioral patterns behind the systems of compression and irregular tessellation of the radiolarian skeletons. The thesis does not pretend to lay out the problem from a biological, paleontological standpoint, although inevitably the first chapter is developed through an analysis in reference to the current state of the science. A deeper analysis of morphological aspects and different positionings is taken into account where these microorganisms have served as reference in the architectonic discipline. In addition we find necessary to analyse other natural patterns which share generative strategies with radiolarian skeletons. Aforementioned, in the second chapter an itinerary of the most basic geometries to the more complex ones is addressed. These are related, in this chapter, to the generative strategies of the shapes found in microorganisms. At the same time, the analysis of these geometries is placed among examples of applications inside the fields of architecture, design and the arts. To come to an end, a time chart synthesizes and relates the three investigation paths addressed: natural, geometrical and architectonic. After the two central chapters, the final chapter summarises the strategies analysed and applies the knowledge acquired throughout the thesis. This final chapter is shaped by the realization of different prototypes which range from traditional analytical drawings, to digital fabrication and parametric design, going through plaster analogical models, metal bars, resin, silicone, latex, etc.


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La tesis se compone de una primera parte introductoria, en la que se recogen las distintas opiniones y definiciones de la arquitectura “popular”, el estado de la cuestión, comentando los artículos y publicaciones realizados sobre la Mancha. La segunda parte profundiza en aspectos generales previos al análisis edificatorio central de la tesis, con los siguientes capítulos: -Estudio de los condicionantes físicos, históricos, socio-económicos y culturales de la comarca de la Mancha Baja. Acotando el territorio. -Una visión general sobre la arquitectura tradicional de la provincia de Ciudad Real, por comarcas. -Un estudio de las distintas tipologías edificatorias tradicionales, con ejemplos en la comarca manchega. -El análisis de materiales constructivos, elementos y sistemas utilizados en las construcciones tradicionales en la Mancha Baja. La tercera parte, desde la premisa de la representación gráfica, apoyado en un anexo con dibujos de ciento treinta y siete edificios populares de Manzanares y comarca, estudia: El trazado urbano y las casas de Manzanares; desde los levantamientos de plantas, alzados y secciones, emplazamiento en la manzana y fotografías, se realiza una descripción completa, con noventa y seis ejemplos. Además de llegar a las conclusiones derivadas del análisis de estas edificaciones, los objetivos pretendidos con este estudio serían también: Realizar un primer trabajo aproximativo, desde la visión arquitectónica, de la arquitectura tradicional manchega. Recopilar toda la información existente que pueda relacionarse con la arquitectura popular en la comarca, y citar los escritos y publicaciones de referencia para posteriores estudios. Se estudia la geomorfología, el clima, el territorio, la economía, la sociología, etc…, para obtener una información clave, además de los materiales, técnicas constructivas y morfología de las edificaciones. Se destaca el apartado de los edificios preindustriales tradicionales, como molinos de viento, de agua, palomares, pósitos y bodegas con el análisis de varios ejemplos, por su importante presencia en las poblaciones. Por último se desarrolla un amplio bloque sobre bibliografía de arquitectura popular, la consultada y la general. La arquitectura popular de la mancha baja es tapial cubierto de teja árabe, cerrada al exterior, pero abierta a grandes patios, de planta baja y cámaras altas, con elementos auxiliares de protección y acceso, que revisten la aparente simplicidad volumétrica de estos complejos, viviendas-almacén. Con un complejo programa tanto agrícola como doméstico. De gran protección frente al clima, con escasa decoración, esquemas espaciales primitivos y con mayor envergadura estructural en las dependencias agropecuarias. Una arquitectura que mezcla el uso doméstico y el productivo, pero que al evolucionar aumenta su diferenciación. Edificios que mantienen las mismas cualidades estéticas, repitiendo formas y volúmenes, pero de peculiares configuraciones espaciales, se repiten los materiales y técnicas constructivas, así como elementos arquitectónicos con pocas variaciones, pero no existen dos conjuntos similares. No podemos utilizar un ejemplo como modelo de casa manchega. Evoluciona de la casa bloque, básica y primitiva, con ejemplos escasos en las poblaciones más deprimidas, a la casa compleja, donde se separan con claridad las dependencias agropecuarias de las vivideras. Evoluciona de una casa rural, con los mismos esquemas, ya se ubique en el campo o en núcleos de población, a la casa urbana, entre medianerías, en la que se puede encontrar una transformación paralela, desarrollándose programas domésticos, más especializados, mezclados con arquitecturas cultas, con programas que reflejan las nuevas necesidades de la sociedad urbana del siglo XX. ABSTRACT The thesis is composed of a first part that is collected as introducing different views and definitions of popular architecture, the state of affairs, commenting on articles and publications carried out at the Mancha. The second part explores general issues before the main urban analysis of the thesis, with the following chapters: -A study of the geographic, historical, socio-economic and cultural conditions of the region of the Mancha Baja. Delimiting the territory -A tour with an overview of the province of Ciudad Real by regions. -A study of the different traditional building types, with examples in the region from the Mancha. -The Analysis of building materials, components and systems used in traditional buildings in the Mancha Lower The third part studies from the premise of the drawing: The urban planning of the towns to study and houses of Manzanares, from the execution of plans, elevations and sections, sites in the blocks, old photographs, a full description is made, covering a wide range of examples, highlighting the “evolution during the twentieth century, in its last quarter, buildings of popular character “, which is the ultimate aim of the thesis. In addition to reaching the conclusions drawn from the analysis cards of these buildings, the objectives pursued with this study would be also: This paper is the realization of a first rough work from the architectural vision of traditional architecture from the Mancha. To Search a work method for approaching the popular architecture, other than those made so far by other studies of historians, engineers and sociologists, with the graphical representation and the buildings would be studied like living organisms that evolve over time. To collect all the current information that It can be able to connect itself with the popular architecture in the region, and cite the writings and publications of reference for future studies. Geomorphology, climate, topography of the place is studied to obtain a key information about materials, construction techniques and morphology of the buildings. A section is opened to study the case of traditional industrial buildings like windmills, flour mill, pigeon lofts, public granary, threshing floor and cellars with the analysis of several examples; its importance is highlighted in the urban plan of the town. Finally a large block of popular literature on architecture is developed, consulted for work is distinct from the general existing on the subject. The popular architecture from the Mancha is built of rammed earth and roofs inclined of Arabic tiles, the buildings are closed to the outside, but they are open around large courtyards, and ground floor and camera high, with additional elements of protection, they are opened to patios. The manor has a complex program on agricultural and domestic activity. Large climate protection, poor decoration, quite primitive in shaping living spaces, and more structural scale in storage and processing units of agriculture-related products, mainly wine, cereal and to a lesser extent oil. These architecture combines the domestic and productive use, but which will evolve and they are distinguishing, both enclosed spaces such as courtyards. The buildings keep the same aesthetic qualities because they repeat shapes and volumes, but they maintain their spatial configuration individually; the materials, building techniques and architectural elements are repeated with slight variations, but there aren´t two identical houses. This architecture evolved from the block, basic and primitive house, with few examples in the most deprived towns, to the complex house, where agricultural units are clearly separated of domestic rooms. It developed from a country house (with the same patterns) whether it is located in the countryside or in the towns, to an urban house, in which we can find a parallel transformation, developing domestic programs, more specialized, mixed with cultivated architectures, with programs that reflect the changing needs of urban society of the twentieth century.


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La expansión experimentada por la informática, las nuevas tecnologías e internet en los últimos años, no solo viene dada por la evolución del hardware subyacente, sino por la evolución del desarrollo de software y del crecimiento del número de desarrolladores. Este incremento ha hecho evolucionar el software de unos sistemas de gestión basados en ficheros, prácticamente sin interfaz gráfico y de unos pocos miles de líneas a grandes sistemas distribuidos multiplataforma. El desarrollo de estos grandes sistemas, requiere gran cantidad de personas involucradas en el desarrollo, y que las herramientas de desarrollo hayan crecido también para facilitar su análisis, diseño, codificación, pruebas, implantación y mantenimiento. La base de estas herramientas software las proveen las propias plataformas de desarrollo, pero la experiencia de los desarrolladores puede aportar un sinfín de utilidades y de técnicas que agilicen los desarrollos y cumplan los requisitos del software en base a la reutilización de soluciones lo suficientemente probadas y optimizadas. Dichas herramientas se agrupan ordenadamente, creando así frameworks personalizados, con herramientas de todo tipo, clases, controles, interfaces, patrones de diseño, de tal manera que se dan soluciones personalizadas a un amplio número de problemas para emplearlas cuantas veces se quiera, bien marcando directrices de desarrollo mediante el uso de patrones, bien con la encapsulación de complejidades de tal modo que los desarrolladores ya dispongan de componentes que asuman cierta lógica o cierta complejidad aliviando así la fase de construcción. En este trabajo se abordan temas sobre las tecnologías base y plataformas de desarrollo para poder acometer la creación de un framework personalizado, necesidades a evaluar antes de acometerlo, y técnicas a emplear para la consecución del mismo, orientadas a la documentación, mantenimiento y extensión del framework. La exposición teórica consiste en mostrar y evaluar los requisitos para crear un framework, requisitos de la plataforma de desarrollo, y explicar cómo funcionan las grandes plataformas de desarrollo actuales, que elementos los componen y su funcionamiento, así como marcar ciertas pautas de estructuración y nomenclatura que el desarrollo de un framework debe contemplar para su mantenimiento y extensión. En la parte metodológica se ha usado un subconjunto de Métrica V3, ya que para el desarrollo de controles no aplica dicha metodología en su totalidad, pero contempla el catálogo de requisitos, los casos de uso, diagramas de clase, diagramas de secuencia, etc… Aparte de los conceptos teóricos, se presenta un caso práctico con fines didácticos de cómo parametrizar y configurar el desarrollo bajo la plataforma .NET. Dicho caso práctico consiste en la extensión de un control de usuario genérico de la plataforma .NET, de tal modo que se aplican conceptos más allá del hecho de crear funciones como las funcionalidades que puede brindar un API. Conceptos sobre como extender y modificar controles ya existentes, que interactúan por medio de eventos con otros controles, con vistas a que ese nuevo control forme parte de una biblioteca de controles de usuario personalizados ampliamente divulgada. Los controles de usuario son algo que no solo tienen una parte funcional, sino que también tienen una parte visual, y definiciones funcionales distintas de las típicas del software de gestión, puesto que han de controlar eventos, visualizaciones mientras se dan estos eventos y requisitos no funcionales de optimización de rendimiento, etc… Para el caso práctico se toma como herramienta la plataforma de desarrollo .Net Framework, en todas sus versiones, ya que el control a extender es el control ListView y hacerlo editable. Este control está presente en todas las versiones de .NET framework y con un alto grado de reutilización. Esta extensión muestra además como se puede migrar fácilmente este tipo de extensiones sobre todos los frameworks. Los entornos de desarrollo usados son varias versiones de Visual Studio para el mostrar dicha compatibilidad, aunque el desarrollo que acompaña este documento esté realizado sobre Visual Studio 2013. ABSTRACT The expansion in computer science, new technologies and the Internet in recent years, not only is given by the evolution of the underlying hardware, but for the evolution of software development and the growing number of developers. This increase has evolved software from management systems based on files almost without graphical interface and a few thousand of code lines, to large multiplatform distributed systems. The development of these large systems, require lots of people involved in development, and development tools have also grown to facilitate analysis, design, coding, testing, deployment and maintenance. The basis of these software tools are providing by their own development platforms, but the experience of the developers can bring a lot of utilities and techniques to speed up developments and meet the requirements of software reuse based on sufficiently proven solutions and optimized. These tools are grouped neatly, creating in this way custom frameworks, with tools of all types, classes, controls, interfaces, design patterns,… in such a way that they provide customized solutions to a wide range of problems to use them many times as you want to occur, either by dialing development guidelines by using patterns or along with the encapsulation of complexities, so that developers already have components that take some logic or some complexity relieving the construction phase. This paper cover matters based on technologies and development platforms to undertake the creation of a custom framework, needs to evaluate before rush it and techniques to use in order to achieve it, a part from techniques oriented to documentation, maintenance and framework extension. The theoretical explanation consists in to demonstrate and to evaluate the requirements for creating a framework, development platform requirements, and explain how large current development platforms work, which elements compose them and their operation work, as well as mark certain patterns of structure and nomenclature that the development of a framework should include for its maintenance and extension. In the methodological part, a subset of Métrica V3 has been used, because of, for the development of custom controls this methodology does not apply in its entirety, but provides a catalogue of requirements, use cases, class diagrams, sequence diagrams, etc ... Apart from the theoretical concepts, a study case for teaching purposes about how to parameterize and configure the development under the .NET platform is presented. This study case involves the extension of a generic user control of the .NET platform, so that concepts apply beyond the fact of creating functions as the functionalities that can provide an API. Concepts on how to extend and modify existing controls that interact through events with other controls, overlooking that new control as a part of a custom user controls library widely publicized. User controls are something that not only have a functional part, but also have a visual part, and various functional definitions of typical management software, since that they have to control events, visualizations while these events are given and not functional of performance optimization requirements, etc ... For the study case the development platform .Net Framework is taken as tool, in all its versions, considering that control to extend is the ListView control and make it editable. This control is present in all versions of .NET framework and with a high degree of reuse. This extension also shows how you can easily migrate these extensions on all frameworks. The used development environments are several versions of Visual Studio to show that compatibility, although the development that accompanies this document is done on Visual Studio 2013.


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The phosphosilicate glass (PSG), fabricated by tube furnace diffusion using a POCl3 source, is widely used as a dopant source in the manufacturing of crystalline silicon solar cells. Although it has been a widely addressed research topic for a long time, there is still lack of a comprehensive understanding of aspects such as the growth, the chemical composition, possible phosphorus depletion, the resulting in-diffused phosphorus profiles, the gettering behavior in silicon, and finally the metal-contact formation. This paper addresses these different aspects simultaneously to further optimize process conditions for photovoltaic applications. To do so, a wide range of experimental data is used and combined with device and process simulations, leading to a more comprehensive interpretation. The results show that slight changes in the PSG process conditions can produce high-quality emitters. It is predicted that PSG processes at 860 °C for 60 min in combination with an etch-back and laser doping from PSG layer results in high-quality emitters with a peak dopant density Npeak = 8.0 × 1018 cm−3 and a junction depth dj = 0.4 μm, resulting in a sheet resistivityρsh = 380 Ω/sq and a saturation current-density J0 below 10 fA/cm2. With these properties, the POCl3 process can compete with ion implantation or doped oxide approaches.


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Although human and rodent telomeres have been studied extensively, very little is known about telomere dynamics in other vertebrates. Moreover, our current dependence on mice as a model for human tumorigenesis and aging poses a problem because human and mouse telomere biology is very different. To explore whether chickens might provide a more useful model, we have examined telomerase activity and telomere length in chicken tissues as well as in primary cell cultures. Although chicken telomeres resemble human telomeres in that they are 8–20 kb in length, the distribution of telomerase activity in chickens resembles what is found in mice. Active enzyme is present in germline tissue as well as in a wide range of somatic tissues. Because chicken cells exhibit extremely low rates of spontaneous immortalization, this finding indicates that constitutive telomerase expression does not necessarily lead to an increased immortalization frequency. Finally, we found that telomerase activity is greatly down-regulated when primary cultures are established from chicken embryos. Although this down-regulation explains the telomere loss and replicative senescence that we observed in fibroblast cultures, it raises questions concerning how relevant studies of senescence in primary cell cultures are to aging in whole animals.


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The mushroom-producing fungus Schizophyllum commune has thousands of mating types defined, in part, by numerous lipopeptide pheromones and their G protein-linked receptors. Compatible combinations of pheromones and receptors encoded by different mating types regulate a pathway of sexual development leading to mushroom formation and meiosis. A complex set of pheromone–receptor interactions maximizes the likelihood of outbreeding; for example, a single pheromone can activate more than one receptor and a single receptor can be activated by more than one pheromone. The current study demonstrates that the sex pheromones and receptors of Schizophyllum, when expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, can substitute for endogenous pheromone and receptor and induce the yeast pheromone response pathway through the yeast G protein. Secretion of active Schizophyllum pheromone requires some, but not all, of the biosynthetic machinery used by the yeast lipopeptide pheromone a-factor. The specificity of interaction among pheromone–receptor pairs in Schizophyllum was reproduced in yeast, thus providing a powerful system for exploring molecular aspects of pheromone–receptor interactions for a class of seven-transmembrane-domain receptors common to a wide range of organisms.


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We report a general method for screening, in solution, the impact of deviations from canonical Watson-Crick composition on the thermodynamic stability of nucleic acid duplexes. We demonstrate how fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) can be used to detect directly free energy differences between an initially formed “reference” duplex (usually a Watson-Crick duplex) and a related “test” duplex containing a lesion/alteration of interest (e.g., a mismatch, a modified, a deleted, or a bulged base, etc.). In one application, one titrates into a solution containing a fluorescently labeled, FRET-active, reference duplex, an unlabeled, single-stranded nucleic acid (test strand), which may or may not compete successfully to form a new duplex. When a new duplex forms by strand displacement, it will not exhibit FRET. The resultant titration curve (normalized fluorescence intensity vs. logarithm of test strand concentration) yields a value for the difference in stability (free energy) between the newly formed, test strand-containing duplex and the initial reference duplex. The use of competitive equilibria in this assay allows the measurement of equilibrium association constants that far exceed the magnitudes accessible by conventional titrimetric techniques. Additionally, because of the sensitivity of fluorescence, the method requires several orders of magnitude less material than most other solution methods. We discuss the advantages of this method for detecting and characterizing any modification that alters duplex stability, including, but not limited to, mutagenic lesions. We underscore the wide range of accessible free energy values that can be defined by this method, the applicability of the method in probing for a myriad of nucleic acid variations, such as single nucleotide polymorphisms, and the potential of the method for high throughput screening.


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The lacustrine deposits infilling the intramontane Guadix-Baza Basin, in the Betic Range of Southern Spain, have yielded abundant well-preserved lithic artifacts. In addition, the lake beds contain a wide range of micromammals including Mimomys savini and Allophaiomys burgondiae and large mammals such as Mammuthus and Hippopotamus together with the African saber-toothed felid Megantereon. The association of the lithic artifacts along with the fossil assemblages, themselves of prime significance in the Eurasian mammal biochronology, is providing new insight into the controversy of the human settlement in Southern Europe. Despite the importance of the artifacts and fossil assemblage, estimates of the geological age of the site are still in conflict. Some attempts at dating the sediments have included biochronology, uranium series, amino acid racemization, and stratigraphic correlation with other well-dated sections in the basin, but so far have failed to yield unambiguous ages. Here we present paleomagnetic age dating at the relevant localities and thus provide useful age constraints for this critical paleoanthropological and mammal site. Our data provide firm evidence for human occupation in Southern Europe in the Lower Pleistocene, around 1 mega-annum ago. The current view of when and how hominids first dispersed into Europe needs to be reevaluated.


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Eight novel families of miniature inverted repeat transposable elements (MITEs) were discovered in the African malaria mosquito, Anopheles gambiae, by using new software designed to rapidly identify MITE-like sequences based on their structural characteristics. Divergent subfamilies have been found in two families. Past mobility was demonstrated by evidence of MITE insertions that resulted in the duplication of specific TA, TAA, or 8-bp targets. Some of these MITEs share the same target duplications and similar terminal sequences with MITEs and other DNA transposons in human and other organisms. MITEs in A. gambiae range from 40 to 1340 copies per genome, much less abundant than MITEs in the yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti. Statistical analyses suggest that most A. gambiae MITEs are in highly AT-rich regions, many of which are closely associated with each other. The analyses of these novel MITEs underscored interesting questions regarding their diversity, origin, evolution, and relationships to the host genomes. The discovery of diverse families of MITEs in A. gambiae has important practical implications in light of current efforts to control malaria by replacing vector mosquitoes with genetically modified refractory mosquitoes. Finally, the systematic approach to rapidly identify novel MITEs should have broad applications for the analysis of the ever-growing sequence databases of a wide range of organisms.