999 resultados para Vilallonga, Mariàngela -- Viatges -- Girona


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Simulació del cicle d'Stirling


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Simulació de cicles termodinàmics


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In this paper we investigate the optimal choice of prices and/or exams by universities in the presence of credit constraints. We first compare the optimal behavior of a public, welfare maximizing, monopoly and a private, profit maximizing, monopoly. Then we model competition between a public and a private institution and investigate the new role of exams/prices in this environment. We find that, under certain circumstances, the public university may have an interest to raise tuition fees from minimum levels if it cares for global welfare. This will be the case provided that (i) the private institution has higher quality and uses only prices to select applicants, or (ii) the private institution has lower quality and uses also exams to select students. When this is the case, there are efficiency grounds for raising public prices


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Our purpose in this article is to define a network structure which is based on two egos instead of the egocentered (one ego) or the complete network (n egos). We describe the characteristics and properties for this kind of network which we call “nosduocentered network”, comparing it with complete and egocentered networks. The key point for this kind of network is that relations exist between the two main egos and all alters, but relations among others are not observed. After that, we use new social network measures adapted to the nosduocentered network, some of which are based on measures for complete networks such as degree, betweenness, closeness centrality or density, while some others are tailormade for nosduocentered networks. We specify three regression models to predict research performance of PhD students based on these social network measures for different networks such as advice, collaboration, emotional support and trust. Data used are from Slovenian PhD students and their s


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The paper aim is to analyse the influence of the European Employment Strategy (EES)in the implementation of the Spanish labour market policies. The first part of the paper describes the evolution and content of the EES. In the second one, the definition of activation is also explained. In addition to that, the ways how the EES develops and promotes active labour market policies are examined. The evolution of labour market policies in Spain and the current configuration of both active and passive policies are studied in the next three chapters. In these parts, the paper investigates to which extent the provisions of the EES have been implemented in Spain. The paper shows that: i) activation has been rising in the European countries since the implementation of the EES; ii) this fact has also happened in relative terms (comparing the evolution of active to passive policies); iii) Spain has been one of the countries which has led these processes; iv) the EES seems to have been influencing


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The development of markets for technology has eased the acquisition of technology and reshaped the innovation strategies of firms that we classify as producers of innovations or as imitators. Innovative activities of firms include research, acquisition of technology and downstream activities. Within an industry, firms producing innovations tend to conduct more research and downstream activities than those imitating innovations. Acquisition of technology is equally important for both. To implement innovation strategies, firms producing innovations require both the capability to scan the external environment for technology and the capability to integrate new technology. Firms producing innovations require both, while firms imitating innovations require scan capabilities only


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This paper presents a theoretical and empirical analysis of strategic competition in retail banking when some of the financial firms are non-profit organisations that invest in social activities. Banking literature about competition is fairly large, but the strategic interaction between profit maximizing and non profit maximizers has not been extensively analysed except for Purroy and Salas (1999). In this paper, a completely different approach is taken. An adaptation of Hotelling’s two stage model of spatial competition is developed to take into account consumer perceptions respect to the two different types of financial institutions. The empirical analysis confirms that consumers take into account other features different from the price, such as social contribution or closer service to make a deposit or mortgage decision. These conclusions are of interest in the debate about a firm’s social or ethical activities. It is shown that if consumers value social activities, firms can improv


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These notes have been prepared as support to a short course on compositional data analysis. Their aim is to transmit the basic concepts and skills for simple applications, thus setting the premises for more advanced projects


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Observations in daily practice are sometimes registered as positive values larger then a given threshold α. The sample space is in this case the interval (α,+∞), α > 0, which can be structured as a real Euclidean space in different ways. This fact opens the door to alternative statistical models depending not only on the assumed distribution function, but also on the metric which is considered as appropriate, i.e. the way differences are measured, and thus variability


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Aquest estiu ha quedat obert el jaciment del Castellum de Sant Julià de Ramis, amb la intenció de convertir-lo en un referent del turisme cultural. Fruit de la col·laboració entre la Universitat de Girona i l'ajuntament de sant Julià de Ramis, l'espai que un dia va ocupar aquest singular edifici és ara un focus d'atracció


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Es parla de la implantació dels estudis de Medicina a la ciutat de Girona


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Amb la posada en marxa de la segona fase de la biblioteca de Montilivi, la Universitat de Girona (UdG) completa un cicle que es va iniciar quinze anys enrere i que ha estat un repte constant en l'agenda dels successius equips de govern: definir quin havia de ser el millor model de biblioteca per a la universitat per al seu territori i, alhora, donar un servei de valor afegit a les persones. La Biblioteca de la UdG és avui la quarta entre les millors biblioteques universitàries espanyoles, i en la inauguració d'aquest nou equipament la Dra. Anna Maria Geli, rectora de la UdG, va manifestar que "millorarem posicions i, perquè no pensar a ser els primers?"


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Les proves de Selectivitat són organitzades cada curs per les universitats per tal de disposar d'un barem formulat amb criteris objectius, que reguli l'accés al sistema universitari a través d'una prova externa amb la col·laboració dels centres de secundària


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Ernst Tugendhat ha estat el professor convidat per la Càtedra ferrater Mora per dirigir el seminari Cinco Conferencias dobre temas de Antropología Filosófica que s'ha impartit entre els dies 28 de maig i 1 de juny


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Es parla dels quinze anys d’existència de la Universitat de Girona. Es fa memòria d’aquest període tancant el cercle d’una experiència inciada el 1991, quinze anys després, Engega s’atura en la implantació del Parc Científic i Tecnològic