991 resultados para Valorização e recuperação


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Brazil is nowadays the greatest bet of investors for the future due to its stable economy growth. The country has grown side by side with the greatest demand for electrical energy. The international appeal for renewable sources is causing a change in the Brazilian energetic matrix, raising the amount of energy generated by thermoelectric power plants. The construction of new power plants, running on biomass, requires a crescent number of capacitated personnel to run them. The Faculdade de Engenharia de Guaratinguetá – UNESP – has a steam laboratory; witch is deactivated, which has a thermoelectric plant of small capacity. The laboratory reactivation and the return of its activities can be an important tool in order to graduate engineer able to operate on such units. This paper proposes four new experiments to be simulated on the Collage’s Energy Dep. Steam Lab when it gets back to its educational activities


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Não disponível


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Recent research advances in understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms that underlie the processes of hypertrophy and atrophy. This may contribute to development of effective therapeutic strategies to attenuate or block the loss of muscle tissue associated with aging and pathological conditions. In this context, myogenic factors that control the activity of satellite cells have been studied to better understand the events involved in the recovery of muscle mass. Among them, we highlight the Myogenic Regulatory Factors (MRFs), which have been described as potential mediators of muscle growth. The objectives of this study evaluated the morphofunctional adaptations and gene expression of MRFs (MyoD and myogenin) in skeletal muscle (soleus) subjected to an atrophic stimulus followed by physical training. It was used 64 male Wistar rats (80 days, 250 to 300 g), divided into 8 groups (n = 8): C: control animals a week, I: Animals immobilized a week, C3: control animals 3 days; R3: Animals immobilized and recovered for 3 days, T3: Animals immobilized and submitted to exercise for 3 days; C7: Animals controls 7 days; R7: Animals immobilized and subsequently recovered by 7 days, T7: Animals immobilized and subsequently subjected to exercise for 7 days. Initially, the animals in groups I, R3, R7, T3 and T7, were submitted to 7 days of immobilization of the hind limb. Muscle atrophy was confirmed after a direct statistical comparison of the values of cross-sectional area (CSA) of muscle fibers studied in animals in groups I and C, sacrificed immediately after the immobilization period. Then, the groups T3 and T7 were submitted a rehabilitation program with muscle aerobic exercise (swimming) for 3 and 7 days respectively. The groups C, C3 and C7 were kept without stimulus atrophic and were not subjected to exercise. At the end of the experiment, the animals were sacrified and the soleus muscle removed. The quantitative analysis of gene expression ...


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The competitiveness among global markets, the constant need for reducing manufacturing costs and also the growing environmental commitments are fueling the development of techniques for recovery residual parts generated by industrial processes. Among the various areas of a company, we highlight those that involve the processing of raw materials derived from oil, such as polymers (resins), which may take centuries to decompose in the environment and also present as a economic and environmentally strategic point. Thus, this study would examine the recovery of waste polypropylene, from the injection process of a major multinational in the field of home appliances through the recycling by a process comprising the milling, extrusion and chipping of waste material. Easy to deploy, this proposal aims to reduce levels negligible disposal (scrap) of these residues as well as the reintegration of the production process into pieces no visual and no structural importance, aimed at cutting costs and reducing environmental impacts caused. After the survey data in kilograms of waste material generated in a given period of time, and the study of changes in material properties, it would enable the reuse steadily in the injection process


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PETROBRAS started in 2003 the implantation of agroforestry systems as an alternative to recuperate degraded areas at Oiteirinhos Farm, of its property, located in the biggest terrestrial field of oil of Brazil, between the cities of Carmópolis and Japaratuba, at Sergipe. The project, idealized by the geologist Ismael Quirino Trindade Neto and called Agrofloresta, sustento da vida, has the model of agroforestry systems developed by Ernst Götsch as technical and theoretical references, which joins agricultural cultures with forest species. In this direction, it was evidenced that the practices adopted in the SAFs allow to join recovery, conservation and production, as it follows the biodiversity and the dynamics of the natural processes as basic principles of the practices adopted. Including social inclusion and economic return, the project expands the environmental aspect, turning into an action focused in sustainable development.


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The erosion is a natural process of detachment, transport and deposition of soil and rock particles from one place to another. Human activities with no previous planning may accelerate this process, causing several damages to the environment and to society. In order to control the acceleration of these erosion processes caused by humans, prevention and improvement initiatives emerge. Regarding works which interfere directly in some of the natural resources, these initiatives must respect the intrinsic physical properties of the area of interest, if they aim to obtain effective results. Based on this scenario, this work proposes a few methods of accelerated linear erosion prevention, control and recovery in a specific area of the municipal district of Ipeúna (SP). For that matter, this study is based on a method of physiographic compartmentalization of the area, considering and integrating soil, relief, geology and the use and land cover properties of the study area. Plus, a flowchart with general orientations regarding management of eroded areas was produced, focused on the control and recovery of linear erosion. The result demonstrates the importance of careful erosion control, respecting the physical properties of each physiographic unit. The vegetative and mechanical conservationists methods, and the discipline of water flow, have found wide applicability in the study area.


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O tema foi escolhido em função da sua relevância global, atualidade e importância para a população brasileira. A valorização de resíduos sólidos tem sido um tema central das políticas ambientais desde a década de 1970. Desde então, os resíduos são vistos não só como parte da problemática ambiental, mas também como um recurso produtivo e uma fonte de energia. A pesquisa proposta neste estudo tem o objetivo de analisar os benefícios da valorização energética de resíduos sólidos urbanos para a sociedade, e analisar as possíveis dificuldades que se colocam diante desta alternativa energética


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The treatment of domestic and industrial effluents through Wastewater Treatment Plants (WTPs) generates a residue termed sewage sludge, rich in organic matter, high-volume, occasionally containing pathogens and heavy metals. The sludge generation can minimize the benefits brought by the treatment of sewage, because this residue does not always receive appropriate treatment before final disposal. The disposal is another problem related to sludge. Landfills generally does not have physical space and alternatives such as the use in agriculture requires an intense treatment that could be in many cases operational or economic unfeasible. The objective of this work is the theoretical research about the processes of stabilization of the sludge by anaerobic digestion and the methanogenic activity during the process. Through analysis of each step and contemplating each relevant factor in anaerobic digestion process in order to optimize them, we proposed a theoretical model of reactors capable of stabilize the sludge, reduce its volume and eliminate pathogens. The obtained configuration consists of two anaerobic reactors connected in series. The first one operates in the range mesophilic temperature (35 ° C) and has higher hydraulic retention time (25 days) working primarily in the stabilization of organic matter present in the sludge and producing biogas, whereas the second one operates in the thermophilic range (55 ° C) in order to eliminate pathogens, and to reduce the volume. The hydraulic retention time in the second reactor is lower (10 days). Both mesophilic and thermophilic processes were efficient in what was proposed, promoting the stabilization of organic matter present in the sludge and significant reduction of pathogens. As a final step with the sludge previously digested, it is indicated a final dehydration... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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Baseado nas evidencias atuais de crescimento e expansão da atuação profissional do educador físico, em particular a sua atuação como prestador de serviços, ou seja, o personal trainer; que vende seus serviços, ou produtos relacionados à aptidão física e a relação promissora desta atuação, é que nos motivou a desenvolver este trabalho que segue por uma pesquisa bibliográfica de evidencias do histórico e perfil do personal trainer quanto aos conceitos culturais, sociais e psicológicos deste profissional, em seguida levantamos questões relacionadas à formação acadêmica do personal trainer e os pontos diferenciais deste profissional. Tais como a necessidade de conhecimentos que vão alem do âmbito acadêmico, pois se trata de um profissional prestador de serviços o que foge da regularidade da formação convencional. Portanto neste trabalho procuramos evidenciar estas e outras questões (como ética e profissionalismo), que podem levar este profissional a uma carreira de sucesso ou fracasso. Para isso existe uma necessidade fundamental de que se entenda que o personal trainer como prestador de serviços esta surgindo dentro de uma profissão já consolidada (Educador Físico), porem esta assumindo características próprias, como a necessidade de conhecimentos específicos da profissão. Concluímos, portanto que esta promissora atuação do educador físico necessita de atenções especiais e de um processo de formação diferenciado e que não podemos deixar que a nossa profissão se vulgarize e se venda por migalhas, pois esta é a grande chance do profissional se impor e conquistar o desejado respeito diante as profissões da área da saúde


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Este trabalho apresenta a elaboração de um projeto de intervenção arquitetônica e urbanística no município de Bastos/SP que busca incentivar a integração do idoso na sociedade, propondo a valorização de um espaço público, de forma a proporcionar uma melhor qualidade de vida tanto da população idosa quanto das outras faixas etárias. Para tanto, foi necessário realizar discussões bibliográficas sobre o idoso e a sociedade e sobre espaços livres públicos e lazer contemporâneo. A partir dos levantamentos da área de intervenção e da aplicação de questionários, foram propostas diretrizes gerais e um projeto arquitetônico e urbanístico de praça pública, mantendo o conceito inicial de incentivo à integração do idoso, além da apropriação, valorização e utilização do espaço público


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The main objective of this study was to analyze the reliability of blood lactate concentration ([La]), oxygen uptake (VO2) and heart rate (FC) in an intermittent protoco, performed at 95%VO2max with passive or active recovery in untrained subjects. Participated of this study, active healthy males with 20 to 25 years, which were doing aerobic exercises witha weekly frequency of 3 sessions at least. The individulas performed, in different days, the following protocols in a cyclergometer: 1) An incremental test until exhaustion to determine maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) and the intensity at VO2max; b) Two transitions at 95%VO2max for the determination of the VO2 kinetics parameters and; c) Two intermittent tests until exhaustion, with repetitions at 95% IVO2max and with durantion defined as being half of the duration of the slow component. The duration of the recovery was half of the duration of the effort (effort:pause of 2:1). This test was performed with passive (GP) and active recovery (GA). The VO2 and FC were measured continulously in both tests. Blood collections were performed for the determination of the [La]. There was significant correlação in both groups for VO2 (ATIVA - 0.94, PASSIVA - 0.75), [La] (ATIVA - 0.83, PASSIVA - 0.90) and FC (0.93) only for the passive group. Thus, it can be concluded that the cardiorrespiratory and metabolic responses present good realiability in an intermittent exercise with active or passive recovery


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Currently, the dam of Salto Grande is very degraded. Water quality is seriously amended, and lack of riparian vegetation, as well as the advance of feed crops and land occupation in areas that should be permanently preserved, only complicate this situation. The permanent preservation area is essential for the water sources protection, soil erosion control and consequent watercourse sedimentation. Through aerial photography, using GIS techniques, it was able to identify the outwards bounds of the dam, to demarcate the permanent preservation areas and generate maps for land use. With this data, in addition to studies and ideas of reforestation in different environments, the development of a plan for restoration of degraded areas surrounding the dam is easier to be done. This study confirmed that about 72% of land use in permanent preservation areas is not in accordance with specific laws, making necessary its recovering.


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As questões dessa pesquisa se delinearam a partir de uma outra, sobre a construção do Projeto Pedagógico (Dias e Tuppy, 2010), cujo levantamento preliminar aponta para os temas acima apontados, quais sejam: trabalho coletivo, relações de poder e mecanismos de valorização profissional no âmbito da instituição escolar, a que chamaremos de categorias de análise. O trabalho coletivo é o mecanismo vital para o êxito da vida escolar, e vê-se a necessidade de olhar quais os mecanismos dessa prática. As relações de poder na escola podem ser vistas de diversos ângulos, e será outro componente da pesquisa. A desvalorização e valorização docente que se vincula a ideologias, a visões da sociedade, e até as questões de gênero. No trabalho preliminar realizado no âmbito daquela pesquisa, por 10 pesquisadores, em 53 escolas de uma Rede Municipal de Ensino, tais categorias aparecem de forma recorrente nas discussões realizadas com os profissionais das diferentes escolas, apontando para o fato de que tais temas tem prevalência no cotidiano escolar, implicando a necessidade de um estudo mais acurado sobre eles. Nesse sentido, a presente pesquisa, buscará elementos que forneçam aporte teórico à parte das discussões que serão encaminhadas por aquele estudo. Recorreremos, assim, ao levantamento de trabalhos, cuja temática estabeleça relação com as categorias de análise aqui definidas. Com os objetivos de buscar aporte teórico para discussão do cotidiano escolar, levantar trabalhos científicos que tratem das seguintes temáticas: trabalho coletivo, relações de poder e mecanismos de valorização profissional no âmbito da instituição. Para elaboração deste trabalho será realizada uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa, através de levantamento e análise bibliográfica, a fim de mapear e analisar a produção científica sobre os temas propostos. Tendo já delimitado o tema, faz-se necessário a busca por bibliografia


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The lack of proper planning in intervention works of runoff water on rural properties and rural public roads leads to economic damage and loss of environmental quality. The impact of the action without technical base is soil erosion, siltation of water sources, loss of the quality and availability of water, invalidating areas for cultivation and livestock. The conservation of headwaters requires beyond regeneration of the environmental characteristics the repair and management of the degraded watercourse in order to control erosion. This graduate work in Environmental Engineering from Universidade Estadual Paulista Julio de Mesquita Filho - UNESP Presidente Prudente proposes a headwater recuperation and management in rural area of Álvares Machado municipality, São Paulo State, through the method of deep drainage applied to the case of a rural road near the outcrop of water. This technique consists in the installation of draining structures in sub-areas of the road surface, or sub-gutter and/or in the platform border in order to conduct the underground flow of water and reduce the loss of sediment in water flow. Therefore, was performed a historic study of use and occupation of land in the municipality of Álvares Machado, portraying transformations of the landscape caused by human action. Geology, geomorphology, pedology and hydrogeology data were collected from the study area in order to establish the conditions that led into the current situation of degradation and formulate an effective intervention strategy for civil works