772 resultados para Unmusicalization of television media
Considerando la estrecha relación opinión pública y democracia, en esta disertación se lleva a cabo un análisis socio-histórico de la construcción del campo de la televisión en Colombia, por ser el medio que mayor alcance tiene. Buscando generar un diagnóstico de la influencia actual de los dos mayores medios masivos de Colombia, RCN TV y Caracol TV sobre la opinión pública y la democracia, durante la última década. Con este propósito, se articulan la teoría de los campos y los habitus de Pierre Bourdieu con el Modelo de la Propaganda de Hermann y Chomsky, para poder determinar la cada vez más estrecha relación entre los poderes político y económico, con la producción del contenido audiovisual, especialmente informativo y de opinión. Encontrando, pruebas documentales y patrones de comportamiento que demuestran como las lógicas de las estructuras corporativas han logrado consolidar y sostener un oligopolio mediático nacional para su absoluto beneficio, no solamente en detrimento de la democracia, sino también, violando la constitución.
In this lecture for a second year interdisciplinary course (part of the curriculum innovation programme) We explore the scope of social media analytics and look at two aspects in depth: Analysing for influence (looking at factors such as network structure, propagation of content and interaction), and analysing for trust (looking at different methods including policy, provenance and reputation - both local and global). The lecture notes include a number of short videos, which cannot be included here for copy-write reasons.
Este artículo especializado se adentra en la definición, argumentación y demostración de un fenómeno comunicativo denominado regionalismo informativo. Esta problemática involucra a los canales de televisión privada y regional, así como pone de manifiesto las responsabilidades estatales. Con el objetivo de validar la hipótesis de la existencia del regionalismo informativo, se llevó a cabo una investigación que recolectó datos cuantitativos y cualitativos que, junto a la valiosa información brindada por especialistas en el tema, ayudó a desenmascarar las características más relevantes de este moderno fenómeno. Se determinó que la relación entre intereses comerciales y medios televisivos privados constituye un riesgo notable para las sanas prácticas del servicio de la televisión. Ante este panorama, se detectó que los canales regionales toman suprema importancia de acuerdo con los ideales y objetivos por los cuales fueron creados.
En este trabajo académico se presentan los resultados de un estudio cualitativo-pragmático de una muestra de las transmisiones la Copa del Mundo de fútbol de 2010 realizadas por la televisión abierta colombiana. Se argumenta que las transmisiones deportivas (dentro de las cuales las transmisiones de fútbol son las más extendidas) deben ser entendidas como un género mediático y periodístico específico y, por tanto, deben ser analizadas desde criterios diferentes a otros productos tradicionales de la comunicación masiva.
Las Comunicadoras Eucarísticas del Padre Celestial son una comunidad religiosa católica (sociedad de vida apostólica de derecho diocesano), fundada en Colombia en el año 2004 por el sacerdote belga Antonio Lootens y la hermana colombiana Gabriela del Amor Crucificado; ésta comunidad nace con el fin de llevar el mensaje de Jesús a las personas, a través de los medios de comunicación masivos usados para la nueva evangelización: producción de programas televisivos y radiofónicos, creación y difusión de DVD’s participación en congresos, entre otros. Ante esta nueva iniciativa, las hermanas empiezan una gran labor evangelizadora dentro de la Iglesia produciendo diversos programas audiovisuales, pero es allí donde nace la dificultad de los recursos necesarios para ello; esto se debe a que la elaboración de dichas producciones implica un alto costo financiero, humano y técnico, y la comunidad no cuenta con los recursos financieros suficientes para lograrlo. Por ello, ésta investigación propone un modelo para la sostenibilidad económica de las Comunicadoras Eucarísticas del Padre Celestial en su etapa fundacional en Colombia en el año 2014, el cual al ser aplicado frecuentemente en la comunidad, le permite a ella ocuparse libremente de cumplir su carisma, sin preocuparse en cómo sostener sus necesidades básicas; así, se amplía día a día su labor evangelizadora en la Iglesia, a través de los medios de comunicación masivos. Aunque este modelo creado es aplicado inicialmente en las Comunicadoras Eucarísticas, podrá de igual manera ser adaptado y usado para otras comunidades religiosas dentro de la Iglesia, al igual que para otros organismos eclesiales tanto clericales como laicales, en los cuales se una la mística y la profesionalización.
En Colombia los medios de comunicación, más específicamente las cadenas radiales nacionales más importantes, no se han quedado atrás y han optado por unirse desde hace unos años a twitter, incursionando sobre la marcha. Las cuentas de twitter de Bluradio, Caracol Radio y RCN Radio analizadas junto a las entrevistas con los encargados de las mismas y las emisiones de los programas de noticias escogidos, muestran que las redes sociales siguen siendo un desafío en la actualidad. Uno de esos desafíos es encontrar el verdadero objetivo de los medios en twitter y que este no sólo consista en la escucha activa en busca de las noticias de último momento. Para alcanzar una legitimidad comunicativa en la web 2.0 es necesario adaptarse a la cultura de la participación de las redes, de lo contrario se está condenado a obtener tan solo un nuevo canal de difusión de noticias.
The new tech has introduced the traits of the hypermedia, interactivity and convergence in the journalism field. Moreover, it has involved the emergence of new media and changes in the informative contents. In 2006 Al Jazeera in English was created for covering the underreported regions, inasmuch as new media arise, new contents do so, thus, the research examines the agendas of The Stream, the TV show from Al Jazeera that relies heavily on social networks.
This paper introduces the concept of belonging and discusses it in the context of online social networking experience and community experience considering social capital and user’s activities as nuclear concepts to understand collective actions and social relationships mediated by social media. The paper presents an empirical approach based on the study of two local communities and analyses whether interactive social technologies promote greater social involvement and higher production of social capital and participation, that results in a greater sense of belonging within communities. The results indicate a positive relationship between the use of social media and the increase of social capital and sense of belonging. Our work discusses the role and influence of social media in communitarian practices and the relevance social capital theory has as an outcome of media technologies use that result in a greater sense of belonging to a community.
Focusing on Fluxus, a loosely knit association of artists from America, Europe and Asia whose work centers around intermediality, this article explores the notion of relationality without relata. Intermediality refers to works that fall conceptually between media – such as visual poetry or action music – as well as between the general area of art media and those of life media(Higgins). Departing from two Fluxus intermedia – the event score, a performative score in the form of words, and the Fluxkit, a performative score in the form of objects – I investigate the logic of co-constitutivity within which every element is both subject and object, both constitutive and constituted. To be more precise, I trace the cross-categorial interplay of differences that explodes the logico-linguistic structure of binary oppositions, such as those between foreground and background, word and action, sound and silence, identity and alterity. Aided by Jacques Derrida’s concept of ‘de-centered play’ and Shigenori Nagatomo’s concept of ‘interfusion’ this article seeks to articulate the ways in which the Fluxus works mobilise the ‘silent background’ to dismantle the dualistic logic of definite differences.
A presente pesquisa tem como objetivo problematizar e refletir a influência da mídia televisiva no comportamento e na aprendizagem de adolescentes de duas escolas da Zona Urbana de Santa Luzia-PB. A amostra foi selecionada em um universo de oito turmas do 9º ano do ensino fundamental, em 2011. Através de inquéritos por questionários, o estudo apresenta as percepções de 59 estudantes na faixa etária entre 12 e 16 anos de idade e de suas professoras sobre como as informações veiculadas pela mídia televisiva são interpretadas pelos estudantes, quais os efeitos midiáticos no comportamento desses jovens e qual o nível de conscientização da escola frente à aprendizagem paralela proporcionada pela TV. Na análise da pesquisa recorremos a uma abordagem quanti-qualitativa, à análise de conteúdo, que utiliza a unidade de sentido como base de análise. Sob a ótica da interlocução comunicação/educação, o estudo reflete sobre a importância da utilização dos meios de comunicação na escola. Dados teóricos e empíricos comprovaram, assim, que, diante de seu papel significativo na sociedade, a educação atual deve provocar a emancipação do indivíduo tornando-o capaz de atuar como interlocutor crítico dos acontecimentos sociais, de modo a superar todo e qualquer tipo de alienação midiática.
Three experiments investigated the effectiveness of presenting procedural information through different media and their combinations. Experiment 1 examined the effectiveness of text, line drawings, text and line drawings, video. and video stills for learning a first aid task. The results showed an advantage of text and line drawings and of the video presentation over the other three conditions for both bandaging performance and answering questions about the task. Experiment 2 showed that the beneficial effect of the combination of text and pictures could not be accounted for simply in terms of a dual coding explanation. Rather, the effectiveness of the media and their combinations was influenced by the extent to which they conveyed action information. Finally, Experiment 3 showed no evidence of a contiguity effect: text and pictures were as effective when presented together on the same screen as when they were presented separately. Copyright © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The antagonistic activities of six selected fungal isolates against Armilloria mellea were studied on two different concentrations of three media, on fungicides-amended malt extract agar (MEA) medium, and in glasshouse pots filled with John Innes No.2 compost and natural field soil. Trichoderma hamatum isolate Tham1 was found the most effective in reducing Armillaria growths on both the low and high concentrations of malt extract, potato dextrose and V-8 juice in MEA, potato dextrose agar (PDA) and V-8 juice agar (VJA), respectively, followed by T. harzianum isolate Th2 and T. viride isolate Tv3. Neither dose rate (200 or 2000 mg l(-1)) of fenpropidin allowed any growth of Armillaria on MEA, while that of the antagonists was also completely inhibited or greatly restricted. However, both dose rates of fosetyl-A1 allowed the growth of Armillaria and almost all the antagonists. Data on colony diameters of Armillaria showed Tham1 as the most effective antagonist along with Th2, Th23 and Tv3. Tham1 was also found the most effective in protecting hazel billets from colonization by Armillaria, followed by Th2 and Th23. Compared with 7.1 colonized billets in the inoculated controls, only 1.3, 2.6 and 2.7 billets (out of ten) were colonized, respectively, when protected with these antagonists. The results indicate that the Trichoderma isolates are able to maintain their antagonistic effects on A. mellea under a variety of nutritional, chemical and edaphic regimes. More investigations are needed to develop a system of control for the disease with these potential antagonists.
According to the Chinese State Council's "Building Energy Efficiency Management Ordinance", a large-scale investigation of energy efficiency (EE) in buildings in contemporary China has been carried out in 22 provincial capitals and major cities in China. The aim of this project is to provide reliable information for drawing up the "Decision on reinforcing building energy efficiency" by the Ministry of Construction of China. The surveyed organizations include government departments, research institutions, property developers, design institutions, construction companies, construction consultancy services companies, facility management departments, financial institutions and those which relate to the business of building energy efficiency. In addition, representatives of the media and residents were also involved. A detailed analysis of the results of the investigation concerning aspects of the cur-rent situation and trends in building energy consumption, energy efficiency strategy and the implementation of energy efficiency measures has been conducted. The investigation supplies essential information to formulate the market entrance policy for new buildings and the refurbishment policy for existing buildings to encourage the development of energy efficient technology.