993 resultados para Ultracold atoms


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DsbA, a 21-kDa protein from Escherichia coli, is a potent oxidizing disulfide catalyst required for disulfide bond formation in secreted proteins. The active site of DsbA is similar to that of mammalian protein disulfide isomerases, and includes a reversible disulfide bond formed from cysteines separated by two residues (Cys3O-Pro31-His32-Cys33). Unlike most protein disulfides, the active-site disulfide of DsbA is highly reactive and the oxidized form of DsbA is much less stable than the reduced form at physiological pH. His32, one of the two residues between the active-site cysteines, is critical to the oxidizing power of DsbA and to the relative instability of the protein in the oxidized form. Mutation of this single residue to tyrosine, serine, or leucine results in a significant increase in stability (of similar to 5-7 kcal/mol) of the oxidized His32 variants relative to the oxidized wild-type protein. Despite the dramatic changes in stability, the structures of all three oxidized DsbA His32 Variants are very similar to the wild-type oxidized structure, including conservation of solvent atoms near the active-site residue, Cys3O. These results show that the His32 residue does not exert a conformational effect on the structure of DsbA. The destabilizing effect of His32 on oxidized DsbA is therefore most likely electrostatic in nature.


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The suprathermal particles, electrons and protons, coming from the magnetosphere and precipitating into the high-latitude atmosphere are an energy source of the Earth's ionosphere. They interact with ambient thermal gas through inelastic and elastic collisions. The physical quantities perturbed by these precipitations, such as the heating rate, the electron production rate, or the emission intensities, can be provided in solving the kinetic stationary Boltzmann equation. This equation yields particle fluxes as a function of altitude, energy, and pitch angle. While this equation has been solved through different ways for the electron transport and fully tested, the proton transport is more complicated. Because of charge-changing reactions, the latter is a set of two-coupled transport equations that must be solved: one for protons and the other for H atoms. We present here a new approach that solves the multistream proton/hydrogen transport equations encompassing the collision angular redistributions and the magnetic mirroring effect. In order to validate our model we discuss the energy conservation and we compare with another model under the same inputs and with rocket observations. The influence of the angular redistributions is discussed in a forthcoming paper.


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The vacuum gamma -radiolysis of two fluorinated polyimides containing phenylphosphine oxide units, TOR-RC and TOR-RC ODPA, have been studied at 77 K and 300 K. The phenyl phosphine oxide units provide protection of the polymers towards oxidation by oxygen atoms and the bulky fluoromethyl groups reduce the colouration of the polymers by limiting donor-acceptor complex formation through the aromatic units. At 77 K the radicals formed were identified to be a mixture of neutral radicals (60%) and anion radicals. At 300 K only neutral radicals were found. The G-values for radical formation were found to be 0.50 and 0.42 at 77 K and 0.051 and 0.052 at 300 K for TOR-RC and TOR-RC ODPA, respectively. Little change was observed in the visible spectra of the polyimides following vacuum radiolysis at 300 K up to a dose of 3.3 MGy, and the polymers were shown to undergo net cross linking with a gel dose of 0.45 MGy.


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This paper deals with non-Markovian behavior in atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum electromagnetic field modes, with particular relevance to atoms interacting with the field in high-Q cavities or photonic band-gap materials. In cases such as the former, we show that the pseudomode theory for single-quantum reservoir excitations can be obtained by applying the Fano diagonalization method to a system in which the atomic transitions are coupled to a discrete set of (cavity) quasimodes, which in turn are coupled to a continuum set of (external) quasimodes with slowly varying coupling constants and continuum mode density. Each pseudomode can be identified with a discrete quasimode, which gives structure to the actual reservoir of true modes via the expressions for the equivalent atom-true mode coupling constants. The quasimode theory enables cases of multiple excitation of the reservoir to now be treated via Markovian master equations for the atom-discrete quasimode system. Applications of the theory to one, two, and many discrete quasimodes are made. For a simple photonic band-gap model, where the reservoir structure is associated with the true mode density rather than the coupling constants, the single quantum excitation case appears to be equivalent to a case with two discrete quasimodes.


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It has been previously demonstrated that aspartic, serine, metallo and cysteine proteases bind to their inhibitors and substrate analogues in a single conformation, the saw-tooth or extended beta-strand. Consequently a generic approach to the development of protease inhibitors is the use of constraints that conformationally restrict putative inhibitor molecules to an extended form. In this way the inhibitor is pre-organized for binding to a protease and does not need to rearrange its structure. One constraining device that has proven to be effective for such pre-organization is macrocyclization. This article illustrates the general principle that macrocycles, especially those composed of 3-4 amino acids and usually 13-17 ring atoms, can effectively mimic the extended conformation of short peptide sequences. Such structure-stabilising macrocycles are stable to degradation by proteases, valuable components of potent protease inhibitors, and in many cases they are also bioavailable.


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SFTI-1 is a recently discovered cyclic peptide trypsin inhibitor from sunflower seeds comprising 14 amino acid residues. It is the most potent known Bowman-Birk inhibitor and the only naturally occurring cyclic one. The solution structure of SFTI-1 has been determined by H-1-NMR spectroscopy and compared with a synthetic acyclic permutant. The solution structures of both are remarkably similar. The lowest energy structures from each family of 20 structures of cyclic and acyclic SFTI-1 have an rmsd over the backbone and heavy atoms of 0.29 Angstrom and 0.66 Angstrom, respectively. The structures consist of two short antiparallel beta -strands joined by an extended loop containing the active site at one end. Cyclic SFTI-1 also has a hairpin turn completing the cycle. Both molecules contain particularly stable arrangements of cross-linking hydrogen bonds between the beta -strands and a single disulfide bridge, making them rigid and well defined in solution. These stable arrangements allow both the cyclic and acyclic variants of SFTI-1 to inhibit trypsin with very high potencies (0.5 nM and 12.1 nM, respectively). The cyclic nature of SFTI-1 appears to have evolved to provide higher trypsin inhibition as well as higher stability. The solution structures are similar to the crystal structure of the cyclic inhibitor in complex with trypsin. The lack of a major conformational change upon binding suggests that the structure of SFTI-1 is rigid and already pre-organized for maximal binding due to minimization of entropic losses compared to a more flexible ligand. These properties make SFTI-1 an ideal platform for the design of small peptidic pharmaceuticals or pesticides. (C) 2001 Academic Press.


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We report the observation of multiple bifurcations in a nonlinear Hamiltionian system: laser-cooled atoms in a standing wave with single-frequency intensity modulation. We provide clear evidence of the occurrence of bifurcations by analyzing the atomic momentum distributions.


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A 250 mum diameter fibre of ytterbium-doped ZBLAN was cooled by 13 K from room temperature. The cooling was performed in vacuum to limit the thermal load on the fibre. 0.85 W of laser light at 1015 nm was coupled into the fibre. The ytterbium ions absorbed this light, and the excited atoms thermalized phononically and on average emitted light at a wavelength of 996 nm. Since the quantum efficiency of the transition was high, this resulted in a net loss of energy from the glass, producing net bulk cooling.


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We investigate the center-of-mass motion of cold atoms in a standing amplitude modulated laser field. We use a simple model to explain the momentum distribution of the atoms after any distinct number of modulation cycles. The atoms starting near a classical phase-space resonance move slower than we would expect classically. We explain this by showing that for a wave packet on the classical resonances we can replace the complicated dynamics in the quantum Liouville equation in phase space by its classical dynamics with a modified potential.


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With the exception of the sodium D-lines, recent calculations of line broadening cross sections for several multiplets of sodium by Leininger et al (Leininger T, Gadea F X and Dickinson A 2000 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33 1805) are in substantial disagreement with cross sections interpolated from the tables of Anstee and O'Mara (Anstee and O'Mara 1995 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 276 859) and Barklem and O'Mara (Barklem P S and O'Mara B J 1997 Mon. Not. R. Astron. Soc. 290 102). The discrepancy is as large as a factor of 3 for the 3p-4d multiplet. The two theories are tested by using the results of each to synthesize lines in the solar spectrum. It is found that generally the data from the theory of Anstee, Barklem and O'Mara produce the best match to the observed solar spectrum. It is found, using a simple model for reflection of the optical electron by the potential barrier between the two atoms, that the reflection coefficient is too large for avoided crossings with the upper states of subordinate lines to contribute to line broadening, supporting the neglect of avoided ionic crossings by Anstee, Barklem and O'Mara for these lines. The large discrepancies between the two sets of calculations is a result of an approximate treatment of avoided ionic crossings for these lines by Leininger et al (Leininger T, Gadea F X and Dickinson A 2000 J. Phys. B: At. Mol. Opt. Phys. 33 1805).


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Analogues of the potent, conformationally biased, decapeptide agonist of human C5a anaphylatoxin, C5a(65-74)Y65,F67,P69,P71,D-Ala73 (YSFKPMPLaR, peptide 54), were synthesized with methyl groups occupying specific C5a,, amide nitrogen atoms along the peptide backbone. This N-methylation induced crucial extended backbone conformations in a manner similar to the two Pro residues, but without eliminating the contributions made by the side-chain of the residue for which Pro was substituted. The presence of backbone N-methyl groups on peptide 54 analogues had pronounced detrimental effects on the ability to bind and activate C5aRs expressed on human PMNs, but not on the ability to contract smooth muscle of human umbilical artery. Several N-methylated analogues of peptide 54 (peptides 56, 67, 124, 125, and 137) were significantly more selective for smooth muscle contraction, which is mediated by tissue resident macrophages, than for enzyme release from PMNs. Indeed, peptide 67, YSFKDMP(MeL)aR was almost 3000-fold more selective for smooth muscle contraction than for PMN enzyme release. Consistent with these differential activities was the observation that peptide 67 expressed a significantly greater binding affinity to C5aRs expressed on rat macrophages than on rat PMNs. This differential activity was also observed in vivo in the rat where peptide 67 induced a hypotensive response similar to peptide 54 and rhuC5a, but without accompanying neutropenia. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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We discuss the connection between quantum interference effects in optical beams and radiation fields emitted from atomic systems. We illustrate this connection by a study of the first- and second-order correlation functions of optical fields and atomic dipole moments. We explore the role of correlations between the emitting systems and present examples of practical methods to implement two systems with non-orthogonal dipole moments. We also derive general conditions for quantum interference in a two-atom system and for a control of spontaneous emission. The relation between population trapping and dark states is also discussed. Moreover, we present quantum dressed-atom models of cancellation of spontaneous emission, amplification on dark transitions, fluorescence quenching and coherent population trapping.


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This paper deals with atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum EM field modes, with particular relevance to atoms interacting with the field in photonic band gap materials. The case of high Q cavities has been treated elsewhere using Fano diagonalization based on a quasimode approach, showing that the cavity quasimodes are responsible for pseudomodes introduced to treat non-Markovian behaviour. The paper considers a simple model of a photonic band gap case, where the spatially dependent permittivity consists of a constant term plus a small spatially periodic term that leads to a narrow band gap in the spectrum of mode frequencies. Most treatments of photonic band gap materials are based on the true modes, obtained numerically by solving the Helmholtz equation for the actual spatially periodic permittivity. Here the field modes are first treated in terms of a simpler quasimode approach, in which the quasimodes are plane waves associated with the constant permittivity term. Couplings between the quasimodes occur owing to the small periodic term in the permittivity, with selection rules for the coupled modes being related to the reciprocal lattice vectors. This produces a field Hamiltonian in quasimode form. A matrix diagonalization method may be applied to relate true mode annihilation operators to those for quasimodes. The atomic transitions are coupled to all the quasimodes, and the true mode atom-EM field coupling constants (one-photon Rabi frequencies) are related to those for the quasimodes and also expressions are obtained for the true mode density. The results for the one-photon Rabi frequencies differ from those assumed in other work. Expressions for atomic decay rates are obtained using the Fermi Golden rule, although these are valid only well away from the band gaps.


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A laser, be it an optical laser or an atom laser, is an open quantum system that produces a coherent beam of bosons (photons or atoms, respectively). Far above threshold, the stationary state rho(ss) of the laser mode is a mixture of coherent-field states with random phase, or, equivalently, a Poissonian mixture of number states. This paper answers the question: can descriptions such as these, of rho(ss) as a stationary ensemble of pure states, be physically realized? Here physical realization is as defined previously by us [H. M. Wiseman and J. A. Vaccaro, Phys. Lett. A 250, 241 (1998)]: an ensemble of pure states for a particular system can be physically realized if, without changing the dynamics of the system, an experimenter can (in principle) know at any time that the system is in one of the pure-state members of the ensemble. Such knowledge can be obtained by monitoring the baths to which the system is coupled, provided that coupling is describable by a Markovian master equation. Using a family of master equations for the (atom) laser, we solve for the physically realizable (PR) ensembles. We find that for any finite self-energy chi of the bosons in the laser mode, the coherent-state ensemble is not PR; the closest one can come to it is an ensemble of squeezed states. This is particularly relevant for atom lasers, where the self-energy arising from elastic collisions is expected to be large. By contrast, the number-state ensemble is always PR. As the self-energy chi increases, the states in the PR ensemble closest to the coherent-state ensemble become increasingly squeezed. Nevertheless, there are values of chi for which states with well-defined coherent amplitudes are PR, even though the atom laser is not coherent (in the sense of having a Bose-degenerate output). We discuss the physical significance of this anomaly in terms of conditional coherence (and hence conditional Bose degeneracy).