987 resultados para Turbocharger motore F1


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No Brasil, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides é a única espécie associada à antracnose de anonáceas. Contudo, apenas características morfológicas têm sido utilizadas na identificação. Assim, o objetivo do trabalho foi identificar e caracterizar espécies de Colletotrichum que causam a antracnose nas culturas da pinha e da graviola no Estado de Alagoas. Cinquenta e um isolados, obtidos de folhas de pinheira e gravioleira com sintomas típicos da doença, foram coletados em Maceió, Palmeira dos Índios e União dos Palmares. Os isolados foram inoculados em folhas destacadas de ambas as culturas e caracterizados morfologicamente através da morfometria de conídios e apressórios, e molecularmente por meio do sequenciamento da região ITS. Verificou-se que todos os isolados foram patogênicos a ambas as espécies. Na caracterização morfológica, os isolados foram agrupados em três grupos: M1, M2 e M3. O grupo M1 foi formado por 32 isolados com características relacionadas a C. gloeosporioides. No grupo M2, constituído de 15 isolados, predominaram características de C. boninense, enquanto, no grupo M3, composto por quatro isolados, as características foram típicas de C. fragariae. A análise filogenética, da mesma forma, também resultou em três grupos (F1, F2 e F3), os quais, de modo geral, estiveram em concordância com os dados da morfologia. O grupo filogenético F1 concentrou os isolados do grupo morfológico M1 e sequências de referências de C. gloeosporioides e C. fragariae. O grupo F2, que agrupou as sequências de C. boninense, concentrou os isolados do grupo morfológico M2. Finalmente, o grupo F3 incluiu sequências de C. magna e outros quatro isolados desse estudo. Assim, foi possível comprovar que quatro espécies de Colletotrichum são responsáveis pela antracnose em pinheira e gravioleira em Alagoas: C. gloeosporioides, C. boninense, C. fragariae e C. magna.


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Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, minkälaisia sisäkenkiä ikäihmiset käyttävät vanhustenkeskuksessa ja arvioida, millä tavalla he kävelevät. Tutkimus toteutettiin Helsingissä Kustaankartanon vanhustenkeskuksen F1-osastolla maalis-huhtikuussa 2007 osana IKU-pojektia. Tutkimukseen osallistui seitsemän 70 - 94-vuotiasta, itsenäisesti ja ilman apuvälineitä liikkuvaa naisasukasta. Viisi tutkittavista käytti Pirka-sisäkenkiä, yksi sandaaleja ja yksi tohveleita. Tutkimusstrategia oli kvantitatiivis-kvalitatiivinen ja tietoa kerättiin havainnointi- ja arviointilomakkeilla sekä videotallentein. Tulokset esitettiin frekvensseinä ja prosenttiosuuksina sekä kävelyn arviointi laadullisena kuvauksena. Lähes kaikilla asukkailla oli ehjä ja terve iho. Melkein kaikilla tutkituista todettiin vaivaisenluu ja levinnyt päkiä. Vasaravarpaita ja kynsimuutoksia havaittiin alle puolella. Ikäihmisten kengistä suurin osa oli pituudeltaan sopivia, eikä kantakapissa ollut muutoksia. Kahdella oli venymisjälkiä kengän kärkiosassa. Kävelyssä oli havaittavissa normaaleja ikääntymiseen liittyviä muutoksia, jotka olivat yksilöllisiä. Osalla asukkaista varvastyöntö oli heikentynyt ja nilkan liikelaajuus koukistussuuntaan oli pienentynyt sekä osalla kävely oli matalaa ja laahaavaa. Osalla ikäihmisistä kengät olivat huonosti kiinnitetty. Kantapään ja kengän kantaosan väliin jäi 1 - 2 cm:n rako, jolloin kengät ei tue jalkaterän toimintoja ja kaatumisriski lisääntyy. Tulosten mukaan ikäihmiset näyttäisivät tarvitsevan ohjausta oikeanlaisten sisäkenkien valinnassa. Kenkien valinnassa keskeistä on huomioida yksilölliset tarpeet, jotta jokainen ikäihminen saa kävellä omille jalkaterille sopivilla kengillä. Pirka-kenkiä olisi hyvä kehittää ikäihmisten tarpeiden mukaisesti. Jalkaterapeutit ja jalkojenhoitajat voivat hyödyntää tutkimustuloksia antaessa ohjeita sisäkenkien valinnassa. Koska osalla asukkaista on jalkaterän etuosan virheasentoja, jotka vaativat leveämmän lestin sekä kärjen muodon naisten malliin, Pirka-kengässä voisi olla naisten koossa kahta erimallista kärkiosaa sekä leveyttä.


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Opinnäytetyömme tarkoituksena oli tarkastella hoitohenkilöstön työssä koettua fyysistä kuormitusta, sitä aiheuttavia tekijöitä sekä työympäristön vaikutusta koettuun fyysiseen kuormitukseen. Opinnäytetyömme liittyy ”Ikäihmisten kuntoutumista tukevat hoito- ja toimintaympäristöt”-hankkeeseen ja se toteutettiin puolistrukturoidun kyselylomakkeen avulla Kustaankartanon vanhustenkeskuksen F1-osastolla. Tavoitteenamme oli tuottaa tietoa työntekijöiden toiminta- ja työkyvystä sekä tuoda esiin työympäristöön liittyviä kehittämisehdotuksia. Kyselyyn vastasi kolmetoista osaston työntekijää. Tuloksista ilmeni valtaosan hoitohenkilöstöstä arvioivan fyysisen kuormittumisensa vähintään kohtalaiseksi. Kuormittavimmiksi työtilanteiksi osoittautuivat liikkumisen, siirtymisen, peseytymisen ja pukeutumisen avustamistilanteet sekä potilaan turvallisuudesta huolehtiminen. Apuvälineiden käyttöä ja parityöskentelyä pidettiin tärkeinä tilanteissa, jotka koettiin fyysisesti kuormittavimpina. Hoitohenkilöstön mielestä apuvälineiden käyttöön vaikuttivat voimakkaimmin apuvälineiden saatavuus ja käytettävyys, ja lisäksi asenne apuvälineiden käyttöön sekä hoitajan tiedot ja taidot niiden käytöstä. Työympäristössä fyysistä kuormitusta aiheuttaviksi tekijöiksi hoitohenkilöstö koki wc-tilat, asukashuoneet ja saunatilan, jotka eivät vastausten mukaan soveltuneet hyvin asukkaiden hoitoon. Työstä johtuvaa fyysistä kuormitusta voitaisiin hoitohenkilöstön mielestä tasata kehittämällä kyseisiä tiloja, apuvälineiden tarpeen arviointia ja apuvälineiden saatavuutta sekä yhtenäistämällä toimintatapoja. Johtopäätöksinä voidaan todeta hoitohenkilöstön kokevan itsensä fyysisesti kohtalaisen kuormittuneeksi erityisesti aamuvuorossa suurimman kuormituksen kohdistuessa alaselkään. Aamuvuoro sisältää runsaasti työtilanteita, jotka koetaan fyysisesti kuormittavimpina ja suoritetaan pääsääntöisesti huonoiten asukkaiden hoitoon soveltuvissa tiloissa. Apuvälineiden vähäinen käyttö voi liittyä niiden saatavuuteen sekä yhteisen toimintalinjan puuttumiseen ja voi osaltaan aiheuttaa hoitohenkilöstölle liiallista fyysistä kuormitusta.


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The 16p11.2 600 kb BP4-BP5 deletion and duplication syndromes have been associated with developmental delay; autism spectrum disorders; and reciprocal effects on the body mass index, head circumference and brain volumes. Here, we explored these relationships using novel engineered mouse models carrying a deletion (Del/+) or a duplication (Dup/+) of the Sult1a1-Spn region homologous to the human 16p11.2 BP4-BP5 locus. On a C57BL/6N inbred genetic background, Del/+ mice exhibited reduced weight and impaired adipogenesis, hyperactivity, repetitive behaviors, and recognition memory deficits. In contrast, Dup/+ mice showed largely opposite phenotypes. On a F1 C57BL/6N × C3B hybrid genetic background, we also observed alterations in social interaction in the Del/+ and the Dup/+ animals, with other robust phenotypes affecting recognition memory and weight. To explore the dosage effect of the 16p11.2 genes on metabolism, Del/+ and Dup/+ models were challenged with high fat and high sugar diet, which revealed opposite energy imbalance. Transcriptomic analysis revealed that the majority of the genes located in the Sult1a1-Spn region were sensitive to dosage with a major effect on several pathways associated with neurocognitive and metabolic phenotypes. Whereas the behavioral consequence of the 16p11 region genetic dosage was similar in mice and humans with activity and memory alterations, the metabolic defects were opposite: adult Del/+ mice are lean in comparison to the human obese phenotype and the Dup/+ mice are overweight in comparison to the human underweight phenotype. Together, these data indicate that the dosage imbalance at the 16p11.2 locus perturbs the expression of modifiers outside the CNV that can modulate the penetrance, expressivity and direction of effects in both humans and mice.


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When analyzing the chromosomal polymorphism of D. subobscura natural populations it is assumed that the information provided by wild males and sons of wild females is equivalent. Thus, using both in the analysis it is possible to increase the sample size. However, it is important to verify whether there are significant differences between both groups or not. The aim of this research has been to statistically compare the results of chromosomal polymorphism of both groups. We have used data from Avala Mountain (Serbia) where D. subobscura flies were collected from the 30th May to the 5th June 2011. Avala is located 18 km south of Belgrade and the trapping place is a forest with polydominant communities of Fagetum submontanum Table 1. Number and percentage of adult flies collected in Font Groga (Barcelona, Spain) on 9th October 2013. Males and sons of wild females were crossed with virgin females of the Küsnacht strain. Third instar larvae from F1 were dissected to obtain the salivary glands and the polytene chromosomes were stained and squashed in aceto-orcein solution. No significant differences were observed for any chromosome of the karyotype: A (p-value = 0.485), J (p-value = 0.230), U (p-value =0.572), E (p-value = 0.536), and O (p-value = 0.338). Thus, it seems that the two groups can be grouped together to obtain the chromosomal polymorphism of the population.


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We have developed a practical exercise for undergraduate students whose main aim is to identify, using genetic crosses, a pair of D. melanogaster mutations (miniature and singed). Each student receives a vial with the problem strain containing two unknown mutations. The first step is to observe and describe both mutations. Then, the students carry out genetic crosses between mutant and normal strains: (P) ♀ mutant strain × ♂ normal strain (P) ♀ normal strain × ♂ mutant strain A different offspring is expected in these crosses: in the first one we will obtain normal females and m sn males, whereas in the second all individuals will present normal phenotype. It is possible to deduce that both are sex linked mutations. With this information and to simplify the amount of work, only F1 individuals from the first cross will be used (m+sn+ / m sn × m sn / Y chrom.) to obtain the F2 generation. By counting the number of miniature (recombinant type), singed (recombinant type), miniature-singed (parental type) and normal (parental type) flies it is possible to estimate the recombination frequency between both genes. Knowing the phenotype, their chromosomal location (X chromosome) and the genetic distance between both mutations, it is possible to identify them by finding all this information in a Drosophila melanogaster genetic map. Additionally, a statistical analysis can be carried out to compare the number of expected F2 individuals with those observed in the experiment. As the distance between both genes is 15.1 m.u., then the expected percentages for each phenotype would be: normal (42.45%), miniature-signed (42.45%), miniature (7.55%) and singed (7.55%). Multiplying the frequency of each class by the total number of individuals obtained in the F2 it is possible to estimate the expected number of flies for each class. Finally, a χ2 test can be computed to ascertain whether there are significant differences between expected and observed number of individuals.


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A sequential system for fractionation by ultrafiltration (SSFU) equipped with advanced membranes filters (molecular size cut-off: 5, 10, 30, 50 and 100 kDalton) of the polyethersulfone type was developed for analytical fractionation of humic substances (HS) extracted from aquatic systems or soils. The device consists of five membrane filters (Sartocon® Micro) operated by a multi-channel peristaltic pump, enabling an easy handling, working in a closed system and with simple collection of the six obtained fractions (F1>100; F2: 100-50; F3: 50-30; F4:30-10; F5: 10-5 and F6 <5 kDalton). Then, the HS sample (250 mL solution 1.0 mg/mL, pH 5.0 to 6.0) to be fractionated is pumped by pump through the series of membrane filters with a tangential flow of 85 mL/min, initial pressure 0.2 to 0.3 bar and permeation flux through the membranes of 0.8 to 1.4 mL/min. The overall time for fractionation and cleaning of the device is about 10 h and 25 mL of each fraction is obtained.


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Koko nimeke: : predikningar, håldne aff Isaaco B. Rothovio episcopo Abonsi, effter några godha wenners begäran aff trycket vthgångne ministerio dioecesano til tienst, at the på the åhrlighe stora bönedaghar brukas kunna i församblingarna.


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The aquatic humic substances (AHS) investigated in this study were conventionally isolated from Rio Negro waters - Amazonas State/Brazil by means of the collector XAD 8. A special five-stage tangential-flow ultrafiltration device was used for analytical fractionation of AHS. The fractionation patterns (6 fractions each) showed that metal traces remaining in AHS after their XAD 8 isolation have different size distributions. For instance, the major percentage of traces of Ni, Cu, Zn, Cd and Pb (determined using ICP-AES) was preferably complexed by molecules with relatively high molecular size (30-100 kDa) and the following complexation order was characterized: F2 >> F1 = F4 = F5 > F3 > F6. Moreover, the species formed between AHS and metals prepared by spiking, showed distribution patterns changing as a function of the complexation time (ageing process), indicating a slow transformation process and an inner rearrangements in the binding sites within the AHS molecules.


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In this work the metal distribution and exchange constants between metal species and aquatic humic fractions with different molecular sizes were studied. The aquatic humic substances (AHS) were extracted by XAD-8 resin from water sample collected from Itapitanguí river, São Paulo State, Brazil. The AHS were fractionated in six fractions with different molecular sizes (>100 - <5 kDa) and characterized by several techniques. Molar ratios H/C suggested higher aromaticity for fractions F1 and F6 whereas molar ratios C/N didn´t show any differences regarding the humification degree between the fractions. The UV-Vis absorbance a254/a436 ratio showed higher results for F4 and F5, probably by less condensed features. FTIR studies showed high similarity in the functional groups in the fractions. The highest percentage of traces of Co, Al, Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn and Ni (determined by ICP-AES) was preferably complexed by fractions F3 and F4 with a greater amount of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). In addition, the exchange constants, determined by ultrafiltration method, showed complexes AHS-Fe and AHS-Al with higher stability than complexes AHS-Co in all fractions.


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Invocatio: I.N.J.C.


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Invocatio: Q.F.S.F.Q.


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The aim of this study was to verify the influence of the apparent molecular size of aquatic humic substances on the effectiveness of coagulation with ferric chloride. Coagulation-filtration tests using jar test and bench-scale sand filters were carried out on samples of water with true color of approximately 100 Hazen units, prepared with aquatic humic substances of different molecular sizes (F1: < 0.45 µm, F2: 100 kDa - 0.45 µm, F3: 30 - 100 kDa and F4': < 30 kDa). For the water samples with lower apparent molecular size fractions, greater dosages of coagulant was needed to remove the color around 5.0 Hanzen units, mainly because these water samples contain higher concentrations of fulvic acids, which exhibited a larger number of negatively-charged groups.


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Dedicatio: Carl Henric Furumark [ruots. pr.], Henricus Poppius, Laurentius Poppius, Gustavus Fridericus Aurenius, Johannes Lagus, Gabriel Krogius.


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Density functional theory (DFT) calculations at the B3LYP/6-31G** theoretical level were performed for a series of guanidine-fused bicyclic skeleton derivatives C4N6H8-n(NO2)n (n = 1 - 6). The heats of formation (HOFs) were calculated by isodesmic reactions, and the detonation properties were evaluated using the Kamlet - Jacobs equations. The bond dissociation energies were also analyzed to investigate the thermal stability and sensitivity of the compounds. The results show that all of the derivatives have high positive HOFs, compound G has the highest theoretical density, and compound F1 has the highest detonation velocity and detonation pressure. Considering both the detonation properties and thermal stabilities, compounds D1 and D4 (3 nitro substituents), E1 - E6 (4 nitro substituents), and G (6 nitro substituents) can be regarded as potential candidates for high-energy density materials.