999 resultados para Transporte rodoviario - Pantanal Mato-Grossense (MS)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A formação Aquidauana é constituída por um conjunto de sedimentos com até 500 m de espessura, predominando arenito de granulometria fina a média, intercalado com conglomerado arenoso. Nesse ambiente, o relevo é um dos principais fatores condicionantes na formação de solos. Objetivou-se, neste trabalho, caracterizar e classificar os solos desenvolvidos desses arenitos. Para isso, foram estudados quatro perfis ao longo de uma topossequência, de uma pendente representativa das colinas suaves onduladas verificadas na área de estudo. Os perfis localizavam-se no terço superior (P1), terço médio (P2), terço inferior (P3) e sopé de encosta (P4). Eles foram morfologicamente descritos, e os horizontes, caracterizados quanto às propriedades físicas e químicas. Os solos estudados apresentaram predomínio da fração areia (> 680 g kg-1), com textura variando de franco-arenosa (P4) a franco-argiloarenosa. Os valores de pH em água variaram de 4,2 a 6,5. Os valores de capacidade de troca catiônica variaram de 1,6 cmol c kg-1 no P4 a 10,3 cmol c kg-1 no P2, com predomínio dos íons H+ no P1 e P4 e Ca2+ no P2 e P3. Os horizontes subsuperficiais do P1 e P4 são distróficos, enquanto em P2 e P3 verificou-se elevada saturação por bases, evidenciando caráter eutrófico. À exceção do P2, os demais apresentaram argila de baixa atividade. em todos os perfis verificaram-se atributos morfológicos, físicos, químicos e mineralógicos condicionados pelo material de origem e relevo, demonstrando a influência desses fatores na pedogênese.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O presente trabalho trata do levantamento e análise fitossociológica de espécies de plantas daninhas, tóxicas ou não, infestantes de pastagens, no município de Selvíria, Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Para tanto, foram realizadas visitas periódicas às áreas infestadas, tendo sido coletadas excicatas para identificação botânica em dez fazendas da região. O levantamento foi tanto de natureza quantitativa como também de natureza qualitativa. Foram identificadas 73 espécies de plantas, havendo poucas espécies com distribuição generalizada. A família MALVACEAE foi a que apresentou o maior número de indivíduos e a maior densidade, enquanto que as famílias ASTERACEAE e LEGUMINOSAE apresentaram maior número de espécies nas áreas estudadas. As espécies mais abundantes foram Sida rhombifolia var. typica K. Schum e Sida cordifolia L., ambas classificadas como indivíduos solitários (sol). A espécie com maior freqüência foi S. cordifolia L. com 64,5% em relação à área total estudada. O coeficiente de similaridade para as localidades estudadas variou de 21,6% até 80%, com média de 55,8 ± 1,95% (desvio padrão da média). Foram também identificadas diversas espécies tóxicas ou suspeitas de intoxicação ao gado.


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De fevereiro a outubro de 1998, avaliou-se a contaminação de praças públicas de Campo Grande, MS, Brasil, por ovos de Toxocara e Ancylostoma, em amostras de fezes de cães. Das 74 praças examinadas, 42 (56,8%) estavam contaminadas por ovos de Ancylostoma, 8 (10,8%) com ovos de Toxocara e 7 (9,5%) com ambos.


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Occurrence of adults and biological aspects of Geniates borelli Camerano (Coleoptera, Scarabaeidae, Rutelinae) in Aquidauana, Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil. Due to the importance of Geniates borelli Camerano as a pest in many crops, studies were developed at Universidade Estadual de Mato Grosso do Sul (UEMS). Aquidauana campus, MS, Brazil. Adults were collected with a light trap from January 2006 to December 2007. 3,320 adults were collected, and the highest quantities were obtained in October 2006 and November 2007, with 1,548 and 802 adults recorded, respectively. Collected adults were kept in plastic containers with soil and Brachiaria decumbens seedlings for oviposition. 535 eggs measuring 2.30 x 1.60 mm were obtained. As the embryonic development progressed, eggs increased in size to 3.00 x 2.70 mm, and this change occurred between 6 and 10 days after oviposit ion. The embryonic period lasted 17.9 days. The first, second, and third instars lasted 37.6, 49.7, and 74 days, respectively The prepupal stage lasted 65.9 days and the pupal stage lasted an average of 18.5 days. The biological cycle is completed in 315.8 days, which characterizes the species as univoltine. The average longevity of females was 35.4 days and 28.5 days for males.


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A study of ticks associated with wild animals was carried out from September 1996 to April 1998 at the Fazenda Alegria (21,000 ha), in the Nhecolândia Pantanal, State of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, a sunken plain bordering the upper Paraguay river, located 19 × 08′S; 56 × 46′W. A total of 81 wild animals (13 species, 6 orders) were captured with the aid of nets, and ticks were found on 63 (78%). Tick species identified included Boophilus microplus (Canestrini), Amblyomma cajennense (F.), A. parvum (Aragão), A. pseudo-concolor (Aragão), A. scalpturatum (Neumann), A. nodosum (Neumann), A. ovale (Koch), and A. tigrinum (Koch). Dragging from grasslands (campos) yielded negative results compared to the high concentration of ticks, mainly nymphs, that were collected from leaves in the forests (capão). Predominance of immature instars (Amblyomma genera) was observed in the end of winter (August-September). Ticks were associated mainly with coatis, deer (Mazama gouazoubira) and anteater, and these animals may play a role in the epidemiology of tick-transmitted pathogens in the Pantanal if one considers their coexistence with local domestic animals.


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The study area corresponds to the basin of the Itiquira river high course, totalling 5,361km2. In this area a study of the environmental dynamics was made, applying SIG techniques and satellite images of the years 1966, 1985 and 1996. In 1966 the areas of natural vegetation (forests and groves) occupied 90.64% of the total of the area, which was diminished to 60.57% in 1985 and to only 36.66% in 1996. In this process, 289,382ha of a total of 485,928ha of natural vegetal covering had been lost. At the same time, the agrarian surfaces (agriculture and pasture) that occupied only 0.52% of the total area in 1966, increased to 34.89% in 1985 and to 59.04% in 1996. In 30 years there was an increase of 313,725ha of cultivated lands, corresponding to about 113 times the land occupation of the year of 1966 (2,798ha). The areas classified as urban show a gradual increase since 1966, from 39ha in 1996 to 58ha in 1985, and to 178ha in 1996. The other classes of soil use and occupation (reforestement areas, uncovered and affected by fire and humid areas) added were smaller than 4,27% in 1996.


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The geographic area of the present study corresponds to the basin of the Itiquira river high course (Figure 1), in the portion that extends from the tributaries of its source, in the east of the plateau Correntes/Itiquira, in the neighbourhoods the city of Alto Garç as, to the scarp of the São Jerônimo mountain range, toward the west of Itiquira, in the state of Mato Grosso, totalizing 5,361 km 2. The area is placed in the eastern part of the Alto Paraguai basin, in the western portion of the Paraná Sedimentary Basin plateau. Through GIS techniques, it was possible to asses total soil losses from the Itiquira river basin, considering the years of 1966, 1985 and 1996, being based on the Universal Soil Loss Equation. Thus, in 1966 the basin lost 201,546.94 ton of soil, with an average loss of 0.37 ton/ha/year. Considering that the total area of the Itiquira river basin is of 536,100 ha, while in 1985 the soil losses had passed to 1,760,833.40 ton, with an increase of approximately 8.5 times. The average of soil losses in 1985 was of 3.28 ton/ha/year. In 1996 the basin lost 1,662,043.24 ton, with a reduction of only 9.4% in relation to 1985 but, in relation the 1966, the increase continued in the order of 8 times. The average losses per hectare in this year was in the order of 3.10 ton/ha/year (Chart 1). The map of potential of the laminar erosion for 1966 (Figure 3), shows to the highest values in small areas, situated in the northeast of the area, in Alto Garças, with values between 10 the 20 ton/ha/year and some spots in sources of the Itiquira and Ariranha rivers, with values between 1 the 5 ton/ha/year. In a general way, however, the area presents low soil loss for laminar erosion in this year, with inferior values to 1 ton/ha/year. The higher class of erosion, over 10 ton/ha/year, occupied 2,947 ha in 1966. In the year of 1985 (Figure 4), the erosive process spread over the entire studied area, and the class of erosion over of 10 ton/ha/year, already started to occupy 78,437 ha, implying an increase of approximately 27 times in 19 years. A strong increment in the erosive process was noticed in the western part of the area, to along the BR-163 road, exactly where great areas of natural vegetation (open pasture) had been transformed in culture and pasture areas. In the north-eastern part of the area it was also noticed an increment in the erosive process in agreement with the increase of culture areas and reduction of the natural areas, but it was not of so intense form as in the western portion of the area. In the year of 1996 (Figure 5), the class of erosion over of 10 ton/ha/year had diminished for a total of 53.499 ha noticing a retraction of the erosive process in the western part of the area, alongside the BR-163 road. On the other hand, it occurred a strong increment in the northern part of the area, in the neighbourhoods of the city of Alto Garças, alongside the BR-364 road and part of the MT-040 road. In a general way, in the outskirts of the city of Itiquira, in the central part of the area, it was verified an increase of the amount of zones with erosion between 0-1 ton/ha/year, passing to the immediately superior class, of 1-3 ton/ha/year; scarce data of hydrosedimentology in the UHE Itiquira (1999), shows good agreement with the values gotten for the EUPS (Chart 2). Based on the hydric classification proposal for FAO (1967) (Chart 3), it is noticed that areas with high degree of erosion (> 50) in the analysed area are very restricted, occupying 493 ha in 1985 and 332 ha in 1996 (Chart 4). In 1996 appeared as isolated spots in the north of Itiquira and Alto Garças, however beyond limits of the Itiquira river basin. These areas require special cares in its use as agricultural areas. Aiming at identifying and indicating the areas of potential risk of erosion and that need implementation of conservation practices, it was elaborated the map of limit of tolerance to the soil losses. In 1966 (Figure 6), areas with soil losses over of the tolerable were restricted to small spots located in the eastern part of the area, occupying 0.43% of the total of the area; already in 1985 (Figure 7), this percentage passed to 5.86%, spreading for all the area; in 1996 (Figure 8) it is observed a fast reduction of the areas with soil losses over of the tolerance limit, passing 5.43% of the total of the area. All the areas with losses over of the tolerable value must be considered as risk areas and were done in these areas studies for implementation of conservation practices.


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A pioneer GPR - Ground Penetrating Radar - survey was carried out in the Pantanal of Mato Grosso State, westcentral region of Brazil. Fieldwork acquisitions were carried out in February/2001 and August/2002 in order to understand avulsion processes that are occurring within the Taquari alluvial megafan. The main subjects were to map channel, crevasses and floodplain morphology, as well as active sedimentary bedforms. Many GPR profiles were surveyed in the medium and lower Taquari River course. Subaqueous megaripples and exposed sand bars inside the Taquari channel were identified in the medium fan area. Similar features were observed in the lower fan channels, where there are also many crevasses in the marginal levees. During the flooding seasons the flow splays out in the floodplain where new distributary channels are being formed. As shown by GPR data, in the lower fan the Taquari channel is topographically higher than the adjacent floodplain, situation in which avulsion is a natural process of river course shifting. The lack of information about river morphology and dynamics is a major strain to better understand the sediment transport and the avulsion processes in the Taquari megafan. In this context, the GPR data obtained in wet and dry seasons, integrated to sedimentological information, have been very important to characterize the fluvial dynamics and the avulsion phenomena.


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A novel and timely ground penetrating radar (GPR) survey has been carried out in Pantanal from Mato Grosso State, west-central Brazil. Fieldwork was carried out on February/2001 and August/2002 in an attempt to understand avulsion processes that are occurring within Taquari alluvial megafan. The main objectives were to map channel, crevasse and floodplain morphology, as well as active sedimentary bedforms. Many GPR profiles were acquired in the medium and lower Taquari River course. Subaqueous megaripples and exposed sand bars were identified in the medium fan area. Similar features were observed in the lower fan channels, where there were many crevasses in the marginal levees. During the flooding seasons, the flow splays out on to the floodplain, where new distributary channels are being formed. GPR data show that the lower fan, Taquari channel is topographically higher than the adjacent floodplain, thus favoring avulsion as a natural process of river course shifting. GPR data obtained during the wet and dry seasons, together with sedimentology information have been very important in characterizing the fluvial dynamics, and avulsion phenomena. © 2005 Springer Science+Business Media, Inc.


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The Cock-tailed Tyrant (Alectrurus tricolor, Vielliot 1816) is reported here for the first time in the Brazilian Pantanal. The species was seen twice (August and September 2005) in the northern portion of Fazenda Rio Negro, in the region of Nhecolândia. Sexual displays were observed, suggesting that reproduction is occuring in this area.


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The Brazilian Granitic Province from southeastern Mato Grosso do Sul and Mato Grosso region, central western Brazil, can be divided into two major groups and/or magmatic events related to the evolution of the Paraguay Fold Belt. The southern portion crops out in Mato Grosso do Sul State and is constituted by the Taboco, Rio Negro, Coxim and Sonora massifs forming NE-SW oriented, elongated small intrusions. The north portion crops out in Mato Grosso State and is constituted by the São Vicente, Araguaiana and Lajinha batholiths. Lithogeochemical aspects of the northern granites point to Type-I granites ranging from K calc-alkaline to high-K, peraluminous to metaluminous in composition, generated in an environment of continental collision and/or post- collision decompression. The southern granites are Type-I, from K calc-alkaline to high-K, peraluminous to subordinate metalummous, in a syn-collision continental arc environment with the exception of some pre-collisional facies from the Rio Negro Massif. The southern granites have less SiO 2 and K 2O, and are less differentiated and evolved than granites from the northern region. The four southern granites can be grouped into two subordinate sets with the degree of differentiation increasing from South (Taboco and Rio Negro) to North (Coxim and Sonora). The granitic rocks are characterized by a magmatism generated by melting of material from the lower crust which suggests that in this province the formation from non-cogenetic magmas with diversified compositions and distinct degrees of fractioning reaching more steady consolidated environments at the end of the collisional event in the southeastern Amazonian Craton.