982 resultados para Transmissão elétrica


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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It s notorious the advance of computer networks in recent decades, whether in relation to transmission rates, the number of interconnected devices or the existing applications. In parallel, it s also visible this progress in various sectors of the automation, such as: industrial, commercial and residential. In one of its branches, we find the hospital networks, which can make the use of a range of services, ranging from the simple registration of patients to a surgery by a robot under the supervision of a physician. In the context of both worlds, appear the applications in Telemedicine and Telehealth, which work with the transfer in real time of high resolution images, sound, video and patient data. Then comes a problem, since the computer networks, originally developed for the transfer of less complex data, is now being used by a service that involves high transfer rates and needs requirements for quality of service (QoS) offered by the network . Thus, this work aims to do the analysis and comparison of performance of a network when subjected to this type of application, for two different situations: the first without the use of QoS policies, and the second with the application of such policies, using as scenario for testing, the Metropolitan Health Network of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)


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The use of graphical objects three-dimensional (3D) multimedia applications is gaining more space in the media. Networks with high transmission rates, computers with large processing and graphics boost and popularize such three-dimensional applications. The areas of 3D applications ranging from military applications, entertainment applications geared up for education. Within the applications related to education, we highlight the applications that create virtual copies of cultural spaces such as museums. Through this copy, you can virtually visit a museum, see other users, communicate, exchange information on works, etc. Thereby allowing the visit museums physically distant remote users. A major problem of such virtual environments is its update. By dealing with various media (text, images, sounds, and 3D models), its subsequent handling and update on a virtual environment requires staff with specialized knowledge. Speaking of museums, they hardly have people on your team with this profile. Inside the GT-MV (Grupo de Trabalho de Museus Virtuais), funded by RNP (Rede Nacional de Ensino e Pesquisa) propose a portal for registration, amendment and seen collaborative virtual museums of Brazil. The update, be it related to work or physical space, a system with a national scale like this, would be impossible if done only by the project team. Within this scenario, we propose the modeling and implementation of a tool that allows editing of virtual spaces in an easy and intuitive as compared with available tools. Within the context of GT-MV, we apply the SAMVC (Sistema de Autoria de Museus Virtuais Colaborativos) to museums where curators build the museum from a 3D floor plan (2D). The system, from these twodimensional information, recreates the equivalent in three dimensions. With this, through little or no training, team members from each museum may be responsible for updating the system


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This work presents a theoretical and numerical analysis for the radiation characteristics of rectangular microstrip antenna using metamaterial substrate. The full wave analysis is performed in the Fourier transform domain through the application of the Transverse Transmission Line - TTL method. A study on metamaterial theory was conducted to obtain the constructive parameters, which were characterized through permittivity and permeability tensors to arrive at a set of electromagnetic equations. The general equations for the electromagnetic fields of the antenna are developed using the Transverse Transmission Line - TTL method. Imposing the boundary conditions, the dyadic Green s function components are obtained relating the surface current density components at the plane of the patch to the electric field tangential components. Then, Galerkin s method is used to obtain a system of matrix equations, whose solution gives the antenna resonant frequency. From this modeling, it is possible to obtain numerical results for the resonant frequency and return loss for different configurations and substrates


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This work presents a theoretical analysis and numerical and experimental results of the scattering characteristics of frequency selective surfaces, using elements of type patch perfectly conductor. The structures are composed of two frequency selective surfaces on isotropic dielectric substrates cascaded, separated by a layer of air. The analysis is performed using the method of equivalent transmission line in combination with the Galerkin method, to determine the transmission and reflection characteristics of the structures analyzed. Specifically, the analysis uses the impedance method, which models the structure by an equivalent circuit, and applies the theory of transmission lines to determine the dyadic Green's function for the cascade structure. This function relates the incident field and surface current densities. These fields are determined algebraically by means of potential incidents and the imposition of the continuity of the fields in the dielectric interfaces. The Galerkin method is applied to the numerical determination of the unknown weight coefficients and hence the unknown densities of surface currents, which are expanded in terms of known basis functions multiplied by these weight coefficients. From the determination of these functions, it becomes possible to obtain numerical scattered fields at the top and bottom of the structures and characteristics of transmission and reflection of these structures. At work, we present numerical and experimental results for the characteristics of transmission and reflection. Comparisons were made with other results presented in literature, and it was observed a good agreement in the cases presented suggestions continuity of the work are presented


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Recently, an amazing development has been observed in telecommunication systems. Two good examples of this development are observed in mobile communication and aerospace systems. This impressive development is related to the increasing need for receiving and transmitting communication signals. Particularly, this development has required the study of new antennas and filters. This work presents a fullwave analysis of reflectarrays. The considered structures are composed by arrays of rectangular conducting patches printed on multilayer dieletric substrates, that are mounted on a ground plane. The analysis is developed in the spectral domain, using an equivalent transmission line method in combination with Galerkin method. Results for the reflection coefficient of these structures are presented and compared to those available in the literature. A good agreement was observed. Particularly, the developed analysis uses the transmission lines theory in combination with the incident potentials and the field continuity equations, at the structures interfaces, for obtaining the scattered field components expressions as function of the patch surface currents and of the incident field. Galerkin method is used to determine the unknown coefficients in the boundary value problem. Curves for the reflection coefficient of several reflectarray geometries are presented as function of frequency and of the structural parameters


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The introduction of new digital services in the cellular networks, in transmission rates each time more raised, has stimulated recent research that comes studying ways to increase the data communication capacity and to reduce the delays in forward and reverse links of third generation WCDMA systems. These studies have resulted in new standards, known as 3.5G, published by 3GPP group, for the evolution of the third generation of the cellular systems. In this Masters Thesis the performance of a 3G WCDMA system, with diverse base stations and thousand of users is developed with assists of the planning tool NPSW. Moreover the performance of the 3.5G techniques hybrid automatic retransmission and multi-user detection with interference cancellation, candidates for enhance the WCDMA uplink capacity, is verified by means of computational simulations in Matlab of the increase of the data communication capacity and the reduction of the delays in the retransmission of packages of information


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This work shows a theoretical analysis together with numerical and experimental results of transmission characteristics from the microstrip bandpass filters with different geometries. These filters are built over isotropic dielectric substrates. The numerical analysis is made by specifical commercial softwares, like Ansoft Designer and Agilent Advanced Design System (ADS). In addition to these tools, a Matlab Script was built to analyze the filters through the Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD) method. The filters project focused the development of the first stage of filtering in the ITASAT s Transponder receptor, and its integration with the others systems. Some microstrip filters architectures have been studied, aiming the viability of implementation and suitable practical application for the purposes of the ITASAT Project due to its lowspace occupation in the lower UHF frequencies. The ITASAT project is a Universityexperimental project which will build a satellite to integrate the Brazilian Data Collect System s satellite constellation, with efforts of many Brazilian institutes, like for example AEB (Brazilian Spatial Agency), ITA (Technological Institute of Aeronautics), INPE/CRN (National Institute of Spatial Researches/Northeastern Regional Center) and UFRN (Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte). Comparisons were made between numerical and experimental results of all filters, where good agreements could be noticed, reaching the most of the objectives. Also, post-work improvements were suggested.


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In this work, the transmission line method is explored on the study of the propagation phenomenon in nonhomogeneous walls with finite thickness. It is evaluated the efficiency and applicability of the method, considering materials like gypsum, wood and brick, found in the composition of the structures of walls in question. The results obtained in this work are compared to those available in the literature, for several particular cases. A good agreement is observed, showing that the performed analysis is accurate and efficient in modeling, for instance, the wave propagation through building walls and integrated circuit layers in mobile communication and radar system applications. Later, simulations of resistive sheets devices such as Salisbury screens and Jaumann absorbers and of transmission lines made of metal-insulator-semiconductor (MIS) are made. Thereafter, it is described a study on frequency surface selective structures (FSS). It is proposed the development of devices and microwave integrated circuits (MIC) of such structures, for the accomplishment of experiments. Finally, future works are suggested, for instance, on the development of reflectarrays, frequency selective surfaces with dissimilar elements, and coupled frequency selective surfaces with elements located on different layers


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A variação da condutividade elétrica da solução nutritiva altera a absorção de água e nutrientes pelas plantas, interferindo no metabolismo e, consequentemente, na produção das mesmas. Este trabalho, conduzido no período de agosto a outubro de 1999, avaliou o efeito da condutividade elétrica (CE) sobre a produção e desenvolvimento de alface americana de cabeça crespa, cultivar Ryder em hidroponia. As tendências de variação da condutividade elétrica do meio nutritivo, durante o desenvolvimento da alface, foram também avaliadas. Foi utilizado o delineamento inteiramente casualizado com seis repetições e três tratamentos, constituídos pelas condutividade elétricas: CE1= 1,46, CE2= 2,46 e CE3= 4,21 (± 0,24) mS cm-1. O diâmetro e altura da cabeça e peso seco da raiz não foram influenciados pelas condutividades elétricas da solução nutritiva. Os maiores pesos do material fresco e seco foram conseguidos com CE 2,46 (± 0,24) mS cm-1. Todos os tratamentos apresentaram a tendência de diminuição da condutividade elétrica, durante o cultivo da alface verificando-se que a condutividade elétrica teve influência sobre as características de produção da alface americana.


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Recently the planar antennas have been studied due to their characteristics as well as the advantages that they offers when compared with another types of antennas. In the mobile communications area, the need for this kind of antennas have became each time bigger due to the intense increase of the mobile communications that needs of antennas which operate in multifrequency and wide bandwidth. The microstrip antennas presents narrow bandwidth due the loss in the dielectric generated by radiation. Another limitation is the radiation pattern degradation due the generation of surface waves in the substrate. In this work some used techniques to minimize the disadvantages (previously mentioned) of the use of microstrip antennas are presented, those are: substrates with PBG material - Photonic Bandgap, multilayer antennas and with stacked patches. The developed analysis in this work used the TTL - Transverse Transmission Line method in the domain of Fourier transform, that uses a component of propagation in the y direction (transverse to the direction real of propagation z), treating the general equations of electric and magnetic field as functions of y and y . This work has as objective the application of the TTL method to microstrip structures with single and multilayers of rectangular and triangular patches, to obtaining the resonance frequency and radiation pattern of each structure. This method is applied for the treatment of the fields in stacked structures. The Homogenization theory will be applied to obtaining the effective permittivity for s and p polarizations of the substrate composed of PBG material. Numerical results for the triangular and rectangular antennas with single layer, multilayers resonators with triangular and rectangular patches are presented (in photonic and isotropic substrates). Conclusions and suggestions for continuity of this work are presented


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In practically all vertical markets and in every region of the planet, loyalty marketers have adopted the tactic of recognition and reward to identify, maintain and increase the yield of their customers. Several strategies have been adopted by companies, and the most popular among them is the loyalty program, which displays a loyalty club to manage these rewards. But the problem with loyalty programs is that customer identification and transfer of loyalty points are made in a semiautomatic. Aiming at this, this paper presents a master's embedded business automation solution called e-Points. The goal of e-Points is munir clubs allegiances with fully automated tooling technology to identify customers directly at the point of sales, ensuring greater control over the loyalty of associate members. For this, we developed a hardware platform with embedded system and RFID technology to be used in PCs tenant, a smart card to accumulate points with every purchase and a web server, which will provide services of interest to retailers and customers membership to the club


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Modern wireless systems employ adaptive techniques to provide high throughput while observing desired coverage, Quality of Service (QoS) and capacity. An alternative to further enhance data rate is to apply cognitive radio concepts, where a system is able to exploit unused spectrum on existing licensed bands by sensing the spectrum and opportunistically access unused portions. Techniques like Automatic Modulation Classification (AMC) could help or be vital for such scenarios. Usually, AMC implementations rely on some form of signal pre-processing, which may introduce a high computational cost or make assumptions about the received signal which may not hold (e.g. Gaussianity of noise). This work proposes a new method to perform AMC which uses a similarity measure from the Information Theoretic Learning (ITL) framework, known as correntropy coefficient. It is capable of extracting similarity measurements over a pair of random processes using higher order statistics, yielding in better similarity estimations than by using e.g. correlation coefficient. Experiments carried out by means of computer simulation show that the technique proposed in this paper presents a high rate success in classification of digital modulation, even in the presence of additive white gaussian noise (AWGN)


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The opening of the Brazilian market of electricity and competitiveness between companies in the energy sector make the search for useful information and tools that will assist in decision making activities, increase by the concessionaires. An important source of knowledge for these utilities is the time series of energy demand. The identification of behavior patterns and description of events become important for the planning execution, seeking improvements in service quality and financial benefits. This dissertation presents a methodology based on mining and representation tools of time series, in order to extract knowledge that relate series of electricity demand in various substations connected of a electric utility. The method exploits the relationship of duration, coincidence and partial order of events in multi-dimensionals time series. To represent the knowledge is used the language proposed by Mörchen (2005) called Time Series Knowledge Representation (TSKR). We conducted a case study using time series of energy demand of 8 substations interconnected by a ring system, which feeds the metropolitan area of Goiânia-GO, provided by CELG (Companhia Energética de Goiás), responsible for the service of power distribution in the state of Goiás (Brazil). Using the proposed methodology were extracted three levels of knowledge that describe the behavior of the system studied, representing clearly the system dynamics, becoming a tool to assist planning activities


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New versions of SCTP protocol allow the implementation of handover procedures in the transport layer, as well as the supply of a partially reliable communication service. A communication architecture is proposed herein, integrating SCTP with the session initiation protocol, SIP, besides additional protocols. This architecture is intended to handle voice applications over IP networks with mobility requirements. User localization procedures are specified in the application layer as well, using SIP, as an alternative mean to the mechanisms used by traditional protocols, that support mobility in the network layer. The SDL formal specification language is used to specify the operation of a control module, which coordinates the operation of the system component protocols. This formal specification is intended to prevent ambiguities and inconsistencies in the definition of this module, assisting in the correct implementation of the elements of this architecture