976 resultados para Transferência de renda condicionada


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A eficiência do reator de leito fluidizado com circulação em tubos concêntricos depende das condições hidrodinâmicas que influem na transferência de oxigênio ao biofilme. Este trabalho investigou a influência da relação entre diâmetros dos tubos e da concentração de meio suporte (areia), sobre o coeficiente global de transferência de oxigênio (K La). Os ensaios - em reatores de 2,6 m de altura, com diâmetro externo de 250 mm e internos de 100, 125, 150 e 200 mm - empregaram vazões de ar até 2.500 L.h-1 e concentrações de até 150 g.L-1 de areia. O K La aumentou ligeiramente com 30 g.L-1 e diminuiu para concentrações maiores, confirmando relatos da literatura em condições semelhantes. Um modelo para K La em meio bifásico foi ajustado para as diversas relações ensaiadas entre a área externa e a interna, postulando-se uma redução na razão entre a transferência na fase líquida e o diâmetro da bolha com o aumento da vazão de ar.


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Nowadays, as well as in the past decades, the dumping of biodegradable organic waste in landfill is common practice in Brazil, as well as in most parts of the world. Nevertheless due to its rapid decomposition and release of odors, this practice hamper’s the operation and implementation of a recycling system. These facts encouraged our research to find an efficient system for the management of organic waste, not only for the use of official workers responsible for managing these wastes, but also for non-governmental institutions. The Recycling for Life Community Association – ACREVI (Associação Comunitária Reciclando para a Vida), together with the municipal authorities of Mossoró-RN, Brazil, have assumed the social role of collecting and recycling solid waste produced by most of the local population. However, it was observed that the organic waste it collected was not receiving any treatment. This present work aims to make compost with mixed waste (green waste and organic household), and then do chemical analysis of the material in view to use the waste as organic fertilizer. The objective being: to share the knowledge acquired by putting it into a very simple language accessible to people with little education. The experiment was conducted at ACREVI, Mossoró (RN), and the compost was obtained following the method "windrow", forming three cells (I, II, III) with conical shape, dimensions of 1.6 meters and 2.0 meters in diameter for cells I and II, and 1.0 meters high and 2.0 meters in diameter for cell III. The process was accompanied by analysis: CHN elemental, a variation of cell temperature, humidity, pH, TKN, bulk density, nutrients and heavy metals. Stabilized organic compounds reached the C/N ratio of 10.4/1 cell I and 10.4/1 in the cell II in the cell, showing how good soil conditions, with potential to improve the physical properties of any soil and pH acid soils, has presented the cell III at the end of the process the C/N 26/1, is a high ratio may be associated with the stack size III, thus changing the optimal conditions for the occurrence of the process. The levels of heavy metals in the analyzed compounds were lower than those established by the SDA normative instruction, Nº 27, of 5 June, 2006. The use of pruning trees and grass are used in small-scale composting, while generating a quality compost in the final process, it also created an important condition for a correct sizing of the composting piles. Under the studied conditions it is not advisable to use cells with a height of 1.00 m in height and 2.00 m in diameter, as these do not prevent the rapid dissipation of heat and thus can not be a good product at the end of composting. The composting process in the shed of the association and the preparation of the primer enabled the development of an alternative technology to generate income for members of ACREVI.


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The Palestina Graben is one of the NE-trending asymmetric grabens of the Araripe Basin. This basin rests on the precambrian terrains of the Transversal Zone, Borborema Province, immediately to the south of the Patos Lineament. It is part of the Interior Basins province of Northeastern Brazil, being related to the fragmentation of the Gondwana supercontinent and the opening of the South Atlantic ocean. The Palestina Graben trends NE-SW and presents an asymmetric geometry, controled by the NW extensional eocretaceous strain. The graben borders display distinct geometries. The SE border is a flexural margin, characterized by the non conformity of the eopaleozoic Mauriti Formation (the oldest unit of the basin) overlying the crystalline basement, but also affected by normal faults with small displacements. On the opposite, the NW border is continuous and rectilinear, being marked by normal faults with major displacements, that control the general tilting of the layers to the NW. In this sense, the Mauriti Formation is overlain by the Brejo Santo, Missão Velha (which also occurs in the Brejo Santo-Mauriti horst, to the NW of the fault border) and Abaiara formations, the latter restricted to the graben. The interpretation of available gravity data and a seismic line indicates that the main fault has a variable dip slip component, defining two deeper portions within the graben, in which the sedimentary column can reach thicknesses of up to 2 km. Regarding to the stratigraphy of Araripe Basin in the study area, the sedimentary package includes three distinct tectonosequences. The Paleozoic Syneclisis Tectonosequence is composed by the Mauriti Formation, deposited by a braided fluvial system. The Jurassic Tectonosequence, whose tectonic setting is still debatable (initial stage of the Neocomian rift, or a pre-rift syneclisis ?), is represented by the Brejo Santo Formation, originated in a distal floodplain related to ephemeral drainages. The Rift Tectonosequence, of neocomian age, includes the Missão Velha Formation, whose lower section is related to a braided to meandering fluvial system, outlining the Rift Initiation Tectonic Systems Tract. The upper section of the Missão Velha Formation is separated from the latter by a major unconformity. This interval was originated by a braided fluvial system, overlain by the Abaiara Formation, a deltaic system fed by a meandering fluvial system. Both sections correspond to the Rift Climax Tectonic Systems Tract. In the area, NE-trending normal to oblique faults are associated with NW transfer faults, while ENE to E-W faults display dominant strike slip kinematics. Both NE and E-W fault sets exhibit clear heritage from the basement structures (in particular, shear zones), which must have been reactivated during the eocretaceous rifting. Faults with EW trends display a dominant sinistral shear sense, commonly found along reactivated segments of the Patos Lineament and satellyte structures. Usually subordinate, dextral directional movements, occur in faults striking NNW to NE. Within this framework bearing to the Palestina Graben, classical models with orthogonal extension or pull-apart style deserve some caution in their application. The Palestina Graben is not limited, in its extremeties, by E-W transcurrent zones (as it should be in the case of the pull-apart geometry), suggesting a model close to the classic style of orthogonal opening. At the same time, others, adjacent depocenters (like the Abaiara-Jenipapeiro semi-graben) display a transtensional style. The control by the basement structures explains such differences


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The present work is about the reproduction of the urban area of Nova Cruz RN, with the objective of analyzing the social and spatial implications of the relocation of the main street market in the city from 1991 on. Nowadays, the city of Nova Cruz takes over importance in the potiguar social and spatial scenario due to its condition of central city which is practiced for decades in Potiguar Agreste Microregion. Beginning with its formation process connected with traveler‟s hostel which assisted the activity of cattle transportation, further in time by the golden era of cotton production in its territory, it was noticed that its importance in relation with the nearby towns has been happening differently throughout time. From the year 1991 on, the town of Nova Cruz has gone through a territory restructuring of its urban area due to the relocation of the open market from Downtown neighborhood to São Sebastião neighborhood. Such territorial movement resulted in a reformation of the town‟s urban space, promoting in both neighborhoods urban growth and the expansion of commercial activity associated with the migration of the commercial center of the city. The transference of the commercial area has caused these processes through the new uses of the land towards the São Sebastião region, it has also caused a decrease in market value of the downtown area as a result of the breakdown of previous existing business activities, their service contribution and the citizen migration, establishing a space and socioeconomic portrait in the neighborhood. From this context, our analysis seeks to understand the social and spatial impacts occurred in Downtown neighborhood, the way in which the production and reproduction of the urban space in São Sebastião neighborhood and the implications resulted from the actions of the administrative power in restructuring of the urban space of Nova Cruz. In order to do so, a bibliographical research was used to compose our theoretic-conceptual mark, discussing the matter with authors such as Roberto Lobato Corrêa, Ana Fani, Milton Santos, Manuel Castells e Heri Lefvbre, among others, discussing on the subject of urban analysis, the concepts of urban space and the process of reproduction of the urban space. A field research was utilized in our area of study by means of primary data gathering through interviews, questionnaire and photographic register. Secondary data gathering was also obtained by means of bibliographical and documental research related to our study object. By these means, it was sought to contribute to the understanding of the urban space through its production and reproduction based upon the discovery of social and spatial practices


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Com o objetivo de investigar alguns aspectos relacionados à transferência de imunidade passiva em bovinos de corte, foram selecionados 90 bezerros aparentemente sadios, 45 da raça Nelore e 45 da raça Limousin, distribuídos em 3 grupos (com 15 bezerros cada) de acordo com o número de parições de suas mães: primeira cria; segunda cria; e terceira ou mais crias. Amostras de sangue foram colhidas de cada bezerro entre 24 e 36 horas de vida e com 15, 30, 60, 90 e 120 dias. Determinaram-se as concentrações de proteína total no soro (PT) e no plasma (PPT), a atividade sérica da gamaglutamiltransferase (GGT), e as concentrações séricas de albumina, alfa, beta e gamaglobulinas por eletroforese em gel de agarose e de IgG estimada por meio do método de turvação pelo sulfato de zinco. Empregou-se a análise de variância bifatorial para as variáveis mensuradas na primeira colheita. O comportamento das variáveis em função da idade foi estudado por meio da análise de variância de medidas repetidas. Correlações foram estabelecidas entre as variáveis. A transferência de imunidade passiva foi bem sucedida nos bezerros de ambas as raças e o número de parições das mães não interferiu no processo. As concentrações mais elevadas de gamaglobulinas ao término do primeiro dia de vida declinaram até valores mínimos aos 60 dias. A partir dessa idade, a elevação conseqüente à produção ativa de anticorpos foi mais precoce nos bezerros taurinos e mais lenta nos zebuínos. A gamaglobulina, ao término do primeiro dia de vida, correlacionou-se com as seguintes variáveis: IgG (r=0,859), PPT (r=0,807), PT (r=0,811) e GGT (r=0,399). O fator etário exerceu efeito sobre todas as variáveis mensuradas. As variações das proteínas séricas obedeceram a um padrão de comportamento fisiológico ao longo dos quatro primeiros meses de vida, de forma geral, não distinto em taurinos e zebuínos.


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Com o objetivo de determinar os índices de falha de transferência de imunidade em bezerros holandeses e nelores foram selecionadas, aleatoriamente, 413 amostras sanguíneas de animais de ambas as raças. Os filhos de vacas pluríparas e os bezerros holandeses apresentaram maiores níveis séricos de proteína total, da fração gamaglobulina e de IgG, do que bezerros da raça Nelore. Contudo, os índices de falha de transferência de imunidade passiva foram mais elevados nos animais da raça Holandesa, às 24 e 48 horas de idade. Estabeleceram-se valores de alguns componentes séricos para o diagnóstico de falha de transferência de imunidade passiva, de acordo com o desafio antigênico ambiental.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar o sistema de plantio de abacaxizeiro intercalado com cafeeiro que proporciona o maior retorno econômico, sem comprometer o desenvolvimento vegetativo e a produtividade de cafezal irrigado. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com quatro repetições e dez plantas úteis por parcela. Os sistemas irrigados de cultivo consistiram em: duas e três fileiras simples de abacaxizeiro, nas entrelinhas do cafeeiro, ou quatro linhas em fileiras duplas. O desenvolvimento vegetativo do cafeeiro foi avaliado aos 6, 12 e 18 meses após o plantio, e a produtividade aos 28 meses. O cultivo de duas fileiras simples favoreceu o desenvolvimento do cafeeiro, e os demais sistemas não tiveram efeito sobre esse parâmetro. A produtividade do cafeeiro foi maior nos sistemas de cultivo com duas e três fileiras de abacaxi. Os três sistemas de cultivo apresentaram retornos econômicos positivos. O sistema intercalar com três fileiras simples proporciona o melhor retorno, sem comprometer o desenvolvimento vegetativo e a produtividade do cafeeiro.


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Os programas comerciais de transferência de embriões em éguas existem por mais de três décadas e são hoje uma das biotécnias mais utilizadas na reprodução assistida de equinos. O exame ultrassonográfico nos períodos pré e pós-cobertura de doadoras de embriões, assim como a avaliação de receptoras no momento da inovulação é de vital importância para o êxito de um programa de transferência de embriões. A ultrassonografia Doppler é uma técnica não-invasiva que permite a avaliação em tempo real da hemodinâmica do trato reprodutivo de animais de grande porte. Por fornecer detalhes anatômicos e informações imediatas sobre a fisiologia do fluxo sanguíneo de tecidos e órgãos, o exame doppler permite a avaliação do potencial ovulatório de folículos e do status funcional de corpo lúteo e útero, além de ser uma técnica auxiliar para o diagnóstico de distúrbios na hemodinâmica do sistema reprodutivo. Alterações na perfusão sanguínea dos futuros folículos dominantes são detectáveis em diferentes fases de seu desenvolvimento, como na divergência folicular e no período pré-ovulatório. A partir dessas informações, é possível determinar o princípio da atividade sexual e o momento ideal para o início de tratamentos superovulatórios e indutores de ovulação, assim como o momento mais apropriado para a realização de coberturas de éguas doadoras de embriões. A avaliação através do modo-Doppler do corpo lúteo e útero de éguas receptoras é também um instrumento auxiliar para a seleção de animais com perfil sérico de progesterona e ambiente uterino adequados para a sobrevivência do embrião e manutenção da gestação. Essa técnica pode ser útil ainda ao se avaliar a interação concepto-maternal. Apesar da aplicabilidade da tecnologia doppler dentro de programas de transferência de embriões, novos estudos visando a determinar padrões de normalidade e posterior caracterização de distúrbios de fluxo sanguíneo de trato reprodutivo ainda se fazem necessários.


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Objetivou-se apreender as representações sociais sobre gravidez após os 35 anos a partir de mulheres com baixa renda que vivenciaram essa experiência. A abordagem qualitativa foi empregada com base na Teoria das Representações Sociais. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 25 gestantes usuárias de um serviço público de referência do interior paulista. Os dados foram sistematizados pela técnica do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Verificou-se que a opção pela gravidez tardia se atrela ao desejo da mulher de consolidar suas relações em novas uniões conjugais, à estabilidade financeira e à maturidade do casal. As mulheres representam esta experiência como positiva, se houver planejamento prévio, envolvimento do companheiro e se for bem aceita pela família, após sua constatação. Sem a satisfação destas condições, as representações revestem-se de sentimentos negativos ligados a dor, sofrimento e morte. As conclusões deste estudo enfatizam a importância de os serviços públicos de saúde considerarem estes aspectos.


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Magnesium, calcium and potassium concentration in the seeds and cotyledons of Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Carioca and its translocation from the cotyledons to the plant were evaluated. For such an evaluation plants were cultivated during the cotyledons phase and were irrigated with deionized water. Three samplings of cotyledons completely randomized were done and replicated ten times, before its senescence and fall, at 8, 12 and 15 days after the germination of the seeds. Fresh and dry matter of the cotyledons and its magnesium, calcium and potassium content were determinated in every sample. These parameters were also determined in the seeds from the same lot. Potassium concentration was higher than magnesium in both seeds and cotyledons. Calcium presented the lesser concentration both in seeds and cotyledons. These minerals were translocated from the seeds and cotyledons to the young plants. Eight days after germination 59% of the magnesium, 78% of the calcium and 71% of the potassium were translocated to the plants. Fifteen days after germination these percentages were respectivaley 73%, 82% and 91%. Thus, magnesium was the less and potassium was the most translocated mineral at the end of the study.


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Structures transverse/sub-transverse to the shoreline have been identified and characterized on the precambrian basement outcrop on the continent adjacent to the northern Santos Basin. These structures were analyzed from images of digital elevation model SRTM 90m by extracting NW-SE lineaments that intersect the NE-SW foliation. The lineaments were selected, classified into 48 segments that extend toward offshore, and correlated with basin structures. In the basin 25 2D seismic sections, 12 well logs and data from potential methods were interpreted, identifying the key stratigraphic levels and the major structures. Structural maps of each horizon were generated. Six transfer faults (FTs) were recognized and named FT-1 to FT-6, whose extensions correspond to continental lineaments named FC1 to FC6. The FTs are related to the basin deformation and evolution. In seismic sections, these faults have lateral slip in flower structures, displacement inversions from normal at the top to reverse at the base, abrupt changes in thickness or even disappearance of the seismic reflectors. The structural map of the Basement and Top of the Rift shows control of some depocenters by faults and displacements in some areas. The maps of potential methods indicate that there are pronounced anomaly shifts in some areas, associated with FTs. Some seismic sections indicate reactivation of FTs when they intersect horizons from the basement until the most recent layers. The 3D integration of data facilitated the observation of the FT extensions in the continent discontinuity.


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Incluye Bibliografía


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Incluye Bibliografía


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The aim of this study was to determine the serum concentrations of immunoglobulin G, TP and the γ globulin electrophoretic fraction, as well as the enzymatic activities of GGT and ALP. This was done in order to explore the possibility of using changes in activities of these enzymes as indirect indicators of adequate humoral immunity and/ or failure of immune passive transfer in lambs. Pearson correlation was performed between variable of four groups of age during the first 30 days of life. Blood samples (191) from lambs from 21 different farms in Araçatuba region- São Paulo. The following tests were perfomed: radial immunodiffusion, spectrophotometry and electrophoresis to stain the amount of IgG, TP and γ globulin, respectively. GGT and ALP values were determinate using commercial kits. There was a statistically significant correlation between ALP and GGT. The same correlation was observed from TP, IgG and GGT. A positive γ globulin correlation was found between GGT, IgG and TP. ALP activity cannot be used as an indicator of immune passive transfer.