978 resultados para Transdural electrical stimulation


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All muscle contractions are dependent on the functioning of motor units. In diseases such as amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), progressive loss of motor units leads to gradual paralysis. A major difficulty in the search for a treatment for these diseases has been the lack of a reliable measure of disease progression. One possible measure would be an estimate of the number of surviving motor units. Despite over 30 years of motor unit number estimation (MUNE), all proposed methods have been met with practical and theoretical objections. Our aim is to develop a method of MUNE that overcomes these objections. We record the compound muscle action potential (CMAP) from a selected muscle in response to a graded electrical stimulation applied to the nerve. As the stimulus increases, the threshold of each motor unit is exceeded, and the size of the CMAP increases until a maximum response is obtained. However, the threshold potential required to excite an axon is not a precise value but fluctuates over a small range leading to probabilistic activation of motor units in response to a given stimulus. When the threshold ranges of motor units overlap, there may be alternation where the number of motor units that fire in response to the stimulus is variable. This means that increments in the value of the CMAP correspond to the firing of different combinations of motor units. At a fixed stimulus, variability in the CMAP, measured as variance, can be used to conduct MUNE using the "statistical" or the "Poisson" method. However, this method relies on the assumptions that the numbers of motor units that are firing probabilistically have the Poisson distribution and that all single motor unit action potentials (MUAP) have a fixed and identical size. These assumptions are not necessarily correct. We propose to develop a Bayesian statistical methodology to analyze electrophysiological data to provide an estimate of motor unit numbers. Our method of MUNE incorporates the variability of the threshold, the variability between and within single MUAPs, and baseline variability. Our model not only gives the most probable number of motor units but also provides information about both the population of units and individual units. We use Markov chain Monte Carlo to obtain information about the characteristics of individual motor units and about the population of motor units and the Bayesian information criterion for MUNE. We test our method of MUNE on three subjects. Our method provides a reproducible estimate for a patient with stable but severe ALS. In a serial study, we demonstrate a decline in the number of motor unit numbers with a patient with rapidly advancing disease. Finally, with our last patient, we show that our method has the capacity to estimate a larger number of motor units.


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The present study used electrical stimulation to distinguish the vesicular from the cytoplasmic component of transmitter release in human autopsy synaptosomes. We demonstrate that the present electrical stimulation paradigm can elicit successive release pulses from synaptosome preparation.


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Patients with non-erosive reflux disease (NERD) report symptoms which commonly fail to improve on conventional antireflux therapies. Oesophageal visceral hyperalgaesia may contribute to symptom generation in NERD and we explore this hypothesis using oesophageal evoked potentials. Fifteen endoscopically confirmed NERD patients (four female, 29–56 years) plus 15 matched healthy volunteers (four female, 23–56 years) were studied. All patients had oesophageal manometry/24-h pH monitoring and all subjects underwent evoked potential and sensory testing, using electrical stimulation of the distal oesophagus. Cumulatively, NERD patients had higher sensory thresholds and increased evoked potential latencies when compared to controls (P = 0.01). In NERD patients, there was a correlation between pain threshold and acid exposure as determined by DeMeester score (r = 0.63, P = 0.02), with increased oesophageal sensitivity being associated with lower DeMeester score. Reflux negative patients had lower pain thresholds when compared to both reflux positive patients and controls. Evoked potentials were normal in reflux negative patients but significantly delayed in the reflux positive group (P = 0.01). We demonstrate that NERD patients form a continuum of oesophageal afferent sensitivity with a correlation between the degree of acid exposure and oesophageal pain thresholds. We provide objective evidence that increased oesophageal pain sensitivity in reflux negative NERD is associated with heightened afferent sensitivity as normal latency evoked potential responses could be elicited with reduced afferent input. Increased oesophageal afferent pain sensitivity may play an important role in a subset of NERD and could offer an alternate therapeutic target.


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Background & Aims: Esophageal hypersensitivity is thought to be important in the generation and maintenance of symptoms in noncardiac chest pain (NCCP). In this study, we explored the neurophysiologic basis of esophageal hypersensitivity in a cohort of NCCP patients. Methods: We studied 12 healthy controls (9 women; mean age, 37.1 ± 8.7 y) and 32 NCCP patients (23 women; mean age, 47.2 ± 10 y). All had esophageal manometry, esophageal evoked potentials to electrical stimulation, and NCCP patients had 24-hour ambulatory pH testing. Results: The NCCP patients had reduced pain thresholds (PT) (72.1 ± 19.4 vs 54.2 ± 23.6, P = .02) and increased P1 latencies (P1 = 105.5 ± 11.1 vs 118.1 ± 23.4, P = .02). Subanalysis showed that the NCCP group could be divided into 3 distinct phenotypic classifications. Group 1 had reduced pain thresholds in conjunction with normal/reduced latency P1 latencies (n = 9). Group 2 had reduced pain thresholds in conjunction with increased (>2.5 SD) P1 latencies (n = 7), and group 3 had normal pain thresholds in conjunction with either normal (n = 10) or increased (>2.5 SD, n = 3) P1 latencies. Conclusions: Normal esophageal evoked potential latencies with reduced PT, as seen in group 1 patients, is indicative of enhanced afferent transmission and therefore increased esophageal afferent pathway sensitivity. Increased esophageal evoked potential latencies with reduced PT in group 2 patients implies normal afferent transmission to the cortex but heightened secondary cortical processing of this information, most likely owing to psychologic factors such as hypervigilance. This study shows that NCCP patients with esophageal hypersensitivity may be subclassified into distinct phenotypic subclasses based on sensory responsiveness and objective neurophysiologic profiles. © 2006 by the American Gastroenterological Association.


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Although visceral hypersensitivity is thought to be important in generating symptoms in functional gastrointestinal disorders, the neural mechanisms involved are poorly understood. We recently showed that central sensitization (hyperexcitability of spinal cord sensory neurones) may play an important role. In this study, we demonstrate that after a 30-min infusion of 0.15 M HCl acid into the healthy human distal esophagus, we see a reduction in the pain threshold to electrical stimulation of the non-acid-exposed proximal esophagus (9.6 ± 2.4 mA) and a concurrent reduction in the latency of the N1 and P2 components of the esophageal evoked potentials (EEP) from this region (10.4 ± 2.3 and 15.8 ± 5.3 ms, respectively). This reduced EEP latency indicates a central increase in afferent pathway velocity and therefore suggests that hyperexcitability within the central visceral pain pathway contributes to the hypersensitivity within the proximal, non-acid-exposed esophagus (secondary hyperalgesia/allodynia). These findings provide the first electrophysiological evidence that central sensitization contributes to human visceral hypersensitivity.


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In accordance with its central role in basal ganglia circuitry, changes in the rate of action potential firing and pattern of activity in the globus pallidus (GP)-subthalamic nucleus (STN) network are apparent in movement disorders. In this study we have developed a mouse brain slice preparation that maintains the functional connectivity between the GP and STN in order to assess its role in shaping and modulating bursting activity promoted by pharmacological manipulations. Fibre-tract tracing studies indicated that a parasagittal slice cut 20 deg to the midline best preserved connectivity between the GP and the STN. IPSCs and EPSCs elicited by electrical stimulation confirmed connectivity from GP to STN in 44/59 slices and from STN to GP in 22/33 slices, respectively. In control slices, 74/76 (97%) of STN cells fired tonically at a rate of 10.3 ± 1.3 Hz. This rate and pattern of single spiking activity was unaffected by bath application of the GABAA antagonist picrotoxin (50 μM, n = 9) or the glutamate receptor antagonist (6-cyano-7-nitroquinoxaline-2, 3-dione (CNQX) 10 μM, n = 8). Bursting activity in STN neurones could be induced pharmacologically by application of NMDA alone (20 μM, 3/18 cells, 17%) but was more robust if NMDA was applied in conjunction with apamin (20-100 nM, 34/77 cells, 44%). Once again, neither picrotoxin (50 μM, n = 5) nor CNQX (10 μM, n = 5) had any effect on the frequency or pattern of the STN neurone activity while paired STN and GP recordings of tonic and bursting activity show no evidence of coherent activity. Thus, in a mouse brain slice preparation where functional GP-STN connectivity is preserved, no regenerative synaptically mediated activity indicative of a dynamic network is evident, either in the resting state or when neuronal bursting in both the GP and STN is generated by application of NMDA/apamin. This difference from the brain in Parkinson's disease may be attributed either to insufficient preservation of cortico-striato-pallidal or cortico-subthalamic circuitry, and/or an essential requirement for adaptive changes resulting from dopamine depletion for the expression of network activity within this tissue complex. © The Physiological Society 2005.


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This thesis investigates changes in the oscillatory dynamics in key areas of the pain matrix during different modalities of pain. Gamma oscillations were seen in the primary somatosensory cortex in response to somatic electrical stimulation at painful and non-painful intensities. The strength of the gamma oscillations was found to relate to the intensity of the stimulus. Gamma oscillations were not seen during distal oesophageal electrical stimulation or the cold pressor test. Gamma oscillations were not seen in all participants during somatic electrical stimulation, however clear evoked responses from SI were seen in everyone. During a train of electrical pulses to the median nerve and the digit, a decrease in the frequency of the gamma oscillations was seen across the duration of the train. During a train of electrical stimuli to the median nerve and the digit, gamma oscillations were seen at ~20-100ms following stimulus onset and at frequencies between 30-100Hz. This gamma response was found to have a strong evoked component. Following a single electrical pulse to the digit, gamma oscillations were seen at 100-250ms and between 60-95Hz and were not temporally coincident with the main components of the evoked response. These results suggest that gamma oscillations may have an important role in encoding different aspects of sensory stimuli within their characteristics such as strength and frequency. These findings help to elucidate how somatic stimuli are processed within the cortex which in turn may be used to understand abnormal cases of somatosensory processing.


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News & Comment. Many influential models of prefrontal cortex function suggest that activity within this area is often associated with additional activity in posterior regions of the cortex that support perception. The purpose of this cortical ‘coupling’ is to ensure that a perceptual representation is generated and then maintained within the working memory system. Areas in the right ventrolateral prefrontal cortex (vlPFC) and the fusiform gyrus have been implicated as associate areas involved in face processing. In an interesting case study by Vignal, Chauvel and Halgren the functional relationship between these two areas was tested1. In order to confirm the epileptogenic foci prior to resective surgery in a 30-year-old male patient, depth electrodes were implanted into sites around prefrontal, anterior temporal and premotor cortices. While the patient was looking at a blank screen, 50-Hz electrical stimulation of two probes implanted into the right anterior frontal gyrus resulted in the patient’s reporting the perception of a series of colourful faces. These facial hallucinations were described as being ‘…like passing slides, one after the after, linked together’. When asked to look at an actual face during stimulation at the same sites the patient reported transformation of that face (such as appearing without spectacles or with a hat). These findings were related to activity of a cortical network involving the vlPFC and the fusiform gyrus. This paper thus suggests a role in face processing for the vlPFC, evoking working memory processes to maintain facial representations.


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A major focus of stem cell research is the generation of neurons that may then be implanted to treat neurodegenerative diseases. However, a picture is emerging where astrocytes are partners to neurons in sustaining and modulating brain function. We therefore investigated the functional properties of NT2 derived astrocytes and neurons using electrophysiological and calcium imaging approaches. NT2 neurons (NT2Ns) expressed sodium dependent action potentials, as well as responses to depolarisation and the neurotransmitter glutamate. NT2Ns exhibited spontaneous and coordinated calcium elevations in clusters and in extended processes, indicating local and long distance signalling. Tetrodotoxin sensitive network activity could also be evoked by electrical stimulation. Similarly, NT2 astrocytes (NT2As) exhibited morphology and functional properties consistent with this glial cell type. NT2As responded to neuronal activity and to exogenously applied neurotransmitters with calcium elevations, and in contrast to neurons, also exhibited spontaneous rhythmic calcium oscillations. NT2As also generated propagating calcium waves that were gap junction and purinergic signalling dependent. Our results show that NT2 derived astrocytes exhibit appropriate functionality and that NT2N networks interact with NT2A networks in co-culture. These findings underline the utility of such cultures to investigate human brain cell type signalling under controlled conditions. Furthermore, since stem cell derived neuron function and survival is of great importance therapeutically, our findings suggest that the presence of complementary astrocytes may be valuable in supporting stem cell derived neuronal networks. Indeed, this also supports the intriguing possibility of selective therapeutic replacement of astrocytes in diseases where these cells are either lost or lose functionality.


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In this study I investigated the mechanisms of neuronal network oscillatory activity in rat M1 using pharmacological manipulations and electrical stimulation protocols, employing the in vitro brain slice technique in rat and magnetoencephalography (MEG) in man. Co-application of kainic acid and carbachol generated in vitro beta oscillatory activity in all layers in M1. Analyses indicated that oscillations originated from deep layers and indicated significant involvement of GABAA receptors and gap junctions. A modulatory role of GABAB, NMDA, and dopamine receptors was also evident. Intracellular recordings from fast-spiking (FS) GABAergic inhibitory cells revealed phase-locked action potentials (APs) on every beta cycle. Glutamatergic excitatory regular-spiking (RS) and intrinsically-bursting (IB) cells both received phase locked inhibitory postsynaptic potentials, but did not fire APs on every cycle, suggesting the dynamic involvement of different pools of neurones in the overall population oscillations. Stimulation evoked activity at high frequency (HFS; 125Hz) evoked gamma oscillations and reduced ongoing beta activity. 20Hz stimulation promoted theta or gamma oscillations whilst 4Hz stimulation enhanced beta power at theta frequency. I also investigated the modulation of pathological slow wave (theta and beta) oscillatory activity using magnetoencephalography. Abnormal activity was suppressed by sub-sedative doses of GABAA receptor modulator zolpidem and the observed desynchronising effect correlated well with improved sensorimotor function. These studies indicate a fundamental role for inhibitory neuronal networks in the patterning beta activity and suggest that cortical HFS in PD re-patterns abnormally enhanced M1 network activity by modulating the activity of FS cells. Furthermore, pathological oscillation may be common to many neuropathologies and may be an important future therapeutic target.


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We examined satellite cell content and the activity of satellite cell progeny in tibialis anterior muscles of young (15 weeks) and aging (101 weeks) Brown Norway (BN) rats, after they were exposed for 50 days to a standardized and highly reproducible regime of chronic low-frequency electrical stimulation. Chronic low-frequency electrical stimulation was successful in inducing fast-to-slow fiber-type transformation, characterized by a 2.3-fold increase in the proportion of IIA fibers and fourfold and sevenfold decreases in the proportion of IID/X and IIB fibers in both young and aging BN rats. These changes were accompanied by a twofold increase in the satellite cell content in both the young and aging groups; satellite cell content reached a level that was significantly higher in the young group (p < .04). The total muscle precursor cell content (i.e., satellite cells plus progeny), however, did not differ between groups, because there was a greater number of satellite cell progeny passing through the proliferative and differentiative compartments of the aging group. The resulting 1.5-fold increase in myonuclear content was similar in the young and aging groups. We conclude that satellite cells and satellite cell progeny of aging BN rats possess an unaltered capacity to contribute to the adaptive response.


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Noxious stimuli in the esophagus cause pain that is referred to the anterior chest wall because of convergence of visceral and somatic afferents within the spinal cord. We sought to characterize the neurophysiological responses of these convergent spinal pain pathways in humans by studying 12 healthy subjects over three visits (V1, V2, and V3). Esophageal pain thresholds (Eso-PT) were assessed by electrical stimulation and anterior chest wall pain thresholds (ACW-PT) by use of a contact heat thermode. Esophageal evoked potentials (EEP) were recorded from the vertex following 200 electrical stimuli, and anterior chest wall evoked potentials (ACWEP) were recorded following 40 heat pulses. The fear of pain questionnaire (FPQ) was administered on V1. Statistical data are shown as point estimates of difference +/- 95% confidence interval. Pain thresholds increased between V1 and V3 [Eso-PT: V1-V3 = -17.9 mA (-27.9, -7.9) P < 0.001; ACW-PT: V1-V3 = -3.38 degrees C (-5.33, -1.42) P = 0.001]. The morphology of cortical responses from both sites was consistent and equivalent [P1, N1, P2, N2 complex, where P1 and P2 are is the first and second positive (downward) components of the CEP waveform, respectively, and N1 and N2 are the first and second negative (upward) components, respectively], indicating activation of similar cortical networks. For EEP, N1 and P2 latencies decreased between V1 and V3 [N1: V1-V3 = 13.7 (1.8, 25.4) P = 0.02; P2: V1-V3 = 32.5 (11.7, 53.2) P = 0.003], whereas amplitudes did not differ. For ACWEP, P2 latency increased between V1 and V3 [-35.9 (-60, -11.8) P = 0.005] and amplitudes decreased [P1-N1: V1-V3 = 5.4 (2.4, 8.4) P = 0.01; P2-N2: 6.8 (3.4, 10.3) P < 0.001]. The mean P1 latency of EEP over three visits was 126.6 ms and that of ACWEP was 101.6 ms, reflecting afferent transmission via Adelta fibers. There was a significant negative correlation between FPQ scores and Eso-PT on V1 (r = -0.57, P = 0.05). These data provide the first neurophysiological evidence of convergent esophageal and somatic pain pathways in humans.


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The response of single fibres of the human cochlear nerve to electrical stimulation by a cochlear implant has previously been inferred from the response of the cochlear nerve in other mammals. These experiments are hindered by stimulus artefact and the range of stimulus currents used is therefore much less than the perceptual dynamic range (from threshold to discomfort) of human subjects. We have investigated use of the sciatic nerve of the toad Xenopus laevis as a convenient physiological model of the human cochlear nerve. Use of this completely dissected nerve reduces the problems of stimulus artefact whilst maintaining the advantages of a physiological preparation. The validity of the model was assessed by measuring the refractory periods, excitation time-constant, and relative spread of single fibres using microelectrode recording. We have also investigated the response of nerve fibres to sinusoidal stimulation. Based on these measurements, we propose that the sciatic nerve may be a suitable model of the human cochlear nerve if the timescales of stimuli are decreased by a factor of about five to compensate for the slower dynamics of the sciatic nerve and if noise is added to the stimuli to compensate for the lower internal noise of sciatic nerve fibres.


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There is currently great scientific and medical interest in the potential of tissue grown from stem cells. These cells present opportunities for generating model systems for drug screening and toxicological testing which would be expected to be more relevant to human outcomes than animal based tissue preparations. Newly realised astrocytic roles in the brain have fundamental implications within the context of stem cell derived neuronal networks. If the aim of stem cell neuroscience is to generate functional neuronal networks that behave as networks do in the brain, then it becomes clear that we must include and understand all the cellular components that comprise that network, and which are important to support synaptic integrity and cell to cell signalling. We have shown that stem cell derived neurons exhibit spontaneous and coordinated calcium elevations in clusters and in extended processes, indicating local and long distance signalling (1). Tetrodotoxin sensitive network activity could also be evoked by electrical stimulation. Similarly, astrocytes exhibit morphology and functional properties consistent with this glial cell type. Astrocytes also respond to neuronal activity and to exogenously applied neurotransmitters with calcium elevations, and in contrast to neurons, also exhibited spontaneous rhythmic calcium oscillations. Astroctyes also generate propagating calcium waves that are gap junction and purinergic signalling dependent. Our results show that stem cell derived astrocytes exhibit appropriate functionality and that stem cell neuronal networks interact with astrocytic networks in co-culture. Using mixed cultures of stem cell derived neurons and astrocytes, we have also shown both cell types also modulate their glucose uptake, glycogen turnover and lactate production in response to glutamate as well as increased neuronal activity (2). This finding is consistent with their neuron-astrocyte metabolic coupling thus demonstrating a tractable human model, which will facilitate the study of the metabolic coupling between neurons and astrocytes and its relationship with CNS functional issues ranging from plasticity to neurodegeneration. Indeed, cultures treated with oligomers of amyloid beta 1-42 (Aβ1-42) also display a clear hypometabolism, particularly with regard to utilization of substrates such as glucose (3). Both co-cultures of neurons and astrocytes and purified cultures of astrocytes showed a significant decrease in glucose uptake after treatment with 2 and 0.2 μmol/L Aβ at all time points investigated (p <0.01). In addition, a significant increase in the glycogen content of cells was also measured. Mixed neuron and astrocyte co-cultures as well as pure astrocyte cultures showed an initial decrease in glycogen levels at 6 hours compared with control at 0.2 μmol/L and 2 μmol/L P <0.01. These changes were accompanied by changes in NAD+/NADH (P<0.05), ATP (P<0.05), and glutathione levels (P<0.05), suggesting a disruption in the energy-redox axis within these cultures. The high energy demands associated with neuronal functions such as memory formation and protection from oxidative stress put these cells at particular risk from Aβ-induced hypometabolism. As numerous cell types interact in the brain it is important that any in vitro model developed reflects this arrangement. Our findings indicate that stem cell derived neuron and astrocyte networks can communicate, and so have the potential to interact in a tripartite manner as is seen in vivo. This study therefore lays the foundation for further development of stem cell derived neurons and astrocytes into therapeutic cell replacement and human toxicology/disease models. More recently our data provides evidence for a detrimental effect of Aβ on carbohydrate metabolism in both neurons and astrocytes. As a purely in vitro system, human stem cell models can be readily manipulated and maintained in culture for a period of months without the use of animals. In our laboratory cultures can be maintained in culture for up to 12 months months thus providing the opportunity to study the consequences of these changes over extended periods of time relevant to aspects of the disease progression time frame in vivo. In addition, their human origin provides a more realistic in vitro model as well as informing other human in vitro models such as patient-derived iPSC.


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Purpose: To investigate if magnetoencephalography (MEG) can identify implantation sites for intracranial recordings (IR). Method: Two groups of 12 patients assessed for surgery with IR with and without MEG were compared (MEG and control groups). In the control group, non-invasive presurgical assessment without MEG suggested clear hypotheses for implantation. In the MEG group, non-invasive assessment was inconclusive, and MEG was used to identify implantation sites. Both groups were matched for implantation type. The success of implantation was defined by findings in IR: a) Focal seizure onset; b)Unilateral focal abnormal responses to single pulse electrical stimulation(SPES); and c) Concordance between a) and b). Results: In all MEG patients, at least one virtual MEG electrode generated suitable hypotheses for the location of implantations. The proportion of patients showing focal seizure onset restricted to one hemisphere was similar in control and MEG groups (6/12 vs. 11/12, Fisher’s exact test,p = 0.0686). The proportion of patients showing unilateral responses to SPES was lower in the control than in the MEG group (7/12 vs. 12/12,p = 0.0373). Conclusion: The MEG group showed similar or higher incidence of successful implantations than controls.