897 resultados para Trace Rule
Within the next decade, the improved version 2 of Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME-2), a ultraviolet-visible spectrometer dedicated to the observation of key atmospheric trace species from space, will be launched successively on board three EUMETSAT Polar System (EPS) MetOp satellites. Starting with the launch of MetOp-1 scheduled for summer 2006, the GOME-2 series will extend till 2020 the global monitoring of atmospheric composition pioneered with ERS-2 GOME-1 since 1995 and enhanced with Envisat SCIAMACHY since 2002 and EOS-Aura OMI since 2004. For more than a decade, an international pool of scientific teams active in ground-and space-based ultraviolet-visible remote sensing have contributed to the successful post-launch validation of trace gas data products and the associated maturation of retrieval algorithms for the latter satellites, ensuring that geophysical data products are/become reliable and accurate enough for intended research and applications. Building on this experience, this consortium plans now to develop and carry out appropriate validation of a list of GOME-2 trace gas column data of both tropospheric and stratospheric relevance: nitrogen dioxide (NO 2), ozone (O 3), bromine monoxide (BrO), chlorine dioxide (OClO), formaldehyde (HCHO), and sulphur dioxide (SO 2). The proposed investigation will combine four complementary approaches resulting in an end-to-end validation of expected column data products.
Although association mining has been highlighted in the last years, the huge number of rules that are generated hamper its use. To overcome this problem, many post-processing approaches were suggested, such as clustering, which organizes the rules in groups that contain, somehow, similar knowledge. Nevertheless, clustering can aid the user only if good descriptors be associated with each group. This is a relevant issue, since the labels will provide to the user a view of the topics to be explored, helping to guide its search. This is interesting, for example, when the user doesn't have, a priori, an idea where to start. Thus, the analysis of different labeling methods for association rule clustering is important. Considering the exposed arguments, this paper analyzes some labeling methods through two measures that are proposed. One of them, Precision, measures how much the methods can find labels that represent as accurately as possible the rules contained in its group and Repetition Frequency determines how the labels are distributed along the clusters. As a result, it was possible to identify the methods and the domain organizations with the best performances that can be applied in clusters of association rules.
Includes bibliography
Incluye Bibliografía
Breeder feed restriction may negatively affect broiler progeny immunity. Sources of trace minerals (TM) with higher bioavailability in breeder diets have been reported to enhance humoral and cellular immunity in broiler progeny. An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of breeder feeding programs and TM dietary sources on maternal antibody transfer and humoral immune response of progeny to a live vaccine against Newcastle disease virus (NDV). Cobb 500 breeders were fed according to 2 feed allocation programs, sigmoid late fast and sigmoid late slow, from 14 to 29 wk of age. From 56 to 62 wk of age, breeders were fed with either inorganic TM or an organic source (OTM) to replace 30% of Cu, Zn, and Mn. Progeny broilers were vaccinated intraocularly with La Sota NDV vaccine at 7 d of age. Blood samples were collected at hatching, 4, and 14 d postvaccination. Serum antibody levels against NDV were assessed by ELISA and cytokine expression by real time PCR. At hatching, late slow breeder progeny fed diets with 30% OTM had higher antibody titers as compared with progeny of breeders fed 100% inorganic TM. Similar results were observed 2 wk postvaccination. Breeder feeding programs and TM sources affected the expression level of IL-4 in NDV vaccinated broiler progeny. It was concluded that breeder feeding programs influenced humoral immune response to NDV vaccine in the broiler progeny, and 30% OTM may increase these responses. © 2013 Poultry Science Association, Inc.
Many topics related to association mining have received attention in the research community, especially the ones focused on the discovery of interesting knowledge. A promising approach, related to this topic, is the application of clustering in the pre-processing step to aid the user to find the relevant associative patterns of the domain. In this paper, we propose nine metrics to support the evaluation of this kind of approach. The metrics are important since they provide criteria to: (a) analyze the methodologies, (b) identify their positive and negative aspects, (c) carry out comparisons among them and, therefore, (d) help the users to select the most suitable solution for their problems. Some experiments were done in order to present how the metrics can be used and their usefulness. © 2013 Springer-Verlag GmbH.
We use QCD sum rules to study the possible existence of a Θc(3250) charmed pentaquark. We consider the contributions of condensates up to dimension 12 and work at leading order in αs. We obtain mΘc=(3.29±0.13) GeV, compatible with the mass of the structure seen by BABAR Collaboration in the decay channel B-→p̄Σc++π-π-. The proposed state is compatible with a previous proposed pentaquark state in the anticharmed sector. © 2013 American Physical Society.
O concreto é basicamente formado pela mistura de cimento, água, pedra e areia, e surgiu como um material de construção destinado a substituir a madeira, a pedra, o tijolo e até o aço estrutural, mas somente no século XX a sua beleza estética passaria a ser reconhecida. O modernismo corrente se apropriou da nova tecnologia construtiva e suas possibilidades plásticas e rompeu definitivamente com os estilos passadistas. Influenciados pelas escolas do eixo Rio-São Paulo, os arquitetos e engenheiros que construíam em Belém deixaram um verdadeiro legado de construções em concreto aparente, que infelizmente vem sendo ameaçado pela falta de cuidados específicos, visto que muitas vezes a execução de intervenções é feita de forma aleatória e equivocada. Portanto, o objetivo da presente pesquisa é estudar o concreto aparente sob o viés histórico e tecnológico de modo a desenvolver uma metodologia de restauro para recomposição de áreas com lacunas, considerando aspectos como cor, textura e resistência, buscando um material compatível ao concreto original. O trabalho foi desenvolvido em três diferentes etapas: 1) Pesquisa Histórica; 2) Pesquisa de Campo; 3) Investigação Laboratorial. Os materiais do presente estudo correspondem a amostras coletadas em três edificações e amostras produzidas em laboratório. A caracterização física das amostras coletadas permitiu conhecer o traço aproximado do concreto antigo, de 1:3 e a resistência do material, que é de aproximadamente 22MPa. A caracterização mineralógica e química indicou que o material original vem sofrendo um processo de transformação mineralógica, evidenciado pela presença dos polimorfos de carbonato de cálcio (CaCO3), bem como permitiu entender que os agregados utilizados na composição do material podem ter origem quartzosa ou ser oriundos de brita, dada a presença de mica e feldspato na sua caracterização. Observou-se também que as cores e texturas do material variam em função do tipo de cimento e agregado utilizado na produção do concreto. A partir da identificação das principais características do material original, foi então desenvolvida uma metodologia para produção de uma argamassa de restauro com propriedades similares às do material antigo. Os resultados quanto a cor, textura, resistência e aderência foram satisfatórios, pois além de atenderem os valores estabelecidos por norma, também foram compatíveis quanto a aparência do concreto original, permitindo assim o restabelecimento da imagem da obra e assim alcançando os objetivos inicialmente propostos.
Electrochemical method for quantitative determination of trace amounts of disperse dye in wastewater
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
A fuzzy ruled-based system was developed in this study and resulted in an index indicating the level of uncertainty related to commercial transactions between cassava growers and their dealers. The fuzzy system was developed based on Transaction Cost Economics approach. The fuzzy system was developed from input variables regarding information sharing between grower and dealer on “Demand/purchase Forecasting”, “Production Forecasting” and “Production Innovation”. The output variable is the level of uncertainty regarding the transaction between seller and buyer agent, which may serve as a system for detecting inefficiencies. Evidences from 27 cassava growers registered in the Regional Development Offices of Tupa and Assis, São Paulo, Brazil, and 48 of their dealers supported the development of the system. The mathematical model indicated that 55% of the growers present a Very High level of uncertainty, 33% present Medium or High. The others present Low or Very Low level of uncertainty. From the model, simulations of external interferences can be implemented in order to improve the degree of uncertainty and, thus, lower transaction costs.