435 resultados para Theft detections


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[EN]This paper describes in detail a real-time multiple face detection system for video streams. The system adds to the good performance provided by a window shift approach, the combination of different cues available in video streams due to temporal coherence. The results achieved by this combined solution outperform the basic face detector obtaining a 98% success rate for around 27000 images, providing additionally eye detection and a relation between the successive detections in time by means of detection threads.


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There appears to be a paradox in crime figures according to two reports issued recently by the Home Office in April 2015. The recent crime figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show a rise in crime in the UK triggered by a rise in violent crime while the figures released by the the Crime Survey of England and Wales (CSEW) (which is based on interviews with members of the public about their experiences of crime) estimated a 7 per cent fall in overall crime to 6.9 million incidents last year. The CSEW, which questions 35,000 people in England and Wales, estimates that crime is now at its lowest level since the study began in 1981.So why have we seen this apparent discrepancy in figures? In reality the ONS figures reflect new reporting practices by the Police and it stated it could no longer approve figures recorded by the police because they were unreliable, prompting major revisions of how each force handles its figures. The renewed focus on the quality of crime recording is thought to have led to improved compliance with national recording standards, leading to proportionally more crimes reported to the police being recorded by them. Improved compliance with recording standards is thought to have particularly affected the way the police recorded crime categories of violence against the person (up 21%) and public order offences (up 14%). These rises were largely off-set by falls in the number of recorded theft offences (down 5%). In contrast to the CSEW, there was a 2% increase in police recorded crime compared with the previous year, with 3.8 million offences recorded in the year ending December 2014 (see Figure 1)


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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The use of waters around Lundy by dolphins and porpoises was measured using summer shore-based watches and passive acoustic surveillance between July 2011 and July 2012. Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) were the only cetacean species observed during shore-based surveys. C-PODs moored on the Ethel and MV Robert wrecks close to the Lundy coast showed a peak in delphinid vocal activity during August 2011. Passive acoustic detections of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) were highest during ebb tidal phases and most often associated with the tidal rip at the south of the island. These findings show tidal and monthly influences on odontocete behaviour and highlight the value of continuous, passive acoustic monitoring for these highly mobile marine predators around Lundy.


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Hoy, gran parte del valor de las organizaciones lo forman los activos intangibles entre los que se cuenta el conocimiento empresarial; buena parte de ellas, ven en la gestión de este importante recurso, no solo una vía para aliviar las dificultades que generan la creciente fuga y robo de talentos, sino una clara y eficaz estrategia para garantizar la competitividad. No obstante, muchas empresas como lo expresan los expertos en gestión del conocimiento, se centran sólo en la gestión de sus activos tangibles y financieros; muy pocas de ellas, ponen escasa atención en la gestión del conocimiento como tal. A partir de esta realidad las empresas a través de RRHH, han comenzado a gestionar el conocimiento y la implantación de métodos que permiten retener el talento valioso para la continuidad de los negocios.


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Fisheries are very important to Uganda's economy. The sector provides a vital source of food, recreation, trade and socioeconomic well being for the people and community globally. The fisheries of small lakes are important for producing fish for local populations who are not near the large lakes. These satellite lakes support important fisheries and other economic activities like fishing, water for domestic purposes and tourism, besides socio-cultural values. A number-of fish;- species, some of which were found only in Lake Victoria have been depleted through over-exploitation, introduction of exotics especiaily Nile perch and environmental degradation. Some of these fishes have been observed to survive in satellite lakes in the Victoria and Kyoga Lake basins. The Nabugabo satellite lakes (Manywa, Kayugi and Kayanja) contain endemic Cichlid fish species acting as reservoirs and therefore very important for conservation of fish biodiversity. Despite the socio-economic importance and uniqueness of these satellite lakes little research on socio-economic studies has been carried out. The sustainability of the lake is being threatened by increasing human activities. The fish stocks and species diversity are declining and this poses a threat to the livelihood of the people who depend on fish for food and income. Arising from this need a study was carried out to establish the socio-economic aspects of Nabugabo fisheries and implications for management, on which basis resource users would be made aware of the impacts of their activities. It was hoped that this would go further to ensure wise use and management of the resources by the users. The specific objectives were identifying activities around the lake, establishing socioeconomic values attached to the lake, identifying problems of the lake and resource users and examining existing local based management institutions. Results show that the activities taking place around the lakes include fishing, farming, watering of animals, deforestation and charcoal burning, brick making, resort beach development and food and refreshment. The major problem facing the lake was found to be encroachment of Hippo grass (Vossia) on the lake, which is decreasing the size of the lake, and limiting open waters for fishing (this only applied to Lake Nabugabo). Other important problems include use of illegal fishing methods, declining fish stocks and loss of cultural identity. The resource users are most pressed by the low incomes resulting from poor fish catches, theft of gears and lack of market. On examining the resource base for the lakes, it was only Lake Nabugabo that had a Landing Management Committee. The other three lakes did not have leadership institutions in place except the local councils for the respective villages. This was probably due to observed limited fisheries activities. Majority of the respondents agreed that Government and other service providers should work jointly to supplement local beach management committees in the management of the lakes resources. This is a good gesture because with increase in fishing effort and rampant use of illegal fishing methods, there is need to strengthen management institutions present on the lake. This would require Government, local community and other service providers to work together in a participatory way to control environment-degrading activities and stop the use of illegal fishing methods. Burning of vegetation on the lake should be stopped since it enhances growth of this grass. Finally, traditional taboos; which are present on some of the Nabugabo lakes, should be enhanced, as away of preserving them.


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In order to optimize frontal detection in sea surface temperature fields at 4 km resolution, a combined statistical and expert-based approach is applied to test different spatial smoothing of the data prior to the detection process. Fronts are usually detected at 1 km resolution using the histogram-based, single image edge detection (SIED) algorithm developed by Cayula and Cornillon in 1992, with a standard preliminary smoothing using a median filter and a 3 × 3 pixel kernel. Here, detections are performed in three study regions (off Morocco, the Mozambique Channel, and north-western Australia) and across the Indian Ocean basin using the combination of multiple windows (CMW) method developed by Nieto, Demarcq and McClatchie in 2012 which improves on the original Cayula and Cornillon algorithm. Detections at 4 km and 1 km of resolution are compared. Fronts are divided in two intensity classes (“weak” and “strong”) according to their thermal gradient. A preliminary smoothing is applied prior to the detection using different convolutions: three type of filters (median, average and Gaussian) combined with four kernel sizes (3 × 3, 5 × 5, 7 × 7, and 9 × 9 pixels) and three detection window sizes (16 × 16, 24 × 24 and 32 × 32 pixels) to test the effect of these smoothing combinations on reducing the background noise of the data and therefore on improving the frontal detection. The performance of the combinations on 4 km data are evaluated using two criteria: detection efficiency and front length. We find that the optimal combination of preliminary smoothing parameters in enhancing detection efficiency and preserving front length includes a median filter, a 16 × 16 pixel window size, and a 5 × 5 pixel kernel for strong fronts and a 7 × 7 pixel kernel for weak fronts. Results show an improvement in detection performance (from largest to smallest window size) of 71% for strong fronts and 120% for weak fronts. Despite the small window used (16 × 16 pixels), the length of the fronts has been preserved relative to that found with 1 km data. This optimal preliminary smoothing and the CMW detection algorithm on 4 km sea surface temperature data are then used to describe the spatial distribution of the monthly frequencies of occurrence for both strong and weak fronts across the Indian Ocean basin. In general strong fronts are observed in coastal areas whereas weak fronts, with some seasonal exceptions, are mainly located in the open ocean. This study shows that adequate noise reduction done by a preliminary smoothing of the data considerably improves the frontal detection efficiency as well as the global quality of the results. Consequently, the use of 4 km data enables frontal detections similar to 1 km data (using a standard median 3 × 3 convolution) in terms of detectability, length and location. This method, using 4 km data is easily applicable to large regions or at the global scale with far less constraints of data manipulation and processing time relative to 1 km data.


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[es] En virtud del pensamiento jurídico de la Edad Moderna los conceptos de delito y pecado estaban interrelacionados. Asimismo, las Novelas ejemplares, entre otras obras literarias, reflejan la ideología imperante y concerniente a la necesaria salvaguarda del orden público y religioso. A la luz del derecho criminal castellano, el principal propósito de este ensayo es el análisis de los comportamientos heterodoxos y de los delitos perpetrados por los personajes del Coloquio de los perros. Algunas prácticas ilícitas contempladas son el robo, el amancebamiento y la brujería. [en]In the Early Modern legal thought the concepts of crime and sin were interconnected. Furthermore Exemplary Novels, amongst other literary works, reflect the prevailing ideology concerning to necessary maintenance of public and religious order. In the light of the Castilian criminal law, the main purpose of this essay is the analysis of the heterodox behaviors and the offences perpetrated by the characters in The dialogue of the dogs. Some narrated crimes are theft, concubinage and sorcery.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effective dose received by patients undergoing CCTA in both acquisition methods in the period June 1st to October 30th, 2013. Data collection was performed at the Clínica Sabedotti in Ponta Grossa/PR, with General Electric Equipment VCT XT, 64 detections lines. The effective dose was measured from the thirty cases randomly selected of Picture Archival and Communication System – PACS, reported by Dose Lenght Product (DLP) equipment for each examination and the conversion factor (EDLP) set by the European Commission for cardiac region (EDLP = 0.014). The results showed significant differences in radiation dose delivered to the patient according to the employee acquisition method, Retrospective or Prospective of ECG.


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Observations of H3+ in the Galactic diffuse interstellar medium (ISM) have led to various surprising results, including the conclusion that the cosmic-ray ionization rate (zeta_2) is about 1 order of magnitude larger than previously thought. The present survey expands the sample of diffuse cloud sight lines with H3+ observations to 50, with detections in 21 of those. Ionization rates inferred from these detections are in the range (1.7+-1.0)x10^-16 s^-1 < zeta_2 < (10.6+-6.8)x10^-16 s^-1 with a mean value of zeta_2=(3.3+-0.4)x10^-16 s^-1. Upper limits (3sigma) derived from non-detections of H3+ are as low as zeta_2 < 0.4x10^-16 s^-1. These low upper-limits, in combination with the wide range of inferred cosmic-ray ionization rates, indicate variations in zeta_2 between different diffuse cloud sight lines. Calculations of the cosmic-ray ionization rate from theoretical cosmic-ray spectra require a large flux of low-energy (MeV) particles to reproduce values inferred from observations. Given the relatively short range of low-energy cosmic rays --- those most efficient at ionization --- the proximity of a cloud to a site of particle acceleration may set its ionization rate. Variations in zeta_2 are thus likely due to variations in the cosmic-ray spectrum at low energies resulting from the effects of particle propagation. To test this theory, H3+ was observed in sight lines passing through diffuse molecular clouds known to be interacting with the supernova remnant IC 443, a probable site of particle acceleration. Where H3+ is detected, ionization rates of zeta_2=(20+-10)x10^-16 s^-1 are inferred, higher than for any other diffuse cloud. These results support both the concept that supernova remnants act as particle accelerators, and the hypothesis that propagation effects are responsible for causing spatial variations in the cosmic-ray spectrum and ionization rate. Future observations of H3+ near other supernova remnants and in sight lines where complementary ionization tracers (OH+, H2O+, H3O+) have been observed will further our understanding of the subject.


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Extrasolar planets abound in almost any possible configuration. However, until five years ago, there was a lack of planets orbiting closer than 0.5 au to giant or subgiant stars. Since then, recent detections have started to populated this regime by confirming 13 planetary systems. We discuss the properties of these systems in terms of their formation and evolution off the main sequence. Interestingly, we find that 70.0 ± 6.6% of the planets in this regime are inner components of multiplanetary systems. This value is 4.2σ higher than for main-sequence hosts, which we find to be 42.4 ± 0.1%. The properties of the known planets seem to indicate that the closest-in planets (a< 0.06 au) to main-sequence stars are massive (i.e., hot Jupiters) and isolated and that they are subsequently engulfed by their host as it evolves to the red giant branch, leaving only the predominant population of multiplanetary systems in orbits 0.06


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Background: The genomes of several infectious pancreatic necrosis viruses (IPNVs) isolated in Chile were sequenced with a single amplification approach for both segments A and B. The resulting sequences were then used to determine the conservation of the primer-binding regions used in polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based diagnostic methods proposed in the literature. Thus, the robustness of each technique was studied, particularly the eventual effect of further mutations within the primer-binding sites. Results: On analysis, most methods currently used to detect Chilean IPNV varieties were deemed adequate. However, the primers were designed to be genogroup specific, implying that most detection methods pose some risk of detecting all strains prevalent in the country, due to the coexistence of genogroups 1 and 5. Conclusions: Negative resultsmust be interpreted carefully given the high genomic variability of IPNVs. Detection techniques (quantitative reverse transcription (qRT)-PCR) based on degenerate primers can be used to minimize the possibilities of false-negative detections.


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Rational choice models argue that income inequality leads to a higher expected utility of crime and thus generates incentives to engage in illegal activities. Yet, the results of empirical studies do not provide strong support for this theory; in fact, Neumayer provides apparently strong evidence that income inequality is not a significant determinant of violent property crime rates when a representative sample is used and country specific fixed effects are controlled for. An important limitation of this and other empirical studies on the subject is that they only consider proportional income differences, even though in rational choice models absolute difference in legal and illegal incomes determine the expected utility of crime. Using the same methodology and data as Neumayer, but using absolute inequality measures rather than proportional ones, this paper finds that absolute income inequality is a statistically significant determinant of robbery and violent theft rates. This result is robust to changes in sample size and to different absolute inequality measures, which not only implies that inequality is an important correlate of violent property crime rates but also suggests that absolute measures are preferable when the impact of inequality on property crime is studied.


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Rapid, sensitive and selective detection of chemical hazards and biological pathogens has shown growing importance in the fields of homeland security, public safety and personal health. In the past two decades, efforts have been focusing on performing point-of-care chemical and biological detections using miniaturized biosensors. These sensors convert target molecule binding events into measurable electrical signals for quantifying target molecule concentration. However, the low receptor density and the use of complex surface chemistry in receptors immobilization on transducers are common bottlenecks in the current biosensor development, adding to the cost, complexity and time. This dissertation presents the development of selective macromolecular Tobacco mosaic virus-like particle (TMV VLP) biosensing receptor, and the microsystem integration of VLPs in microfabricated electrochemical biosensors for rapid and performance-enhanced chemical and biological sensing. Two constructs of VLPs carrying different receptor peptides targeting at 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) explosive or anti-FLAG antibody are successfully bioengineered. The VLP-based TNT electrochemical sensor utilizes unique diffusion modulation method enabled by biological binding between target TNT and receptor VLP. The method avoids the influence from any interfering species and environmental background signals, making it extremely suitable for directly quantifying the TNT level in a sample. It is also a rapid method that does not need any sensor surface functionalization process. For antibody sensing, the VLPs carrying both antibody binding peptides and cysteine residues are assembled onto the gold electrodes of an impedance microsensor. With two-phase immunoassays, the VLP-based impedance sensor is able to quantify antibody concentrations down to 9.1 ng/mL. A capillary microfluidics and impedance sensor integrated microsystem is developed to further accelerate the process of VLP assembly on sensors and improve the sensitivity. Open channel capillary micropumps and stop-valves facilitate localized and evaporation-assisted VLP assembly on sensor electrodes within 6 minutes. The VLP-functionalized impedance sensor is capable of label-free sensing of antibodies with the detection limit of 8.8 ng/mL within 5 minutes after sensor functionalization, demonstrating great potential of VLP-based sensors for rapid and on-demand chemical and biological sensing.


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The selection and proposed cortazarian image in multimodal speech, a poetic moving as a doctoral thesis title, is the result of a process that forms several progressive stages. more than satisfy our curiosity and literary artistic concerns, the questions multiply increases our desire to bring more creative Cortazarian the colossus, that not only ruins a way of making literature , but in its revolutionary labyrinth gives a turn of the screw to the already tangled world of artistic writing , breaking in 1967 with the first of four hybrids books, La vuelta al día en ochenta mundos through which converts the traditional plastic unitextual and unimodal space in a palempsesto inexhaustible generator senses and meanings. Far from appeasing the wrath of conservative critics, caused by his narrative masterpiece, Hopscotch (1963), sparked the debate to denounce the regression of the classic molds of writing, proposing the imagination as the setting for creative freedom, it is not as arbitrary and nonsense, but as a process of higher state of consciousness in which it operates an underlying logic. Hence, our objective is to crawl into the underworld and plastics other multisígnicas border spaces, fleeting and ephemeral alliances that relate not just as complementary and similar texts which may be the same speech and can transmit the same, but quite the contrary, the oft-repeated notion of analogy is the first victim, fortunately, this kind of creative-artistic operations that raise the creative act to a sublime state capable of converting the inexhaustible multitextuales constellations in different ways: opposition, confrontation, invasion, dialogue, shadow, duplication, theft, etc. However this multiple transgression pushed to the limit by Julio Cortazar and his friend Julio Silva through four books proposed for analysis often does not translate into jobs and research in literature departments of the universities of the world, nor the critics are echoes the striking abundance and clarity of expression multimodal phenomenon as is the case with other works of Cortazar unimodal type, which makes it impassable fences mysterious worlds...