993 resultados para Territory of Los Andes


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El presente proyecto ha sido realizado entre Octubre de 2013 y Febrero de 2014 por un equipo de estudiantes de la licenciatura de Ciencias Ambientales de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona. El objeto de estudio es la propuesta de cursos para la formación de tres públicos diferentes, estudiantes, gestores y políticos. Estos cursos se basan en la experiencia de Costa Rica sobre la conservación de la biodiversidad. Costa Rica es un país muy rico en biodiversidad por su clima y sus tierras volcánicas. Una manera de conservar esta gran variedad de especies es protegiendo gran parte del país con reservas y parques nacionales. La metodología utilizada para llevar a cabo estos cursos es la investigación. Recopilar información de las diferentes carencias de distintos países, propuestas pedagógicas para saber mostrar de manera correcta la información a cada público meta y basarlos en el cumplimiento de las Metas Aichi, que tratan de mantener la biodiversidad de manera que contribuya al bienestar de la población. La intención de estos cursos es enseñar a los distintos públicos meta las experiencias positivas que ha tenido Costa Rica para poder desarrollarse tanto en crecimiento económico como de la población conservando su biodiversidad. De manera que en otros países puedan aprender y a la misma vez beneficiarse con las ideas propuestas en los cursos. El curso propuesto para estudiantes trata sobre los servicios ecosistémicos, reconocidos internacionalmente por su empeño en la conservación y uso sostenible de la biodiversidad. El dirigido a gestores, que pueden ser empresarios, es sobre la mejora de la calidad de las aguas, un punto importante para este público que serán los encargados de gestionar este recurso tan importante para mantener en buen estado de conservación la biodiversidad. Finalmente, se propone un curso dirigido a políticos, donde se explica la idea de bioprospección, un tema que se trabaja en el Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad de Costa Rica y trata de investigar en los organismos que aportan beneficios tanto económicos como en la salud de las personas.


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ABSTRACT Proposal for an evaluation protocol of the ecological quality of Andean rivers (CERA) and its use in two basins in Ecuador and Peru A Rapid Protocol is presented for Evaluation of the Ecological Status of Andean Rivers (CERA) localized over 2000 m.a.s.l. from the Northern Andes (Venezuela) through the Altiplano in the Central Andes (Bolivia). This protocol was used in 45 sampling sites in the Guayllabamba River Basin in Ecuador and in 42 sampling sites in the Ca nete River Basin in Peru. Previously, and in order to test if the sampling stations may or not be considered reference stations, we constructed a method that assesses 24 basin attributes, hydrology, reach and riverbed and that uctuates from 24 to 120 points; sites with values higher than 100 were considered as potential reference sites. Besides the benthic macroinvertebrats" evaluation, the river habitat and riparian vegetation were also evaluated through of the application of the indices ABI (R´ os et al., submitted), IHF (Pardo et al., 2002) and QBR-And, respectively. The convenience of the initial allocation of the reference sites was evaluated as well. These indices have been properly adapted to the conditions and characteristics of the high Andes rivers. The results obtained for both basins were compared and discussed. Through the use of the CERA protocol, the particular perturbation gradients and the natural variability of the reference sites in both countries were recognized. RESUMEN Propuesta de un protocolo de evaluación de la calidad ecológica de ríos andinos (CERA) y su aplicaci´on a dos cuencas en Ecuador y Perú Se presenta un protocolo rápido de evaluación de la Calidad Ecológica de Ríos Andinos (CERA), situados sobre los 2000 m.s.n.m, desde los Andes del Norte (Venezuela) hasta el Altiplano de los Andes Centrales (Bolivia). Este protocolo ha sido aplicado en 45 estaciones de muestreo en la cuenca del río Guayllabamba en Ecuador y en 42 estaciones de muestreo en la cuenca del río Cañete en Perú. Previamente, para probar si las estaciones de muestreo pueden o no ser estaciones de referencia construimos un método que valora 24 atributos de cuenca, hidrología, tramo y lecho y que fluctúa de 24 a 120 puntos; valores superiores a 100 fueron considerados como sitios potencialmente de referencia. Además del estudio de los macroinvertebrados bentónicos, se evaluó el hábitat fluvial y la comunidad vegetal de ribera a través de la aplicación de los índices ABI (Ríos et al., sometido), IHF (Pardo et al., 2002) y QBR-And respectivamente; así como la conveniencia de la asignación inicial de las estaciones de referencia. Estos índices han sido adecuadamente adaptados a las condiciones y características propias de los ríos altoandinos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron comparados y discutidos entre ambas cuencas. Mediante la aplicación del protocolo CERA se han reconocido los respectivos gradientes de perturbación y la variabilidad natural de las estaciones de referencia en ambos países.


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El establecimiento de relaciones entre países en un entorno global parece requerir nuevas estrategias que trascienden la tradicional diplomacia de Estado. La diplomacia pública deviene una renovada estrategia de proyección internacional, donde la marca de país ejerce un importante papel a modo de dispositivo aglutinador y de transmisión de identidades nacionales. De este modo, el nuevo “poder blando” de la representación geográfica parece transcurrir en el seno del debilitamiento del Estado-nación y en claro beneficio de una nueva forma de comunicar la identidad de un país más próxima a la intervención de diferentes agentes sociales que a la firma de tratados internacionales de competencia gubernamental. A partir de una revisión de la literatura existente, este artículo presenta un estado del arte relacionado con las nuevas estrategias de representatividad internacional llevadas a cabo por países y naciones.


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The social history of language is usually focused on collective actors. This article aims to reflect both on the speakers as individual subjects of the social history of language and on the sources which allow an approach to speakers, more precisely immigrants of the contemporary Catalonia. In very different narratives, immigrants talk about their territory of origin or economic conditions, and also about languages expressing the most varied language attitudes. Prejudices or language uses, common topics of these narratives, are fully within the field of social history of the language. Speakers cannot be always out of disciplines whose narrative axis is the time


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Curral Velho es una comunitat tradicional, situada al nord-est de Brasil, que manté una relació directa amb els ecosistemes que la envolten. La comunitat depèn del estat de conservació del medi natura, ja que obtenen diferents serveis ecositemics. En aquest territori es desenvolupen dos tipus d’economies amb unes bases molt diferents. Una economia tradicional, desenvolupada per la pròpia comunitat, que es basa en la propietat col·lectiva del territori i en optimitzar a llarg termini els beneficis que s’obtenen del medi; y un altre com la camaronicultura, la base de la qual es la obtenció de beneficis a curt termini i amb un territori de propietat privada. Aquesta superposició de models de producció genera impactes ambientals, i un conflicte socio-ambiental entre la comunitat i els que desenvolupen la camaronicultura. L’objectiu es realitzar un estudi econòmic de la pesca artesanal de Curral Velho caracteritzant manera de viure, creant una base de dades sobre pesca artesanal i elaborant indicador de beneficis econòmics generats per la pesca artesanal. Per contextualitzar els resultats es va fer un anàlisis de les dos economies existents a la comunitat. Els resultats obtinguts en primer lloc són que l’economia d’explotació intensiva aporta més guanys per les persones de la comunitat que tenen un relació directa que les que es dediquen a la pesca artesanal, però es important no aturar-se aquí: s’ha de realitzar un anàlisis més profund. Com a conclusió, la activitat pesquera es més rentable a llarg termini ja que els recursos extrets de manera sostenible i així són il·limitats y accessibles a tota la comunitat. A diferència de la camaronicultura, la pesca artesanal no genera desigualtats socials ni vulneracions dels drets humans. Tot el contrari, genera forts vincles entre els individus de la comunitat basats en el treball en equip i l’aprenentatge vivencial e intergeneracional.


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El territorio de Valentia está siendo analizado en el contexto de un nuevo proyecto de investigación, Valentia Landscape Project, que busca modelizar la evolución de paisaje cultural valenciano desde la protohistoria a época moderna. Una parte importante de este proyecto se centra en el período romano, puesto que uno de los principales objetivos es la revisión, a través de un nuevo análisis arqueomorfológico, de las hipótesis propuestas hasta la fecha para la red viaria y los parcelarios antiguos. Se presentan los primeros resultados.


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Cyanogenesis in Pteridium caudatum and P. arachnoideum has been examined. Samples of the Andes of South America furnished from 0 to 4.63 mg of prunasin g-1 of frond dry weight (dw) in P. caudatum and from 0 to 103 mg of g-1 dw in P. arachnoideum. In both fern species the continuous distribution of prunasin suggested cyanogenic polymorphism. The frequency of cyanogenic morphs was 84.7% for P. caudatum and 98.6% for P. arachnoideum. Cyanogenic activity was highest in the young crozier and waned rapidly with frond growth. The crozier head was found to yield HCN much more than the stipe.


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With the occurrence of fossil fuels such as oil, gas and coal we found new sources of energy that have played a critical role in the progress of our modern society. Coal is very ample compared to the other two fossil fuels. Global coal reserves at the end of 2005 were estimated at 847,5 billion tones. Along with the major energy sources, coal is the most fast growing fuel on a global basis, it provides 26% of primary energy needs and remains essential to the economies of many developed and developing countries. Coal-fired power generation accounts for 41% of the world‘s total electricity production and in some countries, such as South Africa, Poland, China, Australia, Kazakhstan and India is on very high level. Still, coal utilization represents challenges related to high emissions of air pollutants such as sulphur and nitrogen dioxides, particulate matter, mercury and carbon dioxide. In relation to these a number of technologies have been developed and are in marketable use, with further potential developments towards ―Near Zero Emission‖ coal plants. In present work, coals mined in Russia and countries of Former Soviet Union were reviewed. Distribution of coal reserves on the territory of Russia and the potential for power generation from coal-fired plants across Russia was shown. Physical and chemical properties of coals produced were listed and examined, as main factor influencing on design of the combustion facility and incineration process performance. The ash-related problems in coal-fired boilers were described. The analysis of coal ash of Russia and countries of Former Soviet Union were prepared. Feasible combustion technologies also were reviewed.


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This study is a part of the Ecologically Friendly Port Ust-Luga (EFP) project. The purpose of this study is to examine the environmental status of the Finnish ports and, more specifically, the Port of HaminaKotka. An analysis of the environmental status is performed mainly as a literature review, because the Finnish ports must comply with Finnish and EU legislation and with the binding international regulations and conventions created by different organizations. The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has done groundbreaking work in the field of maritime safety and maritime environmental protection. The MARPOL convention has a great impact on decreasing pollution from international shipping and it applies to 99% of the world’s merchant tonnage. Pollution prevention covers: Oil pollution, Chemical pollution, Air pollution and GHG Emissions, Dumping of Wasted and Other Matters, Garbage, Sewage, Port Reception Facilities, Special Areas under MARPOL and Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas. There is also Pollution Prevention for other treaties like anti-fouling systems used on ships, the transfer of alien species by ships’ ballast water and the environmentally sound recycling of ships. There are more than twenty different EU and international regulations that influence ports and port operations in Finland. In addition, there is also national legislation that has an effect on Finnish ports. For the most part, the legislation for ports is common in the EU area, but the biggest and most important difference between the legislation in Finland and other EU countries is due to the Act on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedure. The Act states that the environmental impact assessment procedure shall be applied to projects that may have significant adverse environmental impacts, due to the special features of Finland`s nature and environment. In this Act, the term environmental impact refers to the direct and indirect effects inside and outside Finnish territory of a project or operations on human health, living conditions and amenity; soil, water, air, climate, organisms, interaction between them and biodiversity; community structure, buildings, landscape, townscape and cultural heritage; utilization of natural resources. In Finland, the Environmental Permit requires that ports collect all necessary information concerning environmental effects and make required reports to the Finnish authorities, stakeholders and the public. Commonly, environmental reporting is public and environmental achievements are emphasized in reporting and in media. At the moment, the problem in environmental reporting is that it’s difficult to compare data from different ports. There is enough data concerning the environmental effects and performance, but the manner of reporting and the quality of the data varies between ports. There are differences in the units and codes used, in some cases the information is not sufficient and it can even be rather unreliable. There are also differences regarding the subjects that are emphasized in reporting.


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This thesis discusses the dynamism of bilateral relations between Finland and Russia and their interconnection with wider EU-Russia relations in the sight of the recent conflict in Ukraine. In particular, incorporation of Crimea in the territory of Russia in March 2014 is believed to have triggered a series of disputes between the European Union and Russia and thus, have impacted the course of the bilateral Finnish-Russian relations. The study leans on a premise that there are some historical traditions and regularities in the Finnish foreign policy course towards Russia which make the bilateral Finnish-Russian relations special. These traditions are distinguished and described in the book “Russia Forever? Towards Pragmatism in Finnish/Russian relations” (2008) edited by H. Rytövuori-Apunen. Assuming that the featured traditions take place in modern relations between Finland and Russia, the aim of the thesis is to find out how these traditions reappear during the year shaped by the events in Ukraine. In order to do that, author follows the timeline of happenings around the Ukraine crisis starting with Crimea’s referendum on independence, and exams the way these events were commented on and evaluated by the key government officials and political institutions of Finland and Russia. The main focus is given to the Finnish official discourse on Russia during the study period. The data collection, consisting of mostly primary sources (ministerial press releases and comments, statements, speeches and blog posts of individual policy makers) is processed using the thematic analysis supported by the content analysis. The study reveals that the consequences of the Ukraine crisis have brought, among others, complications to the economic cooperation between Finland and Russia, and have stimulated the increased attention of the Finnish decision makers to the country’s security questions. As a result, the character and importance of some historical regularities of the Finnish foreign policies on Russia, like the Continental Dilemma, have taken new shape.


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Bogotá Emprende


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During 1982 and 1983 I studied male attributes and attributes of the territory of male Eastern Meadowlarks (Sturnella magna) in order to determine whether there was a correlation between any of the attributes investigated and the number of females attracted by a male. Seventeen males, nine of which were polygynous and eight monogamous, were studied in 1982 and sixteen males.of which .. seven were polygynous and nine ~onogamous, were studied in 1983. The study was conducted in Short Hills Park, 10 km southwest of St. Catharines, Ontario and was designed to compare two hypotheses: the "sexy son" hypothesis (Weatherhead and Robertson,1977) and the polygyny threshold model (Verner and Willson,1966, Orians, 1969). Male attributes investigated were male size and song behaviour. Six measures of male size were taken: weight, flattened and natural wing chord length, culmen length, bill depth and length of the tarsometatarsus. In 1983 song repertoire size and song versatility measures were investigated. Attributes of the territory studied were: territory size, density of plant stems, percentage plant cover and measures of vegetation structure. In 1983 Arthropods were collected from each territory and sorted according to taxonomic group and size. During 1983, territory attributes were sampled twice, once early and once later in the nesting season. Analysis of data involved univariate comparisons between monogamous and polygynous males using T-tests and multivariate comparisons were made using discriminant function analysis (DFA) and principle components analysis (PCA).No correlations were found between the number of females attracted with, .ny measure of male size or with me, .sures of song versatili or size of song repertoire. Also no correlation was found between terri size and the number of females nesting on a terri . Some attributes of the male's terri id distinguish between monog,mous and po s males of thistudy. Analysis of Arthropod numbers showed that e~ .eran counts were significantly great~r on polygynous territories, a1 the total numb~rs of Arthropods collected showed no s fico .nt differences between territories of monogamous and po males. DFA chose ear teran and Hymenopteran counts as multivariate discriminators; both variables we' e more vegetation revealed that there were no univariate differences between the two groups of males fOT 1982 stem densities, but ~ spp. and Solidago spp. were chosen DFA as multivariate discriminators. The total number of plant stems and of Vicia spp. stems were s ficantly the early 1983 ing on monogamous territories for however DFA found no multivariate discriminators" Variables concerned with the overall aspects of vegetation structure showed significant differences between territories of monogamous and polygynous males. DFA of the 1982 sampling of vegetation structure showed significantly greater mat depth and vegetation height on polygynous territories, a finding which was not supported, however, by peA. For the early 1983 sampling period, plant height was greater on polygynous territories. Multivariate analysis identified greater green cover on polygynous territories, greater ground cover on monogamous territories, and greater depth of mat material on monogamous territories as discriminators between territories of monogamous and polygynous males. A DFA on the major variables of the study showed no significant difference between the territories of monogamous and polygynous male Meadowlarks. Of the correlations found, some were for non-prey Arthr~ods, for cover plants with very small samples sizes, or for variables which were greater for monogamous males during one sampling period and polygynous males during the next. While multivariate discriminators were found, peA showed no grouping of monogamous or polygynous males according to any of the variables investigated. On the basis of the univariate and multivariate analysis of major variables, I concluded that there were no correlations between the number of females attracted with male attributes and no unambiguous correlation with attributes of the territory. My study does not unequivocally support either the "sexy son" or the polygyny threshold hypothesis.


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The resurgence of malaria in highland regions of Africa, Oceania and recently in South America underlines the importance of the study of the ecology of highland mosquito vectors of malaria. Since the incidence of malaria is limited by the distribution of its vectors, the purpose of this PhD thesis was to examine aspects of the ecology of Anopheles mosquitoes in the Andes of Ecuador, South America. A historical literature and archival data review (Chapter 2) indicated that Anopheles pseudopunctipennis transmitted malaria in highland valleys of Ecuador prior to 1950, although it was eliminated through habitat removal and the use of chemical insecticides. Other anopheline species were previously limited to low-altitude regions, except in a few unconfirmed cases. A thorough larval collection effort (n=438 attempted collection sites) in all road-accessible parts of Ecuador except for the lowland Amazon basin was undertaken between 2008 - 2010 (Chapter 3). Larvae were identified morphologically and using molecular techniques (mitochondrial COl gene), and distribution maps indicated that all five species collected (Anopheles albimanus, An. pseudopunctipennis, Anopheles punctimacula, Anopheles oswaldoi s.l. and Anopheles eiseni) were more widespread throughout highland regions than previously recorded during the 1940s, with higher maximum altitudes for all except An. pseudopunctipennis (1541 m, 1930 m, 1906 m, 1233 m and 1873 m, respectively). During larval collections, to characterize species-specific larval habitat, a variety of abiotic and biotic habitat parameters were measured and compared between species-present and species-absent sites using chi-square tests and stepwise binary logistic regression analyses (Chapter 4). An. albimanus was significantly associated with permanent pools with sand substrates and An. pseudopunctipennis with gravel and boulder substrates. Both species were significantly associated with floating cyanobacterial mats and warmer temperatures, which may limit their presence in cooler highland regions. Anopheles punctimacula was collected more often than expected from algae-free, shaded pools with higher-than-average calculated dissolved oxygen. Anopheles oswaldoi s.l., the species occurring on the Amazonian side of the Andes, was associated with permanent, anthropogenic habitats such as roadside ditches and ponds. To address the hypothesis that human land use change is responsible for the emergence of multiple highland Anopheles species by creating larval habitat, common land uses in the western Andes were surveyed for standing water and potential larval habitat suitability (Chapter 5). Rivers and road edges provided large amounts of potentially suitable anopheline habitat in the western Andes, while cattle pasture also created potentially suitable habitat in irrigation canals and watering ponds. Other common land uses surveyed (banana farms, sugarcane plantations, mixed tree plantations, and empty lots) were usually established on steep slopes and had very little standing water present. Using distribution and larval habitat data, a GIS-based larval habitat distribution model for the common western species was constructed in ArcGIS v.l 0 (ESRI 2010) using derived data layers from field measurements and other sources (Chapter 6). The additive model predicted 76.4 - 97.9% of the field-observed collection localities of An. albimanus, An. pseudopunctipennis and An. punctimacula, although it could not accurately distinguish between species-absent and speciespresent sites due to its coarse scale. The model predicted distributional expansion and/or shift of one or more anopheline species into the following highland valleys with climate warming: Mira/Chota, Imbabura province, Tumbaco, Pichincha province, Pallatanga and Sibambe, Chimborazo province, and Yungilla, Azuay province. These valleys may serve as targeted sites of future monitoring to prevent highland epidemics of malaria. The human perceptions of malaria and mosquitoes in relation to land management practices were assessed through an interview-based survey (n=262) in both highlands and lowlands, of male and female land owners and managers of five property types (Chapter 7). Although respondents had a strong understanding of where the disease occurs in their own country and of the basic relationship among standing water, mosquitoes and malaria, about half of respondents in potential risk areas denied the current possibility of malaria infection on their own property. As well, about half of respondents with potential anopheline larval habitat did not report its presence, likely due to a highly specific definition of suitable mosquito habitat. Most respondents who are considered at risk of malaria currently use at least one type of mosquito bite prevention, most commonly bed nets. In conclusion, this interdisciplinary thesis examines the occurrence of Anopheles species in the lowland transition area and highlands in Ecuador, from a historic, geographic, ecological and sociological perspective.