844 resultados para Tax revenues


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Background: In Virology Journal 2011, 8: 535, Neto et al. described point mutations into Tax-responsive elements (TRE) of the LTR region of HTLV-1 isolates from asymptomatic carriers from Sao Paulo, Brazil, and hypothesized that the presence of the G232A mutation in the TRE-1 increase viral proliferation and consequently the proviral load (PvL), while the A184G mutation in the TRE-2 do not have such effect. Findings: We performed the real-time PCR assay (pol) and sequenced LTR region of HTLV-1 isolates from 24 HIV/HTLV-1-coinfected patients without HTLV-1-associated diseases from the same geographic area. These sequences were classified as belonging to the transcontinental subgroup A of the Cosmopolitan subtype a. The frequency of G232A mutation (16/24, 66.7%) was high as much as 61.8% reported by Neto's in HTLV-1 asymptomatic carriers with high PvL. High frequency (13/24, 54.2%) of double mutations G232A and A184G was also detected in HIV/HTLV-1-coinfected patients. We did not quantify PvL, but comparative analyses of the cycle threshold (Ct) median values of the group of isolates presenting the mutated-types sequences (Ct 33.5, n = 16) versus the group of isolates with the wild-type sequences (Ct 32, n = 8) showed no statistical difference (p = 0.4220). Conclusion: The frequencies of mutated-type sequences in the TRE-1 and TRE-2 motifs were high in HIV/HTLV-1-coinfected patients from Sao Paulo, Brazil. If these LTR point mutations have predictive value for the development of HTLV-1-associated diseases or they correspond to the subtype of virus that circulate in this geographic area has to be determined.


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The tax gene of human T-lymphotropic virus type 1 (HTLV-1) diverges among isolates according to geographic regions and has been classified into two genotypes: taxA and taxB. In Brazil, taxA is the most prevalent genotype in symptomatic and asymptomatic carriers. Few studies have been conducted in HIV-infected patients. The present study characterized the tax gene (1059 bp) in 13 Brazilian HIV-1/HTLV-1-coinfected patients from the south and southeast regions. The results confirmed the transcontinental HTLV-1 subgroup A of the Cosmopolitan subtype and showed high nucleotide similarity both among Brazilian sequences and in relation to the ATK prototype (99.5% and 99.2%, respectively). Six nucleotide substitutions were highly conserved among isolates, ranging from 76.9% to 100%: C7401T, T7914C, C7920T, C7982T, G8231A, and A8367C. The presence of the Brazilian molecular signature of genotype taxA was confirmed in all of the isolates, and they clustered into two Latin American clusters, which confirms the double introduction of HTLV-1 in Brazil.


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Financial support: FUNDHERP, CTC, INCTC, FAPESP, CNPq and CAPES.


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What exactly is tax treaty override ? When is it realized ? This thesis, which is the result of a co-directed PhD between the University of Bologna and Tilburg University, gives a deep insight into a topic that has not yet been analyzed in a systematic way. On the contrary, the analysis about tax treaty override is still at a preliminary stage. For this reason the origin and nature of tax treaty override are first of all analyzed in their ‘natural’ context, i.e. within general international law. In order to characterize tax treaty override and deeply understand its peculiarities the evaluation of the effects of general international law on tax treaties based on the OECD Model Convention is a necessary pre-condition. Therefore, the binding effects of an international agreement on state sovereignty are specifically investigated. Afterwards, the interpretation of the OECD Model Convention occupies the main part of the thesis in order to develop an ‘interpretative model’ which can be applied every time a case of tax treaty override needs to be detected. Fictitious income, exit taxes and CFC regimes are analyzed in order to verify their compliance with tax treaties based on the OECD Model Convention and establish when the relevant legislation realizes cases of tax treaty override.


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The thesis deals with the concept of presumptions, and in particular of legal presumptions, in the context of national tax systems (Italy and Belgium) and EU law. The purpose was to investigate the concept of legal presumption under a twofold comparative perspective. After having provided a general overview of the common core concept of presumption in the European context, an insight in the national approach to legal presumptions was given by examining two different national experiences, namely the Italian and Belgian tax systems. At this stage, the Constitutional framework and some of the most interesting and relevant at EU level presumptive measures were explored, with a view to underlining possible divergences and common grounds. The concept of (national) legal presumption was then investigated in the context of EU law, with the attempt to systematize under a uniform perspective a matter which has been traditionally dealt with either from the merely national point of view or, at EU level, through a fragmented form. In this instance, the EU law relevant framework and the most significant EUCJ case-law, in particular in the field of customs duties, VAT, on the issue of the repayment of taxes levied in breach of EU law and in the area of direct taxation, were examined so as to construe the overall EU approach to national legal presumptions. This was done with the finality of determining if and to what extent a common analytical framework may be identified, from which were extracted certain criteria governing the compatibility of national legal presumptions with EU law.


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La ricerca è stata incentrata su di una fonte di grande importanza per una più puntuale comprensione della vita del regno di Federico II: il Quaternus excadenciarum Capitinate. Essa ha tenuto presenti le altre fonti coeve: Liber Augustalis, Registro della Cancelleria di Federico II degli anni 1239-1240, fonti cronachistiche. Il Quaternus è un inventario di talune particolari categorie di beni demaniali, le excadencie, la cui concessione è scaduta e pertanto ritornano al fisco. Tali beni sono situati in 33 località del Giustizierato di Capitanata. Senza data, è stato redatto tra il 1249 e il 1250 (risultano inseriti i beni confiscati a Pier della Vigna, bollato di tradimento nel febbraio 1249). Obiettivo della ricerca è stato duplice: 1) analizzare e approfondire le questioni di natura giuridico-istituzionale ed economica implicate nel documento e tentare di ricostruire uno spaccato della Capitanata del XIII sec.; 2) offrire una nuova e più corretta edizione del testo. La prima parte dello studio ha inteso inquadrare il documento nel contesto delle esigenze proprie delle monarchie del tempo di tenere sotto controllo i beni immobili di ciascun regno ed analizzare la politica economica fridericiana (capp. I, II). La seconda parte è stata dedicata agli approfondimenti innanzi ricordati. Essa è struttura in sette capitoli (I. Il Quaternus excadenciarum Capitinate; II. Beni e diritti costituenti le excadencie Capitinate; III. Il Quaternus come specchio di una politica dispotica; IV. La gestione delle excadencie; V. Pesi e misure; VI. Monete e valori; VII. Il Quaternus come documento sullo stato della Capitanata nel XIII secolo). In appendice: tabelle che offrono per ciascuna delle 33 località considerate, puntuali indicazioni dei beni e diritti censiti, dei nomi dei titolari delle concessioni (spesso personaggi di rango) e delle relative rendite.


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