999 resultados para Tarkka, Jukka: Uhan alta unioniin


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Sulfasalazine is a prodrug used in the treatment of the Chron's disease and rheumatoid arthritis. Two analytical methods for analysis of sulfasalazine in oral suspension were validated using Spectrophotometric and HPLC. There is not any pharmacopoeic method to assay sulfasalazine in oral suspension. The methods are insurance and fast execution for the quality control. Both, suspension and tablets 500 mg (Azulfin®) had been analyzed by methods using UV/VIS and HPLC and the results were satisfactory.


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Ascorbic acid has important nutritional characteristics such as high antioxidant potential, preventing diverse damage and diseases in the tissues and the process of aging. Different isomeric forms of the ascorbic acid can be found in nature and each one have different potential antioxidant and different activity pro-vitamin C. This work examined a method to detect and quantify the isomers L-ascorbic acid (LAA) and D-iso-ascorbic acid (DIAA) in jelly fruit. The method showed acceptable selectivity, linearity, repeatability and recovery. DIAA was not found in the analyzed samples, but LAA was found up to 605 mg in 100 g of sample.


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Tibolone is a synthetic steroid used for prevention of bone loss and treatment of menopause symptoms. This article describes the development and validation of an analytical method to quantify tibolone in capsules using high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection. After chromatography conditions are established the validation parameters evaluated were specificity, linearity, precision, accuracy, detection and quantification limits and robustness. The method developed is effective to analyze tibolone in capsules, being able to be used in quality control laboratory routine.


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A high performance liquid chromatographic-diode array detection method for the determination of busulfan in plasma was developed and validated. Sample preparation consisted of protein precipitation followed by derivatization with sodium diethyldithiocarbamate and liquid-liquid extraction with methyl-tert-butyl ether. Chromatograms were monitored at 277 nm. Separation was carried out on a Lichrospher RP 18 column (5 µm, 250 x 4 mm). The mobile phase consisted of water and acetonitrile (20:80, v/v). The method presented adequate specificity, linearity, precision and accuracy and allowed reliable determination of busulfan in clinical plasma samples, being applied to three patients submitted to bone marrow transplantation.


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This study optimized and validated the liquid-liquid extraction technique with partition at low temperature (LLE-PLT) for identification and quantification of four pesticides (chlorpyrifos, λ-cyhalothrin, permethrin, bifenthrin) in water samples. Analyses were performed by HPLC-UV. The technique was efficient for pesticide recovery with extraction exceeding 86%. Chromatographic response was linear for the four compounds in the 10-45 µg L-1 range, with correlation coefficients greater than 0.99. Limits of detection and quantitation were less than 3.5 µg L-1 and equal to 10 µg L-1, respectively. The proposed method was applied to 29 water samples from the Jaíba Project in northern Minas Gerais.


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Kommentti Jukka Korpelan arvostelemaan teokseen Ruotsin ja Venäjän rauhanneuvottelut 1557. Historiallinen aikauskirja 3/2007, s. 361-365.


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Blooms of cyanobacteria represent a public health risk due to their cyanotoxins such as microcystins. Liquid chromatography techniques to separate and quantify microcystins invariably use acetonitrile as the organic component of the mobile phase. The price and availability of acetonitrile together with its elevated toxicity encourage the validation of acetonitrile-free methods of microcystin analysis. In this work, methanol was employed as the organic solvent of the mobile phase and the validation method was performed with different environmental water samples. The method showed limits of detection between 0.17 and 0.25 µg/L and of quantification between 0.55 and 0.82 µg/L for the microcystin variants: -RR, -YR, -LR, -LA.


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Validation of a rapid method for the determination of ascorbic, citric, fumaric and tartaric acids in stored pulp fruit and its application as a quality parameter was performed. The validation parameters showed that for the four evaluated acids, the method presented low limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ), indicating good precision and accuracy, thus representing an important tool for quality assessment of stored fruit pulp. The results showed that the concentration of organic acids generally decreased with longer storage time in the fruit pulp under study. Amongst all the organic acids under investigation, ascorbic proved the least stable.


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Carbamazepine, phenobarbital and phenytoin were determined in dried blood spots (DBS) by high performance liquid chromatography, after extraction of 8 mm DBS using a mixture of acetonitrile and methanol. Analytes were separated by reversed-phase chromatography, with a run time of 17 minutes. Intra-assay and inter-assay precisions were in the 5.3 to 8.4% and 3.3 to 5.2% ranges, respectively. Accuracy was in the 98.8 to 104.3% range. The method had sensitivity to detect all analytes at levels below minimum therapeutic concentrations. The analytes were stable at 4 ºC and room temperature for up to 12 days and at 45 ºC for 9 days. The method was applied to 14 paired clinical samples of blood serum and DBS.


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A obtenção de soros policlonais contra fitopatógenos tem por finalidade a elaboração de imunoensaios que permitam identificar e caracterizar os mesmos com rapidez e a custos baixos. Soros policlonais foram produzidos contra extratos das hifas de isolados de Crinipellis perniciosa, agente causal da vassoura-de-bruxa, coletados de cacaueiro (Theobroma cacao) nos estados do Pará e Bahia para identificação e caracterização de isolados de diversas regiões e hospedeiros. O soro denominado de 1 foi produzido a partir do isolado ESJOH-1 (originário do Pará), e o soro 2 foi produzido com o isolado CP-85 (originário da Bahia). Não houve reação cruzada dos soros contra extratos protéicos das espécies Alternaria solani, Marasmius sp., Oudemansiella canarii e Verticillium fungicola. Os soros apresentaram reação cruzada de alta afinidade com extratos de Moniliophthora roreri e de baixa a média afinidade com Marasmius cladophyllus. A caracterização dos isolados foi feita com amostras do biotipo-C coletados no Amazonas, Bahia, Mato Grosso, Rondônia e Pará. As reações sorológicas dos dois soros não permitiram diferenciar os isolados do Pará e da Bahia, contra os quais foram produzidos, e também não reagiram diferencialmente com isolados de outros estados. O reconhecimento dos antígenos entre os soros foi variável, pois o soro 1 e soro 2 apresentaram reação sorológica diferenciada para alguns isolados. Os soros produzidos apresentaram alta afinidade contra isolados dos biotipos-C e S, independente de sua origem geográfica, podendo ser usados para identificação.


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A reação de eletro-oxidação do metanol foi estudada sobre eletrocatalisadores de Pt/C, PtRu/C e PtMo/C preparados pelo método do ácido fórmico em diferentes composições atômicas. Os produtos da oxidação do metanol foram monitorados pela técnica de DEMS. O desempenho dos catalisadores frente a reação de oxidação do metanol foi estudado através dos perfis voltamétricos e experimentos de cronoamperoometria.


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O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um método rápido e sensível para a determinação simultânea de catecolaminas (noradrenalina e adrenalina) em amostras de órgãos reprodutores de ratos machos por Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência com Detecção Eletroquímica. O método envolveu a injeção direta do extrato ácido da amostra de tecido em uma coluna cromatográfica com superfície interna de fase (HSA-C18), empregando a fase móvel foi composta por solução de ácido metanosulfônico a 0.013mol L-1 (pH = 3.0): acetonitrila (96:4v/v), 0,033g ácido heptanosulfônico e 0,01g EDTA. A detecção dos analitos foi obtida, através de um detector eletroquímico L-ECD-6-A-Shimadzu com potencial em 85mV. A extração das catecolaminas foi utilizado ácido perclórico a 0,4 mol L-1. A extração do analito resultou em valores de recuperação entre 56% e 114%, e coeficiente de variação entre 3,8% a 23%. O limite de quantificação do método ficou entre 0,008 e 0,030 ng mg-1 para a noradrenalina, e 0,009 e 0,051 ng mg-1 para a adrenalina. Em conclusão, o método analítico foi validado e aplicado com desempenho às amostras reais de tecidos biológicos de ratos, permitindo a determinação de baixas concentrações das catecolaminas estudadas. O método apresentou várias vantagens: rapidez, alta precisão, boa seletividade e, ainda, não requer o pré-tratamento da amostra.