758 resultados para Taira, Teemu
The microfabric of 11 mudrock specimens from ODP Site 808 (Nankai accretionary prism) was quantitatively analyzed using X-ray texture goniometry and optical petrography. The objectives of the study were to learn about rock strain and to detect a component of bulk lateral shortening in the deformation of the mudstones. Strain evaluation is based on the predictions of March theory, and on distortions of initially homogeneous marker particle distributions (the Fry technique). The main results are as follows. The specimens underwent a strain path of progressive flattening, which is closely related to loss of pore space by vertical loading. A component of bulk lateral shortening is detectable in the top 550 mbsf at Site 808, but compared with the amount of uniaxial vertical shortening, its relative magnitude is probably small. Moreover, it cannot be said with confidence whether this is caused by toe contraction of the accretionary wedge or by gravitationally induced downslope movement of the sediment pile. The mudstones examined were deposited in a marine environment with an oxic bottom water column. Micropore collapse is an important fabric building mechanism, but below 400 mbsf its effects are at least partly overridden by recrystallization of smectite. We conclude that mud microfabrics are not very precise deformation gauges, but can be used for rough estimations of strain.
Understanding the role of fluids in active accretionary prisms requires quantitative knowledge of parameters such as permeability. We report here the results of permeability tests on four samples from Ocean Drilling Program Leg 190 at the Nankai Trough accretionary prism-two from Site 1173 and two from Site 1174. Volcanic ash is present in one of the samples; otherwise, the material is hemipelagic mud. A constant-rate-of-flow technique was used at various effective pressures and rates of flow. The permeability of the four samples ranges between 10**-15 and 10**-18 m**2, with the ash-bearing sample showing the highest values.