999 resultados para TU München


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In an age where Babel has turned into transcultural communication, an interlingual approach – i.e. in English and in French – to the translating process from German to Portuguese appeared pertinent. Aiming at a refinement of the translating competence, this process consists in contrasting different linguistic and literary strategies through an intercultural and multi-etymological perspective. Thus, we settled upon Heiner Müller‘s play Der Auftrag. Erinnerung an eine Revolution (1980), on which the composer Heiner Goebbels has based himself to textually and musically dramatize an excerpt, Der Mann im Farhstuhl / The Man in the Elevator. A transcription of such excerpt in its source language, German, as well as its translation into English (Carl Weber, 1984, Performing Arts Publications, New York) and French (Jean Jourdheuil, Heinz Schwarzinger, Editions Minuit, Paris) can be found in the booklet that accompanies the CD – edited in 1988 by ECD (München: Records GmbH). It should be emphasized that such a creation allows a framing of Müller‘s text into a musical scenography and, therefore, encourages an intersemiotic contrast. This experience enabled us to come up with a unique imagery of Müller‘s piece of writing, by means of its dramatic and musical conversion and, simultaneously, lead us to stretch our textual consciousness to a multitude of intra-, extra- and interlinguistic elements.


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After some remarks on the protection of sites recognized as most interesting, two less known items about dinosaurs and Portugal are dealt with. The first of theme concerns the first published account on dinosaur tracks. Jacinto Pedro Gomes, then (1884) preparing a report on the Cabo Mondego coal mines, was told of the occurrence of large footprint casts that subsequently were sent to the Museum of the Escola Politécnica in Lisbon. Gomes has shown drawings of them to B. Geinitz (Dresden), who ascribed the casts to dinosaurs. Karl Zittel (München), corroborated this viewpoint, and Louis Dollo (Brussels) reported them to Ornithopods. A posthumous note by GOMES (1915-1916) is the first scientific paper on dinosaur tracks in Portugal. However, it is not the first published report. João Bonança, a reporter, presented in his large book "HISTORIA / DA / LUZITANIA E DA IBERIA ..." (1891), a new (both irrealistic and useless) stratigraphic classification. He also replaced Zoological and Botanic Nomenclature by another one devised by him. Having seen the footprint casts at the Museum of the Escola Politécnica, he referred bird or dinosaur footprints in Cabo Mondego's Upper Jurassic, this being the first published report on such fossils as far as Portugal is concerned. The second theme is about Late Cretaceous dinosaurs from Viso, Aveiro and Taveiro. Faunas are marked by generalized nannism, and seem impoverished by previous extinctions of larger forms; their probable insular character has been acknowledged. Extinctions may well be explained by non-catastrophic causes. The general fall of temperatures may have been far more important.


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theil 2, pt. 1-2


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Jahrg. 5


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Zusammenfassung: Max Frisch und Friedrich Dürrenmatt, als Dioskuren der Schweizer Literatur zeitlebens aneinandergekettet, haben auf der Suche nach ihrem Selbst immer auch den anderen im Blick. Aus ihrer pointierten, gelegentlich polemischen wechselseitigen Abgrenzung entsteht ein künstlerisch höchst produktiver, impliziter Dialog. Er wird hier erstmals explizit gemacht. Unter den Gesichtspunkten von Polyphonie und Dialogizität wird die Konstruktion und Auflösung des autobiographischen Subjekts untersucht. Diese Fallstudien an einzelnen, repräsentativen Texten der beiden Autoren stellen neue Fragen, die für die gesamte Autobiographiediskussion relevant sind: Bei Dürrenmatts großem ,,Stoffe"-Komplex wird, unter Einbezug der textgenetischen Perspektive, der autobiographische Prozess als das Anprobieren von multiplen Ichs analysiert. Das Problem des Subjekts radikalisiert sich als Problem der Sprache, der "vielen Namen", mit denen sich das Subjekt selbst tauft. Bei Frisch deckt die Studie mit ihrem neuen Ansatz die architektonischen und musikalischen Kompositionsverfahren in "Montauk" und "Holozän" auf, eine Textarchitektur in der Zeit und im Medium der Sprache. Dabei werden bisher unbekannte Entwürfe zu diesen wichtigen Spätwerken Frischs erstmals genutzt und publiziert.