The objective of this work is to describe the particularities of the official letter genre, according to theoretical perspective of the Russian philosopher of language Bakhtin. The discourse genres, in this perspective, presented in relative stability, being affected by alterations occurred in the activity sphere where they circulate, for the ideological values that produce the speeches of this sphere and for the dialogic relations with other genres and spheres. It is intended to show as the official letter, in the public departments, although the stability acquired for its formal style, objective, reveals in an instability permeated for the thematic aspect, compositional and until stylistic. For realization of this analysis, were select sixty official letters of the public town administration sphere of the city of Araraquara, produced in the months of February, March and April of 2011. The official letters were separate in two groups for subject: repayment; diverse subjects. The methodology uses the dialogic boarding of the discourse used for the circle of Bakhtin
Vários estudos comparativos entre os sexos masculino e feminino comprovaram o fato de que o primeiro é mais vulnerável às doenças, sobretudo às enfermidades graves e crônicas e que morre mais precocemente. A despeito da maior vulnerabilidade e das altas taxas de morbimortalidade, os homens não buscam, como as mulheres, os serviços de atenção básica. O presente estudo buscou compreender como os homens freqüentadores de uma Unidade Básica de Saúde (UBS) se comportam em relação aos cuidados com a sua saúde. Foi realizado em um Centro de Saúde Escola (CSE), Unidade Auxiliar de uma Universidade de uma cidade do interior do Estado de São Paulo, inserido na rede Municipal de Saúde do município. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva, qualitativa e quantitativa. A organização dos dados qualitativos foi baseada na Análise de Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo (DSC), sendo que a obtenção dos discursos ocorreu através de uma entrevista semi-estruturada. Na parte qualitativa, a constituição da amostra foi por conveniência e foram selecionados 15 sujeitos do gênero masculino, maiores de 18 anos, que compareceram na UBS para um atendimento eventual ou para um atendimento pré-agendado. Na parte quantitativa, a constituição da amostra foi ao acaso, sendo sorteados 459 prontuários de usuários do sexo masculino, com 18 anos ou mais, que foram atendidos no período de Janeiro a Dezembro de 2009 para serem analisados através da estatística descritiva. Além disso, foram utilizadas as planilhas referentes às campanhas de vacinação contra a Gripe Pandêmica (H1N1) e Gripe Sazonal (Influenza) para a obtenção do número dos usuários do sexo masculino, de 20 anos ou mais, que participaram dessas campanhas no período de Janeiro a Julho de 2010. Em relação aos dados de caracterização dos indivíduos da amostra selecionada observamos que a faixa etária foi de 50 a 59 ano... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
Ce travail vise à etudier le genre lettre de lecteur publiés dans deux magazines. La lettre de lecteur est un texte publié dans une section spécifique du jornal et du magazine à travers lequel les lecteures dialoguent avec les éditeures du magazine et avec les autres lecteures, généralement ayant comme thème les textes du maganize publié dans les éditions précédentes. Pour Bakhtine (1997, p.302), “ nous apprenons à mouler notre discours aux formes du genre ». En reliant les genres de discours à l’activité sociale, à l’interaction, Bakhtine affirme que c’est la situation sociale e les participants immédiats qui déterminent la forme e le style de l’énoncé. Compte tenu de la nécessaire présence des genres de discours dans des actvités langagières des sujets, justifie l’importance de l’étude des genres dans les diverses pratiques sociales. À partir des questions soulevées par Circle de Bakthine, en particulier ceux par rapport à genre de discours, ce travail a pour but discuter, dans une perspective dialogique bakhtinienne, les différentes destinataires des magazines Veja et Nova Escola conduirait à des changements du genre lettre de lecteur, principalement en ce qui concerne les aspects stylistiques. Ainsi, nous avons l’intention de discuter le genre lettre de lecteur e de sa ralation à la sphère de l’activité journalistique dans le but de réfléchir sur la stabilité et l’instabilité du genre. Le corpus se compose des lettres de lecteurs tirés de quatre éditions des magazines Veja et Nova Escola, a été diffusé en 2011. La recherche montre qu’il y a une instabilité dans le genre lettre de lecteur dans la sphère journalistique, affecté par d’autres genres comme genres de la sphère pédagogique, didactiques et de instruction. Les lettres aussi dialoguent avec le genre confessionnel et de confidence
O presente trabalho propõe discutir as produções literárias contemporâneas sobre a temática do vampirismo. Este estudo se fundamenta em análises de textos por meio da observação das práticas discursivas que os constituem. Tomando como corpus os romances Crepúsculo e Lua Nova de Stephenie Meyer, as observações partem dos pressupostos teóricos da Semiótica Discursiva e da Análise do Discurso, aos quais são incorporados estudos sobre cultura, sociologia e identidade. Parte-se do princípio de que o discurso é produto da cultura e, desse modo, incorporam-se a ele fatores históricos e sociais. Por essa razão, torna-se importante examinar os elementos dialógicos e intertextuais dos textos anteriormente apontados em relação às outras produções que tratam do mesmo tema e de outros possíveis, encontrados no corpus. Assim, busca-se compreender primordialmente os mecanismos fundamentais que tornam o texto um objeto de comunicação e de significação
According to data from the World Health Organization, the older population will grow sixteenfold from 1950 to 2025 in comparison to a fivefold population growth in the same period, which is referred to by UNO as the “Ageing Era”. This places Brazil in the sixth position in the contingent of older individuals worldwide, with a number that is higher than 32 million. Considering how topics such as quality of life and social vulnerability are important in face of the growing older population, these topics must be furthered studied so that they can be understood as important variables for both better clinical practice and scientific research. To describe the social vulnerability and evaluate the quality of life of older individuals in a population hospitalized in the internal medicine ward of Bauru State Hospital. This is a descriptive qualitative study that was conducted by means of interviews and using Bardin’s discourse analysis. The inclusion criteria used in this study were: individuals at 60 years of age who were mentally capable of answering the proposed questions. Two categories concerning Quality of Life and Social Vulnerability emerged from the interviews. The following emerged from the theme Quality of Life: “Life as something important” and subcategories that involved feeling useful in society, having a supportive family, independence, optimism and joy and survival. Also, the following emerged from the theme Social Vulnerability: “Negative recognition of older individuals in society” and subcategories that involved lack of respect, functional disability, family indifference, housing-related insecurity, an inefficient health care system and loneliness. Quality of Life and Social Vulnerability are largely discussed themes in the present scenario. In this study, it was possible to perceive that the older population needs social support, effective public... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
This work’s main purpose is to research how the scientific speech is outlined on the Revista Língua Portuguesa in statements made by linguists. Statements issued in the previously mentioned magazine have been analyzed. In order to achieve the proposal, the research was based on the following questions: how both the scientific and the scientific divulgation speeches are formed in the magazine, and whether the opinion texts written by scholars and researchers in the linguistic field identify themselves with opinion articles, scientific articles or scientific divulgation texts. Those questions were discussed from the theoretical-methodological bakhtinian perspective, taking the notion of dialogism, the human activity sphere, genres of discourse and style as conceptual elements. It has been detected that there is a complexity in the construction of the genres in the magazine, always taking into account the journalistic and scientific spheres of circulation. The analyzed statements presented themselves as a confluence of many genres’ characteristics, showing a point of view, a scientific subject, a researcher-author and a language adjustment to the magazine reader, making it more accessible. The analysis showed that the discussed statements resemble opinion articles, scientific articles, and reviews, besides being scientific divulgation at the same time
The aim of this article is to discuss the contingence in literature texts since an approach that make the literary theory, the discourse analysis and the psychoanalysis dialogue. It is important to remark the importance of this different areas dialogue as an instrument that could help the understanding of the relations between tradition and invention and the modern writer’s obsession to control the derive of meanings and the originality of the creations as well.
The aim of this article is to discuss Mallarmé‘s poem A throw of dice, establishing some theoretical interfaces among Jakobson‘s reading, Lacan‘s psychoanalysis and some elements from the French discourse analysis. The poem, considered a milestone of modern poetry, has already engendered various discourses about itself, what allows us to consider it here a permanent invention, or yet, a throw of dice in eternal whirl. Attentive to the roaring of such discourses, and available for listening the theory that contributes to the poem‘s critical analysis, the reading herein engaged bets on the profit that the Mallarmé‘s poem study carries, for the perception of contemporary poetry, which inherited from him the double-sided lyrical coin: high revision of the possibilities of invention and very strong metalanguage.
In the current context of Metalexicography several types of studies have been conducted in order to better understand the organization of existing dictionaries and, thus, constitute a knowledge base that would support the development of new works. Regarding specifically the dictionaries of Phraseology, although there are many researchers who engage in this domain, there is still much to study in order to optimize and boost production as much monolingual as bilingual works. The aim of this paper is to present a brief discursive analysis of three phraseological dictionaries considering the pedagogical aspect.
The objective was to seek positive and negative values that guide the discourse on conciseness and understand how this concept is understood in speeches in the media when taking the theme of text production. The corpus of work consists of two materials of Portuguese Language Magazine on this topic. The analysis of the corpus was made from Bakhtinian discourse studies, especially considering the concepts of dialogue, utterance and speech genres. The research considers mainly as Bakhtin Circle conceives the production of meaning. At the end, we believe it is important to reflect on the definitions that guide the discourse of conciseness, far in practice they are consistent with our reality of writing
This paper proposes a discursive analysis of teachers‘s blogs , particularly those accessible from the MEC site : http://portaldoprofessor.mec.gov.br/links.html . The aim is to analyze , dialogically, based on Bakhtinian discourse studies the speech of Portuguese language teachers on the internet , and to investigate aspects of the discourse genre blog , this specialized sphere of circulation :whether it is a means of exposing themselves, whether they are professional media extent , reflect about how to produce the identity of the Portuguese language teachers in such discourse . The axes of reflection on identity , in this case , are four: the subject‘sthe discourse about themselvesand their peers , how the subject shows itself tothe analyst - researcher in dialogue with others in history ( teachers , students , interested in issues of language , official documents ), how it can be seen by the analyst - researcher considering using resources ( videos , photos , literary genres, etc. ), how it is seen by those who comment your say
According to data published on the World Drug Report 2012 by Unodc - United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime -, the world consumes nowadays the same amount of illicit drugs that it has always consumed. Contrary to this stable consumption, discussions surrounding the issue of drugs have intensified. The greatest controversies and the largest repercussion in the Brazilian media relate to marijuana use. This paper was developed in the context of polemic issues and its general goal is to analyze the conflict of ideologies present in the discourses about drugs on printed articles released by the Brazilian media, represented here by the magazines Veja, Carta Capital and Galileu. This study is carried out based on a dialogic approach, supported by the Bakhtinian researches on discourse
Pós-graduação em Linguística e Língua Portuguesa - FCLAR
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The female identity in relation to the multiplicity of roles of contemporary women and their evolution in the labor market is the focus of the work that is developed from studies of French line Discourse Analysis refered to Michel Pêcheux and Michel Foucault. The objective is to reflect on the discursive mechanisms of print media, focusing on Veja magazines covers, which, by its verbal and visual language, constructs meaning effects and disseminates certain social thruths about the female changes. Considering that this media aspect plays an important role on society's opinion formation, it is worth to investigate, analyse and describe the elements present on the covers, as seduction and persuasion objects. The work analysis material is formed by six covers published by Veja magazine in the period of 1968-2012, which raise the theme of women in the labor market and show us their evolution and the changes in the representations about the female universe and the work in society