810 resultados para Switzerland’s representation in literature
We present a novel scheme ("Categorical Basis Functions", CBF) for object class representation in the brain and contrast it to the "Chorus of Prototypes" scheme recently proposed by Edelman. The power and flexibility of CBF is demonstrated in two examples. CBF is then applied to investigate the phenomenon of Categorical Perception, in particular the finding by Bulthoff et al. (1998) of categorization of faces by gender without corresponding Categorical Perception. Here, CBF makes predictions that can be tested in a psychophysical experiment. Finally, experiments are suggested to further test CBF.
Tsunoda et al. (2001) recently studied the nature of object representation in monkey inferotemporal cortex using a combination of optical imaging and extracellular recordings. In particular, they examined IT neuron responses to complex natural objects and "simplified" versions thereof. In that study, in 42% of the cases, optical imaging revealed a decrease in the number of activation patches in IT as stimuli were "simplified". However, in 58% of the cases, "simplification" of the stimuli actually led to the appearance of additional activation patches in IT. Based on these results, the authors propose a scheme in which an object is represented by combinations of active and inactive columns coding for individual features. We examine the patterns of activation caused by the same stimuli as used by Tsunoda et al. in our model of object recognition in cortex (Riesenhuber 99). We find that object-tuned units can show a pattern of appearance and disappearance of features identical to the experiment. Thus, the data of Tsunoda et al. appear to be in quantitative agreement with a simple object-based representation in which an object's identity is coded by its similarities to reference objects. Moreover, the agreement of simulations and experiment suggests that the simplification procedure used by Tsunoda (2001) is not necessarily an accurate method to determine neuronal tuning.
We investigate whether dimensionality reduction using a latent generative model is beneficial for the task of weakly supervised scene classification. In detail, we are given a set of labeled images of scenes (for example, coast, forest, city, river, etc.), and our objective is to classify a new image into one of these categories. Our approach consists of first discovering latent ";topics"; using probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (pLSA), a generative model from the statistical text literature here applied to a bag of visual words representation for each image, and subsequently, training a multiway classifier on the topic distribution vector for each image. We compare this approach to that of representing each image by a bag of visual words vector directly and training a multiway classifier on these vectors. To this end, we introduce a novel vocabulary using dense color SIFT descriptors and then investigate the classification performance under changes in the size of the visual vocabulary, the number of latent topics learned, and the type of discriminative classifier used (k-nearest neighbor or SVM). We achieve superior classification performance to recent publications that have used a bag of visual word representation, in all cases, using the authors' own data sets and testing protocols. We also investigate the gain in adding spatial information. We show applications to image retrieval with relevance feedback and to scene classification in videos
Ressenya del llibre The Desert is no lady: southwestern landscapes in women's writing and art, obra on s’interrelacionen tres temes que són paisatge, gènere (en aquest cas, la dona) i literatura (i, per extensió, un quart que és l’art)
This paper aims to survey the techniques and methods described in literature to analyse and characterise voltage sags and the corresponding objectives of these works. The study has been performed from a data mining point of view
Las superfícies implícitas son útiles en muchas áreasde los gráficos por ordenador. Una de sus principales ventajas es que pueden ser fácilmente usadas como primitivas para modelado. Aun asi, no son muy usadas porque su visualización toma bastante tiempo. Cuando se necesita una visualización precisa, la mejor opción es usar trazado de rayos. Sin embargo, pequeñas partes de las superficies desaparecen durante la visualización. Esto ocurre por la truncación que se presenta en la representación en punto flotante de los ordenadores; algunos bits se puerden durante las operaciones matemáticas en los algoritmos de intersección. En este tesis se presentan algoritmos para solucionar esos problemas. La investigación se basa en el uso del Análisis Intervalar Modal el cual incluye herramientas para resolver problemas con incertidumbe cuantificada. En esta tesis se proporcionan los fundamentos matemáticos necesarios para el desarrollo de estos algoritmos.
When the women of Goa begin to reminiscence about the last four and a half decades of Goan history it will be a journey of mixed responses, for the women’s movement has witnessed gains and losses, successes and failures, times of expression and times of being silenced, times of vibrant activity and times of lulls and importantly, times of prolonged protests against markets and developmental forces, and media projections. For decades the women of Goa have taken a vociferous stand against arbitrary Development practices that the Government has attempted to foist upon the people of the State and especially its women. For decades the women of Goa have demanded for a gendered perspective and an equal representation in the development processes in the State.
A dança é uma actividade de grande exigência atlética, que pode conduzir a um elevado número de lesões, particularmente na região do tornozelo, possivelmente devido à amplitude extrema do movimento articular de flexão plantar do mesmo, que os bailarinos, especialmente do sexo feminino possuem, para realizar a ponta e meia ponta tão características do ballet clássico (Kadel, 2006; Motta-Valencia, 2006; Russel, Kruse, Koutedakis, McEwan, Wyon, 2010). Estas posições de flexão plantar extrema produzem força excessiva na região posterior do tornozelo, o que muitas vezes pode resultar em conflito, dor e incapacidade, representando na maioria das vezes um desafio de diagnóstico. O síndrome do conflito posterior do tornozelo refere-se a um grupo de entidades patológicas que resultam da flexão plantar forçada do tornozelo, de forma repetitiva ou traumática, causando um conflito das estruturas ósseas e/ou de tecidos moles (Hamilton, Geppert, Thompson, 1996; Hamilton, 2008) . Os objectivos deste projecto são compreender os quais os factores de risco, mecânicos e funcionais que contribuem para a mecânica patológica da lesão descritos na literatura, e proceder a uma avaliação biomecânica do movimento de flexão plantar do tornozelo. Método. Realizar uma revisão sistemática de literatura dirigida á mecânica patológica do síndrome do conflito posterior do tornozelo em bailarinas e conduzir um estudo caso-controlo, cujo objectivo é avaliar, comparar e descrever o movimento da flexão plantar do tornozelo realizado ao efectuar os movimentos de ponta e meia-ponta, em bailarinas pré-profissionais com e sem lesão recorrente resultante do conflito posterior do tornozelo. Resultados. Não foram encontrados estudos relacionados especificamente com a mecânica patológica do tornozelo, no entanto vários estudos foram encontrados considerando as características clínicas e anatómicas assim como os procedimentos de tratamento, indicando que os principais factores de risco relacionados com a lesão se dividem em factores mecânicos e funcionais que quando combinados entre si e associados ao sobre-uso podem resultar no conflito posterior do tornozelo. Na avaliação do movimento foram observadas diferenças na actividade muscular entre os sujeitos com lesão e controlos, tendo sido possível a observação de um padrão na sequência de activação para um dos movimentos testados. Na oscilação postural e na rigidez do tornozelo foram também observadas diferenças entre os sujeitos bem como entre as posições realizadas. Conclusão. Concluiu-se que não sendo possível alterar a anatomia do bailarino, por vezes é possível intervir a nível funcional melhorando a capacidade técnica de forma obter um melhor desempenho e a actuar preventivamente em relação às lesões, uma vez que estas podem apresentar padrões cinéticos próprios, relacionados com a função muscular, a estabilidade postural e a rigidez articular.
For Wiener spaces conditional expectations and $L^{2}$-martingales w.r.t. the natural filtration have a natural representation in terms of chaos expansion. In this note an extension to larger classes of processes is discussed. In particular, it is pointed out that orthogonality of the chaos expansion is not required.
[ 1] A rapid increase in the variety, quality, and quantity of observations in polar regions is leading to a significant improvement in the understanding of sea ice dynamic and thermodynamic processes and their representation in global climate models. We assess the simulation of sea ice in the new Hadley Centre Global Environmental Model (HadGEM1) against the latest available observations. The HadGEM1 sea ice component uses elastic-viscous-plastic dynamics, multiple ice thickness categories, and zero-layer thermodynamics. The model evaluation is focused on the mean state of the key variables of ice concentration, thickness, velocity, and albedo. The model shows good agreement with observational data sets. The variability of the ice forced by the North Atlantic Oscillation is also found to agree with observations.
The initial condition effect on climate prediction skill over a 2-year hindcast time-scale has been assessed from ensemble HadCM3 climate model runs using anomaly initialization over the period 1990–2001, and making comparisons with runs without initialization (equivalent to climatological conditions), and to anomaly persistence. It is shown that the assimilation improves the prediction skill in the first year globally, and in a number of limited areas out into the second year. Skill in hindcasting surface air temperature anomalies is most marked over ocean areas, and is coincident with areas of high sea surface temperature and ocean heat content skill. Skill improvement over land areas is much more limited but is still detectable in some cases. We found little difference in the skill of hindcasts using three different sets of ocean initial conditions, and we obtained the best results by combining these to form a grand ensemble hindcast set. Results are also compared with the idealized predictability studies of Collins (Clim. Dynam. 2002; 19: 671–692), which used the same model. The maximum lead time for which initialization gives enhanced skill over runs without initialization varies in different regions but is very similar to lead times found in the idealized studies, therefore strongly supporting the process representation in the model as well as its use for operational predictions. The limited 12-year period of the study, however, means that the regional details of model skill should probably be further assessed under a wider range of observational conditions.
This piece is a contribution to the exhibition catalogue of Barbadian / Canadian artist Joscelyn Gardner's exhibition, 'Bleeding & Breeding' curated by Olexander Wlasenko, January 14-February 12, 2012 in the Station Gallery, Whitby, Ontario, Canada. The piece examines the ways in which Gardner's Creole Portraits II (2007) and Creole Portraits III (2009) issue a provocative and carefully crafted contestation to the journals of the slave-owner and amateur botanist Thomas Thistlewood. It argues that while Thistlewood’s journals make raced and gendered bodies seemingly available to knowledge, incorporating them within the colonial archive as signs of subjection, Gardener’s portraits disrupt these acts of history and knowledge. Her artistic response marks a radical departure from the significant body of scholarship that has drawn on the Thistlewood journals to date. Creatively contesting his narratives’ dispossession of Creole female subjects and yet aware of the problems of innocent recovery, her works style representations that retain the consciousness and effect of historical erasure. Through an oxymoronic aesthetic that assembles a highly crafted verisimilitude alongside the condition of invisibility and brings atrocity into the orbit of the aesthetic, these portraits force us to question what stakes are involved in bringing the lives of the enslaved and violated back into regimes of representation.
Emerging evidence suggests that items held in working memory(WM)might not all be in the same representational state. One item might be privileged over others, making it more accessible and thereby recalled with greater precision. Here, using transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), we provide causal evidence in human participants that items inWMare differentially susceptible to disruptive TMS, depending on their state, determined either by task relevance or serial position. Across two experiments, we applied TMS to area MT during the WM retention of two motion directions. In Experiment 1, we used an “incidental cue” to bring one of the two targets into a privileged state. In Experiment 2, we presented the targets sequentially so that the last item was in a privileged state by virtue of recency. In both experiments, recall precision of motion direction was differentially affected by TMS, depending on the state of the memory target at the time of disruption. Privileged items were recalled with less precision, whereas nonprivileged items were recalled with higher precision. Thus, only the privileged item was susceptible to disruptive TMS over MT�. By contrast, precision of the nonprivileged item improved either directly because of facilitation by TMS or indirectly through reduced interference from the privileged item. Our results provide a unique line of evidence, as revealed by TMS over a posterior sensory brain region, for at least two different states of item representation in WM.