821 resultados para Sweet potatoes


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When genome sections of wild Solanum species are bred into the cultivated potato (S. tuberosum L.) to obtain improved potato cultivars, the new cultivars must be evaluated for their beneficial and undesirable traits. Glycoalkaloids present in Solanum species are known for their toxic as well as for beneficial effects on mammals. On the other hand, glycoalkaloids in potato leaves provide natural protection against pests. Due to breeding, glycoalkaloid profile of the plant is affected. In addition, the starch properties in potato tubers can be affected as a result of breeding, because the crystalline properties are determined by the botanical source of the starch. Starch content and composition affect the texture of cooked and processed potatoes. In order to determine glycoalkaloid contents in Solanum species, simultaneous separation of glycoalkaloids and aglycones using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was developed. Clean-up of foliage samples was improved using a silica-based strong cation exchanger instead of octadecyl phases in solid-phase extraction. Glycoalkaloids alpha-solanine and alpha-chaconine were detected in potato tubers of cvs. Satu and Sini. The total glycoalkaloid concentration of non-peeled and immature tubers was at an acceptable level (under 20 mg/100 g of FW) in the cv. Satu, whereas concentration in cv. Sini was 23 mg/100 g FW. Solanum species (S. tuberosum, S. brevidens, S. acaule, and S. commersonii) and interspecific somatic hybrids (brd + tbr, acl + tbr, cmm + tbr) were analyzed for their glycoalkaloid contents using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (LC-ESI-MS). The concentrations in the tubers of the brd + tbr and acl + tbr hybrids remained under 20 mg/100 g FW. Glycoalkaloid concentration in the foliage of the Solanum species was between 110 mg and 890 mg/100 g FW. However, the concentration in the foliage of S. acaule was as low as 26 mg/100 g FW. The total concentrations of brd + tbr, acl + tbr, and cmm + tbr hybrid foliages were 88 mg, 180 mg, and 685 mg/100 g FW, respectively. Glycoalkaloids of both parental plants as well as new combinations of aglycones and saccharides were detected in somatic hybrids. The hybrids contained mainly spirosolanes, and glycoalkaloid structures having no 5,6-double bond in the aglycone. Based on these results, the glycoalkaloid profiles of the hybrids may represent a safer and more beneficial spectrum of glycoalkaloids than that found in currently cultivated varieties. Starch nanostructure of three different cultivars (Satu, Saturna, and Lady Rosetta), a wild species S. acaule, and interspecific somatic hybrids were examined by wide-angle and small-angle X-ray scattering (WAXS, SAXS). For the first time, the measurements were conducted on fresh potato tuber samples. Crystallinity of starch, average crystallite size, and lamellar distance were determined from the X-ray patterns. No differences in the starch nanostructure between the three different cultivars were detected. However, tuber immaturity was detected by X-ray scattering methods when large numbers of immature and mature samples were measured and the results were compared. The present study shows that no significant changes occurred in the nanostructures of starches resulting from hybridizations of potato cultivars.


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In 2012, a project was initiated to assess if the soft rot disease of ginger in Australian fields was associated with pathogens other than Pythium myriotylum. Together with nine Pythium spp., ten isolates of a Pythium-like organism were also recovered from ginger with soft rot symptoms. These Pythium-like isolates were identified as Pythiogeton (Py.) ramosum based on its morphology and ITS sequences. In-vitro pathogenicity tests allowed confirmation of pathogenicity of Py. ramosum on excised carrot (Daucus carota), sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas) and potato (Solanum tubersum) tubers, although it was not pathogenic on excised ginger (Zingiber officinale) and radish (Raphanus sativus) rhizome/roots. In addition it was found to be pathogenic on bean (Phaseolus vulgaris), capsicum (Capsicum annuum) and cauliflower (Brassica oleracea var. botrytis) seedlings. This is the first record of Py. ramosum and its pathogenicity in Australia.


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The grain legume Australian sweet lupin (Lupinus angustifolius; ASL) is gaining international interest as a functional food ingredient; however its addition to refined wheat bread has been shown to decrease bread volume and textural quality, the extent of which is influenced by ASL variety. The present study evaluated the effects of ASL incorporation (20% of total flour) of the six commercial varieties; Belara, Coromup, Gungurru, Jenabillup, Mandelup and Tanjil, on the level of nutritional, phytochemical and bioactive composition and protein quality of refined wheat flour bread. Protein, dietary fiber, phenolic and carotenoid content, antioxidant capacity and protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) were higher (p < 0.05), whereas available carbohydrate level was lower (p < 0.05) in ASL–wheat breads than the wheat-only bread, regardless of the ASL variety used. In addition, the blood-glucose lowering bioactive peptide γ-conglutin was detected in all ASL–wheat breads but not in wheat-only bread. The ASL variety used significantly (p < 0.05) affected the dietary fiber, fat, available carbohydrates and polyphenolic level, the antioxidant capacity and the PDCAAS of the ASL–wheat breads. These findings demonstrate the potential nutritional and health benefits of adding ASL to refined wheat bread and highlight the importance of selecting specific ASL varieties to maximise its nutritional attributes.


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Abstract: Although mainly grown for its sweet flavoured fruit, papaya (Carica papaya) has also been used for pharmacological purposes for many years. The reasons for use are varied with one of the best known being its anti-fungal action. Benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) is the constituent most often implicated in this activity. Isothiocyanates are formed when the enzyme myrosinase catalyses the hydrolysis of the non-bioactive glucosinolates. This occurs when cellular contents come into contact through chewing, cutting or during extraction processes in the laboratory. While this is common in Brassica vegetables, the glucosinolate-myrosinase system is rare in fruit, papaya being a notable exception. It contains benzyl glucosinolate (BG), the glucosinolate precursor of BITC, in significant quantities. Parameters that determine the amount of BITC formed are duration of hydrolysis, presence/absence of nitrile-specifier proteins and BG content of different cultivars and tissues. We experimented with differing BITC extraction solvents, with the intention of developing a low cost, natural anti-fungal extract based on under-utilised papaya tissues. The findings suggest that papaya seeds, particularly from quarter-ripe fruit, have the potential to produce the highest levels of BITC necessary. Furthermore, they compare well with the nitrile-specifier protein-containing garden cress seeds (Lepidium sativum). To utilise the papaya seeds as a BITC source, an organic solvent such as ethanol is required to extract the largely water-insoluble BITC from the hydrolysed papaya seed mixture.


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The grain legume Australian sweet lupin (Lupinus angustifolius; ASL) is gaining international interest as a functional food ingredient; however its addition to refined wheat bread has been shown to decrease bread volume and textural quality, the extent of which is influenced by ASL variety. The present study evaluated the effects of ASL incorporation (20% of total flour) of the six commercial varieties; Belara, Coromup, Gungurru, Jenabillup, Mandelup and Tanjil, on the level of nutritional, phytochemical and bioactive composition and protein quality of refined wheat flour bread. Protein, dietary fiber, phenolic and carotenoid content, antioxidant capacity and protein digestibility corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS) were higher (p < 0.05), whereas available carbohydrate level was lower (p < 0.05) in ASL–wheat breads than the wheat-only bread, regardless of the ASL variety used. In addition, the blood-glucose lowering bioactive peptide γ-conglutin was detected in all ASL–wheat breads but not in wheat-only bread. The ASL variety used significantly (p < 0.05) affected the dietary fiber, fat, available carbohydrates and polyphenolic level, the antioxidant capacity and the PDCAAS of the ASL–wheat breads. These findings demonstrate the potential nutritional and health benefits of adding ASL to refined wheat bread and highlight the importance of selecting specific ASL varieties to maximise its nutritional attributes.


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The story of the Aboriginal women who participated in Australias nursing history remains largely untold. In the first six decades of the twentieth century, Aboriginal people were confronted with harsh exclusionary practices that forced them to live in settlements, reserves and missions.¹ While many Aboriginal women worked in domestic roles (in white peoples homes and on rural properties), small numbers were trained at public hospitals and some Aboriginal women received training to be native nurses who worked in hospitals on settlements

In this chapter, an indigenous historical lens is applied to the status of Indigenous nurses and midwives in Australia.


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Directors and Officers Liability Insurance (“D&O insurance”) has grown and evolved rapidly over the past 80 years to assume an important position in most corporations’ corporate governance and risk management strategies. This article focuses upon certain topical matters of particular concern to directors and officers including the availability of defence costs where a D&O policy is subject to a statutory charge; the commercial desirability of stand-alone “A-side” coverage, being the cover provided directly to directors and officers for loss resulting from claims made against them for wrongful acts; the impact of fraud and/or dishonesty upon D&O cover; and disclosure of the nature and extent of D&O cover to the directors and officers themselves and to third parties – in the latter case such access frequently being necessary to determine the economic viability of pursuing a proposed action against a company and its directors and officers.


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This paper presents a novel crop detection system applied to the challenging task of field sweet pepper (capsicum) detection. The field-grown sweet pepper crop presents several challenges for robotic systems such as the high degree of occlusion and the fact that the crop can have a similar colour to the background (green on green). To overcome these issues, we propose a two-stage system that performs per-pixel segmentation followed by region detection. The output of the segmentation is used to search for highly probable regions and declares these to be sweet pepper. We propose the novel use of the local binary pattern (LBP) to perform crop segmentation. This feature improves the accuracy of crop segmentation from an AUC of 0.10, for previously proposed features, to 0.56. Using the LBP feature as the basis for our two-stage algorithm, we are able to detect 69.2% of field grown sweet peppers in three sites. This is an impressive result given that the average detection accuracy of people viewing the same colour imagery is 66.8%.


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Perunalla (Solanum tuberosum L.) tällä hetkellä maailmanlaajuisesti eniten sato- ja laatutappioita aiheuttaa perunan Y-virus (PVY). Vaikka pelkän Y-viruksen aiheuttamaa satotappiota on vaikea mitata, on sen arvioitu olevan 20-80 %. Viruksen tärkein leviämistapa on viroottinen siemenperuna. Korkealaatuinen siemenperuna on edellytys ruoka-, ruokateollisuus- ja tärkkelysperunan tuotannolle. Kasvuston silmämääräinen tarkastelu aliarvioi yleensä Y-viruksen esiintyvyyttä. Laboratoriotestauksen avulla saadaan tarkempi tieto pellolta korjatun sadon saastunta-asteesta. Ongelmana Y-viruksen testaamisessa on, että sitä ei havaita dormanssissa olevista perunoista otetuista näytteistä yhtä luotettavasti kuin jo dormanssin ohittaneista perunoista testattaessa. Erilaisia menetelmiä kemikaaleista (Rindite, bromietaani) kasvihormoneihin (mm. gibberelliinihappo) ja varastointiolosuhteiden muutoksiin (kylmä- ja lämpökäsittely) on kokeiltu perunan dormanssin purkamiseen, mutta tulokset ovat olleet vaihtelevia. Tässä tutkielmassa perunan dormanssin purkamiseen käytettiin happi-hiilidioksidikäsittelyä (O2 40 % ja CO2 20 %) eripituisina käsittelyaikoina. Tarkoituksena oli selvittää, vaikuttaako käsittely perunan itämiseen ja dormanssin luontaista aikaisempaan purkautumiseen tai Y-viruksen havaitsemiseen. Lisäksi haluttiin selvittää, voiko Y-viruksen määrittämisen ELISA-testillä (Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay) tehdä yhtä luotettavasti myös muista kasvinosista (mukula, itu), kuin tällä hetkellä yleisesti käytetystä perunan lehdestä. Idätyskäsittelyn vaikutuksista dormanssin purkautumiseen saatiin vaihtelevia, eikä kovinkaan yleistettäviä tuloksia. Käsittelyn ei myöskään havaittu vaikuttavan PYY-viroottisuuden havaitsemiseen eri näytemateriaaleilla testattaessa. Kun eri kasvinosien toimivuutta testissä vertailtiin, mukulamateriaalin todettiin aliarvioivan PVY-viroottisuutta kaikissa kokeissa. Myös itumateriaali aliarvioi pääsääntöisesti PVY-viroottisuutta ELISA:lla tehdyissä määrityksissä. Luotettavin testimateriaali oli perunan lehti.


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Little attention has been given to the possibility that CDS transactions might be construed as insurance contracts in English law. This article challenges the widespread “Potts opinion”, which states that CDSs are not insurance, because they do not require the protection buyer to sustain a loss or to have an insurable interest in the subject matter. CDSs often do provide protection against loss that the buyer is exposed to; loss indemnity is not a necessary characterisation of an insurance contract; insurable interest does not form part of the definition of insurance, but is an additional requirement of valid insurance; and what matters is the substance not the form of the contract. The situation in the US and Australia is also briefly considered.


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Cassava brown streak disease (CBSD) was described for the first time in Tanganyika (now Tanzania) about seven decades ago. Tanganyika (now Tanzania) about seven decades ago. It was endemic in the lowland areas of East Africa and inland parts of Malawi and caused by Cassava brown streak virus (CBSV; genus Ipomovirus; Potyviridae). However, in 1990s CBSD was observed at high altitude areas in Uganda. The causes for spread to new locations were not known.The present work was thus initiated to generate information on genetic variability, clarify the taxonomy of the virus or viruses associated with CBSD in Eastern Africa as well as to understand the evolutionary forces acting on their genes. It also sought to develop a molecular based diagnostic tool for detection of CBSD-associated virus isolates. Comparison of the CP-encoding sequences of CBSD-associated virus isolates collected from Uganda and north-western Tanzania in 2007 and the partial sequences available in Genbank revealed occurrence of two genetically distinct groups of isolates. Two isolates were selected to represent the two groups. The complete genomes of isolates MLB3 (TZ:Mlb3:07) and Kor6 (TZ:Kor6:08) obtained from North-Western (Kagera) and North-Eastern (Tanga) Tanzania, respectively, were sequenced. The genomes were 9069 and 8995 nucleotides (nt), respectively. They translated into polyproteins that were predicted to yield ten mature proteins after cleavage. Nine proteins were typical in the family Potyviridae, namely P1, P3, 6K1, CI, 6K2, VPg, NIa-Pro, NIb and CP, but the viruses did not contain HC-Pro. Interestingly, genomes of both isolates contained a Maf/HAM1-like sequence (HAM1h; 678 nucleotides, 25 kDa) recombined between the NIb and CP domains in the 3’-proximal part of the genomes. HAM1h was also identified in Euphorbia ringspot virus (EuRSV) whose sequence was in GenBank. The HAM1 gene is widely spread in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes. In yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) it is known to be a nucleoside triphosphate (NTP) pyrophosphatase. Novel information was obtained on the structural variation at the N-termini of polyproteins of viruses in the genus Ipomovirus. Cucumber vein yellowing virus (CVYV) and Squash vein yellowing virus (SqVYV) contain a duplicated P1 (P1a and P1b) but lack the HC-Pro. On the other hand, Sweet potato mild mottle virus (SPMMV), has a single but large P1 and has HC-Pro. Both virus isolates (TZ:Mlb3:07 & TZ:Kor6:08) characterized in this study contained a single P1 and lacked the HC-Pro which indicates unique evolution in the family Potyviridae. Comparison of 12 complete genomes of CBSD-associated viruses which included two genomes characterized in this study, revealed genetic identity of 69.0–70.3% (nt) and amino acid (aa) identities of 73.6–74.4% at polyprotein level. Comparison was also made among 68 complete CP sequences, which indicated 69.0-70.3 and 73.6-74.4 % identity at nt and aa levels, respectively. The genetic variation was large enough for dermacation of CBSD-associated virus isolates into two distinct species. The name CBSV was retained for isolates that were related to CBSV isolates available in database whereas the new virus described for the first time in this study was named Ugandan cassava brown streak virus (UCBSV) by the International Committee on Virus Taxonomy (ICTV). The isolates TZ:Mlb3:07 and TZ:Kor6:08 belong to UCBSV and CBSV, respectively. The isolates of CBSV and UCBSV were 79.3-95.5% and 86.3-99.3 % identitical at nt level, respectively, suggesting more variation amongst CBSV isolates. The main sources of variation in plant viruses are mutations and recombination. Signals for recombination events were detected in 50% of isolates of each virus. Recombination events were detected in coding and non-coding (3’-UTR) sequences except in the 5’UTR and P3. There was no evidence for recombination between isolates of CBSV and UCBSV. The non-synonomous (dN) to synonomous (dS) nucleotide substitution ratio (ω) for the HAM1h and CP domains of both viruses were ≤ 0.184 suggesting that most sites of these proteins were evolving under strong purifying selection. However, there were individual amino acid sites that were submitted to adaptive evolution. For instance, adaptive evolution was detected in the HAM1h of UCBSV (n=15) where 12 aa sites were under positive selection (P< 0.05) but not in CBSV (n=12). The CP of CBSV (n=23) contained 12 aa sites (p<0.01) while only 5 aa sites in the CP gene of UCBSV were predicted to be submitted to positive selection pressure (p<0.01). The advantages offered by the aa sites under positive selection could not be established but occurrence of such sites in the terminal ends of UCBSV-HAMIh, for example, was interpreted as a requirement for proteolysis during polyprotein processing. Two different primer pairs that simultaneously detect UCBSV and CBSV isolates were developed in this study. They were used successfully to study distribution of CBSV, UCBSV and their mixed infections in Tanzania and Uganda. It was established that the two viruses co-infect cassava and that incidences of co-infection could be as high as 50% around Lake Victoria on the Tanzanian side. Furthermore, it was revealed for the first time that both UCBSV and CBSV were widely distributed in Eastern Africa. The primer pair was also used to confirm infection in a close relative of cassava, Manihot glaziovii (Müller Arg.) with CBSV. DNA barcoding of M. glaziovii was done by sequencing the matK gene. Two out of seven M. glaziovii from the coastal areas of Korogwe and Kibaha in north eastern Tanzania were shown to be infected by CBSV but not UCBSV isolates. Detection in M. glaziovii has an implication in control and management of CBSD as it is likely to serve as virus reservoir. This study has contributed to the understanding of evolution of CBSV and UCBSV, which cause CBSD epidemic in Eastern Africa. The detection tools developed in this work will be useful in plant breeding, verification of the phytosanitary status of materials in regional and international movement of germplasm, and in all diagnostic activities related to management of CBSD. Whereas there are still many issues to be resolved such as the function and biological significance of HAM1h and its origin, this work has laid a foundation upon which the studies on these aspects can be based.


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In post-industrialised societies, food is more plentiful, accessible and palatable than ever before and technological development has reduced the need for physical activity. Consequently, the prevalence of obesity is increasing, which is problematic as obesity is related to a number of diseases. Various psychological and social factors have an important influence on dietary habits and the development of obesity in the current food-rich and sedentary environments. The present study concentrates on the associations of emotional and cognitive factors with dietary intake and obesity as well as on the role these factors play in socioeconomic disparities in diet. Many people cognitively restrict their food intake to prevent weight gain or to lose weight, but research on whether restrained eating is a useful weight control strategy has produced conflicting findings. With respect to emotional factors, the evidence is accumulating that depressive symptoms are related to less healthy dietary intake and obesity, but the mechanisms explaining these associations remain unclear. Furthermore, it is not fully understood why socioeconomically disadvantaged individuals tend to have unhealthier dietary habits and the motives underlying food choices (e.g., price and health) could be relevant in this respect. The specific aims of the study were to examine 1) whether obesity status and dieting history moderate the associations of restrained eating with overeating tendencies, self-control and obesity indicators; 2) whether the associations of depressive symptoms with unhealthier dietary intake and obesity are attributable to a tendency for emotional eating and a low level of physical activity self-efficacy; and 3) whether the absolute or relative importance of food choice motives (health, pleasure, convenience, price, familiarity and ethicality) contribute to the socioeconomic disparities in dietary habits. The study was based on a large population-based sample of Finnish adults: the participants were men (N=2325) and women (N=2699) aged 25-74 who took part in the DILGOM (Dietary, Lifestyle and Genetic Determinants of Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome) sub-study of the National FINRISK Study 2007. The participants weight, height, waist circumference and body fat percentage were measured in a health examination. Psychological eating styles (the Three-Factor Eating Questionnaire-R18), food choice motives (a shortened version of the Food Choice Questionnaire), depressive symptoms (the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) and self-control (the Brief Self-Control Scale) were measured with pre-existing questionnaires. A validated food frequency questionnaire was used to assess the average consumption of sweet and non-sweet energy-dense foods and vegetables/fruit. Self-reported total years of education and gross household income were used as indicators of socioeconomic position. The results indicated that 1) restrained eating was related to a lower body mass index, waist circumference, emotional eating and uncontrolled eating, and to a higher self-control in obese participants and current/past dieters. In contrast, the associations were the opposite in normal weight individuals and those who had never dieted. Thus, restrained eating may be related to better weight control among obese individuals and those with dieting experiences, while among others it may function as an indicator of problems with eating and an attempt to solve them. 2) Emotional eating and depressive symptoms were both related to less healthy dietary intake, and the greater consumption of energy-dense sweet foods among participants with elevated depressive symptoms was attributable to the susceptibility for emotional eating. In addition, emotional eating and physical activity self-efficacy were both important in explaining the positive association between depressive symptoms and obesity. 3) The lower vegetable/fruit intake and higher energy-dense food intake among individuals with a low socioeconomic position were partly explained by the higher priority they placed on price and familiarity and the lower priority they gave to health motives in their daily food choices. In conclusion, although policy interventions to change the obesogenic nature of the current environment are definitely needed, knowledge of the factors that hinder or facilitate people s ability to cope with the food-rich environment is also necessary. This study implies that more emphasis should be placed on various psychological and social factors in weight control programmes and interventions.


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In this paper we propose a new method of data handling for web servers. We call this method Network Aware Buffering and Caching (NABC for short). NABC facilitates reduction of data copies in web server's data sending path, by doing three things: (1) Layout the data in main memory in a way that protocol processing can be done without data copies (2) Keep a unified cache of data in kernel and ensure safe access to it by various processes and kernel and (3) Pass only the necessary meta data between processes so that bulk data handling time spent during IPC can be reduced. We realize NABC by implementing a set of system calls and an user library. The end product of the implementation is a set of APIs specifically designed for use by the web servers. We port an in house web server called SWEET, to NABC APIs and evaluate performance using a range of workloads both simulated and real. The results show a very impressive gain of 12% to 21% in throughput for static file serving and 1.6 to 4 times gain in throughput for lightweight dynamic content serving for a server using NABC APIs over the one using UNIX APIs.


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This paper presents the experience of the new design of using impinging jet spray columns for scrubbing hydrogen sulfide from biogas that has been developed by Indian Institute of Science and patented. The process uses a chelated polyvalent metal ion which oxidizes the hydrogen sulfide to sulfur as a precipitate. The sulfur generated is filtered and the scrubbing liquid recycled after oxidation. The process involves in bringing contact the sour gas with chelated liquid in the spray columns where H2S reacts with chelated Fe3+ and precipitates as sulfur, whereas Fe3+ gets reduced to Fe2+. Fe2+ is regenerated to Fe3+ by reaction of oxygen in air in a separate packed column. The regenerated liquid is recirculated. Sulfur is filtered and separated as a byproduct. The paper presents the experience in using the spray towers for hydrogen sulfide removal and further use of the clean gas for generating power using gas engines. The maximum allowable limit of H2S for the gas engine is 200 ppm (v/v) in order to prevent any corrosion of engine parts and fouling of the lubricating oil. With the current ISET process, the hydrogen sulfide from the biogas is cleaned to less than 100 ppm (v/v) and the sweet gas is used for power generation. The system is designed for 550 NM3/hr of biogas and inlet H2S concentration of 2.5 %. The inlet concentration of the H2S is about 1 - 1.5 % and average measured outlet concentration is about 30 ppm, with an average gas flow of about 300 - 350 NM3/hr, which is the current gas production rate. The sweet gas is used for power generation in a 1.2 MWe V 12 engine. The average power generation is about 650 - 750 kWe, which is the captive load of the industry. The plant is a CHP (combined heat power) unit with heat from the cylinder cooling and flue being recovered for hot water and steam generation respectively. The specific fuel consumption is 2.29 kWh/m(3) of gas. The system has been in operation for more than 13,000 hours in last one year in the industry. About 8.4 million units of electricity has been generated scrubbing about 2.1 million m3 of gas. Performance of the scrubber and the engine is discussed at daily performance level and also the overall performance with an environment sustenance by precipitating over 27 tons of sulfur.


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En el mes de junio de 1996, se estableció un experimento de campo en la empresa Frutas Tropicales Ltda, localizada en la comarca de Guanacastillo, departamento de Masaya, con el propósito de evaluar la influencia de cinco leguminosas de cobertura asociadas con el cultivo de la pitahaya (Hylocereus undatus Britt & Rose), como manejo de las malas hierbas y aporte de nutrientes a partir de la materia orgánica incorporada. Al estudio se le aplicó el diseño de bloques completos al azar con cuatro repeticiones.Los tratamientos evaluados fueron: Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek, Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC., Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp., Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC., Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet y el tratamiento Testigo, el cual representa el manejo tradicional en el control de las malezas de parte del productor. Los resultados indican que el mayor peso seco acumulado lo presentó C. ensiformis al registrar 7 401 kg/ha. En tanto, V. radiata con 2 331.66 kg/ha presentó el menor valor de peso seco. En el comportamiento del peso seco de las malezas se registró mas alto en M. pruriens con 1 600 kg/ha. En tanto, L. purpureus con 545 kg/ha fue el más bajo.Para medir el aporte de nutrientes a partir de la materia orgánica se hizo un análisis de suelo previo a la siembra de las leguminosas. Un segundo y tercer análisis de suelo se efectuaron 3 meses y 11 meses después de realizado el primer análisis. En nitrógeno el mejor resultado se obtuvo en V. unguiculata al ubicarse como mejor aportador en el primer análisis con 149.60 kg/ha y segundo mejor aportador en el segundo análisis con 113.28 kg/ha.Superado levemente en este caso por el tratamiento testigo con 113.40 kg/ha. En ambos análisis el menor aportador de nitrógeno fue C. ensiformis con 122.40 kg/ha y 103.32 kg/ha para el primer y segundo análisis respectivamente.En cuanto a fósforo, V. radiata se ubicó como mejor aportador en el primer análisis con 16.80 kg/ha, mientras que en el segundo análisis se ubicó como tercero con 26.49 kg/ha, superado por C. ensiformis y V. unguiculata con 40.66 kg/ha y 31.32 kg/ha respectivamente. En cambio M. pruriens se ubicó como el aportador más bajo de fósforo con 6.60 kg/ha en el primer análisis y 3.98 kg/ha en el segundo.En relación al potasio, el mejor resultado se obtuvo en M. pruriens con 567.73 kg/ha y 694.42 hg/ha en el primer y segundo muestreo respectivamente. Mientras que L. purpureus fue el menor aportador con 384.74 kg/ha y 273.70 kg/ha en el primer y segundo muestreo respectivamente.Con respecto a la influencia sobre la dinámica de las malezas el mejor resultado se presentó en M. pruriens, al eliminar por completo la presencia de malezas a los 95 días de establecido el ensayo. Similar comportamiento tuvo C. ensiformis con la diferencia que fue en un período más prolongado. Mayor abundancia de malezas presentaron los tratamiento L. purpureus, V. radiata y V. unguiculata, en los cuales hubo necesidad de acompañarlos con controles mecánicos. Por último, se ubicó el tratamiento Testigo el cual siempre necesito de control mecánico. En relación al mayor número de brotes por planta, los tratamientos implementados no tuvieron diferencias significativas entre ellos, pero en términos numéricos los que presentaron mayor número de brotes fueron V. radiata y Testigo con 4,856 y 4,417 respectivamente, seguidos de V. unguiculata y C. ensiformis con 3,933 y 3,922 respectivamente. Por último se ubicaron M. pruriens y L. purpureus con 3,267 y 3,034 respetivamente.De acuerdo a los resultados obtenidos en cobertura de suelo, diversidad y abundancia de malezas, biomasa y aporte de nutrientes a partir de residuos vegetales, excepto en fósforo, se recomienda el uso de la leguminosa Mucuna pruriens (L.) DC. En asocio con el cultivo de la pitahaya.