947 resultados para Sulphonitrate of ammonium
Low-temperature (15 K) single-crystal neutron-diffraction structures and Raman spectra of the salts (NX4)(2)[CU(OX2)(6)](SO4)(2), where X = H or D, are reported. This study is concerned with the origin of the structural phase change that is known to occur upon deuteration. Data for the deuterated salt were measured in the metastable state, achieved by application of 500 bar of hydrostatic pressure at similar to303 K followed by cooling to 281 K and the subsequent release of pressure. This allows for the direct comparison between the hydrogenous and deuterated salts, in the same modification, at ambient pressure and low temperature. The Raman spectra provide no intimation of any significant change in the intermolecular bonding. Furthermore, structural differences are few, the largest being for the long Cu-O bond, which is 2.2834(5) and 2.2802(4) Angstrom for the hydrogenous and the deuterated salts, respectively. Calorimetric data for the deuterated salt are also presented, providing an estimate of 0.17(2) kJ/mol for the enthalpy difference between the two structural forms at 295.8(5) K. The structural data suggest that substitution of hydrogen for deuterium gives rise to changes in the hydrogen-bonding interactions that result in a slightly reduced force field about the copper(II) center. The small structural differences suggest different relative stabilities for the hydrogenous and deuterated salts, which may be sufficient to stabilize the hydrogenous salt in the anomalous structural form.
Oxidative Leaching of metals from electronic waste with solutions based on quaternary ammonium salts
The treatment of electric and electronic waste (WEEE) is a problem which receives ever more attention. An inadequate treatment results in harmful products ending up in the environment. This project intends to investigate the possibilities of an alternative route for recycling of metals from printed circuit boards (PCBs) obtained from rejected computers. The process is based on aqueous solutions composed of an etchant, either 0.2 M CuCl2.2H2O or 0.2 M FeCl3.6H2O, and a quaternary ammonium salt (quat) such as choline chloride or chlormequat. These solutions are reminiscent of deep eutectic solvents (DES) based on quats. DES are quite similar to ionic liquids (ILs) and are used as well as alternative solvents with a great diversity of physical properties, making them attractive for replacement of hazardous, volatile solvents (e.g. VOCs). A remarkable difference between genuine DES and ILs with the solutions used in this project is the addition of rather large quantities of water. It is shown the presence of water has a lot of advantages on the leaching of metals, while the properties typical for DES still remain. The oxidizing capacities of Cu(II) stem from the existence of a stable Cu(I) component in quat based DES and thus the leaching stems from the activity of the Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox couple. The advantage of Fe(III) in combination with DES is the fact that the Fe(III)/Fe(II) redox couple becomes reversible, which is not true in pure water. This opens perspectives for regeneration of the etching solution. In this project the leaching of copper was studied as a function of gradual increasing water content from 0 - 100w% with the same concentration of copper chloride or iron(III) chloride at room temperature and 80ºC. The solutions were also tested on real PCBs. At room temperature a maximum leaching effect for copper was obtained with 30w% choline chloride with 0.2 M CuCl2.2H2O. The leaching effect is still stronger at 80°C, b ut of course these solutions are more energy consuming. For aluminium, tin, zinc and lead, the leaching was faster at 80ºC. Iron and nickel dissolved easily at room temperature. The solutions were not able to dissolve gold, silver, rhodium and platinum.
El objetivo de este trabajo es caracterizar la respuesta de P. putida frente a condiciones ambientales adversas dadas por la presencia del detergente catiónico tetradeciltrimetilamonio (TDTMA). El objetivo final que se persigue es el de utilizar este microorganismo como vehículo en procesos de biorremediación. El proyecto comprende aspectos relacionados con la degradación y con la respuesta adaptativa que le permiten a P. putida tolerar altas concentraciones del biocida. La degradación de TDTMA por P. putida involucra una actividad monooxigenasa, que produce trimetilamina (TMA) y tetradecilalcanal. Parte de la TMA producida es demetilada, por una TMAdehidrogenasa (TMADH), e utilizada por la bacteria como fuente de nitrógeno y parte es acumulada intracelularmente, inhibiendo el crecimiento bacteriano. Considerando la importancia de las oxigenasas y dehidrogenasas en la transformación química de compuestos recalcitrantes, se identificarán los genes responsables de la actividad monooxigenasa y de la TMADH, se caracterizarán las enzimas, lo que permitirá conocer, además, datos evolutivos de las mismas. Teniendo en cuenta que la acumulación intracelular TMA conduce a la degradación parcial del detergente, efecto contrarrestado por la adición de aluminio (Al), se investigarán si otros factores nutricionales participan en el control de la degradación de TDMA por P. putida. Se investigará si el regulador global NtrC, que se activa en respuesta a limitación de nitrógeno, participa en el metabolismo de TDTMA. Se prevé construir mutantes en los genes que codifican para monoxigenasa y TMADH y analizar la respuesta de estas cepas frente al estrés ocasionado por TDTMA y Al. En este proyecto se postula además que los cambios a nivel de fosfolípidos (PL) de membrana son una estrategia de P. putida para sobrevivir en presencia del TDTMA. Para concluir si fosfatidilglicerol es el principal responsable de la adaptación de P. putida frente al estrés ocasionado por TDTMA, se pretenden obtener mutantes afectadas en la biosíntesis de novo de PL, particularmente en cardiolipina sintasa. Paralelamente se estudiará si fosfolipasa D participa en la respuesta, lo que permitirá asignar un rol a esta enzima en procesos de señalización análogos a los que ocurren en organismos eucariotas. En presencia de TDTMA y Al, P. putida responde aumentando el contenido de fosfatidilcolina y posiblemente este PL actúe como un reservorio temporario del ión. Identificar en P. putida los genes que codifican para las enzimas responsables de su biosíntesis, particularmente fosfatidilcolina sintasa y/o fosfolípido N-metiltranferasa, conducirá a conocer el mecanismo por el cual fosfatidilcolina estaría involucrada en la respuesta a Al.
Ammonium salt derivatives of natural allylphenols were synthesized with the purpose of obtaining potential peripheral analgesics. These drugs, by virtue of their physicochemical properties, would not be able to cross the blood brain barrier. Their inability to enter into the central nervous system (CNS) should prevent several adverse effects observed with classical opiate analgesics (Ferreira et al., 1984). Eugenol (1) O-methyleugenol (5) and safrole (9) were submitted to nitration, reduction and permethylation, leading to the ammonium salts 4, 8 and 12. Another strategy applied to eugenol (1), consisting in its conversion to a glycidic ether (13), opening the epoxide ring with secondary amines and methylation, led to the ammonium salts 16 and 17. All these ammonium salts showed significant peripheral analgesic action, in modified version of the Randall-Sellito test (Ferreira et al. 1978), at non-lethal doses. The ammonium salt 8 showed an activity comparable to that of methylnalorphinium, the prototype of an ideal peripheral analgesic (Ferreira et al., 1984).
The increasing number of bomb attacks involving improvised explosive devices, as well as the nature of the explosives, give rise to concern among safety and law enforcement agencies. The substances used in explosive charges are often everyday products diverted from their primary licit applications. Thus, reducing or limiting their accessibility for prevention purposes is difficult. Ammonium nitrate, employed in agriculture as a fertiliser, is used worldwide in small and large homemade bombs. Black powder, dedicated to hunting and shooting sports, is used illegally as a filling in pipe bombs causing extensive damage. If the main developments of instrumental techniques in explosive analysis have been constantly pushing the limits of detection, their actual contribution to the investigation of explosives in terms of source discrimination is limited. Forensic science has seen the emergence of a new technology, isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS), that shows promising results. Its very first application in forensic science dates back to 1979. Liu et al. analysed cannabis plants coming from different countries [Liu et al. 1979]. This preliminary study highlighted its potential to discriminate specimens coming from different sources. Thirty years later, the keen interest in this new technology has given rise to a flourishing number of publications in forensic science. The countless applications of IRMS to a wide range of materials and substances attest to its success and suggest that the technique is ready to be used in forensic science. However, many studies are characterised by a lack of methodology and fundamental data. They have been undertaken in a top-down approach, applying this technique in an exploratory manner on a restricted sampling. This manner of procedure often does not allow the researcher to answer a number of questions, such as: do the specimens come from the same source, what do we mean by source or what is the inherent variability of a substance? The production of positive results has prevailed at the expense of forensic fundamentals. This research focused on the evaluation of the contribution of the information provided by isotopic analysis to the investigation of explosives. More specifically, this evaluation was based on a sampling of black powders and ammonium nitrate fertilisers coming from known sources. Not only has the methodology developed in this work enabled us to highlight crucial elements inherent to the methods themselves, but also to evaluate both the longitudinal and transversal variabilities of the information. First, the study of the variability of the profile over time was undertaken. Secondly, the variability of black powders and ammonium nitrate fertilisers within the same source and between different sources was evaluated. The contribution of this information to the investigation of explosives was then evaluated and discussed. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Le nombre croissant d'attentats à la bombe impliquant des engins explosifs artisanaux, ainsi que la nature des charges explosives, constituent une préoccupation majeure pour les autorités d'application de la loi et les organismes de sécurité. Les substances utilisées dans les charges explosives sont souvent des produits du quotidien, détournés de leurs applications licites. Par conséquent, réduire ou limiter l'accessibilité de ces produits dans un but de prévention est difficile. Le nitrate d'ammonium, employé dans l'agriculture comme engrais, est utilisé dans des petits et grands engins explosifs artisanaux. La poudre noire, initialement dédiée à la chasse et au tir sportif, est fréquemment utilisée comme charge explosive dans les pipe bombs, qui causent des dommages importants. Si les développements des techniques d'analyse des explosifs n'ont cessé de repousser les limites de détection, leur contribution réelle à l'investigation des explosifs est limitée en termes de discrimination de sources. Une nouvelle technologie qui donne des résultats prometteurs a fait son apparition en science forensique: la spectrométrie de masse à rapport isotopique (IRMS). Sa première application en science forensique remonte à 1979. Liu et al. ont analysé des plants de cannabis provenant de différents pays [Liu et al. 1979]. Cette étude préliminaire, basée sur quelques analyses, a mis en évidence le potentiel de l'IRMS à discriminer des spécimens provenant de sources différentes. Trente ans plus tard, l'intérêt marqué pour cette nouvelle technologie en science forensique se traduit par un nombre florissant de publications. Les innombrables applications de l'IRMS à une large gamme de matériaux et de substances attestent de son succès et suggèrent que la technique est prête à être utilisée en science forensique. Cependant, de nombreuses études sont caractérisées par un manque de méthodologie et de données fondamentales. Elles ont été menées sans définir les hypothèses de recherche et en appliquant cette technique de façon exploratoire sur un échantillonnage restreint. Cette manière de procéder ne permet souvent pas au chercheur de répondre à un certain nombre de questions, tels que: est-ce que deux spécimens proviennent de la même source, qu'entend-on par source ou encore quelle est l'intravariabilité d'une substance? La production de résultats positifs a prévalu au détriment des fondamentaux de science forensique. Cette recherche s'est attachée à évaluer la contribution réelle de l'information isotopique dans les investigations en matière d'explosifs. Plus particulièrement, cette évaluation s'est basée sur un échantillonnage constitué de poudres noires et d'engrais à base de nitrate d'ammonium provenant de sources connues. La méthodologie développée dans ce travail a permis non seulement de mettre en évidence des éléments cruciaux relatifs à la méthode d'analyse elle-même, mais également d'évaluer la variabilité de l'information isotopique d'un point de vue longitudinal et transversal. Dans un premier temps, l'évolution du profil en fonction du temps a été étudiée. Dans un second temps, la variabilité du profil des poudres noires et des engrais à base de nitrate d'ammonium au sein d'une même source et entre différentes sources a été évaluée. La contribution de cette information dans le cadre des investigations d'explosifs a ensuite été discutée et évaluée.
Hyperammonemia in neonates and infants affects brain development and causes mental retardation. We report that ammonium impaired cholinergic axonal growth and altered localization and phosphorylation of intermediate neurofilament protein in rat reaggregated brain cell primary cultures. This effect was restricted to the phase of early maturation but did not occur after synaptogenesis. Exposure to NH4Cl decreased intracellular creatine, phosphocreatine, and ADP. We demonstrate that creatine cotreatment protected axons from ammonium toxic effects, although this did not restore high-energy phosphates. The protection by creatine was glial cell-dependent. Our findings suggest that the means to efficiently sustain CNS creatine concentration in hyperammonemic neonates and infants should be assessed to prevent impairment of axonogenesis and irreversible brain damage.
Hyperammonemic disorders in pediatric patients lead to poorly understood irreversible effects on the developing brain that may be life-threatening. We showed previously that some of these NH4+-induced irreversible effects might be due to impairment of axonal growth that can be protected under ammonium exposure by creatine co-treatment. The aim of the present work was thus to analyse how the genes of arginine:glycine amidinotransferase (AGAT) and guanidinoacetate methyltransferase (GAMT), allowing creatine synthesis, as well as of the creatine transporter SLC6A8, allowing creatine uptake into cells, are regulated in rat brain cells under NH4+ exposure. Reaggregated brain cell three-dimensional cultures exposed to NH4Cl were used as an experimental model of hyperammonemia in the developing central nervous system (CNS). We show here that NH4+ exposure differentially alters AGAT, GAMT and SLC6A8 regulation, in terms of both gene expression and protein activity, in a cell type-specific manner. In particular, we demonstrate that NH4+ exposure decreases both creatine and its synthesis intermediate, guanidinoacetate, in brain cells, probably through the inhibition of AGAT enzymatic activity. Our work also suggests that oligodendrocytes are major actors in the brain in terms of creatine synthesis, trafficking and uptake, which might be affected by hyperammonemia. Finally, we show that NH4+ exposure induces SLC6A8 in astrocytes. This suggests that hyperammonemia increases blood-brain barrier permeability for creatine. This is normally limited due to the absence of SLC6A8 from the astrocyte feet lining microcapillary endothelial cells, and thus creatine supplementation may protect the developing CNS of hyperammonemic patients.
Organic matter dynamics and nutrient availability in saline agricultural soils of the State of Guanajuato might provide information for remediation strategies. 14C labeled glucose with or without 200 mg kg-1 of NH4+-N soil was added to two clayey agricultural soils with different electrolytic conductivity (EC), i.e. 0.94 dS m-1 (low EC; LEC) and 6.72 dS m-1 (high EC; HEC), to investigate the effect of N availability and salt content on organic material decomposition. Inorganic N dynamics and production of CO2 and 14CO2 were monitored. Approximately 60 % of the glucose-14C added to LEC soil evolved as 14CO2, but only 20 % in HEC soil after the incubation period of 21 days. After one day, < 200 mg 14C was extractable from LEC soil, but > 500 mg 14C from HEC soil. No N mineralization occurred in the LEC and HEC soils and glucose addition reduced the concentrations of inorganic N in unamended soil and soil amended with NH4+-N. The NO2- and NO3- concentrations were on average higher in LEC than in HEC soil, with exception of NO2- in HEC amended with NH4+-N. It was concluded that increases in soil EC reduced mineralization of the easily decomposable C substrate and resulted in N-depleted soil.
Paspalum vaginatum Schwartz plants were grown under greenhouse conditions in a continuous-flow hydroponic culture, containing NO3- or NH4+or NH4NO3 as nitrogen source. After 30 days, the size of aerial biomass and root system decreased significantly when plants were supplied with NH4+as exclusive nitrogen source. Compared to NO3- treatment, reducing and non-reducing sugars were decreasing together with a significant increase in amino acids content. NH4+-nutrition caused tillers to grow toward an orthogravitropic position (average angle of 68° with respect to the horizontal), and with NO3--nutrition, tillers tended to become diagravitropic (average angle of 23°). With NH4NO3 all the parameters measured had values in between those of the other two sources. Thus, the morphologic differences among plants growing in NO3- or NH4+ nutrition confirm the hypothesis that nitrogen source determines the growth habit of tillers in P. vaginatum by modulating the endogenous levels of reducing-non-reducing sugars.
We previously showed in a 3D rat brain cell in vitro model for glutaric aciduria type-I that repeated application of 1mM 3-hydroxy-glutarate (3-OHGA) caused ammonium accumulation, morphologic alterations and induction of non-apoptotic cell death in developing brain cells. Here, we performed a dose-response study with lower concentrations of 3- OHGA.We exposed our cultures to 0.1, 0.33 and 1mM 3-OHGA every 12h over three days at two developmental stages (DIV5-8 and DIV11-14). Ammonium accumulation was observed at both stages starting from 0.1mM 3-OHGA, in parallel with a glutamine decrease. Morphological changes started at 0.33mM with loss of MBP expression and loss of astrocytic processes. Neurons were not substantially affected. At DIV8, release of LDH in the medium and cellular TUNEL staining increased from 0.1mM and 0.33mM 3-OHGA exposure, respectively. No increase in activated caspase-3 was observed. We confirmed ammonium accumulation and non-apoptotic cell death of brain cells in our in vitro model at lower 3-OHGA concentrations thus strongly suggesting that the observed effects are likely to take place in the brain of affected patients. The concomitant glutamine decrease suggests a defect in the astrocyte ammonium buffering system. Ammonium accumulation might be the cause of non-apoptotic cell death.
The establishment of legislative rules about explosives in the eighties has reduced the illicit use of military and civilian explosives. However, bomb-makers have rapidly taken advantage of substances easily accessible and intended for licit uses to produce their own explosives. This change in strategy has given rise to an increase of improvised explosive charges, which is moreover assisted by the ease of implementation of the recipes, widely available through open sources. While the nature of the explosive charges has evolved, instrumental methods currently used in routine, although more sensitive than before, have a limited power of discrimination and allow mostly the determination of the chemical nature of the substance. Isotope ratio mass spectrometry (IRMS) has been applied to a wide range of forensic materials. Conclusions drawn from the majority of the studies stress its high power of discrimination. Preliminary studies conducted so far on the isotopic analysis of intact explosives (pre-blast) have shown that samples with the same chemical composition and coming from different sources could be differentiated. The measurement of stable isotope ratios appears therefore as a new and remarkable analytical tool for the discrimination or the identification of a substance with a definite source. However, much research is still needed to assess the validity of the results in order to use them either in an operational prospect or in court. Through the isotopic study of black powders and ammonium nitrates, this research aims at evaluating the contribution of isotope ratio mass spectrometry to the investigation of explosives, both from a pre-blast and from a post-blast approach. More specifically, the goal of the research is to provide additional elements necessary to a valid interpretation of the results, when used in explosives investigation. This work includes a fundamental study on the variability of the isotopic profile of black powder and ammonium nitrate in both space and time. On one hand, the inter-variability between manufacturers and, particularly, the intra-variability within a manufacturer has been studied. On the other hand, the stability of the isotopic profile over time has been evaluated through the aging of these substances exposed to different environmental conditions. The second part of this project considers the applicability of this high-precision technology to traces and residues of explosives, taking account of the characteristics specific to the field, including their sampling, a probable isotopic fractionation during the explosion, and the interferences with the matrix of the site.
We carried out an electrochemical study of the cobalt electrodeposition onto glassy carbon electrode from an aqueous solution containing 10-2 M of CoSO4 + 1 M (NH4)2SO4 at natural pH 4.5. The potentiostatic study indicated a progressive 3D nucleation and growth during the deposition process. The average diffusion coefficient calculated for this system was 2.65 X 10-6 cm² s-1 while the ΔG for the formation of stable nucleus was 6.50 X 10-20 J/nuclei. The scanning electron microscopy images indicated the formation of small and homogeneous nucleus onto GCE of approximately 300 nm.
Two simple sensitive and cost-effective spectrophotometric methods are described for the determination of lansoprazole (LPZ) in bulk drug and in capsules using ceric ammonium sulphate (CAS), iron (II), orthophenanthroline and thiocyanate as reagents. In both methods, an acidic solution of lansoprazole is treated with a measured excess of CAS followed by the determination of unreacted oxidant by two procedures involving different reaction schemes. The first method involves the reduction of residual oxidant by a known amount of iron(II), and the unreacted iron(II) is complexed with orthophenanthroline at a raised pH, and the absorbance of the resulting complex measured at 510 nm (method A). In the second method, the unreacted CAS is reduced by excess of iron (II), and the resulting iron (III) is complexed with thiocyanate in the acid medium and the absorbance of the complex measured at 470 nm (method B). In both methods, the amount CAS reacted corresponds to the amount of LPZ. In method A, the absorbance is found to increase linearly with the concentration of LPZ where as in method B a linear decrease in absorbance occurs. The systems obey Beer's law for 2.5-30 and 2.5-25 µg mL-1 for method A and method B, respectively, and the corresponding molar absorptivity values are 8.1×10³ and 1.5×10(4) L mol-1cm-1 . The methods were successfully applied to the determination of LPZ in capsules and the results tallied well with the label claim. No interference was observed from the concomitant substances normally added to capsules.
In the state Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil, outbreaks of meningoencephalitis by BoHV-5 and polioencephalomalacia (PEM) display similar epidemiological features, suggesting that meningoencephalitis may be associated with reactivation of a latent BoHV-5 infection, during the development of PEM. To test this hypothesis, four 7-8 months old steers negative for BoHV-5 antibodies were inoculated intranasally with BoHV-5 and received amprolium from day 35 to day 105 after inoculation. Because PEM was not produced during this period, ammonium sulphate was given from day 114 to day 180 after inoculation. Two uninfected control steers received amprolium and ammonium sulphate for the same periods. All inoculated cattle developed antibodies against BoHV-5 after inoculation and the virus was isolated from nasal swabs, indicating that they were infected. Two inoculated steers had clinical signs of PEM after 118 and 146 days after virus inoculation. One was euthanized after a clinical manifestation period of seven days and had severe lesions of PEM and meningoencephalitis. BoHV-5 was isolated from the central nervous system of this animal. The other animal recovered but continued to manifest chronic signs of PEM and was euthanatized. On histological examination, the cerebral cortex, caudate nucleus and thalamus had multifocal areas of malacia and mild meningoencephalitis of the cortex. BoHV-5 was not isolated from the brain. One uninfected control steer had signs of neurological disease on day 158 and had lesions of PEM without meningoencephalitis at necropsy. The simultaneous production of PEM and diffuse meningoencephalitis, with isolation of BoHV-5, in one steer treated with ammonium sulphate, 118 days after BoHV-5 inoculation, suggests that latent BoHV-5 was reactivated in this animal submitted to experimental induction of PEM.
Antibacterial monomers incorporated in dentin bonding systems may have toxic effects on the pulp. Thus, the cytotoxicity of antibacterial monomers and its underlying mechanisms must be elucidated to improve the safety of antibacterial monomer application. The influence of an antibacterial monomer, methacryloxylethyl cetyl ammonium chloride (DMAE-CB), on the vitality of L929 mouse fibroblasts was tested using MTT assay. Cell cycle progression was studied using flow cytometry. Production of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) after DMAE-CB treatment was measured using 2,7-dichlorodihydrofluorescein diacetate staining and flow cytometry analysis. Loss of mitochondrial membrane potential, disturbance of Bcl-2 and Bax expression, as well as release of cytochrome C were also measured using flow cytometry analysis or Western blot to explore the possible involvement of the mitochondrial-related apoptotic pathway. DMAE-CB elicited cell death in a dose-dependent manner and more than 50% of cells were killed after treatment with 30 µM of the monomer. Both necrosis and apoptosis were observed. DMAE-CB also induced G1- and G2-phase arrest. Increased levels of intracellular ROS were observed after 1 h and this overproduction was further enhanced by 6-h treatment with the monomer. DMAE-CB may cause apoptosis by disturbing the expression of Bcl-2 and Bax, reducing the mitochondrial potential and inducing release of cytochrome C. Taken together, these findings suggest that the toxicity of the antibacterial monomer DMAE-CB is associated with ROS production, mitochondrial dysfunction, cell cycle disturbance, and cell apoptosis/necrosis.