997 resultados para Strain-gauge


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Frohlich, Morchio and Strocchi long ago proved that the Lorentz invariance is spontaneously broken in QED because of infrared effects. We develop a simple model where the consequences of this breakdown can be explicitly and easily calculated. For this purpose, the superselected U(1) charge group of QED is extended to a superselected ``Sky'' group containing direction-dependent gauge transformations at infinity. It is the analog of the Spi group of gravity. As Lorentz transformations do not commute with Sky, they are spontaneously broken. These Abelian considerations and model are extended to non-Abelian gauge symmetries. Basic issues regarding the observability of twisted non-Abelian gauge symmetries and of the asymptotic ADM symmetries of quantum gravity are raised.


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The influence of strain on the mechanical properties and deformation kinetic parameters of nanotwinned (at) copper is investigated by a series of nanoindentation experiments, which were performed by employing sharp indenters with five varying centerline-to-face angles (psi). Comparison experiments were also conducted on (1 1 0) single crystalline Cu. Experimental results indicate that, unlike coarsegrained materials, nt-Cu is prone to plastic flow softening with large material pile-up around the indentation impression at high levels of strains. Localized detwinning becomes more significant with decreasing psi, concomitant with reduced strain-rate sensitivity (m) and enhanced activation volume (V*). The m of nt-Cu is found to depend sensitively on psi with a variation of more than a factor of 3, whereas V* exhibits a much less sensitive trend. This paper discusses the validation of the experimental techniques and the implications of various deformation kinetic parameters on the underlying deformation mechanisms of nt-Ca. 2013 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes an ab initio design and development of a novel Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG) sensor based strain sensing plate for the measurement of plantar strain distribution in human foot. The primary aim of this work is to study the feasibility of usage of FBG sensors in the measurement of plantar strain in the foot; in particular, to spatially resolve the strain distribution in the foot at different regions such as fore-foot, mid-foot and hind-foot. This study also provides a method to quantify and compare relative postural stability of different subjects under test; in addition, traditional accelerometers have been used to record the movements of center of gravity (second lumbar vertebra) of the subject and the results obtained have been compared against the outcome of the postural stability studies undertaken using the developed FBG plantar strain sensing plate. (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We investigate the evolution of polymer structure and its influence on uniaxial anisotropic stress under time-varying uniaxial strain, and the role of external control variables such as temperature, strain rate, chain length, and density, using molecular dynamics simulation. At temperatures higher than glass transition, stress anisotropy in the system is reduced even though the bond stretch is greater at higher temperatures. There is a significant increase in the stress level with increasing density. At higher densities, the uncoiling of the chains is suppressed and the major contribution to the deformation is by internal deformation of the chains. At faster rates of loading stress anisotropy increases. The deformation mechanism is mostly due to bond stretch and bond bending rather than overall shape and size. Stress levels increase with longer chain length. There is a critical value of the functionality of the cross-linkers beyond which the uniaxial stress developed increases caused primarily by bond stretching due to increased constraint on the motion of the monomers. Stacking of the chains in the system also plays a dominant role in the behaviour in terms of excluded volume interactions. Low density, high temperature, low values of functionality of cross-linkers, and short chain length facilitate chain uncoiling and chain slipping in cross-linked polymers.


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Theoretical studies exist to compute the atomic arrangement in gold nanowires and the influence on their electronic behavior with decreasing diameter. Experimental studies, e.g., by transmission electron microscopy, on chemically synthesized ultrafine wires are however lacking owing to the unavailability of suitable protocols for sample preparation and the stability of the wires under electron beam irradiation. In this work, we present an atomic scale structural investigation on quantum single crystalline gold nanowires of 2 nm diameter, chemically prepared on a carbon film grid. Using low dose aberration-corrected high resolution (S)TEM, we observe an inhomogeneous strain distribution in the crystal, largely concentrated at the twin boundaries and the surface along with the presence of facets and surface steps leading to a noncircular cross section of the wires. These structural aspects are critical inputs needed to determine their unique electronic character and their potential as a suitable catalyst material. Furthermore, electron-beam-induced structural changes at the atomic scale, having implications on their mechanical behavior and their suitability as interconnects, are discussed.


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Recycling plastic water bottles has become one of the major challenges world wide. The present study provides an approach for the use of plastic waste as reinforcement material in soil, which can be used for ground improvement, subbases, and subgrade preparation in road construction. The experimental results are presented in the form of stress-strain-pore water pressure response and compression paths. On the basis of experimental test results, it is observed that the strength of soil is improved and compressibility reduced significantly with the addition of a small percentage of plastic waste to the soil. In this paper, an analytical model is proposed to evaluate the response of plastic waste mixed soil. It is noted that the model captures the stress-strain and pore water pressure response of all percentages of plastic waste adequately. The paper also provides a comparative study of failure stress obtained from different published models and the proposed model, which are compared with experimental results. The improvement in strength attributable to the inclusion of plastic waste can be advantageously used in ground improvement projects.


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The recrystallization behaviour of cold-rolled nanocrystalline (nc) nickel has been studied at temperatures between 573 and 1273 K using bulk texture measurements and electron back-scattered diffraction. The texture in nc nickel is different from that of its microcrystalline counterpart, consisting of a strong Goss (G) and rotated Goss (RG) components at 773 K instead of the typical cube component. The texture evolution in nc Ni has been attributed to the prior deformation textures and nucleation advantage of G and RG grains.


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We consider minimal models of gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking with an extra U(1) factor in addition to the Standard Model gauge group. A U(1) charged, Standard Model singlet is assumed to be present which allows for an additional NMSSM like coupling, lambda HuHdS. The U(1) is assumed to be flavour universal. Anomaly cancellation in the MSSM sector requires additional coloured degrees of freedom. The S field can get a large vacuum expectation value along with consistent electroweak symmetry breaking. It is shown that the lightest CP even Higgs boson can attain mass of the order of 125 GeV. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/).


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We study the Feshbach resonance of spin-1/2 particles in a uniform synthetic non-Abelian gauge field that produces spin-orbit coupling and constant spin potentials. We develop a renormalizable quantum field theory including the closed-channel boson which engenders the resonance. We show that the gauge field shifts the Feshbach field where the low-energy scattering length diverges. In addition the Feshbach field is shown to depend on the center-of-mass momentum of the particles. For high-symmetry gauge fields which produce a Rashba spin coupling, we show that the system supports two bound states over a regime of magnetic fields when the background scattering length is negative and the resonance width is comparable to the energy scale of the spin-orbit coupling. We discuss interesting consequences useful for future theoretical and experimental studies, even while our predictions are in agreement with recent experiments.


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Quantum emulation property of the cold atoms has generated a lot of interest in studying systems with synthetic gauge fields. In this article, we describe the physics of two component Fermi gas in the presence of synthetic non-Abelian SU(2) gauge fields. Even for the non-interacting system with the gauge fields, there is an interesting change in the topology of the Fermi surface by tuning only the gauge field strength. When a trapping potential is used in conjunction with the gauge fields, the non-interacting system has the ability to produce novel Hamiltonians and show characteristic change in the density profile of the cloud. Without trap, the gauge fields act as an attractive interaction amplifier and for special kinds of gauge field configurations, there are two-body bound states for any attraction even in three dimensions. For a many body system, the gauge fields can induce a crossover from a weak superfluid to a strong superfluid with transition temperature as high as the Fermi temperature. The superfluid state obtained for a very large gauge field strength is a superfluid of new kind of bosons, called ``rashbons'', the properties of which are independent of its constituent two component fermions and are solely determined by the gauge field strength. We also discuss the collective excitations over the superfluid ground states and the experimental relevance of the physics.


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In GaAs-based pseudomorphic high-electron mobility transistor device structures, strain and composition of the InxGa1 (-) As-x channel layer are very important as they influence the electronic properties of these devices. In this context, transmission electron microscopy techniques such as (002) dark-field imaging, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HRTEM) imaging, scanning transmission electron microscopy-high angle annular dark field (STEM-HAADF) imaging and selected area diffraction, are useful. A quantitative comparative study using these techniques is relevant for assessing the merits and limitations of the respective techniques. In this article, we have investigated strain and composition of the InxGa1 (-) As-x layer with the mentioned techniques and compared the results. The HRTEM images were investigated with strain state analysis. The indium content in this layer was quantified by HAADF imaging and correlated with STEM simulations. The studies showed that the InxGa1 (-) As-x channel layer was pseudomorphically grown leading to tetragonal strain along the 001] growth direction and that the average indium content (x) in the epilayer is similar to 0.12. We found consistency in the results obtained using various methods of analysis.


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One of the most-studied signals for physics beyond the standard model in the production of gauge bosons in electron-positron collisions is due to the anomalous triple gauge boson couplings in the Z(gamma) final state. In this work, we study the implications of this at the ILC with polarized beams for signals that go beyond traditional anomalous triple neutral gauge boson couplings. Here we report a dimension-8 CP-conserving Z(gamma)Z vertex that has not found mention in the literature. We carry out a systematic study of the anomalous couplings in general terms and arrive at a classification. We then obtain linear-order distributions with and without CP violation. Furthermore, we place the study in the context of general BSM interactions represented by e(+)e(-)Z(gamma) contact interactions. We set up a correspondence between the triple gauge boson couplings and the four-point contact interactions. We also present sensitivities on these anomalous couplings, which will be achievable at the ILC with realistic polarization and luminosity.


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The sensitive dependence of the electronic and thermoelectric properties of MoS2 on applied strain opens up a variety of applications in the emerging area of straintronics. Using first-principles-based density functional theory calculations, we show that the band gap of a few layers of MoS2 can be tuned by applying normal compressive (NC) strain, biaxial compressive (BC) strain, and biaxial tensile (BT) strain. A reversible semiconductor-to-metal transition (S-M transition) is observed under all three types of strain. In the case of NC strain, the threshold strain at which the S-M transition occurs increases when the number of layers increase and becomes maximum for the bulk. On the other hand, the threshold strain for the S-M transition in both BC and BT strains decreases when the number of layers increase. The difference in the mechanisms for the S-M transition is explained for different types of applied strain. Furthermore, the effect of both strain type and the number of layers on the transport properties are also studied using Botzmann transport theory. We optimize the transport properties as a function of the number of layers and the applied strain. 3L- and 2L-MoS2 emerge as the most efficient thermoelectric materials under NC and BT strain, respectively. The calculated thermopower is large and comparable to some of the best thermoelectric materials. A comparison among the feasibility of these three types of strain is also discussed.


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Using first-principles density functional theory calculations, we show a semimetal to semiconducting electronic phase transition for bulk TiS2 by applying uniform biaxial tensile strain. This electronic phase transition is triggered by charge transfer from Ti to S, which eventually reduces the overlap between Ti-(d) and S-(p) orbitals. The electronic transport calculations show a large anisotropy in electrical conductivity and thermopower, which is due to the difference in the effective masses along the in-plane and out-of-plane directions. Strain-induced opening of band gap together with changes in dispersion of bands lead to threefold enhancement in thermopower for both p-and n-type TiS2. We further demonstrate that the uniform tensile strain, which enhances the thermoelectric performance, can be achieved by doping TiS2 with larger iso-electronic elements such as Zr or Hf at Ti sites.


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In epitaxially grown alloy thin films, spinodal decomposition may be promoted or suppressed depending on the sign of the epitaxial strain. We study this asymmetry by extending Cahn's linear theory of spinodal decomposition to systems with a composition dependent lattice parameter and modulus (represented by Vegard's law coefficients, GRAPHICS] and y, respectively), and an imposed (epitaxial) strain (e). We show analytically (and confirm using simulations) that the asymmetric effect of epitaxial strains arises only in elastically inhomogeneous systems. Specifically, we find good agreement between analytical and simulation results for the wave number GRAPHICS] of the fastest growing composition fluctuation. The asymmetric effect due to epitaxial strain also extends to microstructure formation: our simulations show islands of elastically softer (harder) phase with (without) a favourable imposed strain. We discuss the implications of these results to GeSi thin films on Si and Ge substrates, as well as InGaAs films on GaAs substrates.