995 resultados para Stochastic Context-Free L-Grammar
The neutral rate of allelic substitution is analyzed for a class-structured population subject to a stationary stochastic demographic process. The substitution rate is shown to be generally equal to the effective mutation rate, and under overlapping generations it can be expressed as the effective mutation rate in newborns when measured in units of average generation time. With uniform mutation rate across classes the substitution rate reduces to the mutation rate.
Treball de recerca realitzat per un alumne d'ensenyament secundari i guardonat amb un Premi CIRIT per fomentar l'esperit científic del Jovent l'any 2009. En aquest treball es vol trobar un vincle entre les cultures més influents al llarg de la història d’Àsia i Europa, prenent com a element bàsic les seves llengües: el xinès, l’anglès i el llatí. Ara bé, la comparació lingüística entre elles només té veritable interès si es cerca allò comú sobretot semàntica i sintàcticament, posat que d'entrada, visual i fonèticament, qualsevol profà pot observar-ne prou diferències. Aquestes característiques comunes, doncs, tenen valor independentment del temps i l'espai, ja que el que hi ha en joc aquí és, en el fons, el llenguatge verbal com a nervi del fet de ser humà. Els continguts s'estructuren mitjançant l'ús d'un mètode inductiu com a regla d’anàlisi comparativa; no es pot, tanmateix, prescindir d'una introducció teòrica de lingüística, absolutament necessària per a un estudi comparatiu de gramàtica. Una vegada conclòs el treball, es veu que els conceptes que totes tres expressen són comuns i el canvi, quan es dóna, afecta la forma i està relacionat amb les regles de la lògica: aquests casos, doncs, no fan sinó confirmar la tesi, ja que esperar una equivalència total seria no només ingenu, sinó gens natural ni realista. L'anhel del traductor és arribar a expressar, precisament, aquest univers.
BACKGROUND: The mutation status of the BRAF and KRAS genes has been proposed as prognostic biomarker in colorectal cancer. Of them, only the BRAF V600E mutation has been validated independently as prognostic for overall survival and survival after relapse, while the prognostic value of KRAS mutation is still unclear. We investigated the prognostic value of BRAF and KRAS mutations in various contexts defined by stratifications of the patient population. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed a cohort of patients with stage II and III colorectal cancer from the PETACC-3 clinical trial (N = 1,423), by assessing the prognostic value of the BRAF and KRAS mutations in subpopulations defined by all possible combinations of the following clinico-pathological variables: T stage, N stage, tumor site, tumor grade and microsatellite instability status. In each such subpopulation, the prognostic value was assessed by log rank test for three endpoints: overall survival, relapse-free survival, and survival after relapse. The significance level was set to 0.01 for Bonferroni-adjusted p-values, and a second threshold for a trend towards statistical significance was set at 0.05 for unadjusted p-values. The significance of the interactions was tested by Wald test, with significance level of 0.05. RESULTS: In stage II-III colorectal cancer, BRAF mutation was confirmed a marker of poor survival only in subpopulations involving microsatellite stable and left-sided tumors, with higher effects than in the whole population. There was no evidence for prognostic value in microsatellite instable or right-sided tumor groups. We found that BRAF was also prognostic for relapse-free survival in some subpopulations. We found no evidence that KRAS mutations had prognostic value, although a trend was observed in some stratifications. We also show evidence of heterogeneity in survival of patients with BRAF V600E mutation. CONCLUSIONS: The BRAF mutation represents an additional risk factor only in some subpopulations of colorectal cancers, in others having limited prognostic value. However, in the subpopulations where it is prognostic, it represents a marker of much higher risk than previously considered. KRAS mutation status does not seem to represent a strong prognostic variable.
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The usual way to investigate the statistical properties of finitely generated subgroups of free groups, and of finite presentations of groups, is based on the so-called word-based distribution: subgroups are generated (finite presentations are determined) by randomly chosen k-tuples of reduced words, whose maximal length is allowed to tend to infinity. In this paper we adopt a different, though equally natural point of view: we investigate the statistical properties of the same objects, but with respect to the so-called graph-based distribution, recently introduced by Bassino, Nicaud and Weil. Here, subgroups (and finite presentations) are determined by randomly chosen Stallings graphs whose number of vertices tends to infinity. Our results show that these two distributions behave quite differently from each other, shedding a new light on which properties of finitely generated subgroups can be considered frequent or rare. For example, we show that malnormal subgroups of a free group are negligible in the raph-based distribution, while they are exponentially generic in the word-based distribution. Quite surprisingly, a random finite presentation generically presents the trivial group in this new distribution, while in the classical one it is known to generically present an infinite hyperbolic group.
RésuméCette thèse traite de l'utilisation des concepts de Symbiose Industrielle dans les pays en développement et étudie le potentiel de cette stratégie pour stimuler un développement régional durable dans les zones rurales d'Afrique de l'Ouest. En particulier, lorsqu'une Symbiose Industrielle est instaurée entre une usine et sa population alentour, des outils d'évaluation sont nécessaires pour garantir que le projet permette d'atteindre un réel développement durable. Les outils existants, développés dans les pays industrialisés, ne sont cependant pas complètement adaptés pour l'évaluation de projets dans les pays en développement. En effet, les outils sont porteurs d'hypothèses implicites propres au contexte socio-économique dans lequel ils ont été conçus.L'objectif de cette thèse est de développer un cadre méthodologique pour l'évaluation de la durabilité de projets de Symbiose Industrielle dans les pays en développement.Pour ce faire, je m'appuie sur une étude de cas de la mise en place d'une Symbiose Industrielle au nord du Nigéria, à laquelle j'ai participé en tant qu'observatrice dès 2007. AshakaCem, une usine productrice de ciment du groupe Lafarge, doit faire face à de nombreuses tensions avec la population rurale alentour. L'entreprise a donc décidé d'adopter une nouvelle méthode inspirée des concepts de Symbiose Industrielle. Le projet consiste à remplacer jusqu'à 10% du carburant fossile utilisé pour la cuisson de la matière crue (calcaire et additifs) par de la biomasse produite par les paysans locaux. Pour ne pas compromettre la fragile sécurité alimentaire régionale, des techniques de lutte contre l'érosion et de fertilisation naturelle des sols sont enseignées aux paysans, qui peuvent ainsi utiliser la culture de biomasse pour améliorer leurs cultures vivrières. A travers cette Symbiose Industrielle, l'entreprise poursuit des objectifs sociaux (poser les bases nécessaires à un développement régional), mais également environnementaux (réduire ses émissions de CO2 globales) et économiques (réduire ses coûts énergétiques). Elle s'ancre ainsi dans une perspective de développement durable qui est conditionnelle à la réalisation du projet.A travers l'observation de cette Symbiose et par la connaissance des outils existants je constate qu'une évaluation de la durabilité de projets dans les pays en développement nécessite l'utilisation de critères d'évaluation propres à chaque projet. En effet, dans ce contexte, l'emploi de critères génériques apporte une évaluation trop éloignée des besoins et de la réalité locale. C'est pourquoi, en m'inspirant des outils internationalement reconnus comme l'Analyse du Cycle de Vie ou la Global Reporting Initiative, je définis dans cette thèse un cadre méthodologique qui peut, lui, être identique pour tous les projets. Cette stratégie suit six étapes, qui se réalisent de manière itérative pour permettre une auto¬amélioration de la méthodologie d'évaluation et du projet lui-même. Au cours de ces étapes, les besoins et objectifs en termes sociaux, économiques et environnementaux des différents acteurs sont déterminés, puis regroupés, hiérarchisés et formulés sous forme de critères à évaluer. Des indicateurs quantitatifs ou qualitatifs sont ensuite définis pour chacun de ces critères. Une des spécificités de cette stratégie est de définir une échelle d'évaluation en cinq graduations, identique pour chaque indicateur, témoignant d'un objectif totalement atteint (++) ou pas du tout atteint (--).L'application de ce cadre méthodologique à la Symbiose nigériane a permis de déterminer quatre critères économiques, quatre critères socio-économiques et six critères environnementaux à évaluer. Pour les caractériser, 22 indicateurs ont été définis. L'évaluation de ces indicateurs a permis de montrer que le projet élaboré atteint les objectifs de durabilité fixés pour la majorité des critères. Quatre indicateurs ont un résultat neutre (0), et un cinquième montre qu'un critère n'est pas atteint (--). Ces résultats s'expliquent par le fait que le projet n'en est encore qu'à sa phase pilote et n'a donc pas encore atteint la taille et la diffusion optimales. Un suivi sur plusieurs années permettra de garantir que ces manques seront comblés.Le cadre méthodologique que j'ai développé dans cette thèse est un outil d'évaluation participatif qui pourra être utilisé dans un contexte plus large que celui des pays en développement. Son caractère générique en fait un très bon outil pour la définition de critères et indicateurs de suivi de projet en terme de développement durable.SummaryThis thesis examines the use of industrial symbiosis in developing countries and studies its potential to stimulate sustainable regional development in rural areas across Western Africa. In particular, when industrial symbiosis is instituted between a factory and the surrounding population, evaluation tools are required to ensure the project achieves truly sustainable development. Existing tools developed in industrialized countries are not entirely suited to assessing projects in developing countries. Indeed, the implicit hypotheses behind such tools reflect the socioeconomic context in which they were designed. The goal of this thesis is to develop a methodological framework for evaluating the sustainability of industrial symbiosis projects in developing countries.To accomplish this, I followed a case study about the implementation of industrial symbiosis in northern Nigeria by participating as an observer since 2007. AshakaCem, a cement works of Lafarge group, must confront many issues associated with violence committed by the local rural population. Thus, the company decided to adopt a new approach inspired by the concepts of industrial symbiosis.The project involves replacing up to 10% of the fossil fuel used to heat limestone with biomass produced by local farmers. To avoid jeopardizing the fragile security of regional food supplies, farmers are taught ways to combat erosion and naturally fertilize the soil. They can then use biomass cultivation to improve their subsistence crops. Through this industrial symbiosis, AshakaCem follows social objectives (to lay the necessary foundations for regional development), but also environmental ones (to reduce its overall CO2 emissions) and economical ones (to reduce its energy costs). The company is firmly rooted in a view of sustainable development that is conditional upon the project's execution.By observing this symbiosis and by being familiar with existing tools, I note that assessing the sustainability of projects in developing countries requires using evaluation criteria that are specific to each project. Indeed, using generic criteria results in an assessment that is too far removed from what is needed and from the local reality. Thus, by drawing inspiration from such internationally known tools as Life Cycle Analysis and the Global Reporting Initiative, I define a generic methodological framework for the participative establishment of an evaluation methodology specific to each project.The strategy follows six phases that are fulfilled iteratively so as to improve the evaluation methodology and the project itself as it moves forward. During these phases, the social, economic, and environmental needs and objectives of the stakeholders are identified, grouped, ranked, and expressed as criteria for evaluation. Quantitative or qualitative indicators are then defined for each of these criteria. One of the characteristics of this strategy is to define a five-point evaluation scale, the same for each indicator, to reflect a goal that was completely reached (++) or not reached at all (--).Applying the methodological framework to the Nigerian symbiosis yielded four economic criteria, four socioeconomic criteria, and six environmental criteria to assess. A total of 22 indicators were defined to characterize the criteria. Evaluating these indicators made it possible to show that the project meets the sustainability goals set for the majority of criteria. Four indicators had a neutral result (0); a fifth showed that one criterion had not been met (--). These results can be explained by the fact that the project is still only in its pilot phase and, therefore, still has not reached its optimum size and scope. Following up over several years will make it possible to ensure these gaps will be filled.The methodological framework presented in this thesis is a highly effective tool that can be used in a broader context than developing countries. Its generic nature makes it a very good tool for defining criteria and follow-up indicators for sustainable development.
The aim of my speech is answering to the question if the Spanish Inheritance and Gift Tax is incompatible with the free movement of workers and capital. We are going to pay special attention to the European Commission’s request to Spain to change its Inheritance and Gift Tax provisions for Non-Residents or Assets held abroad. In order to answer to the question mentioned above five points will be explained. At first place I am going to describe the infrengement procedure established in the Article 258 that the EU Commission can follow when a Member State doesn’t comply with Community Law. At second place, we are going to explain what is the content of the EU Commission delivered on 5th of may 2010 regarding the spanish Inheritance and Gift Tax. Then, we will analise what establishes the Community Law regarding the freedom of workers and capital and how they are understood by the EU Court of Justice in similar cases. Finally, we are going to provide possible amendments that Spain could undertake.
The benefit of bevacizumab (Bv) has been shown in different tumors including colorectal cancer, renal cancer, pulmonary non-small cell cancer and also breast cancer. However to date, there is no established test evaluating the angiogenic status of a patient and monitoring the effects of anti-angiogenic treatments. Tumor angiogenesis is the result of a balance between multiple pro- and anti¬angiogenic molecules. There is very little published clinical data exploring the impact of the anti-angiogenic therapy on the different angiogenesis-related molecules and the potential role of these molecules as prognostic or predictive factors.
The treatment of back pain patients refers to the biopsychosocial model of care. This model includes illness in patient's personal and relational life. In this context, it is not only the physical symptom of the patient which is focused but also his psychological distress often hidden by algic complain. Clinical interviews conducted with back pain patients have highlighted psychosocial aspects able to influence the relationship between health care user and provider. Taking account of psychosocial aspects implies an interdisciplinary approach that identify and assesses patients' needs through adequate tools. As a result, the different health care providers implied with back pain patients have to collaborate in a structured network.
Critical limb ischemia is a major public health problem in our western countries due to the epidemia of (diabesity). The outcome of patients suffering from critical limb ischemia reains poor with an amputation free survival rate at one year of about 50%. The treatment should be multidiciplinary and done in emergency in specialized centers to ensure the limb salvage: this management should be centered aroud 3 axis: the screening of the cardiovascular risk factors, the best medical treatment and the invasive approaches. Due to multiple endovascular technical innovations, more frail patients with com plex diseases can be treated with good results. Therefore, the endovascular treatment is essential in the management of such patients by vascular surgeons.
El present projecte pretén representar una aproximació complerta a l'estudi de la pensió compensatòria regulada a l'article 84 del Codi de Família. Aquesta aproximació s'ha fet des de dos punts de vista diferents: d'una banda, a través de la definició d'un marc teòric relatiu al context normatiu de la pensió compensatòria, a la seva determinació, pagament i potencial modificació i d'altra banda, un punt de vista més aplicat a través de l'estudi de la jurisprudència del Tribunal Superior de Justícia de Catalunya que ha interpretat i aplicat l'article 84 del Codi de Família en seu de crisis matrimonials. Els principals resultats d'aquesta recerca fan referència essencialment a incorporar les noves tendències socials, familiars i econòmiques, d'una banda, definir la naturalesa de la pensió compensatòria i de l'altra, determinar la quantitat, modificació i modalitat de pagament de la pensió compensatòria. Des del punt de vista de la naturalesa d'aquesta pensió, aquesta va néixer amb l'objectiu de protegir les dones que principalment eren les que duien a terme el treball domèstic i per tant sortien més perjudicades patrimonialment en els moments de crisi matrimonial. Tot i que avui dia la gran majoria de pensions compensatòries encara són pagades pels marits, cal adaptar la nova realitat social de les dones i per tant de les famílies a la concepció i rol que la pensió compensatòria té en el moments de crisis matrimonials. D'altra banda, el nou rol dels cònjuges en la família i la simetria – encara no completa, però – d'homes i dones al mercat laboral fa que aquest treball de recerca defensi que la determinació, modificació i modalitat de pagament de la pensió compensatòria s'hagi de fer tenint en compte les possibilitats professionals que els cònjuges tenien abans de contraure matrimoni per tal de poder valorar acuradament les decisions que han pres i les possibilitats a les quals han renunciat per tal d'invertir a la vida familiar.
En aquest estudi es pretenia assolir la pràctica d'un sistema que només s'ha plantejat teòricament, doncs l'experiència acumulada, ja abans de la reforma orgànica de 2003, parteix de la figura dels serveis comuns, amb un criteri d'eficiència, racionalitat i economia per invertir en l'Administració de justícia catalana. Assumir i donar resposta jurídica concreta a tots els reptes tècnics pot fer-se des d'una perspectiva dogmàtica, tot i que el temps transcorregut també permet advertir exigències pràctiques a l'àmbit de la dogmàtica processal, el context socio-cultural i, naturalment, les necessitats laborals. En aquest sentit, els objectius s'introdueixen cap a la garantia d'un apropament material, conceptual i quotidià de l'Administració de justícia al ciutadà, establert com a eix inextricable del sistema, tenint present la de vegades despesa incomprensible en una realitat històricament menystinguda i deficitària, malgrat l'esforç pressupostari fet els darrers anys que, malgrat tot, no ha evitat discordances greus per manca de racionalitat i eficiència en el consum diari dels operadors implicats. Es pretén aconseguir, per mitjà del nou sistema d'oficina judicial estructurat, un avenç efectiu i econòmic a l'estat de la Justícia al país, especialment envers la dilació dels tràmits, a més de reclamar reformes legals, de caire processal especialment, que no es prestin a mers paràmetres d'ajust formal, sinó que incideix substantivament en millores per altre part reclamades fa temps per la doctrina científica. S'han aconseguit les fites definides des del punt de vista teòric, així com s'ha afrontat tots el problemes conceptuals i hipòtesis pràctiques més significatives, establint pautes de resposta sota la prèvia determinació de les qüestions debatudes i els conflictes habituals que correspon enfrontar. D'aquesta manera, s'ha estudiat la normativa en presència i la jurisprudència que hi dona actualitat pràctica, sense oblidar la doctrina d'autors. S'ha repassat el funcionament existent a l'oficina judicial i les previsions de la mateixa en un futur immediat, remarcant les noves tecnologies en ús i projectades, de igual manera que les bondats i crítiques de tots els operador jurídics actuants.
ACuteTox is a project within the 6th European Framework Programme which had as one of its goals to develop, optimise and prevalidate a non-animal testing strategy for predicting human acute oral toxicity. In its last 6 months, a challenging exercise was conducted to assess the predictive capacity of the developed testing strategies and final identification of the most promising ones. Thirty-two chemicals were tested blind in the battery of in vitro and in silico methods selected during the first phase of the project. This paper describes the classification approaches studied: single step procedures and two step tiered testing strategies. In summary, four in vitro testing strategies were proposed as best performing in terms of predictive capacity with respect to the European acute oral toxicity classification. In addition, a heuristic testing strategy is suggested that combines the prediction results gained from the neutral red uptake assay performed in 3T3 cells, with information on neurotoxicity alerts identified by the primary rat brain aggregates test method. Octanol-water partition coefficients and in silico prediction of intestinal absorption and blood-brain barrier passage are also considered. This approach allows to reduce the number of chemicals wrongly predicted as not classified (LD50>2000 mg/kg b.w.).
CONTEXT: The high diagnostic performance of plasma-free metanephrines (metanephrine and normetanephrine) (MN) for pheochromocytoma (PHEO) results from the tumoral expression of catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT), the enzyme involved in O-methylation of catecholamines (CAT). Intriguingly, metanephrine, in contrast to epinephrine, is not remarkably secreted during a stress in hypertensive or normotensive subjects, whereas in PHEO patients CAT and MN are both raised to high levels. Because epinephrine and metanephrine are almost exclusively produced by the adrenal medulla, this suggests distinct CAT metabolism in chromaffin cells and pheochromocytes. OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study was to compare CAT metabolism between adrenal medulla and PHEO tissue regarding related enzyme expression including monoamine oxidases (MAO) and COMT. DESIGN: A multicenter comparative study was conducted. STUDY PARTICIPANTS: The study included 21 patients with a histologically confirmed PHEO and eight adrenal glands as control. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: CAT, dihydroxyphenol-glycol, 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, and MN were measured in adrenal medulla and PHEO tissue. Western blot, quantitative RT-PCR and immunofluorescence studies for MAOA, MAOB, tyrosine hydroxylase, dopamine β-hydroxylase, L-amino acid decarboxylase, and COMT were applied on tissue homogenates and cell preparations. RESULTS: At both the protein and mRNA levels, MAOA and COMT are detected less often in PHEO compared with adrenal medulla, conversely to tyrosine hydroxylase, L-amino acid decarboxylase, and dopamine β-hydroxylase, much more expressed in tumor tissue. MAOB protein is detected less often in tumor but not differently expressed at the mRNA level. Dihydroxyphenol-glycol is virtually absent from tumor, whereas MN, produced by COMT, rises to 4.6-fold compared with adrenal medulla tissue. MAOA down-regulation was observed in 100% of tumors studied, irrespectively of genetic alteration identified; on the other hand, MAOA was strongly expressed in all adrenal medulla collected independently of age, gender, or late sympathetic activation of the deceased donor. CONCLUSION: High concentrations of MN in tumor do not only arise from CAT overproduction but also from low MAOA expression, resulting in higher substrate availability for COMT.
Purpose: Optimal induction and maintenance immunosuppressive therapies in renal transplantation are still a matter of debate.Chronic corticosteroid usage is a major cause of morbidity but steroid-free immunosuppression (SF) can result in unacceptably high rates of acute rejection and even graft loss. Methods and materials: We have conducted a prospective openlabelled clinical trial in the Geneva-Lausanne Transplant Network from March 2005 to May 2008. 20 low immunological risk (<20% PRA, no DSA) adult recipients of a primary kidney allograft received a 4-day course of thymoglobulin (1.5 mg/kg/d) with methylprednisolone and maintenance based immunosuppression of tacrolimus and entericcoated mycophenolic acid (MPA). The control arm consisted of 16 matched recipients treated with basiliximab induction, tacrolimus, mycophenolate mofetil and corticosteroids. Primary endpoints were the percentage of recipients not taking steroids and the percentage of rejection-free recipients at 12 months.Secondary end points were allograft survival at 12 months and significant thymoglobulin and/or other drugs side effects. Results: In the SF group, 85% of the kidney recipients remained steroid-free at 12 months. The 3 cases of steroids introduction were due to one acute tubulo-interstitial rejection occurring at day 11, one tacrolimus withdrawal due to thrombotic microangiopathy and one MPA withdrawal because of multiple sinusitis and CMV reactivations. No BK viremia was detected nor CMV disease. The 6 CMV negative patients who received a positive CMV allograft had a symptomatic primoinfection after their 6-month course valgancyclovir prophylaxis. In the steroid-based group, 3 acute rejection episodes (acute humoral rejection, acute tubulointerstitial Banff IA and vascular Banff IIA) occurred in 2 recipients, 3 BK virus nephropathies were diagnosed between 45 and 135 days post transplant No side effects were associated with thymoglobulin infusion.In the SF group, 4 recipients presented severe leukopenia or agranulocytosis and one recipient had febrile hepatitis leading to transient MPA withdrawal. Discontinuation of MPA was needed in 2 patients for recurrent sinusitis and CMV reactivations. Patient and graft survival was 100% in both groups at 12 month follow-up. Conclusion: Steroid-free with short-course thymoglobulin induction therapy was a safe protocol in low-risk renal transplant recipients. Lower rates of acute rejection and BK virus infections episodes were seen compared to the steroid-based control group. A longer follow-up will be needed to determine whether this SF immunosuppressive regimen will result in higher graft and patient survival.