834 resultados para Sterilized impressions


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According to the studies in Applied Linguistics, this thesis is based on an interdisciplinary perspective (Critical Discourse Analysis, Sociology towards Social Change, Cultural Studies and Systemic-Functional Linguistics). The overall objective of the research was to analyze the discourses of Elementary School teachers in the state of Sergipe, by means of the discursive representations of the social actors, the processes of subjectivity and their fragmented identities in the context of standardized evaluations before the requirements of globalized pedagogical practices, based on the result-based management. The critical analysis of such discourses was motivated by the rapid pace with which the demands of innovation become part of the classroom, aiming at reaching the target in what concerns the indexes of the rankings which characterize the globalized discourse of the national education management, like Ideb (Basic Education Development Index), which makes teachers change their discourses, become silent or keep resistant. The work was initially endorsed by the theoretical lines of the Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, 2006), and poses a proposal for such purpose: the ASCD Discourse Sociological and Communicative Approach (PEDROSA, 2012, 2013). This is an interpretative-qualitative study of the Critical Discourse Analysis (FAIRCLOUGH, 2001, 2003; RAMALHO ; RESENDE, 2011) and to carry it out, semi-structured interviews were used as instruments of data generation (BAUER; GASKELL, 2011; GILL, 2011). Its corpus is composed of thirteen accounts of teachers from the Elementary school who teach Portuguese and work in the fifteen schools which were chosen to be the universe of the research at the Regional Board of Education (02) in the state of Sergipe. Such narratives are related to their impressions, expectations and actions which favor the management of results to which they have to submit themselves. The analytical overview of sociological and discursive line comes from the pan-semiotic categories (Inclusion and Exclusion) which appear in the theory of Representation of Social Actors (VAN LEEUWEN, 1997, 2008). To present the processes of subjectivity of these teachers, this work is based on the socio-analytical proposal of the classification of the subjects, which stems from the individual s work in the Gestão Relacional de Si , which comes from the Applied Sociology (towards) Social Change (BAJOIT, 2006, 2009). The discursive analyses were guided word for word, in their majority, by having the Systemic Functional Grammar as their theoretical basis, specifically by the processes of the Transitivity System postulated by Halliday, (1985); Halliday and Mathiessen, (2004); Eggins (2004); Cunha and Souza (2011). The work makes the field of Cultural Studies emerge towards the dialogue and the presentation of the fragmented identities of the teachers in the context of late modernity (GIDDENS, 2002; HALL, 2011). The thesis promoted a reflection over the teacher s condition, who is immerse in this context of knowledge construction of the present Brazilian educational system, the standardized evaluations, the indexes of development, the targets and the rankings. The considerations and outcomes of such a research dealt with the teachers emerging social practices and the need of planned initial and continuing teacher education towards the new moment which is foreseeable


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A superfície interna das bisnagas fabricadas com alumínio não revestido e revestido com resina epóxi, utilizadas para acondicionar cremes, pomadas, géis, etc., foram avaliadas quimicamente e por métodos microbiológicos correlacionados com a aderência de microrganismos. A prova da porosidade e da resistência à remoção da resina foi observada por meio do microscópio eletrônico de varredura (Topcon FM300) e estereoscópio Leica (MZ12) acoplado a Sistema de Digitalização de Imagens. Para avaliar a ação dos microrganismos foram utilizados corpos-de-prova esterilizados (discos de 10mm de diâmetro), imersos em caldo Mueller Hinton (Difco) e colocados em tubos de polipropileno com tampa de rosca (Corning). Foram inoculados tubos com meio de cultura para cada uma das suspensões bacterianas (10(9)UFC/mL) de Streptococcus agalactiae, Staphylococcus aureus, Acinetobacter lwoffii e Candida albicans, incubados a 37°C, sob agitação constante durante 12 dias. O meio de cultura era trocado a cada 3 dias. Após esse período, os corpos-de prova foram removidos, processados e observados em microscópio eletrônico de varredura JEOL-JSM (T330A). A observação por meio do microscopio eletrônico de varredura mostrou a aderência e a formação de biofilme sobre a superfície de alumínio não revestido e revestido com resina epóxi.


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The association of Virtual Reality (VR) to clinical practice has become common in the recent years, showing to be an additional tool on health care, especially for elderly. Its use has been related to higher therapeutic adhesion levels and well being sensation. Such emotional based aspects are often observed by subjective tools of relative validity. This study analyzed the immediate effects of varied VR contexts balance training over emotional behavior, which was observed under peaks of maximum expression of EEG waves. Methodology: 40 individuals, divided in two groups, both gender, 20 young and 20 elderly, were submitted to a 60 minutes intervention, including balance training under VR. The first 25 minutes referred to initial evaluation, general orientation and cognitive assessment by the use of Mini Mental. The next ten minutes were designated to the avatar creation and tutorial video presentation. Through the following 20 minutes, the individuals from both groups were exposed to the exact same sequence of games under virtual contexts, while submitted to electroencephalography by Emotiv EPOC® focusing Adhesion, Frustration and Meditation states. The virtual interface was provided by the Nintendo® game, Wii Fit Plus, with the scenarios Balance Bubble (1), Penguin (2), Soccer (3), Tight Rope (4) and Table Tilt (5). Finally, a questionnaire of personal impressions was applied on the 5 minutes left. Results: data collected showed 64,7% of individuals from both groups presented higher concentration of adhesion peaks on Balance Bubble game. Both groups also presented similar behavior regarding meditation state, with marks close to 40%, each, on the same game, Table Tilt. There was divergence related to the frustration state, being the maximum concentration for the young group on the Soccer game (29,3%), whilst the elderly group referred highest marks to Tight Rope game (35,2%). Conclusion: Findings suggest virtual contexts can be favorable to adhesion and meditation emotional patterns induction, regardless age and for both sexes, whilst frustration seems to be more related to cognitive motor affordance, likely to be influenced by age. This information is relevant and contributes to the orientation for the best choice of games applied in clinical practice, as for other studies regarding this topic


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The context of blood donation in Brazil faces problems since the start of its operations in the 1940, in the beginning the biggest obstacle was obtain safe and qualified blood, and then, established criteria for donations, the barrier is the low number of suitable candidates for donation. This suitability is associated with the good health of those who goes to the services of blood banks and the return of the donor is often conditioned by the way care is given and perceived by the user. The quality of life, defined as a perception that a person has of her/his position in the world, can influence the health and emerges as a way to focus on the subjectivity in a context dominated by objective and practical exams; listen to the views about the received services increases the focus on the user and provides feedback to the institution, guiding and planning its future actions. The purpose of this study was to verify the quality of life in blood donors and their perceptions of care in a blood center in Natal/RN. This is a descriptive cross sectional study conducted with blood donors from Dalton Cunha Barbosa blood center. The used protocols were: a structures questionnaire with questions on sociodemographic and services perception data, and SF-36 quality of life instrument. The sociodemographic and SF-36 data ware analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics, using the statistical package PASW 18.0; those related to treatment were submitted to thematic content analysis. The results revealed a sample mainly composed by men, married people, who attended high school and had already made previous donations, with the first two groups returning more often for donations. The scores of the SF-36 confirm the certificated of good health of the screens, beind high in all areas and featuring a healthy population; statistically significant differences were denoted between sexes, levels of education and marital status. The speeches about the service were mostly positive and had as main focus acess, agility, technical aspects and subjective feelings. The data regarding the Rio Grande do Norte blood donors profile confirmed some characteristics of the Brazilian ones, those data of the SF-36 were similar to those found in studies with healthy groups and the impressions about the care received show similarities with national and international studies about the attendance at blood banks


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Ensaios foram conduzidos, em casa de vegetação, com solos de pastagem degradada reflorestada e cerrado preservado (controle) visando avaliar a contribuição de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) autóctones no crescimento de mutambo (Guazuma ulmifolia Lamb.). As mudas foram transplantadas para sacos de plástico (2 kg) com substratos esterilizados na proporção 4:1 (solo:areia), e o tratamento inoculado recebeu 300 esporos de FMA por saco. A inoculação não proporcionou aumento significativo na produção da matéria seca da parte aérea, matéria fresca das raízes e altura da planta, sugerindo que a G. ulmifolia não é responsiva à micorrização.


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O trabalho foi desenvolvido em casa de vegetação com o objetivo de comparar o crescimento e a micorrização por fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMA) em nove genótipos de milho, além de verificar o potencial de inóculo de FMA do solo. Coletado de uma área de cerrado sensu stricto ocupada por pastagem degradada, o solo foi adubado, misturado com areia de rio, fumigado e colocado em sacos plásticos (3 kg). Foram semeadas cinco sementes de cada genótipo de milho em 20 sacos, mas apenas 10 receberam cerca de 300 esporos de FMA, coletados do solo de pastagem. Cada saco constituiu-se em uma repetição, com apenas uma planta. As avaliações de altura e diâmetro do caule foram realizadas aos 15, 30, 45 e 60 dias após a emergência, além de massa seca do sistema radicular (MSR) e parte aérea (MSPA), colonização micorrízica (COL) e dependência micorrízica (DM). Concomitantemente, um segundo experimento foi realizado para avaliar o potencial de inóculo de FMA do solo de pastagem, o qual passou por uma diluição seriada de 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%, 50%, 40%, 30%, 20% e 10%, incluindo apenas o solo não esterilizado (100%) e somente solo esterilizado (0%), em sacos plásticos, semeado o híbrido Tractor. Após 60 dias, as raízes foram colhidas para quantificar a colonização micorrízica. A inoculação de FMA acarretou incrementos na produção de matéria seca de forma diferenciada entre genótipos; com Condá, F0, D1 e F8 exibindo os maiores valores de MSPA, enquanto Tractor e D7 os menores valores de MSR. Os genótipos não responsivos ou pouco responsivos quanto à dependência micorrízica tiveram comportamento diferente quanto à COL, com Condá, Sol da Manhã, F0 e D1 proporcionando média de 60%. Verificou-se que a área de pastagem, mesmo degradada, propiciou alto potencial de inóculo, revelado pela alta porcentagem de colonização das raízes por FMA.


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Au cours de cette recherche, nous traitons la reinterprétation de cette campagne de Pé no Chão Também se Aprende a Ler , tout en utilisant un moyen défini a travers les parlers de femmes qui avaient travaillé dans le projet d alphabétisation développé par la Mairie de la Ville de Natal au début des années 1960. Le parler de cinq femmes/ éducatrices, participantes actives de ce projet, se constitue en tant qu unité principale de référence de ce travail. À partir de leurs témoignages nous avons cherché à contextualiser et enrichir un peu plus la période concernante à l avènement de la Campagne. Il s agit de témoignages qui ont des rapports avec l éducation, la culture et la conscientisation politique, véhicule à la compréhension du contexte historique dans lequel s insérait le groupe engagé dans la Campagne de Pé no chão também se aprende a ler .Nous avons développé notre travail à travers la méthodologie compréhensible du discours (Kaufmann, 1996), tout en mélangeant le matériel recherché et la théorie. Les considérations finales font état de nos impressions à propos de ce projet à partir des témoignages de ces cinq femmes/éducatrices. Le gouvernement de Djalma Maranhão se caracterize pu democratie et populaire et ce travail éducatif considérer subversives a décennie 1960


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This work attempts to establish dermatological identification patterns for Brazilian enidarian species and it probable correlation with envenoming, severity In all observational prospective study, one hundred and twenty-eight patients from the North Coast re-ion of São Paulo State, Brazil were seen between 2002 and 2008. About 80% of these Showed only local effects (erythema, edema, and pain) with small, less than 20 cm, oval or round skin marks and impressions from Small tentacles. Approximately 20% of the victims had long, more than 20 cm, linear and crossed marks with frequent systemic phenomena, such as malaise, vomiting, dyspnea, and tachycardia. The former is compatible with the common hydromedusa from Southeast and Southern Brazil (Olindias sambaquiensis). The long linear marks with intense pain and systemic phenomena are compatible with envenoming, by the box jellyfish Tamoya haplonema and Chiropsalmus quadrumanus and the hydrozoan Portuguese man-of-war (Physalis physalis). There was an association between Skin marks and probable accident etiology. This simple observation rule can be indicative of severity as the Cubozoa Class (box jellyfish) and Portuguese man-of-war cause the most severe accidents. In such cases, medical attention, including intensive care, is important, as the systemic manifestations call be associated with death.


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Com o objetivo de avaliar a eficiência da prótese de poliuretano de mamona como substituto parcial do tendão calcâneo comum, foram utilizadas 30 coelhas da raça Nova Zelândia, entre dois e três meses de idade e peso médio de 2kg. Após anestesia geral, o procedimento cirúrgico em ambos os membros constou de incisão caudo-lateral no sentido longitudinal do terço médio ao distal da tíbia e exposição do tendão calcâneo comum. Após a tenectomia do tendão do músculo gastrocnêmio, a prótese de poliuretano de cerca de 0,5cm de extensão por 0,5cm de diâmetro foi fixada aos cotos proximal e distal do tendão, empregando-se o fio de polipropileno monofilamentar 4-0, conforme técnica modificada de Kessler. A prótese de poliuretano na forma elastomérica revelou propriedades como textura e flexibilidade semelhantes à do tecido tendinoso, pode ser confeccionada na forma e no tamanho almejados e permite ser moldada, cortada e esterilizada por calor úmido. Todos os animais apoiaram os membros operados imediatamente após o retorno anestésico. Não se observaram sinais clínicos de infecção e não ocorreu deiscência de ferida. Percebeu-se aumento de volume local devido ao edema, evidente na primeira semana pós-cirúrgica, que gradualmente desapareceu . À palpação foi possível delimitar com facilidade a prótese que se conservou fixa no local e intacta. Clinicamente o poliuretano de mamona não induziu reação desfavorável que comprometesse a cicatrização tendínea, podendo ser indicado como substituto temporário de tendão.


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A desinfecção de todo e qualquer molde obtido é medida de biossegurança obrigatória na atividade clínica. Tão importante quanto a desinfecção é a seleção do método e da solução desinfetante a ser utilizada para cada material de moldagem. É imperativo que a capacidade de reprodução de detalhes, a estabilidade dimensional e o grau de umedecimento (ou molhabilidade) não sejam criticamente afetados. O propósito deste trabalho foi avaliar o grau de umedecimento de uma marca comercial de poliéter (Impregum F) por três diferentes marcas comerciais de gesso tipo IV (Herostone, Durone e Polirock), após sua desinfecção por aerossóis de hipoclorito de sódio 1% (líquido de Milton) ou glutaraldeído 2% (Glutalabor II). Foram confeccionados 45 moldes de poliéter, os quais, em grupos de 15, receberam aerossóis de água (Grupo Controle), Líquido de Milton ou Glutalabor II. em seguida, sobre a superfície dos moldes foram confeccionados modelos de gesso tipo IV, em número de 5 para cada marca de gesso. Após seu seccionamento mediano e preparo da superfície de corte, os modelos foram levados ao microscópio Carl Zeiss para leitura do ângulo de contato. Os resultados obtidos permitiram concluir que: a) a capacidade de umedecimento do poliéter por diferentes marcas comerciais de gesso tipo IV variou para os gessos estudados; b) o gesso Durone adaptou-se melhor aos moldes de poliéter do que os gessos Herostone e Polirock; c) a desinfecção dos moldes com aerossóis de hipoclorito de sódio 1% (líquido de Milton) ou glutaraldeído 2% (Glutalabor) não afetou a adaptação entre os gessos e o poliéter.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare 2 different methods of assessment of implants at different inclinations (90 degrees and 65 degrees)-with a profilometer and AutoCAD software. Materials and Methods: Impressions (n = 5) of a metal matrix containing 2 implants, 1 at 90 degrees to the surface and 1 at 65 degrees to the surface, were obtained with square impression copings joined together with dental floss splinting covered with autopolymerizing acrylic resin, an open custom tray, and vinyl polysiloxane impression material. Measurement of the angles (in degrees) of the implant analogs were assessed by the same blinded operator with a profilometer and through analysis of digitized images by AutoCAD software. For each implant analog, 3 readings were performed with each method. The results were subjected to a nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test, with P <= .05 considered significant. Results: For implants perpendicular to the horizontal surface of the specimen (90 degrees), there were no significant differences between the mean measurements obtained with the profilometer (90.04 degrees) and AutoCAD (89.95 degrees; P=.9142). In the analyses of the angled implants at 65 degrees in relation to the horizontal surface of the specimen, significant differences were observed (P=.0472) between the mean readings with the profilometer (65.73 degrees) and AutoCAD (66.25 degrees). Conclusions: The degrees of accuracy of implant angulation recording vary among the techniques available and may vary depending on the angle of the implant. Further investigation is needed to determine the best test conditions and the best measuring technique for determination of the angle of the implant in vitro.


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Objective: The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the influence of radiation in osseointegrated dental implants installed in tibiae of rats.Material and methods: Screw-shaped implants (2.5 mm diameter by 3.5 mm length) were custom made from commercially pure titanium bars. Titanium implants were blasted and sterilized before implantation. Animals were divided into two groups of 12 animals each and the rats were not paired after the groups' formation. The experimental group (group 1) received external irradiation 4 weeks after surgery while in the control group (group 2) animals were kept free of radiation. The shear strength required to detach the implant from bone was measured by push-out testing and osseointegration was histologically evaluated.Results: Results showed that the compressive strength of irradiated implants (33.49 MPa) was significantly lower than the compressive strength of non-irradiated implants (48.05 MPa).Conclusions: We concluded that the mechanical strength bonding between implants and host tissues decreased after irradiation.


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare splinting techniques for impression copings of osseointegrated implants with different angulations.Materials and Methods: Replicas (N = 24) of a metal matrix (control) containing two implants at 90 degrees and 65 degrees in relation to the horizontal surface were obtained by using four impression techniques: Technique 1 (T1), direct technique with square copings without union in open trays; Technique 2 (T2), square copings splinted with dental floss and autopolymerizing acrylic resin; Technique 3 (T3), square copings splinted with dental floss and autopolymerizing acrylic resin, sectioned and splinted again with autopolymerizing acrylic resin; Technique 4 (T4), square copings splinted with prefabricated acrylic resin bar. The impression material was polyether. The replicas were individually scanned to capture the images, which were assessed in a graphic computation program. The program allowed the angulation between the bases of the replicas and the reading screws to be measured. The images of the replicas were compared with the matrix image (control), and the differences in angulations from the control image were calculated. The analysis of variance and the Tukey test for comparisons (p < 0.05) were used for statistical analysis.Results: All groups showed significant differences in the implant angulations in comparison with the control group (p < 0.05). Group T1 showed the highest difference (1.019 degrees) followed by groups T2 (0.747 degrees), T3 (0.516 degrees), and T4 (0.325 degrees), which showed the lowest angular alteration compared to the control group. There were significant differences between inclined and straight implants in all the groups, except in group T4.Conclusions: Based on the results, the splinting of pick-up impression copings is indicated for osseointegrated implant impressions. The square copings splinted with a prefabricated acrylic resin bar presented the best results among the pick-up impression techniques evaluated in this study.


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Computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing images can be taken through either direct or indirect imaging. For the indirect systems, the digitalization is obtained from the impression material or cast, and for the direct ones the image is taken directly from the mouth using intraoral scanners.The direct acquisition systems have been constantly improved because these are less invasive, quicker, and more precise than the conventional method. Besides, the digital images can be easily stored for a long time. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to describe and discuss based on the literature the main direct image acquisition systems available on the market: CEREC Bluecam (Sirona), Lava C.O.S. System (3M ESPE), iTero System (Cadent/Straumann), and E4D System (D4D Technologies).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)