992 resultados para Space Extended Systems


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In this paper, space-shift keying (SSK) is considered for multihop multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) networks. In SSK, only one among n(s) = 2(m) available transmit antennas, chosen on the basis of m information bits, is activated during transmission. We consider two different systems of multihop co-operation, where each node has multiple antennas and employs SSK. In system I, a multihop diversity relaying scheme is considered. In system II, a multihop multibranch relaying scheme is considered. In both systems, we adopt decode-and-forward (DF) relaying, where each relay forwards the signal only when it correctly decodes. We analyze the end-to-end bit error rate (BER) and diversity order of both the systems with SSK. For binary SSK (n(s) = 2), our analytical BER expression is exact, and our numerical results show that the BERs evaluated through the analytical expression overlap with those obtained through Monte Carlo simulations. For nonbinary SSK (n(s) > 2), we derive an approximate BER expression, where the analytically evaluated BER results closely follow the simulated BER results. We show the comparison of the BERs of SSK and conventional phase-shift keying (PSK) and also show the instances where SSK outperforms PSK. We also present the diversity analyses for SSK in systems I and II, which predict the achievable diversity orders as a function of system parameters.


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When Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) samplers are used in problems of system parameter identification, one would face computational difficulties in dealing with large amount of measurement data and (or) low levels of measurement noise. Such exigencies are likely to occur in problems of parameter identification in dynamical systems when amount of vibratory measurement data and number of parameters to be identified could be large. In such cases, the posterior probability density function of the system parameters tends to have regions of narrow supports and a finite length MCMC chain is unlikely to cover pertinent regions. The present study proposes strategies based on modification of measurement equations and subsequent corrections, to alleviate this difficulty. This involves artificial enhancement of measurement noise, assimilation of transformed packets of measurements, and a global iteration strategy to improve the choice of prior models. Illustrative examples cover laboratory studies on a time variant dynamical system and a bending-torsion coupled, geometrically non-linear building frame under earthquake support motions. (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The quantum statistical mechanical propagator for a harmonic oscillator with a time-dependent force constant, m omega(2)(t), has been investigated in the past and was found to have only a formal solution in terms of the solutions of certain ordinary differential equations. Such path integrals are frequently encountered in semiclassical path integral evaluations and having exact analytical expressions for such path integrals is of great interest. In a previous work, we had obtained the exact propagator for motion in an arbitrary time-dependent harmonic potential in the overdamped limit of friction using phase space path integrals in the context of Levy flights - a result that can be easily extended to Brownian motion. In this paper, we make a connection between the overdamped Brownian motion and the imaginary time propagator of quantum mechanics and thereby get yet another way to evaluate the latter exactly. We find that explicit analytic solution for the quantum statistical mechanical propagator can be written when the time-dependent force constant has the form omega(2)(t) = lambda(2)(t) - d lambda(t)/dt where lambda(t) is any arbitrary function of t and use it to evaluate path integrals which have not been evaluated previously. We also employ this method to arrive at a formal solution of the propagator for both Levy flights and Brownian subjected to a time-dependent harmonic potential in the underdamped limit of friction. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this paper, a strategy for controlling a group of agents to achieve positional consensus is presented. The problem is constrained by the requirement that every agent must be given the same control input through a broadcast communication mechanism. Although the control command is computed using state information in a global framework, the control input is implemented by the agents in a local coordinate frame. We propose a novel linear programming (LP) formulation that is computationally less intensive than earlier proposed methods. Moreover, a random perturbation input in the control command that helps the agents to come close to each other even for a large number of agents, which was not possible with an existing strategy in the literature, is introduced. The method is extended to achieve positional consensus at a prespecified location. The effectiveness of the approach is illustrated through simulation results. A comparison between the LP approach and the existing second-order cone programming-based approach is also presented. The algorithm was successfully implemented on a robotic platform with three robots.


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This paper proposes a technique to suppress low-order harmonics for an open-end winding induction motor drive for a full modulation range. One side of the machine is connected to a main inverter with a dc power supply, whereas the other inverter is connected to a capacitor from the other side. Harmonic suppression (with complete elimination of fifth- and seventh-order harmonics) is achieved by realizing dodecagonal space vectors using a combined pulsewidth modulation (PWM) control for the two inverters. The floating capacitor voltage is inherently controlled during the PWM operation. The proposed PWM technique is shown to be valid for the entire modulation range, including overmodulation and six-step mode of operation of the main inverter. Experimental results have been presented to validate the proposed technique.


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In this paper, a multilevel dodecagonal voltage space vector structure with nineteen concentric dodecagons is proposed for the first time. This space vector structure is achieved by cascading two sets of asymmetric three-level inverters with isolated H-bridges on either side of an open-end winding induction motor. The dodecagonal structure is made possible by proper selection of dc link voltages and switching states of the inverters. The proposed scheme retains all the advantages of multilevel topologies as well as the advantages of dodecagonal voltage space vector structure. In addition to that, a generic and simple method for calculation of pulsewidth modulation timings using only sampled reference values (v(alpha) and v(beta)) is proposed. This enables the scheme to be used for any closed-loop application such as vector control. In addition, a new method of switching technique is proposed, which ensures minimum switching while eliminating the fifth-and seventh-order harmonics and suppressing the eleventh and thirteenth harmonics, eliminating the need for bulky filters. The motor phase voltage is a 24-stepped wave-form for the entire modulation range thereby reducing the number of switchings of the individual inverter modules. Experimental results for steady-state operation, transient operation, including start-up have been presented and the results of fast Fourier transform analysis is also presented for validating the proposed concept.


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In this paper, we study breakdown characteristics in shallow-trench isolation (STI)-type drain-extended MOSFETs (DeMOS) fabricated using a low-power 65-nm triple-well CMOS process with a thin gate oxide. Experimental data of p-type STI-DeMOS device showed distinct two-stage behavior in breakdown characteristics in both OFF-and ON-states, unlike the n-type device, causing a reduction in the breakdown voltage and safe operating area. The first-stage breakdown occurs due to punchthrough in the vertical structure formed by p-well, deep n-well, and p-substrate, whereas the second-stage breakdown occurs due to avalanche breakdown of lateral n-well/p-well junction. The breakdown characteristics are also compared with the STI-DeNMOS device structure. Using the experimental results and advanced TCAD simulations, a complete understanding of breakdown mechanisms is provided in this paper for STI-DeMOS devices in advanced CMOS processes.


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Ground state magnetic properties of the spin-dependent Falicov-Kimball model (FKM) are studied by incorporating the intrasite exchange correlation J (between itinerant d- and localized f-electrons) and intersite (superexchange) correlation J (between localized f-electrons) on a triangular lattice for two different fillings. Numerical diagonalization and Monte-Carlo techniques are used to determine the ground state magnetic properties. Transitions from antiferromagnetic to ferromagnetic and again to re-entrant antiferromagnetic phase is observed in a wide range of parameter space. The magnetic moments of d- and f-electrons are observed to depend strongly on the value off, J and also on the total number of d-electrons (N-d). (C) 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Multilevel inverters with dodecagonal (12-sided polygon) voltage space vector (SV) structures have advantages like extension of linear modulation range, elimination of fifth and seventh harmonics in phase voltages and currents for the full modulation range including extreme 12-step operation, reduced device voltage ratings, lesser dv/dt stresses on devices and motor phase windings resulting in lower EMI/EMC problems, and lower switching frequency-making it more suitable for high-power drive applications. This paper proposes a simple method to obtain pulsewidth modulation (PWM) timings for a dodecagonal voltage SV structure using only sampled reference voltages. In addition to this, a carrier-based method for obtaining the PWM timings for a general N-level dodecagonal structure is proposed in this paper for the first time. The algorithm outputs the triangle information and the PWM timing values which can be set as the compare values for any carrier-based hardware PWM module to obtain SV PWM like switching sequences. The proposed method eliminates the need for angle estimation, computation of modulation indices, and iterative search algorithms that are typical in multilevel dodecagonal SV systems. The proposed PWM scheme was implemented on a five-level dodecagonal SV structure. Exhaustive simulation and experimental results for steady-state and transient conditions are presented to validate the proposed method.


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Anderson localization is known to be inevitable in one-dimension for generic disordered models. Since localization leads to Poissonian energy level statistics, we ask if localized systems possess `additional' integrals of motion as well, so as to enhance the analogy with quantum integrable systems. We answer this in the affirmative in the present work. We construct a set of nontrivial integrals of motion for Anderson localized models, in terms of the original creation and annihilation operators. These are found as a power series in the hopping parameter. The recently found Type-1 Hamiltonians, which are known to be quantum integrable in a precise sense, motivate our construction. We note that these models can be viewed as disordered electron models with infinite-range hopping, where a similar series truncates at the linear order. We show that despite the infinite range hopping, all states but one are localized. We also study the conservation laws for the disorder free Aubry-Andre model, where the states are either localized or extended, depending on the strength of a coupling constant. We formulate a specific procedure for averaging over disorder, in order to examine the convergence of the power series. Using this procedure in the Aubry-Andre model, we show that integrals of motion given by our construction are well-defined in localized phase, but not so in the extended phase. Finally, we also obtain the integrals of motion for a model with interactions to lowest order in the interaction.


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We present methods for fixed-lag smoothing using Sequential Importance sampling (SIS) on a discrete non-linear, non-Gaussian state space system with unknown parameters. Our particular application is in the field of digital communication systems. Each input data point is taken from a finite set of symbols. We represent transmission media as a fixed filter with a finite impulse response (FIR), hence a discrete state-space system is formed. Conventional Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) techniques such as the Gibbs sampler are unsuitable for this task because they can only perform processing on a batch of data. Data arrives sequentially, so it would seem sensible to process it in this way. In addition, many communication systems are interactive, so there is a maximum level of latency that can be tolerated before a symbol is decoded. We will demonstrate this method by simulation and compare its performance to existing techniques.


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The thermovibrational instability of Rayleigh-Marangoni-Benard convection in a two-layer system under the high-frequency vibration has been investigated by linear instability analysis in the present paper. General equations for the description of the convective flow and within this framework, the generalized Boussinesq approximation are formulated. These equations are dealt with using the averaging method. The theoretical analysis results show that the high-frequency thermovibrations can change the Marangoni-Benard convection instabilities as well as the oscillatory gaps of the Rayleigh-Marangoni-Benard convection in two-layer liquid systems. It is found that vertical high-frequency vibrations can delay convective instability of this system, and damp the convective flow down. (C) 2007 COSPAR. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.