991 resultados para Socio-territorial impacts


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O objetivo deste estudo é estimar a prevalência de transtornos mentais de acordo com a situação de emprego por sexo, analisar associações entre os transtornos mentais e situação de emprego, bem como entre a busca de tratamento e situação de emprego dentre os respondentes com transtornos mentais nos últimos 12 meses. Além disso, pretende-se analisar a perda de dias de trabalho devido ao absenteísmo e ao presenteísmo associando-os com os transtornos mentais, dentre os trabalhadores. Os dados foram analisados a partir do Estudo São Paulo Megacity, um estudo de base populacional que avaliou os transtornos mentais em uma amostra probabilística de 5.037 adultos residentes na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, utilizando a versão do Composite International Diagnostic Interview da Organização Mundial de Saúde. A amostra foi dividida em grupos de acordo com a situação de trabalho – trabalhadores, economicamente inativos e desempregados. A prevalência dos transtornos mentais foi estimada estratificada por sexo, bem como, as associações com as situações de emprego, características sócio-demográficas e procura por tratamento. O número médio de dias perdidos por absenteísmo e presenteísmo na população de trabalhadores foi estimado baseado na Escala de Avaliação de Incapacidade Organização Mundial de Saúde. Os efeitos a nível populacional e os custos financeiros também foram estimados. As associações foram medidas pelo Odds Ratio e calculada através do modelo de regressão logística multinomial. Do total da amostra (n= 5.035), 63% eram trabalhadores, 25% economicamente inativos e 12% desempregados. Os trabalhadores foram associados ao sexo masculino, menor idade, maior número de anos estudados e maior renda. As mulheres apresentaram maior prevalência de transtornos de humor e ansiedade. Os homens foram associados a qualquer transtorno mental, transtorno de humor e transtorno de ansiedade, as mulheres foram associadas a situação de emprego economicamente inactivas e desempregadas. Os homens cuja situação de emprego era trabalhador mostrou maiores prevalências nos transtornos de impulso-controle e nos transtornos por uso de substâncias psicoativas. As mulheres cuja situação de emprego era trabalhador e os homens cuja situação de emprego era economicamente inativos, tiveram maiores prevalências de transtornos mentais. Dentre respondentes com algum transtorno mental, os respondentes economicamente inativos apresentaram associação com a procura de tratamento de saúde geral e de saúde mental. A presença de algum transtorno mental foi associado com 26,8 dias/ano devido ao absenteísmo, 92,2 dias/ano devido ao presenteísmo e 125,9 dias/ano de perda total de trabalho. Os custos anuais da perda de trabalho foram estimados em R$ 2,6 bilhões por ano, correspondentes a R$ 690 milhões por ano devido ao absenteísmo, e R$ 1,9 bilhões por ano devido ao presenteísmo. Nossos resultados fornecem importantes informações epidemiológicas sobre os transtornos mentais e o impacto no trabalho que devem ser levadas em consideração na definição de prioridades para os cuidados em saúde e alocação de recursos.


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Apresenta primeiramente o conceito de desenvolvimento local autossustentável dentro do enfoque territorialista. Mostra também o conceito de patrimônio territorial e o de representação identitária do território como instrumento de preservação do patrimônio, neste caso o territorial. O enfoque territorialista é adotado como base teórica para a construção do roteiro metodológico de representação identitária do território com vistas à preservação do patrimônio tendo como objeto empírico o município de Linhares/ES, que passa por um processo de intenso desenvolvimento de seu território e que apresenta um rico patrimônio, no que diz respeito aos recursos naturais, em especial o hídrico. Nos últimos anos tem-se registrado um crescimento forte dos instrumentos disponíveis para a produção de imagens do território, neste caso o uso da tecnologia de Sistemas de Informações Geográficas. Por meio deste recurso, adotado na Escola Territorialista Italiana, representa-se o patrimônio que constitui o território municipal, tendo como produtos finais o Atlas do patrimônio territorial no município de Linhares/ES e o Roteiro metodológico de representação identitária do patrimônio territorial.


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This research aims to diagnose the environmental impacts caused by the growth of urban occupations over the mangrove in the continental area of Vitória. It is justified by the gradual degradation of mangroves in Vitória that has inestimable importance to the landscape, to the environment and to the economy. With the growth of urban population in Brazil and around the world, researches like this, about environmental management, are essential to allow cities to grow more sustainably and well planned. The thesis was initially based on the study of occupations of Permanent Preservation Areas in general, with the presentation of the basic concepts and reflections, and later on territorial analysis of some protected areas and their surroundings, and the study of the empirical object, a polygon that covers urban areas and mangroves on the continental part of Vitória. The study hopes to promote a reflection and a discussion about the importance of maintenance of protected natural areas inside the cities, generating knowledge about the importance of mangrove and diagnose how it has been urbanized, protected or degraded over the years


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One is about a study of the interactions and conflicts between the distinct scales of the flows of the global production and urban mobility on the territory of the city, particularly of Vitória, Espírito Santo. From this analysis of the consequences of the new technologies of the information, of the communication and the transports on the economic and humans relations, if it considers the study of the characteristics of the two layers that act on the territory. Of the scale of the global production, the impacts of the great corporations, its physical nets and its force had been considered as territorial agent in the creation and sponsorship of plans. In the analysis of the place, the intra-urban movements of human displacements e had been considered, mainly the reasons of the trips. From the overlapping of the above-mentioned layers if it looked for to observe the interactions, conflicts and synergies between the layers the intervention in the flows demand of a coherent planning of the atract regions of trips, so that areas with infrastructure lack and services of public transport are not overloaded. Finally, as objective generality, generate with the basis in the interactions found in the overlapping, a list of subsidies for the planning of the urban flows.


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O artigo procura analisar e identificar o conjunto de forças que contribuíram, decisivamente, no alargamento do mar territorial brasileiro para 200 milhas marítimas, em março de 1970. Procura, ainda, demonstrar a estratégia empreendida pela política externa brasileira, em defesa de seu mar territorial de 200 milhas, durante o período que compreende a extensão marítima, em 1970, até a conclusão dos trabalhos da III Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar, em 1982, avaliando a Conferência e seus resultados principais no âmbito dos interesses brasileiros.


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In this investigation, a cluster analysis was used to separate Guimara˜es (Portugal) residents into clusters according to their perceptions of the impacts of tourism development. This approach is uncommonly applied to Portugal data and is even rarer for world heritage sites. The world heritage designation is believed to make an area more attractive to tourists. The clustering procedure analysed 400 data observations from a Guimara˜es resident survey and revealed the existence of three clusters: the Sceptics, the Moderately Optimistic and the Enthusiasts. The results were consistent with the empirical literature’s results, with the emergent nature of the destination found to be relevant. The fact that tourism is relatively recent in this destination has its major reflex in the devaluation by most of the residents of the negative impacts of tourism development.


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Guimarães, in the northwest of Portugal, is a city of strong symbolic and cultural significance and its nomination by UNESCO as world heritage, in 2001, enlarged its tourism potential. In this paper we present a few results of a survey that envisaged capturing the Guimarães residents’ perceptions of tourism impacts and their attitudes towards tourists. Specifically, one analyzes the type of relationship that exists between some socio-demographic groups and the perceived tourism impacts, as well as their socio-characteristics and the existing level of interaction between residents and tourists. The survey was implemented between January and March 2010 to a convenience sample of 540 inhabitants of the municipality of Guimarães resulting in 400 questionnaires with complete data. For this, we made use of various statistical techniques. Using a factorial analysis, we can conclude that the three factors used explain 52.3% of the variance contained in the original variables obtained from the survey. By another side, using a logit model in the analysis and taking as the dependent variable the frequent or very frequent contact with tourists, we found that only the variables referred to perceived positive impacts of tourism, education and the place of residence in urban areas have shown to be statistically significant. We are aware of the multiple ways the issue of residents’ perceptions and attitudes towards tourism can be approached and of the difficulties to get useful policy-oriented insights. This paper is a step in that trail.


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The present study was designed to assess and segment local residents with respect to their perceived impacts of Guimarães tourism development. The residents of this municipality (located in the northern part of Portugal) are quite strong in their support to tourism. However, they do not keep a homogeneous perception of tourism impacts. A clusters analysis using data from a survey of 400 Guimarães residents’ has revealed the existence of three clusters, according the different degrees of perceived tourism impacts: the Skeptics - moderate in relation to the benefits (averages range from 2.89-3.74) and the ones more concerned with its costs (averages range from 2.86-3.74); the Moderately optimistic - very optimistic about the benefits of tourism (averages range from 3.74-4.51) and conscious of the costs (averages range from 2.71-3.49); the Enthusiasts - very optimistic about tourism benefits (averages range from 2.92-4.52) and little worried about its costs (averages range from 1.78-3.26). Following the data from the survey, the findings are discussed and a few conclusions are extracted.


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The aim of this study is twofold. First, the study analyzes local community perspectives of the importance of the WHS classification of the historic center of Évora. Second, the study analyzes local residents’ perceived tourism impacts on the municipality of Évora. The methodology comprises quantitative research based on a self-administered survey applied to convenience samples of local residents of Évora in the beginning of 2014. The main results reveal that local residents have a strongly positive perception of the WHS designation. With regard to the perceived tourism impacts, a principal component factor analysis delineated three positive and three negative tourism impacts. The comparison of the mean scores of these factors across residents that live near and far from the historic center reveals that the most valued and least valued factors are common to all groups of residents. Nevertheless, in terms of positive impacts, the residents that live near the historic center revealed higher means than the residents that live far from it, whereas in terms of negative impacts, the latter group revealed higher means than former group.


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The aim of this study is twofold. First, the study analyzes local community perspectives of the importance of the World Heritage Site (WHS) classification of the historic centers of Angra do Heroísmo and Évora. Second, the study analyzes local residents’ perceived tourism impacts on the municipalities of Angra do Heroísmo and Évora. The methodology comprises quantitative research based on a self-administered survey applied to convenience samples of local residents of the two Portuguese municipalities in 2014. The main results reveal that local residents have a strongly positive perception of the WHS designation in both municipalities. With regard to the perceived tourism impacts, residents from Angra do Heroísmo have a stronger agreement about the impacts of tourism on their city than the residents of Évora, except for the negative social and cultural impacts. The comparison of the mean scores of these impacts across residents that live near and far from the historic centers reveals that the most valued and least valued impacts in the three categories of impacts (economic, social and cultural, and environmental) are common to all groups of residents. Nevertheless, residents living in or near the historic center of Angra do Heroísmo have higher means in the majority of tourism impacts (in all categories), with only one negative impact to concern the majority of respondents. Among the residents from Évora, residents living in or near the historic center have higher means in the majority of economic impacts but lower means in almost social and cultural impacts. With regard to the environmental impacts, residents living in or near the historic center have higher means scores in the positive impacts and lower means scores in the negative environmental impacts.


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ABSTRACT Soils of tropical regions are more weathered and in need of conservation managements to maintain and improve the quality of its components. The objective of this study was to evaluate the availability of K, the organic matter content and the stock of total carbon of an Argisol after vinasse application and manual and mechanized harvesting of burnt and raw sugarcane, in western São Paulo.The data collection was done in the 2012/2013 harvest, in a bioenergy company in Presidente Prudente/SP. The research was arranged out following a split-plot scheme in a 5x5 factorial design, characterized by four management systems: without vinasse application and harvest without burning; with vinasse application and harvest without burning; with vinasse application and harvest after burning; without vinasse application and harvest after burning; plus native forest, and five soil sampling depths (0-10 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50 cm), with four replications. In each treatment, the K content in the soil and accumulated in the remaining dry biomass in the area, the levels of organic matter, organic carbon and soil carbon stock were determined. The mean values were compared by Tukey test. The vinasse application associated with the harvest without burning increased the K content in soil layers up to 40 cm deep. The managements without vinasse application and manual harvest after burning, and without vinasse application with mechanical harvesting without burning did not increase the levels of organic matter, organic carbon and stock of total soil organic carbon, while the vinasse application and harvest after burning and without burning increased the levels of these attributes in the depth of 0-10 cm.


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ABSTRACTThis paper reports an empirical case study on the interface between microfinance and climate change actions. Climate change, which until recently seemed a luxury for the microfinance sector, now appears to be crucial for its future. For their low adaptive capacity, the millions of microfinance clients worldwide happen to be the most vulnerable to a changing climate. However, such an arena is still blurred from an academic viewpoint, and inexistent among Brazilian academia. Therefore, by investigating Brazil’s largest rural MFI, Agroamigo, we aim at providing an empirical contribution to green microfinance. The main conclusion is that, albeit Agroamigo offers important links to climate change initiatives, it will need to take better account of specific vulnerabilities and risks to protect its portfolio and clients better from climate change impacts.


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O objecto de estudo definido para este trabalho é estruturado pelas relações triangulares estabelecidas ao longo dos eixos do tempo e do espaço entre desenvolvimento territorial, turismo e museus. A problematização da geometria dessas relações levou ao estabelecimento de um conjunto limitado de hipóteses de partida, as quais serviram de fio condutor ao desenvolvimento da pesquisa. Duas hipóteses principais, embora de alcance diferenciado, foram definidas: a) Num plano mais geral - As orientações e as dinâmicas do desenvolvimento territorial (nas suas vertentes económicas, políticas, sociais e culturais) têm uma correspondência evidente nas transformações verificadas no âmbito do turismo e dos museus, quer em termos conceptuais, quer ao nível das práticas. b) Num plano mais específico - Os museus podem contribuir para a definição de um novo modelo de desenvolvimento turístico com fortes implicações ao nível da coesão territorial e social. No sentido de melhor operacionalizar as hipóteses de partida, as mesmas foram traduzidas num conjunto de questões que lhes estão intimamente associadas. Destas salientamos: i) Quais as relações entre desenvolvimento, turismo e museus? No plano teórico? Nas práticas? Ao longo do período analisado? Nas várias escalas de análise consideradas? ii) Qual o papel específico dos museus no quadro de um novo modelo de desenvolvimento turístico susceptível de promover o progresso e o bem-estar das comunidades locais (o seu desenvolvimento) numa perspectiva integrada? Neste quadro de referência, o trabalho foi organizado em três partes, a primeira, incidindo sobre a discussão do triângulo turismo, museus e desenvolvimento territorial em contextos teórico-conceptuais diferentes dos pontos de vista temporal e espacial; a segunda, incidindo sobre o estudo de caso tendo em mente testar, ao nível local e numa realidade concreta, a matriz teórica e conceptual entretanto estabelecidas; a terceira, incorporando uma junção das conclusões parciais obtidas anteriormente e uma avaliação das hipóteses colocadas inicialmente. Tendo por referência que o conceito de desenvolvimento tem experimentado alterações de monta ao longo do tempo, desde uma dimensão inicial fundamentalmente económica, até uma perspectiva holística de bem estar, que engloba as vertente sociais e da justiça societária, a liberdade de acção e de pensamento e a criatividade, definimos (...)