989 resultados para Sementes - Viabilidade


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A trial was carried out to evaluate efficacy of different herbicides and spray volumes when sprayed to ryegrass for chemical management and control of remaining seeds. The treatments were: three formulations of glyphosate at 1080 g ha(-1) (Original Round up, Round up Transorb, WG Round Up), paraquat + diuron at 300+500 and 150+250 g ha(-1) and glufosinate ammonium at 400 and 600 g ha(-1). All treatments were used in spray volumes of 200 and 400 l ha(-1). The effectiveness of the desiccation of ryegrass plants was assessed at 1, 3, 7, 14 and 21 days after application. At the last evaluation samples were collected for dry mass production analysis, and also panicles with seeds for germination test. Glyphosate in different formulations and volumes and glufosinate ammonium at 600 g ha(-1) when sprayed with into 400 l ha(-1) provided the best controls regarding ryegrass chemical management. Treatments with gliphosate (Roundup Original) and paraquat + diuron (300 +150 g ha(-1)) in volumes of 400 and 200 L ha(-1), respectively, were the ones that showed the lowest values of dry matter, differing from the control. All the ryegrass seeds were killed by treatments with herbicides (paraquat + diuron) at 500 + 250 g ha(-1) and glufosinate-ammonium at 600 g ha(-1) when used 200 l ha(-1).


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In a program of seed quality assurance, the evaluation of seed vigor is fundamental and necessary to the global production process outcome. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficiency of the precocity of primary root emission test, for the substrates paper roll, on paper and between papers, on vigor of pearl millet seeds. Ten seed lots evaluated in four replication of 100 pearl millet seeds cultivar ADR 500 were sown in three different humidified substrates: between papers, paper roll and on paper. These were incubated at a temperature of 20-30 degrees C. Fifteen hours after the germination test was established, the emission of seed primary roots started to be observed every 2 hours up to 25 hours and then after 48 hours. For the comparison among lots, seeds were also evaluated by moisture content, weight of 1000 seeds, germination and vigor (first count, electrical conductivity, accelerated aging and seedling emergence). The statistical design was completely randomized, and the means comparisons were accomplished by the Tukey test at 0.05 level of probability. It was concluded that the precocity of primary root emission test on paper is promising for vigor evaluation of pearl millet seeds.


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This research aimed to study competition effects of legumes intercropping and weeds on seeds yield and quality of Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench. The experiment was carried out in a Rhodic Nitisol, under field condition in Botucatu region, São Paulo State, Brazil. Ten treatments were tested: sorghum (cv. A-6304) intercropped with Dolichos lablab L., Mucuna aterrima (Piper et Tracy) Holland, Canavalia ensiformis D. C. or Crotalaria juncea L., that were sown in the same time of sorghum or 20 days after the sorghum sowing, and sorghum weed-free and sorghum without weeding. The experimental design employed was the completely randomized blocks with four replications. There were evaluated sorghum seeds yield and some characteristcs of seed quality: purity, hectolitric weight, 1000 seeds weight, insect infestation, germination and vigor (by first counting of germination test and accelerated ageing test). The competition caused by legumes intercropping and weeds affected the yield and the physical and physiological characteristics of sorghum seeds, but the intensity of prejudicial effects depended on the time and the species of legume intercropping.


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Dypsis decaryi (Jum.) Beentje & J. Dransf. is an important palm with ornamental commercial value. Although it reproduces sexually, there are no data available as far as what are the factors that affect this species seed germination. The purpose of this work is to study the potential effects of temperature and substrate in Dypsis decaryi seed germination. The research framework is based on randomization, using a 6 X 2 factorial schema (six different temperatures, 25 degrees C, 30 degrees C, 35 degrees C, 20-30 degrees C, 25-35 degrees C and room temperature, combined with two types of substratum, sand and vermiculite) with 5 repetitions of 20 seeds. The researcher made daily records on the number of germinated seeds, and the criteria used was protusion of the germination plug. After 35 days data become stable. The Index of Germination Speed (IVG) and germination percentage were then calculated (data were converted to sen). The averages for these two indexes were compared using the Scott-Knott method with a probability of 5%. The data show that the higher percentages of germination were obtained with a sand substratum at temperatures of 25 degrees C (86%), 25-35 degrees C (92%) and lab room temperature (93%), and with a vermiculite substratum, at temperatures of 25 degrees C (76%), 30 degrees C (83%), 20-30 degrees C (87%), 25-35 degrees C (80%) and room temperature (91%). The seeds germinated sooner in the lab environment, for both substrates. The percentage of germination at 35 degrees C was markedly lower, both on sand (21%) and vermiculite (38%). In this case, the seeds took longer to germinate and germination was not uniform.


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The protected culture, among other advantages, made possible to diminish the seasoning in offers and to improve the quality of vegetables. However, one consists in technology of high cost, that it may be attenuated with the increase in the efficiency of the use of the protected area, proportionated for the intercropping. The experiment was carried out at greenhouse at UNESP, Jaboticabal-SP, in the period of August and November of 2005, with the aim of evaluating the operational cost (COT) and the profitability of the crisphead lettuce "Veronica" (Lactuca sativa L.) in monoculture and in intercropping with the Japanese cucumber "Hokushin" (Cucumis sativus L.), in protected environment. The main cost items analyzed were the operational cost, the agricultural amendments and the materials cost. For the crisphead lettuce in monoculture and in intercropping, the COT was R$ 696,37 and R$ 295,06/614,4 m(2) respectively and the productivity was 822.53 and 890.78 kg/614,4 m(2). In monoculture and in intercropping the gross incomes were R$ 489,93 and R$ 452,39/614,4 m(2) respectively. It was verified a loss of R$ 206,44/614,4 m(2) in the crisphead lettuce monoculture and an operational profit of R$ 157,33/614,4 m(2) in protected environment when in intercropping with cucumber.


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Soybeans seeds with different levels of vigour, treated and or no with fungicide were submitted to the test of germination in the sand and roll substrates of paper and the test of sanity. In test of germination, there were only significant differences between treatments that used soybeans with high vigour and with low vigour, regardless of the presence or absence of fungicide treatment, in the two substrates. The soybeans with low vigour no treated provided the largest percentages of seed contaminated with fungi, in contrast, the seeds with high vigour treated. There was only a slight contamination in soybeans with low vigour treated, unlike seeds with low vigour untreated, which showed the incidence of most fungi found. In the germination of seedlings normal, there are differences between treatments that used seeds with high vigour and low vigour, and is independent of the fungicide treatment and the type of substratum used. The effect of a fungicide depends of the vigour of seeds when of the occurrence of fungi associated to the soybean seeds of the cultivar analyzed.


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The work had as objective to evaluate the provenances of seeds to verify the efficiency of different tests of vigor for identification of the physiological potential in four lots of seeds of mutamba (Guazuma ulmifolia Lam.). The study it was developed in the Laboratory of Analysis of Seeds and in the Experimental Fishery of Ornamental and Forest Plants - UNESP, Jaboticabal, SP. Four lots of seeds proceeding from three São Paulo localities had been used: lots I and II, collected in the city of Jaboticabal in 2000 and 2001, respectively, lot III: collected in Saint Rita do Passo Quatro and it crowds IV: collected in Luiz Antonio, both in 2001. The seeds used in all the tests had been escarificadas with sulfuric acid during 50 minutes, and washed in current water during 15 minutes. They had been evaluated: seed moisture, test of germination, test of first counting, index of germination speed, emergency in fishery, index of emergency speed. The seeds moisture of the seeds in the different lots had presented small variations (9,2 10.0%). Statistical differences for the germination percentage, emergency in fishery and index of speed of emergency in the different studied lots had not been verified. The tests of first counting and index of germination speed had revealed adequate for evaluation of the physiological potential of the lots. The seeds of lot III proceeding from the city of Santa Rita do Passo Quatro, had presented superior physiological potential to the too much studied lots.


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Official rules for seed analysis don't establish criteria to execute germination tests for all species. This way, the aim of this research was to determinate the substrate, temperature and counting time for the germination test of physic nut seeds. For the germination test, four replications of 20 seeds were used, evaluating daily the normal seedlings until the end of germination. Initially, the substrates with sowing in vermiculite, were evaluated in rolled paper towels, in sand and in soil using alternating temperature of 20-30 degrees C. The most favorable substrates for germination were evaluated with another stage, using constant temperatures of 25, 30 and 35 degrees C and alternating ones, of 15-35 degrees C, 20-35 degrees C and 20-30 degrees C. One concluded that the germination test of physic nut seeds must be performed with the alternating temperature of 20-30 degrees C in sand or paper towel and with final counting 10 days after sowing.


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The aim of this research was to identify methods for breaking dormancy and promoting germination of Stryphnodendron adstringens and S. polyphyllum seeds. Seeds of both species were submitted to the following treatments for breaking dormancy: control; mechanical scarification (sandpaper number 220); hot water (initial temperature of 87 degrees C) for 5 and 15 minutes; chemical scarification with H(2)SO(4) (95%) for 30, 45, 60, 75, 90 and 105 minutes; thermal shock 1 (0 degrees C and 50% RH for 1 h and thereafter 10 minutes into water Ti=85 degrees C, Tf=57 degrees C); thermic shock 2 (40 degrees C and 40% RH for 6 h and thereafter 10 minutes into water, Ti=0 degrees C, Tf=3 degrees C); thermal shock 3 (40 degrees C and 40% RH for 6h and thereafter 10 minutes into water, Ti=25 degrees C, Tf=25 degrees C). We concluded that seeds belonging to same genus but from different species answered differently to some treatments for breaking dormancy. Chemical scarification with H(2)SO(4) (45 minutes) and mechanical scarification with sandpaper are methods that can be employed with efficiency to break dormancy and promote germination for both species.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O objetivo do trabalho foi estudar o efeito de combinações de inseticidas e de fungicidas sobre a conservação de sementes de milho durante o armazenamento. Os tratamentos aplicados e respectivas doses, para 1000kg de sementes, foram os seguintes: 1) testemunha; 2) anilina (936mL); 3) anilina (936mL) + Thiabendazole (120g) + Dicarboximida (187,5g) + Pirimifos- methyl (6,25mL) + Deltamethrin (0,75mL); 4) anilina (936mL) + Thiabendazole (240g) + Dicarboximida (375,0g) + Pirimifos- methyl (12,50mL) + Deltamethrin (1,50mL); 5) anilina (936mL) + Thiabendazole (480g) + Dicarboximida (750,0g)+ Pirimifos- methyl (25,00mL) + Deltamethrin (3,00mL); 6) anilina (936mL) + Thiabendazole (960g) + Dicarboximida (1500,0g) + Pirimifos- methyl (50,00mL) + Deltamethrin (6,00mL). As sementes foram analisadas quanto ao teor de água, germinação e vigor (testes de envelhecimento acelerado e de frio com solo) aos 0, 6, 9 e 12 meses de armazenamento. Os dados obtidos permitiram concluir que os tratamentos químicos aplicados tendem, com o aumento das dosagens, a gerar efeitos latentes, desfavoráveis ao desempenho das sementes, intensificados com o prolongamento do período de armazenamento.


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Este trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo estudar diferentes substratos e temperaturas para germinação de sementes de faveleira. Foram testadas as temperaturas constantes de 25º e 30ºC e alternadas com amplitudes de 5ºC (30-35ºC), 10ºC (20-30º e 25-35ºC) e 15ºC (20-35ºC), e fotoperíodo de oito horas para a temperatura mais elevada e dezesseis horas para a temperatura mais baixa. Os substratos papel de filtro, areia, vermiculita e papel germitest, foram umedecidos com solução de nistatina 0,2%. Para o teste de germinação em laboratório para sementes de faveleira pode-se recomendar os substratos areia, vermiculita, papel germitest e papel filtro combinado com temperaturas alternadas de 20ºC -30ºC. Para o teste de vigor, velocidade de germinação de sementes de faveleira, pode-se recomendar o substrato papel filtro combinado com as temperaturas alternadas de 20ºC -30ºC.


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A semente de milho doce é leve e rugosa. A rugosidade torna difícil a classificação das sementes quanto à forma e ao tamanho e isso dificulta a semeadura. Uma solução para esse problema seria a utilização da técnica de revestimento. Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar diferentes materiais de enchimento, cimentantes e corantes na peletização de sementes de milho superdoce e verificar quais combinações de materiais seriam eficientes na manutenção da qualidade fisiológica das sementes após o armazenamento e que permitissem vazão e distribuição uniformes durante a semeadura. Foram então testados doze materiais de enchimento (calcários 1 e 2, caulim, carvão vegetal ativado, areia, vermiculita, fubá de milho, farinha de trigo, polvilho de mandioca, amido de milho, celite e terra de diatomáceas), dois cimentantes (goma arábica e cascorez extra) e seis corantes (tintas guache, acrílica, plástica e para tecido, corante para alimento e gelatina). As avaliações da qualidade física e fisiológica das sementes revestidas e nuas foram efetuadas por meio dos testes: teor de água, fragmentação, peso de mil sementes, volume aparente e plantabilidade, germinação, primeira contagem da germinação e emergência de plântulas em campo. O revestimento de sementes de milho superdoce proporciona homogeneidade de forma e tamanho às sementes, melhora a vazão e a distribuição dos péletes na semeadura e não compromete a emergência de plântulas em campo depois de quatro meses de armazenamento.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)