1000 resultados para School shootings
Iowa School District Surtax Report 2000
Iowa School District Surtax Report 2001
Iowa School District Surtax Report 2002
Iowa School District Surtax Report 2003
Iowa School District Surtax Report 2004
Iowa School District Surtax Report 2005
OBJECTIVE: The objective of the study is to evaluate cross-sectional and longitudinal changes in children's commuting to school in a representative sample of a Brazilian city. METHODS: Two school-based studies were carried out in 2002 (n=2936; 7-10years old) and 2007 (n=1232; 7-15years old) in Florianopolis, Brazil. Cross-sectional data were collected from children aged 7 to 10years in 2002 and 2007. Longitudinal analyses were performed with data from 733 children participating in both surveys. Children self-reported their mode of transportation to school using a validated illustrated questionnaire. Changes were tested with chi square statistics and McNemar's test. RESULTS: Cross-sectional data showed a 17% decline in active commuting; a decrease from 49% in 2002 to 41% in 2007. On the other hand, active commuting among the 733 children increased as they entered adolescence 5years later, rising from 40% to 49%. CONCLUSION: Active commuting to school decreased in Brazilian children aged 7-10years over a five year period; whereas, it increased among children entering adolescence. Policies should focus on safety and environmental determinants to increase active commuting.
Audit report on Clarke Community School District in Osceola, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2007
Audit report on Sheldon Community School District in Sheldon, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2007
Audit report on Perry Community School District in Perry, Iowa for the year ended June 30, 2007
We study the effect of providing relative performance feedback information onperformance, when individuals are rewarded according to their absolute performance. Anatural experiment that took place in a high school offers an unusual opportunity to testthis effect in a real-effort setting. For one year only, students received information thatallowed them to know whether they were performing above (below) the class average aswell as the distance from this average. We exploit a rich panel data set and find that theprovision of this information led to an increase of 5% in students grades. Moreover, theeffect was significant for the whole distribution. However, once the information wasremoved, the effect disappeared. To rule out the concern that the effect may beartificially driven by teachers within the school, we verify our results using nationallevel exams (externally graded) for the same students, and the effect remains.
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education
Monthly newsletter produced by Iowa Department of Education