997 resultados para Saarimaa, Anja


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OBJECTIVES We sought to analyze the time course of atrial fibrillation (AF) episodes before and after circular plus linear left atrial ablation and the percentage of patients with complete freedom from AF after ablation by using serial seven-day electrocardiograms (ECGs). BACKGROUND The curative treatment of AF targets the pathophysiological corner stones of AF (i.e., the initiating triggers and/or the perpetuation of AF). The pathophysiological complexity of both may not result in an "all-or-nothing" response but may modify number and duration of AF episodes. METHODS In patients with highly symptomatic AF, circular plus linear ablation lesions were placed around the left and right pulmonary veins, between the two circles, and from the left circle to the mitral annulus using the electroanatomic mapping system. Repetitive continuous 7-day ECGs administered before and after catheter ablation were used for rhythm follow-up. RESULTS In 100 patients with paroxysmal (n = 80) and persistent (n = 20) AF, relative duration of time spent in AF significantly decreased over time (35 +/- 37% before ablation, 26 +/- 41% directly after ablation, and 10 +/- 22% after 12 months). Freedom from AF stepwise increased in patients with paroxysmal AF and after 12 months measured at 88% or 74% depending on whether 24-h ECG or 7-day ECG was used. Complete pulmonary vein isolation was demonstrated in <20% of the circular lesions. CONCLUSIONS The results obtained in patients with AF treated with circular plus linear left atrial lesions strongly indicate that substrate modification is the main underlying pathophysiologic mechanism and that it results in a delayed cure instead of an immediate cure.


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The electroanatomic mapping system Carto((R)) with its combination of anatomic and electrophysiologic information has substantially improved our understanding of arrhythmia mechanisms and substrates in patients with ventricular tachycardia (VT) and structural heart disease. Identification of the individual arrhythmogenic substrate and successful ablation guided by the combination of sinus rhythm voltage mapping and conventional electrophysiologic techniques like pace and activation/entrainment mapping are best described for patients with recurrent VT in remote myocardial infarction. In about 75-90% of the patients, the target VT can be ablated with acute success and the patients remain free of any VT recurrence in up to 75%. First results of electroanatomically guided ablation in patients with arrhythmogenic right ventricular dysplasia are promising. Data on ablation of VT in other structural heart diseases are very limited, since the arrhythmogenic substrate is very diffuse, e. g., in dilated cardiomyopathy, or there are only small patient numbers, e. g., for cardiac sarcoidosis or monomorphic VT after repair of congenital heart disease. In this article, the current status of electroanatomically guided endocardial mapping and ablation of VT in patients with structural heart disease is described.


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Bone-anchored hearing implants (BAHI) are routinely used to alleviate the effects of the acoustic head shadow in single-sided sensorineural deafness (SSD). In this study, the influence of the directional microphone setting and the maximum power output of the BAHI sound processor on speech understanding in noise in a laboratory setting were investigated. Eight adult BAHI users with SSD participated in this pilot study. Speech understanding in noise was measured using a new Slovak speech-in-noise test in two different spatial settings, either with noise coming from the front and noise from the side of the BAHI (S90N0) or vice versa (S0N90). In both spatial settings, speech understanding was measured without a BAHI, with a Baha BP100 in omnidirectional mode, with a BP100 in directional mode, with a BP110 power in omnidirectional and with a BP110 power in directional mode. In spatial setting S90N0, speech understanding in noise with either sound processor and in either directional mode was improved by 2.2-2.8 dB (p = 0.004-0.016). In spatial setting S0N90, speech understanding in noise was reduced by either BAHI, but was significantly better by 1.0-1.8 dB, if the directional microphone system was activated (p = 0.046), when compared to the omnidirectional setting. With the limited number of subjects in this study, no statistically significant differences were found between the two sound processors.


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OBJECTIVE To compare speech understanding of the BAHA BP110 and BAHA Intenso sound processors. STUDY DESIGN Prospective experimental study. SETTING Tertiary referral center. PATIENTS Twenty experienced user of osseointegrated auditory implants with conductive or mixed hearing loss. INTERVENTIONS In a first session, half of the participants were fitted with an Intenso, the other half with a BP110. After 1 month of use, aided speech understanding in quiet and in noise was measured, and the other test processor was fitted. One month later, speech understanding with the second sound processor was assessed. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Speech understanding in quiet and in noise, with noise arriving either from the front, the rear, or the side of the user with the osseointegrated bone conductor. RESULTS Significant improvements were found for both processors for speech understanding in quiet (+9.6 to +34.8 percent points; p = 0.02 to 0.001) and in noise (+6.2 to +13.8 dB, p < 0.001). No significant differences were found between the 2 devices for speech in quiet. For noise from the rear, subjects were able to understand speech at signal-to-noise ratios which were lower (less favorable) by -5.1 dB (p < 0.001) when compared with the Intenso. CONCLUSION Speech understanding is substantially improved by both devices, with no significant differences between the sound processors in quiet. In noise, speech understanding is significantly better with the BP110 when compared to the Intenso for noise from the rear.


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The human olfactory bulb (OB) is the first relay station of the olfactory pathway and may have the potential for postnatal neurogenesis in early childhood. In animals, chronic stress affects the OB and olfactory functioning. For humans, it has been shown that major depressive disorder is accompanied by reduced OB volume and reduced olfactory function. However, it is not clear if major stress in childhood development also affects olfactory functioning and OB volume in humans. OB volume was measured and olfactory function was tested in 17 depressive patients with and 10 without a history of severe childhood maltreatment (CM). CM patients exhibited a significantly reduced olfactory threshold and identification ability. The OB volume of the CM patients was significantly reduced to 80% of the non-CM patients. In conclusion, postnatal neurogenesis might be by reduced in CM, which may affect olfactory function of the brain in later life. Alternatively, a reduced OB volume may enhance psychological vulnerability in the presence of adverse childhood conditions although other areas not analyzed in this study may also be involved.


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There is controversy whether determination of antibodies against myelin, myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, and myelin basic protein in serum from patients with a first episode suggestive of multiple sclerosis is of prognostic value. We evaluated whether detection of antimyelin antibodies in serum indicates a worse course with earlier time to a second relapse and increased progression of disability. We conducted a prospective study at the Department of Neurology, Inselspital Bern, Switzerland from 2004 to 2008 in patients presenting with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) and a follow-up of at least 4 months. Antimyelin antibodies were assessed by Western blot. Results were correlated with clinical course and sex. Among 93 consecutive patients with a CIS, 74 (80%) were positive for either one or both antimyelin antibodies. A relapse occurred in 49 (53%) and the median EDSS was 2 (range 1-3.5) after a mean observation period of 20 months. Presence of antimyelin antibodies at CIS neither increased the risk for a second relapse nor for progression of disability. Stratification for gender did not reveal differences for any of the clinical surrogates. The sole determination of antimyelin antibodies in serum is of limited prognostic value for the identification of patients with different short-term course.


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Mit Ablauf des Sommersemesters 2011 wurden Bachelor-Absolventen bereits an mehr als 2/3 der psychologischen Universitätsinstitute in Deutschland verabschiedet. Es war daher an der Zeit, sich ein genaueres Bild von den Erfahrungen und den Plänen der Absolventen zu machen und natürlich auch etwas über die Erfüllung dieser Pläne zu erfahren. Die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Psychologie1 hat daher erstmals eine Absolventenbefragung durchgeführt, mit der unter anderem, neben studiumsbezogenen Themen, Fragen beantwortet werden sollten wie zum Beispiel: Wie viele Studierende streben einen Masterabschluss in Psychologie an? Wie groß waren die Schwierigkeiten, einen Masterstudienplatz zu erhalten? Wie groß ist der Wunsch, den Ort nach dem Bachelorabschluss zu wechseln? Welche Erfahrungen haben diejenigen gemacht, die direkt auf den Arbeitsmarkt streben? Die Befragung fand im Februar/März 2012 statt und richtete sich an Bachelorabsolventen und -studierende des Jahrgangs 2008. Deren Regelstudienzeit endete mit dem Sommersemester 2011. Die Meinungen und Erfahrungen der beiden großen Teilgruppen-erstens derjenigen, die ihr Studium regelgemäß beendet hatten, zweitens derjenigen, die sich zum Zeitpunkt der Befragung im siebten Semester befanden-waren von Interesse.


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Es wird der Einfluss der sozialen Herkunft, politischen Kommunikation und religiösen Erziehung im Elternhaus auf das Wahlverhalten im Lebensverlauf untersucht. Im Mittelpunkt stehen das Ausmaß der Vererbung elterlicher Parteiidentifikationen und die Dauer ihrer Einflüsse auf das Wahlverhalten nachfolgender Generationen. Die empirischen Analysen erfolgen mit Hilfe retrospektiver Längsschnittdaten. Die empirischen Befunde untermauern die nachhaltige Wirkung der sozialen Herkunft, der religiösen Erziehung und der elterlichen Parteineigungen auf das Wahlverhalten. Jedoch schwindet mit steigendem Alter das Ausmaß der intergenerationalen Vererbung von Parteiidentifikation. Des Weiteren verlieren in der Abfolge politischer Generationen elterliche Parteineigungen deutlich an Bedeutung für das Wahlverhalten ihrer Kinder.


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Cryptic species, i.e. species that are morphologically hard to distinguish, have been detected repeatedly in various taxa and ecosystems. In order to evaluate the importance of this finding, we have to know in how far cryptic species differ in various aspects of their biology. The amphipod Gammarus fossarum is a key invertebrate in freshwater streams and contains several cryptic species. We examined the population genetic structure, genetic diversity and demographic history of two of them (type A and type B) using microsatellite markers and asked whether they show significant differences. We present results of population genetic analyses based on a total of 37 populations from the headwaters of two major European drainages, Rhine and Rhone. We found that, in both species, genetic diversity was geographically structured among and within drainages. For type A in the Rhine and type B in the Rhone, we detected significant patterns of isolation by distance. The increase of genetic differentiation with geographical distance, however, was much higher in type A than in type B. This result indicates substantial interspecific differences in population history and/or the extent of current gene flow between populations. In the Rhine, type B does not show evidence of isolation by distance, and population differentiation is relatively low across hundreds of kilometres. The majority of these populations also show signatures of recent bottlenecks. These patterns are consistent with a recent expansion of type B into the Rhine drainage. In summary, our results suggest considerable and previously unrecognized interspecific differences in the genetic structure of these cryptic keystone species.


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The human insulin gene enhancer-binding protein islet-1 (ISL1) is a transcription factor involved in the differentiation of the neuroendocrine pancreatic cells. Recent studies identified ISL1 as a marker for pancreatic well-differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasms. However, little is known about ISL1 expression in pancreatic poorly differentiated and in extrapancreatic well and poorly differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasms. We studied the immunohistochemical expression of ISL1 in 124 neuroendocrine neoplasms. Among pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms, 12/13 with poor differentiation were negative, whereas 5/7 with good differentiation but a Ki67 >20% were positive. In extrapancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms, strong positivity was found in Merkel cell carcinomas (25/25), pulmonary small cell neuroendocrine carcinomas (21/23), medullary thyroid carcinomas (9/9), paragangliomas/pheochromocytomas (6/6), adrenal neuroblastomas (8/8) and head and neck neuroendocrine carcinomas (4/5), whereas no or only weak staining was recorded in pulmonary carcinoids (3/15), olfactory neuroblastomas (1/4) and basaloid head and neck squamous cell carcinomas (0/15). ISL1 stained the neuroendocrine carcinoma component of 5/8 composite carcinomas and also normal neuroendocrine cells in the thyroid, adrenal medulla, stomach and colorectum. Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasms, regardless of their ISL1 expression, were usually TP53 positive. Our results show the almost ubiquitous expression of ISL1 in extrapancreatic poorly differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasms and neuroblastic malignancies and its common loss in pancreatic poorly differentiated neuroendocrine neoplasms. These findings modify the role of ISL1 as a marker for pancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms and suggest that ISL1 has a broader involvement in differentiation and growth of neuroendocrine neoplasms than has so far been assumed.