869 resultados para SWEATING EFFICIENCY
ABSTRACTThe raw sugarcane harvesting system has changed the dynamics of weed tillage for this crop, changing the predominant weed species and providing a barrier between the herbicide and the soil. Thus, this study has aimed to assess the influence of precipitation and sugarcane straw in the aminocyclopyrachlor and indaziflam herbicides control efficiency for the species Ipomoea trilobaand Euphorbia heterophylla. There were two trials, one for aminocyclopyrachlor and one for the indaziflam, both in the greenhouse at the campus of Faculdade Integrado in the Brazilian city of Campo Mourão, PR. Each experiment consisted of eight treatments with four replications. The treatments consisted of the combination of the presence of straw (10 t ha-1), capillary irrigation and rainfall simulation (20 mm). Assessments of control percentage of I.triloba and E.heterophylla were carried out, as well as the number of plants per pot. The aminocyclopyrachlor and indaziflam herbicides applied directly to the soil were efficient in controlling these species. The 20 mm rainfall simulation or daily irrigation on the straw are indispensable to promote the removal of aminocyclopyrachlor and indaziflam from the straw and provide satisfactory control of I.triloba and E.heterophylla.
ABSTRACTInadequate herbicide application can result in failures in weed control and/or poisoning of the crops, resulting in yield losses. In this research were assessed the effects of the sprayer nozzle boom height in the distribution of the spray solution for weed control, influencing intoxication of beans and crop yield. Experiments were conducted in laboratory and field conditions. In laboratory, the performance of flat spray tip TT 11002 was assessed at heights 0.20, 0.30, 0.40 and 0.50 meters with respect to the target surface. In the field the same heights were assessed in applications of herbicides fomesafen, fluazifop-P-butyl and fomesafen + fluazifop-P-butyl. There was an inverse relationship between the height of the spray boom and the coefficients of variation of the patterns. The mixture better efficiency in a tank of fluazifop-P-butyl + fomesafen was obtained with the height of 0.50 m from the target. This treatment resulted in better weed control, lower poisoning of the bean plants and better crop yield rates.
ABSTRACT Understanding the critical period of weed competition is indispensable in the development of an effective weed management program in field crops. Current experiment was planned to evaluate the critical growth period ofSetaria and level of yield losses associated with delay in weeding in rain-fed drip irrigated wheat production system of Saudi Arabia. Field experiment was conducted to evaluate the effect of weeding interval (07-21, 14-28, 21-35, 28-42 and 35-49 days after sowing) and drought stress (75% and 50% of field capacity) on Setaria growth, wheat yield and water use efficiency. Season long weedy check and wellwatered (100% FC) plots were also maintained for comparison. Weeding interval and drought stress significantly (p ≤ 0.05) affected the growth and yield of Setaria and wheat. Drought stress from 75% to 50% FC resulted in reductions of 29-40% in Setaria height, 14-27% in Setaria density and 11-26% in Setaria dry biomass. All weeding intervals except 35-49 DAS significantly suppressedSetaria growth as compared with control. Delay in weeding increased weed-crop competition interval and reduced wheat yield and yield contributors. Therefore, the lowest yield of 1836 kg ha-1 was attained for weeding interval of 35-49 DAS at 50% FC. Water use efficiency and harvest index increased with decreasing FC levels but reduced with delay in weeding. Correlation analysis predicted negative association ofSetariadensity with wheat yield and yield contributors and the highest negative association was for harvest index (-0.913) and water use efficiency (-0.614). Early management of Setaria is imperative for successful wheat production otherwise yield losses are beyond economical limits.
ABSTRACT Weeds have the potential to dramatically interfere in cassava cultivation, reducing its productive potential; however, there are few studies on the selective herbicides in this crop. Therefore, the objective was to evaluate in this work the selectivity and efficiency of sulfentrazone in cassava crops grown in sandy and clayey soils. Two experiments were carried out: The first one was carried out in sandy soil conditions in the conventional system; and the second one was carried out in clayey soil conditions in the no-tillage system. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications. The treatments consisted in doses of 250, 500, 750 and 1,000 g ha-1 of sulfentrazone, and weeded and non-weeded controls. Sulfentrazone application in cassava crops has linearly reduced the production of roots in a proportion of 0.0153 and 0.0107 t ha-1 at each increment in grams of the active ingredient, respectively. It was concluded that sulfentrazone was not selective for cassava crops grown both in sandy and in clayey soil; however, it was highly effective in weed control in both soils.
An energy model of a belt conveyor was designed. Operation of a belt conveyor was researched. Operational indexes were calculated. Energy optimization process and recommendations were presented.
Distillation is a unit operation of process industry, which is used to separate a liquid mixture into two or more products and to concentrate liquid mixtures. A drawback of the distillation is its high energy consumption. An increase in energy and raw material prices has led to seeking ways to improve the energy efficiency of distillation. In this Master's Thesis, these ways are studied in connection with the concentration of hydrogen peroxide at the Solvay Voikkaa Plant. The aim of this thesis is to improve the energy efficiency of the concentration of the Voikkaa Plant. The work includes a review of hydrogen peroxide and its manufacturing. In addition, the fundamentals of distillation and its energy efficiency are reviewed. An energy analysis of the concentration unit of Solvay Voikkaa Plant is presented in the process development study part. It consists of the current and past information of energy and utility consumptions, balances, and costs. After that, the potential ways to improve the energy efficiency of the distillation unit at the factory are considered and their feasibility is evaluated technically and economically. Finally, proposals to improve the energy efficiency are suggested. Advanced process control, heat integration and energy efficient equipment are the most potential ways to carry out the energy efficient improvements of the concentration at the Solvay Voikkaa factory. Optimization of the reflux flow and the temperatures of the overhead condensers can offer immediate savings in the energy and utility costs without investments. Replacing the steam ejector system with a vacuum pump would result in savings of tens of thousands of euros per year. The heat pump solutions, such as utilizing a mechanical vapor recompression or thermal vapor recompression, are not feasible due to the high investment costs and long pay back times.
In the present study we evaluated T cell proliferation and Th lymphokine patterns in response to gp43 from Paracoccidioides brasiliensis presented by isolated dendritic cells from susceptible and resistant mice. T cell proliferation assays showed that dendritic cells from susceptible mice were less efficient than those from resistant mice. The pattern of T cell lymphokines stimulated by dendritic cells was always Th1, although the levels of IL-2 and IFN-gamma were lower in T cell cultures from susceptible mice. To determie whether different antigen-presenting cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells stimulated different concentrations of Th1 lymphokines, the production of IFN-gamma and IL-2 was measured. It was observed that dendritic cells were more efficient than macrophages in stimulating lymphoproliferation in resistant mice. However, no significant difference was observed for IFN-gamma or IL-2 production. When cells from susceptible mice were used, macrophages were more efficient in stimulating lymphoproliferation than dendritic cells, but no difference was observed in the production of Th1 cytokine. Taken together, these results suggest the lower efficiency of dendritic cells and macrophages from B10.A mice in stimulating T cells that secrete Th1 lymphokines in vitro, an effect that may be involved in the progression of the disease in vivo.
Plasma and tissue testosterone concentrations were determined by radioimmunoassay in 12 eight-month-old sexually mature New Zealand White rabbits and evaluated for possible associations with spermatogenic efficiency as well as with volume density and number of Leydig cells. Testicular tissue was processed histologically and histometry was performed in order to quantify germ cells, Sertoli cells and Leydig cells. Spermatogenic efficiency, reported as the ratios among germ cells (spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes and round spermatids) and by the ratio of germ cells to Sertoli cells, was not associated with testosterone levels. However, Leydig cell parameters such as number of Leydig cells per gram of testis, total number of Leydig cells per testis and percent cell volume of Leydig cell nuclei were correlated significantly with testosterone levels. The statistically significant correlation (r = 0.82, P<0.05) observed between testosterone levels and the number of Leydig cells per gram of testis suggests that, in the rabbit, the latter parameter can serve as a criterion for monitoring testosterone levels in this species under normal conditions.
The aim of this project was to develop general framework for systematic assessment of energy efficiency of heating on regional level in Russia. The framework created during this project includes two main instruments, namely: general regional heating energy efficiency assessment model (REEMod) and general regional heating energy efficiency assessment criteria for housing areas (REECrit). Framework pays extreme attention to realization of energy saving, overall cost efficiency and comfortable indoor climate. Life-cycle ideology was applied during creation of the framework. Application of the framework can provide decision-making process with systematically collected and processed information on current state of areas energy efficiency. Such information will help decision makers to evaluate current situation of the whole energy chain, to compare different development scenarios and to identify the most efficient improvement methods, thus supporting realization of regions efficient energy management. Simultaneous pursuit of energy savings, cost efficiency and indoor air quality can contribute to development of sustainable community. Presented instruments should be continuously developed further as an iterative process based on knew experience, development of technology and overall understanding of energy efficiency issues.
Virtual environments and real-time simulators (VERS) are becoming more and more important tools in research and development (R&D) process of non-road mobile machinery (NRMM). The virtual prototyping techniques enable faster and more cost-efficient development of machines compared to use of real life prototypes. High energy efficiency has become an important topic in the world of NRMM because of environmental and economic demands. The objective of this thesis is to develop VERS based methods for research and development of NRMM. A process using VERS for assessing effects of human operators on the life-cycle efficiency of NRMM was developed. Human in the loop simulations are ran using an underground mining loader to study the developed process. The simulations were ran in the virtual environment of the Laboratory of Intelligent Machines of Lappeenranta University of Technology. A physically adequate real-time simulation model of NRMM was shown to be reliable and cost effective in testing of hardware components by the means of hardware-in-the-loop (HIL) simulations. A control interface connecting integrated electro-hydraulic energy converter (IEHEC) with virtual simulation model of log crane was developed. IEHEC consists of a hydraulic pump-motor and an integrated electrical permanent magnet synchronous motorgenerator. The results show that state of the art real-time NRMM simulators are capable to solve factors related to energy consumption and productivity of the NRMM. A significant variation between the test drivers is found. The results show that VERS can be used for assessing human effects on the life-cycle efficiency of NRMM. HIL simulation responses compared to that achieved with conventional simulation method demonstrate the advances and drawbacks of various possible interfaces between the simulator and hardware part of the system under study. Novel ideas for arranging the interface are successfully tested and compared with the more traditional one. The proposed process for assessing the effects of operators on the life-cycle efficiency will be applied for wider group of operators in the future. Driving styles of the operators can be analysed statistically from sufficient large result data. The statistical analysis can find the most life-cycle efficient driving style for the specific environment and machinery. The proposed control interface for HIL simulation need to be further studied. The robustness and the adaptation of the interface in different situations must be verified. The future work will also include studying the suitability of the IEHEC for different working machines using the proposed HIL simulation method.
The present study evaluated whether the luteal phase elevation of body temperature would be offset during exercise by increased sweating, when women are normally hydrated. Eleven women performed 60 min of cycling exercise at 60% of their maximal work load at 32ºC and 80% relative air humidity. Each subject participated in two identical experimental sessions: one during the follicular phase (between days 5 and 8) and the other during the luteal phase (between days 22 and 25). Women with serum progesterone >3 ng/mL, in the luteal phase were classified as group 1 (N = 4), whereas the others were classified as group 2 (N = 7). Post-exercise urine volume (213 ± 80 vs 309 ± 113 mL) and specific urine gravity (1.008 ± 0.003 vs 1.006 ± 0.002) changed (P < 0.05) during the luteal phase compared to the follicular phase in group 1. No menstrual cycle dependence was observed for these parameters in group 2. Sweat rate was higher (P < 0.05) in the luteal (3.10 ± 0.81 g m-2 min-1) than in the follicular phase (2.80 ± 0.64 g m-2 min-1) only in group 1. During exercise, no differences related to menstrual cycle phases were seen in rectal temperature, heart rate, rate of perceived exertion, mean skin temperature, and pre- and post-exercise body weight. Women exercising in a warm and humid environment with water intake seem to be able to adapt to the luteal phase increase of basal body temperature through reduced urinary volume and increased sweating rate.
Nowadays the energy efficiency has become one of the most concerned topics. Compressors are the equipment, which is very common in industry. Moreover, they tend to operate during long cycles and therefore even small decrease in power consumption can significantly reduce electricity costs during the year. And therefore it is important to investigate ways of increasing the energy efficiency of the compressors. In the thesis rotary screw compressor alongside with different control approaches is described. Simulation models for various control types of rotary screw compressor are developed. Analysis of laboratory equipment is conducted and results are compared with simulation. Suggestions of the real laboratory equipment improvement are given.
The goal of this thesis is to estimate the effect of the form of knowledge representation on the efficiency of knowledge sharing. The objectives include the design of an experimental framework which would allow to establish this effect, data collection, and statistical analysis of the collected data. The study follows the experimental quantitative design. The experimental questionnaire features three sample forms of knowledge: text, mind maps, concept maps. In the interview, these forms are presented to an interviewee, afterwards the knowledge sharing time and knowledge sharing quality are measured. According to the statistical analysis of 76 interviews, text performs worse in both knowledge sharing time and quality compared to visualized forms of knowledge representation. However, mind maps and concept maps do not differ in knowledge sharing time and quality, since this difference is not statistically significant. Since visualized structured forms of knowledge perform better than unstructured text in knowledge sharing, it is advised for companies to foster the usage of these forms in knowledge sharing processes inside the company. Aside of performance in knowledge sharing, the visualized structured forms are preferable due the possibility of their usage in the system of ontological knowledge management within an enterprise.
Recent advances have raised hope that transplantation of adherent somatic cells could provide dramatic new therapies for various diseases. However, current methods for transplanting adherent somatic cells are not efficient enough for therapeutic applications. Here, we report the development of a novel method to generate quasi-natural cell blocks for high-efficiency transplantation of adherent somatic cells. The blocks were created by providing a unique environment in which cultured cells generated their own extracellular matrix. Initially, stromal cells isolated from mice were expanded in vitro in liquid cell culture medium followed by transferring the cells into a hydrogel shell. After incubation for 1 day with mechanical agitation, the encapsulated cell mass was perforated with a thin needle and then incubated for an additional 6 days to form a quasi-natural cell block. Allograft transplantation of the cell block into C57BL/6 mice resulted in perfect adaptation of the allograft and complete integration into the tissue of the recipient. This method could be widely applied for repairing damaged cells or tissues, stem cell transplantation, ex vivo gene therapy, or plastic surgery.
The oxygen uptake efficiency slope (OUES) is a submaximal index incorporating cardiovascular, peripheral, and pulmonary factors that determine the ventilatory response to exercise. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of continuous exercise training and interval exercise training on the OUES in patients with coronary artery disease. Thirty-five patients (59.3±1.8 years old; 28 men, 7 women) with coronary artery disease were randomly divided into two groups: continuous exercise training (n=18) and interval exercise training (n=17). All patients performed graded exercise tests with respiratory gas analysis before and 3 months after the exercise-training program to determine ventilatory anaerobic threshold (VAT), respiratory compensation point, and peak oxygen consumption (peak VO2). The OUES was assessed based on data from the second minute of exercise until exhaustion by calculating the slope of the linear relation between oxygen uptake and the logarithm of total ventilation. After the interventions, both groups showed increased aerobic fitness (P<0.05). In addition, both the continuous exercise and interval exercise training groups demonstrated an increase in OUES (P<0.05). Significant associations were observed in both groups: 1) continuous exercise training (OUES and peak VO2 r=0.57; OUES and VO2 VAT r=0.57); 2) interval exercise training (OUES and peak VO2 r=0.80; OUES and VO2 VAT r=0.67). Continuous and interval exercise training resulted in a similar increase in OUES among patients with coronary artery disease. These findings suggest that improvements in OUES among CAD patients after aerobic exercise training may be dependent on peripheral and central mechanisms.