905 resultados para SAW-Welding


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Durant els últims anys la demanda de filtres pas banda de ràdio freqüència, de reduïdes dimensions, lleugers i d'elevades prestacions destinats a sistemes de comunicacions inalàmbriques s'ha incrementat de forma significativa. Aquests sistemes principalment són els sistemes de telefonia mòbil de tercera generació UMTS y el sistema de navegació GPS. Els filtres actuals, basats en ressonadors SAW (Surface Acoustic Wave), tenen unes dimensions reduïdes però estan limitats en freqüència (3 GHz) i la seva tecnologia no és compatible amb les tecnologies estàndards de circuits integrats. Per aquestes raons s'espera que els filtres basats en ressonadors BAW (Bulk Acoustic Wave) substitueixin als SAW. Els dos tenen dimensions similars, però els filtres BAW poden funcionar a freqüències superiors a 3 GHz, poden treballar amb nivells de potència majors, i és important destacar el fet que la seva tecnologia és compatible amb les tecnologies estàndards de circuits integrats. La investigació en l'àmbit dels filtres BAW s'ha centrat en millorar els processos tecnològics i la qualitat dels materials, però s'ha treballat poc en l'adaptació de les tècniques sistemàtiques de disseny de filtres a les particularitats d'aquesta tecnologia, per tant el principal objectiu d'aquest treball és presentar mètodes sistemàtics per al disseny de filtres BAW, centrant-se en l'estudi d’estructures apilades.


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The eight years from 2000 to 2008 saw a rapid growth in the use of securitization by UK banks. We aim to identify the reasons that contributed to this rapid growth. The time period (2000 to 2010) covered by our study is noteworthy as it covers the pre- financial crisis credit-boom, the peak of the fi nancial crisis and its aftermath. In the wake of the financial crisis, many governments, regulators and political commentators have pointed an accusing finger at the securitization market - even in the absence of a detailed statistical and economic analysis. We contribute to the extant literature by performing such an analysis on UK banks, focussing principally on whether it is the need for liquidity (i.e. the funding of their balance sheets), or the desire to engage in regulatory capital arbitrage or the need for credit risk transfer that has led to UK banks securitizing their assets. We show that securitization has been signi ficantly driven by liquidity reasons. In addition, we observe a positive link between securitization and banks credit risk. We interpret these latter findings as evidence that UK banks which engaged in securitization did so, in part, to transfer credit risk and that, in comparison to UK banks which did not use securitization, they had more credit risk to transfer in the sense that they originated lower quality loans and held lower quality assets. We show that banks which issued more asset-backed securities before the financial crisis suffered more defaults after the financial crisis.


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Over the past four decades, advanced economies experienced a large growth in gross external portfolio positions. This phenomenon has been described as Financial Globalization. Over roughly the same time frame, most of these countries also saw a substantial fall in the level and variability of inflation. Many economists have conjectured that financial globalization contributed to the improved performance in the level and predictability of inflation. In this paper, we explore the causal link running in the opposite direction. We show that a monetary policy rule which reduces inflation variability leads to an increase in the size of gross external positions, both in equity and bond portfolios. This appears to be a robust prediction of open economy macro models with endogenous portfolio choice. It holds across different modeling specifications and parameterizations. We also present preliminary empirical evidence which shows a negative relationship between inflation volatility and the size of gross external positions.


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Sir James Lighthill proposed in 1992 that acoustic streaming occurs in the inner ear, as part of the cochlear amplifier mechanism. Here we hypothesize that some of the most ancient organisms use acoustic streaming not only for self-propulsion but also to enhance their nutrient uptake. We focus on a motile strain of Synechococcus, a yanobacteria whose mechanism for self-propulsion is not known. Molecular motors could work like piezoelectric transducers acting on the crystalline structure surrounding the outer cell membrane. Our calculations show that a traveling surface acoustic wave (SAW)could account for the observed velocities. These SAW waves will also produce a non-negligible Stokes layer surrounding the cell: motion within this region being essentially chaotic. Therefore, an AS mechanism would be biologically advantageous, enhancing localized diffusion processes and consequently, chemical reactions. We believe that acoustic streaming, produced by nanometer scale membrane vibrations could be widespread in cell biology. Other possible instances are yeast cells and erythrocytes. Flows generated by acoustic streaming may also be produced by silica coated diatoms along their raphe. We note that microelectromechanical (MEMS) acoustic streaming devices were first introduced in the 1990’s. Nature may have preceded this invention by 2.7 Gyr.


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En los últimos tiempos la telefonía móvil ha experimentado una reducción de los terminales gracias a la miniaturización de los filtros a frecuencias de microondas. Los filtros pasa banda más utilizados son los basados en la tecnología SAW, sin embargo son incompatibles con tecnologías de silicio y su comportamiento se degrada a frecuencias superiores de 3 GHz, por ello los estudios actuales se centran en la tecnología BAW. Las dos arquitecturas convencionales de filtros basados en resonadores BAW unidos eléctricamente son el ladder y lattice. Sin embargo, en este proyecto se estudiará la topología half lattice, la cual presenta un mejor comportamiento y unas dimensiones más reducidas. Para ello se obtendrán las ecuaciones de diseño del filtro, y con ellas se realizará la implementación a partir de la frecuencia central y el ancho de banda relativo.


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Degut als avenços als dispositius de telecomunicacions durant l’última dècada, els filtres integrats en aquests dispositius requereixen de millors prestacions, baix cost i, per sobre de tot, requereixen unes dimensions el més reduïdes possibles. Tot i que avui dia encara s’utilitzen el filtres SAW en aquests dispositius, cada cop més s’estan substituint pels filtres amb tecnologia BAW, ja que tenen millors prestacions. En l’actualitat la topologia BAW més extensa i utilitzada és la topologia en escala. En aquest projecte s’ha portat a terme un estudi en profunditat de les limitacions dels filtres en escala. A partir de les limitacions detectades s’ha presentat una nova estructura de disseny per aquest tipus de filtres que redueix les dimensions d’aquests i millora considerablement algunes de les limitacions de l’estructura convencional. Paral·lelament s’ha desenvolupat una metodologia sistemàtica pròpia pel disseny de la nova estructura.


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The economic recession with its accompanying rise in unemployment rates is linked to extremely adverse effects for men’s mental health. This research report Facing the Challenge – The Impact of the Recession and Unemployment on Men’s Health in Ireland identifies a strong expectation of increased mental health problems for men given the very strong correlation between unemployment and male mental ill health. The report is the result of a research and consultation process carried out, in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, by Nexus Research Co-operative on behalf of IPH. 93% of frontline organisations, North and South, in contact with unemployed men linked health challenges to unemployment and recession and all organisations surveyed noted adverse health challenges for men they work with. In addition to health challenges being higher for unemployed men, they were also very high for men who saw themselves as being threatened with unemployment. The organisations surveyed and the men who were interviewed identified the challenges to health as:•    High levels of stress or anxiety•    Dependency on or over-use of alcohol/other drugs•    Deterioration in physical health•    Development of conflict in family or close personal relationships•    Isolation (including sharing or communicating problems)•    A reluctance to approach services or seek help


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Occupational exposures to wood dust have been associated with an elevated risk of sinonasal cancer (SNC). Wood dust is recognized as a human carcinogen but the specific cancer causative agent remains unknown. One possible explanation is a co-exposure to; wood dust and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). PAHs could be generated during incomplete combustion of wood due to heat created by use of power tools. To determine if PAHs are generated from wood during common wood working operations, PAH concentrations in wood dust samples collected in an experimental chamber operated under controlled conditions were analyzed. In addition, personal air samples from workers exposed to wood dust (n = 30) were collected. Wood dust was generated using three different power tools: vibrating sander, belt sander, and saw; and six wood materials: fir, Medium Density Fiberboard (MDF), beech, mahogany, oak and wood melamine. Monitoring of wood workers was carried out by means of personal sampler device during wood working operations. We measured 21 PAH concentrations in wood dust samples by capillary gas chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Total PAH concentrations in wood dust varied greatly (0.24-7.95 ppm) with the lowest being in MDF dust and the highest in wood melamine dust. Personal PAH exposures were between 37.5-119.8 ng m(-3) during wood working operations. Our results suggest that PAH exposures are present during woodworking operations and hence could play a role in the mechanism of cancer induction related to wood dust exposure.


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Pursuant to a resolution of Dail Eireann passed on the 2nd day of June 1999 and a resolution of Seanad Eireann on the 2nd day of June 1999, the Minister for Health & Children, Brian Cowen, T.D., on the 8th of September 1999 made an Order appointing a Tribunal to which the Tribunals of Inquiry (Evidence) Act 1921 (as adapted and amended) applied, to inquire urgently into and report and make such findings and recommendations as it saw fit to the Clerk of Dail Eireann on the definite matters of urgent public importance set out in sub-paragraphs 1 to 14 of the resolutions passed by Dail Eireann and Seanad Eireann.   Download document here   • Appendix 1-5 (4.03 MB)• Appendix 6-10 (13.7 MB)• Appendix 11-14 (1.06 MB)• Appendix 15-19 (1.25 MB)• Appendix 20-25 (2.75 MB)• Appendix 26-30 (1.59 MB)• Appendix 31-35 (2.12 MB)• Appendix 36-40 (4.13 MB• Appendix 41-45 (613 KB)• Appendix 46-50 (884 KB)• Appendix 51-54 (6.08 MB)


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La investigación Condiciones para una arquitectura radical se ha desarrollado en el marco de la beca FI 2009-12; y también incluye una beca de movilidad BE-DGR 2009 por un período de seis meses de 2010 en Princeton University School of Architecture. Condiciones para una arquitectura radical tiene un objetivo general: trabajar las relaciones entre límite, experiencia y comunidad a partir de dos pilares: arte y tecnología. Son tres familias de conceptos y sus articulaciones complejas en el espacio común: para definir en última instancia, otros procesos posibles de gestión en la ciudad. La lucha ideológica está en pensar cual debería ser el futuro de las ciudades. El objetivo concreto de la tesis es la búsqueda de herramientas para abrir nuevos espacios en la ciudad donde materializar un cambio social y urbano. Para entender esta aproximación la investigación indaga en los momentos de acercamiento y simbiosis de la arquitectura a las tesis del arte y la tecnología: una mirada atenta a las condiciones de contexto. Se explora el cruce de algunas ideas emancipadoras que se formularon en diferentes momentos de la cultura - desde las vanguardias históricas hasta ahora- en los que se intuyó la importancia del sistema abierto -el paso del objeto al proceso- y su trasposición en arquitectura: una arquitectura y un urbanismo open source; son episodios en los que ha existido un cuestionamiento de las fronteras disciplinares y un interés por la apropiación convivencial de lo público. Algunas de aquellas ideas pueden repetirse en el contexto activo de unas nuevas condiciones.


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January 2010 saw the former Crisis Pregnancy Agencyâ?Ts integration into the Health Service Executive to become the HSE Crisis Pregnancy Programme. For most of 2010, the Programme was located in Children and Family Social Services Care Group in the Integrated Services Directorate and reported to Assistant National Director for Children and Family Social Services. The Programme commenced the process of forging links and relationships within the wider HSE and with services which support and add value to the work of the Programme. The Programme also made efforts to identify areas where it could share its expertise in the areas of crisis pregnancy and sexual health. In the latter part of 2010, the Programme was moved to Public Health with the aim of improving the alignment of the Programme to achieve better integration and create more opportunity to synchronise approaches with other related parts of the health service and to work more effectively at long term integration and planning 2012 - 2016.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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Soilse, the HSE addiction rehabilitation programme in Dublin North Central, experienced another challenging year in 2010. However, despite budget constraints and logistical and building difficulties, we prioritised the needs of recovering drug abusers with considerable success. Throughout the year, we had enquiries, referrals, programme uptake and successful outcomes. In terms of addiction, the problems are as enduring as ever with complex needs and limited progression opportunities. The rehabilitation strategy published in 2007 has had no practical effect. Yet Soilse saw a clear and positive impact from our work in terms of: stabilising service users; achieving detox; encouraging participants to move from our prescribed medication to our drugfree service; and consolidating these outcomes. Our evidence base continually validates our approach with people who want to become independent of services being facilitated to do so. Soilse did well in 2010 in terms of educational and vocational outcomes, particularly through FETAC but also through comprehensive care planning. We faced protracted difficulties as a result of the staff moratorium and budget cuts, but continued to deliver a professional service, keeping morale and performance high. Our service is based on the following practice standards: holistic assessment care planning care management interagency work quality assurance, and customer service involvementThis resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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To mark the two year anniversary since The Marmot Review ('Fair Society, Healthy Lives') was published, on the 15th of February the UCL Institute of Health Equity published new data on key health inequalities indicators at local authority level in England.Main Findings:Life Expectancy – this has historically been one of the main indicators of health inequalities.The Marmot Indicators from this year’s charts show the average life expectancy for eachlocal authority and the level of inequality within each authority area (7):-While overall life expectancy at birth in England increased by 0.3 years for both menand women between 2007-9 and 2008-10, inequalities in life expectancy betweenneighbourhoods increased by 0.1 years for men and showed no change for women-Among the 150 upper tier local authorities in England, life expectancy improved inthe majority of cases (133 areas saw improvements for men and 125 sawimprovements for women). However inequalities also increased in the majority ofareas (104 for men and 92 for women).-The largest increase in inequality in life expectancy was in West Berkshire for men(2.0 years) and inMiddlesbrough for women (2 years). The largest decreases ininequality were in Kensington and Chelsea for both men and women (1.9 and 1.1years respectively. To find out more, please read: - The press release, including key figures and main findings. - A blog by Michael Marmot about the data and it's implications. - Press coverage of the data in national and local newspapers and websites. - A powerpoint presentation on the key findings.


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Anomalous activations of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and posterior cerebral areas have been reported in previous studies of working memory in schizophrenia. Several interpretations have been reported: e.g., neural inefficiency, the use of different strategies and differences in the functional organization of the cerebral cortex. To better understand these abnormal activations, we investigated the cerebral bases of a working memory component process, namely refreshing (i.e., thinking briefly of a just-activated representation). Fifteen patients with schizophrenia and 15 control subjects participated in this functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) study. Participants were told that whenever they saw a word on the screen, they had to read it silently to themselves (read and repeat conditions), and when they saw a dot, they had to think of the just-previous word (refresh condition). The refresh condition (in comparison with the read condition) was associated with significantly increased activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus and significantly decreased connectivity within the prefrontal cortex and between the prefrontal and parietal cortices in patients with schizophrenia in comparison with control subjects. These results suggest that prefrontal dysfunctions in schizophrenia might be related to a defective ability to initiate (rather than to execute) specific cognitive processes.


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Résumé : Les mécanismes de sélection sexuelle, en particulier la compétition entre mâles (sélection inter-sexuelle) et le choix des femelles (sélection intra-sexuelle), peuvent fortement influencer le succès reproducteur d'un individu, c'est-à-dire son nombre de descendants. On observe ainsi que les mâles dominants et les mâles élaborant des caractères sexuels secondaires marqués ont un succès reproducteur élevé. Toutefois, le succès reproducteur ne suffit pas pour garantir une contribution génétique élevée, parce que la fitness dépend également de la performance des descendants (c'est-à-dire de leur survie et de leur propre succès reproducteur). Si cette performance dépend en partie des gènes paternels, les males ont un avantage certain à signaler leur qualité aux femelles afin d'atteindre des taux de reproduction élevé. Ce mécanisme de signalisation est connu sous le nom de 'good genes hypothesis', toutefois très peu d'études ont clairement démontré le lien entre la qualité génétique des individus et la signalisation. De plus, la performance des descendants peut aussi dépendre des effets génétiques de compatibilité entre mâles et femelles ('compatible genes'). C'est-à-dire que certains allèles paternels n'apporteraient un avantage aux descendants qu'en combinaison avec certains allèles maternels. Nous avons déterminé, durant la période de reproduction, le statut de dominance des mâles pour deux espèces de poissons d'eau douce : la truite (Salmo trotta) et le vairon (Phoxinus phoxinus), puis nous avons évalué la relation entre le succès reproducteur et le statut de dominance et/ou la quantité de signalisation des caractères sexuels secondaires. Nous avons également fécondés artificiellement des oeufs de truites et de corégones (Coregonus palaea), en croisant chaque mâle avec chaque femelle (full-factorial breeding design). Ce type de design autorise la quantification précise des effets génétiques et permet de séparer les effets de 'good genes' et de 'compatible genes'. Cela a été fait sous différentes intensités de stress bactérien, ainsi que dans des conditions naturelles, et nous avons pu ainsi tester si certains indicateurs de qualité génétique des mâles ('good genes') étaient liés a) à la dominance et/ou b) à l'expression des caractères sexuels secondaires des mâles comme l'intensité mélanique ou la taille des tubercules sexuels. En outre, nous cherchons à savoir si la survie des descendants est liée à certaines combinaison des gènes du complexe d'histocompatibilité majeur (MHC) et/ou à la parenté génétique des parents, les deux traits étant soupçonnés d'avoir des influences génétique de compatibilité (`compatible genes') à la performance des descendants. Nous avons constaté que la dominance des mâles est directement liée à la taille et au poids des mâles (truites, vairons), mais également aux caractères sexuels secondaires (tubercules). De plus, les mâles vairons dominant ont eu un succès de fécondation plus élevés que les mâles subordonnés. Nous montrons que les truites et corégones mâles diffèrent dans leur qualité génétique, qui a été mesurée avéc la survie embryonnaire, le temps avant l'éclosion et enfin la croissance juvénile. Contrairement aux prédictions, la dominance (ou les traits indicatifs de dominance) n'était liée à la qualité génétique, dans aucun des traitements, et ne fonctionne donc pas comme indicateur de qualité. Par contre, la qualité génétique était liée aux caractères sexuels secondaires, particulièrement par la teinte mélanique chez les truites. Les embryons de truites issus de pères sombres survivaient mieux que ceux issus de pères clairs dans des environnements difficiles, de plus leur croissance était plus élevée lors de leur première année dans des conditions naturelles. La taille des juvéniles lors de leur première année est un trait important lié au succès dans la compétition pour des ressources telles qu'abri ou nourriture. De plus, les femelles truites peuvent augmenter la survie de leurs descendants en choisissant des mâles selon leur type de MHC ou selon leur degré de parenté. En outre, chez les corégones, la morphologie des tubercules sexuels ne semble pas signaler la qualité génétique. Nous avons également remarqué que l'exposition à des pathogènes non-létaux pouvait influencer la performance des alevins à court et long terme, probablement en affaiblissant leur système immunitaire. Cette thèse montre que les mâles diffèrent dans leur qualité génétique et que différents mécanismes de sélection inter- ou intra-sexuelle (par exemple la préférence pour des mâles sombres, pour des génotypes MHC ou pour des couples avec degré de parenté basse) pouvait avoir un effet positif sur la qualité des descendants, bien que cet effet génétique pouvait changer au cours du temps et entre différents environnements. Contrairement à nos attentes, le résultat de la compétition intra-sexuelle (la hiérarchie de dominance entre mâles) n'était pas lié à la qualité génétique individuelle ('good genes'). Dans ce sens, ce travail permet également de contribuer à l'explication du fait que la sélection sexuelle, de par sa forte sélection directionnelle, ne conduit pas à la diminution de la variance génétique, mais plutôt à la maintenance du polymorphisme génétique. Summary : Sexual selection mechanisms, especially male-male competition (inteasexual selection) and female mate choice (inteasexual selection), can strongly influence individual mating success, often resulting in dominant males and males with elaborate secondary sexual characters having higher fertilisation success. However, siring a high number of offspring alone does not guarantee high individual fitness, as fitness does also strongly depend on offspring performance (i.e. survival, fecundity). If this superiority in offspring performance depends on paternally inherited genes, the fathers are expected to signal this potential indirect benefit to females in order to attain high mating rates. This mechanism is also known as the 'good genes' hypothesis of sexual selection but until now most studies failed to conclusively show the relation of an individual genetic quality and its potential signalling traits. Further, offspring performance could also depend on compatible gene effects. These are alleles that increase offspring performance only in combination with other specific alleles. We first determined male dominance status from intrasexual competition during mating season for brown trout (Salmo trutta) and European minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus). For minnows we additionally checked if dominance and/or secondary sexual traits were linked to fertilisation success. Further, we artificially fertilised brown trout and alpine whitefish (Coregonus palaea) eggs, following full factorial breeding designs, enabling to properly measure `good gene' and `compatible gene' effects on offspring performance. This was done under different intensities of natural stressors, as well as under natural conditions. This procedure allowed us to test if the obtained male genetic quality measures (good genes effects) were indicated by a) dominance or lay traits linked to dominance and/or by b) secondary sexual characteristics such as melanin-based male skin darkness or breeding tubercles. Further, we investigated if offspring survival was linked to the MHC (major histocompatibility complex) gene combinations and/or to the parental genetic relatedness, as both traits were shown to have 'compatible gene' effects that may influence offspring performance. We found that male dominance in intrasexual competition was positively linked to body size, body weight (brown trout, minnows) but also to elaborate secondary sexual characteristics (breeding tubercles in minnows). Further, dominant minnow males did have an increased fertilisation success compared to subordinate ones. We show that brown trout and whitefish males do usually differ in their genetic quality, which was measured as embryo survival, hatching timing and finally as juvenile growth. Contrary to prediction male dominance or dominance indicating traits do not function as a quality signal as they were not linked to genetic quality. This result was constant when measuring genetic quality under different levels of natural stressors and under natural conditions (brown trout). On the other hand genetic quality seemed to be indicated by secondary sexual characteristics, specifically by melanin-based skin darkness in brown trout as brown trout embryos sired by darker fathers had increased survival rates when raised under harsh conditions and. they grew larger as juveniles after one year of growth in a natural stream, which is an important trait influencing success of juveniles in competition for hidings, food and other resources. Furthermore, brown trout females may increase the survival of their embryos when choosing males according to their MHC genotypes or to the general genetic relatedness between themselves and their potential mates. In whitefish on the other hand breeding tubercle morphology did not seem to signal genetic quality. Eventually, we saw that anon-lethal exposure to pathogens might influence short term and long term offspring performance probably by weakening an exposed individual's immune system. This thesis shows that males usually differ in their genetic quality and that different inter- or intrasexual selection mechanisms (e.g. mate selection favouring dark males, preference for MHC genotype combinations or for unrelated mates) may have strong positive effects on genetically dependent offspring performance but that such genetìc effects can change over time and environments. In contrast to our a priori expectations, the outcome of intrasexual selection, namely male dominance hierarchies, with dominant males often having high fertilisation success, was not linked to individual genetic quality (`good genes'). In this sense the present thesis may also be a helpful contribution to understand why sexual selection does not lead to rapid loss of genetic variation by strong directional selection but could even lead to the maintenance of genetic variation in natural populations.