481 resultados para SALUD PUBLICA - COLOMBIA - 2003-2008


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Es una serie que presenta la historia de una manera que compromete y motiva, al tiempo que hace el aprendizaje activo y divertido. Añade reto y emoción a cada lección; apoya a los alumnos de todos los niveles; mejora el rendimiento del alumno utilizando la evaluación del aprendizaje; desarrolla en el alumno habilidades de pensamiento. El alumno sabrá sobre la crisis que afectó a Inglaterra hace casi veinte siglos, desarrollará sus propias ideas sobre la medicina, la salud y la higiene y cómo era la vida en la Edad Media. Cada uno de los seis capítulos de que consta la obra tiene un cronograma.


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El escenario caucano expresa en toda su complejidad el problema agrario y la resistencia del campesinado a la expulsión hacia los centros urbanos, determinada por la evolución de la gran propiedad territorial. Se mantiene latente el problema de los campesinos sin tierra y persisten reductos de alzados en armas. Coexisten sectores y movimientos sociales y políticos diversos, como el Movimiento campesino del Macizo Colombiano y las organizaciones indígenas, cuyas luchas, conquistas y reivindicaciones se han prolongado por dos siglos.


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En Colombia, los movimientos sociales buscan recuperar el espacio público y el de la ciudadanía, en un contexto donde el Estado bipartidista es débil a la vez que excluyente, donde los conflictos sociales se han desbordado y la violencia ha llegado a límites insospechados. Parte de estos movimientos sociales, el movimiento de los Derechos Humanos enfrenta diversos obstáculos: conflicto armado interno, paramilitarismo, impunidad, desplazamiento forzado, que dificultan el desarrollo de su labor.


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Colombia es el epicentro de una situación humanitaria y de derechos humanos crítica como consecuencia de un conflicto armado anacrónico que persiste sin solución militar posible, pero que continúa sin salida política y negociada a la vista. Las migraciones forzadas, que se expresan en desplazados internos, refugiados y formas de movilidad asociadas a la crisis económica, van más allá de las fronteras y representan una expansión de las consecuencias de una guerra irregular en territorios de países vecinos. Este artículo se limita a describir los cambios políticos que siguieron a la ruptura del proceso de paz, a ofrecer otra lectura del Plan Colombia y sus consecuencias específicas en el campo humanitario, a visibilizar las migraciones forzadas y el refugio y a proponer alternativa de acción conjunta y concertada en la región.


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El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar desde una visión crítica que involucra diversos componentes, lo que significó en su momento y lo que en la actualidad representa la recepción del derecho al ambiente sano en el ordenamiento constitucional colombiano; ello implica examinar el desarrollo de este derecho y deber constitucional recurriendo, como referente comparativo, a textos constitucionales de otros Estados. La orientación metodológica propuesta se fundamenta en abordar la dimensión ambiental como problema juridico-constitucional, desde una perspectiva holística, sistémica e interdisciplinaria. Se propuso el tipo de investigación aplicado y los métodos de estudio fueron el jurídico-comparativo, el jurídico-descriptivo y el deductivo. El presente trabajo consta de tres capítulos. El capítulo primero tiene por objetivo determinar desde un aspecto interpretativo la significación del derecho al ambiente en el sistema normativo constitucional. Se estudió mediante el método jurídico-comparativo la conceptualización y los fundamentos de la recepción del derecho al ambiente sano en ciertas constituciones conforme los sustentos teóricos que los soportan. El segundo capítulo tiene por objetivo entender lo que es el ambiente sano para el ordenamiento constitucional de Colombia, se ahonda en el contenido material y formal del derecho al ambiente sano y la estructura de las normas constitucionales que lo reconocen y garantizan. En el tercer capítulo se analiza los mecanismos de protección constitucional al ambiente sano, el objetivo fue indagar si éstos han asegurado la protección de este derecho; para ello se propone conocer cuál ha sido el grado de eficacia alcanzado por estos mecanismos en un período que va desde su reconocimiento en la constitución política de Colombia en 1991 hasta el año 2008 fecha de cierre de esta investigación.


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Este documento busca analizar en detalle las causas del incremento en los niveles de inestabilidad que se han presentado entre Ecuador y Colombia –y que han contado con la participación de Venezuela– a través del análisis de los procesos de securitización en cada uno de estos países y en las consecuentes interrelaciones de seguridad. Para ello, primeramente analizaremos las dinámicas de seguridad tradicionales de los países andinos, para identificar sus interrelaciones. Después estudiaremos los procesos de securitización en los EUA desde los ataques del 11/S y su vinculación con las dinámicas de seguridad colombianas. Continuaremos con un vistazo del impacto de los procesos de securitización de Colombia en Ecuador y finalizaremos analizando la crisis de marzo de 2008.


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La presente tesis tiene como propósito determinar si la acción extraordinaria de protección ha generado en Ecuador la denominada guerra de cortes, entre las altas cortes de justicia ordinaria y constitucional, a partir de la Constitución de 2008. Sus objetivos son establecer la naturaleza, objeto, características y trámite de la mencionada acción, para poder determinar sus alcances y límites; y conocer los motivos por los cuales se origina una guerra entre cortes, para lo cual se revisará brevemente lo ocurrido en los casos italiano, español y colombiano. Adicionalmente se estudiará el caso ecuatoriano con la finalidad de concluir si tal guerra se da en las circunstancias bajo las cuales se ha desarrollado la acción extraordinaria de protección. Se utilizó los métodos de investigación: descriptivo, comparativo y analítico, siendo la jurisprudencia una fuente de información muy útil durante todo el trabajo, la cual alimentó los capítulos que componen la tesis. Se concluye que la acción extraordinaria de protección, es una garantía jurisdiccional excepcional, de carácter residual, cuyo objeto es la protección de derechos constitucionales que puedan ser vulnerados a través de fallos judiciales. Esta acción se constituye en un avance en la materia, siempre que no sea tergiversado su propósito, se cumplan sus fines y no se convierta en una nueva instancia. Finalmente, se determina que han existido varias fricciones entre la Corte Constitucional y la Corte Nacional de Justicia, en un inicio, advirtiéndose la acción extraordinaria de protección como una amenaza a la independencia de la justicia ordinaria; por existir contradicción entre jurisprudencia vinculante; y por considerar que existen algunos casos donde la Corte Constitucional ha invadido indebidamente ámbitos que le conciernen a la justicia ordinaria. Sin embargo, pese a estos problemas, existe voluntad entre las dos altas cortes de justicia del país, para buscar acuerdos a través del diálogo jurisdiccional, no habiéndose conocido enfrentamientos entre la Corte Constitucional y la Corte Nacional de Justicia, que hayan sido de gran trascendencia, motivos por los cuales se concluye, que no existe “guerra de cortes” en Ecuador a partir de la Constitución de 2008.


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A neotype is designated for Anopheles (Nyssorhynchus) pictipennis (Philippi) and morphological redescriptions are provided for the adult male, male genitalia, fourth-instar larva and pupa. All specimens, including the neotype were collected in Rio Mapocho, Santiago, Chile in 1945/1946, and were deposited in the Entomological Collection of Faculdade de Saude Publica, Universidade de Sao Paulo (FSP-USP), Brazil. The neotype was previously invalidly designated the allotype of An. pictipennis by Lane and Neghme (1946). Illustrations are provided for diagnostic characteristics of the male genitalia, and larval stage.


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Objectives. To describe the changes in the use of maternal and child health care services by residents of three municipalities-Embu, Itapecerica da Serra, and Taboao da Serra-in the Sao Paulo metropolitan area, 12 years after the implementation of the Unified Health System (SUS) in Brazil, and to analyze the potential of population-based health care surveys as sources of data to evaluate these changes. Methods. Two population-based, cross-sectional surveys were carried out in 1990 and 2002 in municipalities located within the Sao Paulo metropolitan area. For children under 1 year of age, the two periods were compared in terms of outpatient services utilization and hospital admission; for the mothers, the periods were compared in terms of prenatal care and deliveries. In both surveys, stratified and multiple-stage conglomerate sampling was employed, with standardization of interview questions. Results. The most important changes observed were regarding the location of services used for prenatal care, deliveries, and hospitalization of children less than 1 year of age. There was a significant increase in the use of services in the surrounding region or hometown, and decrease in the utilization of services in the city of Sao Paulo (in 1990, 80% of deliveries and almost all admissions for children less than 1 year versus 32% and 46%, respectively, in 2002). The use of primary care units and 24-hour walk-in clinics also increased. All these changes reflect care provided by public resources. In the private sector, there was a decrease in direct payments and payments through company-paid health insurance and an increase in payments through self-paid health insurance. Conclusions. The major changes observed in the second survey occurred simultaneous to the changes that resulted from the implementation of the SUS. Population-based health surveys are adequate for analyzing and comparing the utilization of health care services at different times.


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Objective. To investigate mortality in which paracoccidioidomycosis appears on any line or part of the death certificate. Method. Mortality data for 1985-2005 were obtained from the multiple cause-of-death database maintained by the Sao Paulo State Data Analysis System (SEADE). Standardized mortality coefficients were calculated for paracoccidioidomycosis as the underlying cause-of-death and as an associated cause-of-death, as well as for the total number of times paracoccidioidomycosis was mentioned on the death certificates. Results. During this 21-year period, there were 1950 deaths related to paracoccidioidomycosis; the disease was the underlying cause-of-death in 1 164 cases (59.69%) and an associated cause-of-death in 786 (40.31%). Between 1985 and 2005 records show a 59.8% decline in the mortality coefficient due to paracoccidioidomycosis as the underlying cause and a 53.0% decline in the mortality as associated cause. The largest number of deaths occurred among men, in the older age groups, and among rural workers, with an upward trend in winter months. The main causes associated with paracoccidioidomycosis as the underlying cause-of-death were pulmonary fibrosis, chronic lower respiratory tract diseases, and pneumonias. Malignant neoplasms and AIDS were the main underlying causes when paracoccidioidomycosis was an associated cause-of-death. The decision tables had to be adapted for the automated processing of causes of death in death certificates where paracoccidioidomycosis was mentioned. Conclusions. Using the multiple cause-of-death method together with the traditional underlying cause-of-death approach provides a new angle on research aimed at broadening our understanding of the natural history of paracoccidioidomycosis.


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Objectives. To describe the prevalence of dental caries in children with deciduous teeth in urban and rural areas in the state of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and to identify associated factors. Methods. The study included 24 744 children ( 5 - 7 years of age) examined as part of an epidemiological survey on oral health carried out in the state of Sao Paulo ( Levan-tamento Epidemiologico de Sa de Bucal do Estado de Sao Paulo). Multilevel analysis was used to investigate whether the prevalence of untreated caries was associated with the sociodemographic characteristics of the children examined or with the socioeconomic aspects of the participating cities. Results. Being black or brown ( adjusted odds ratio ( OR) = 1.27), attending school in rural areas ( adjusted OR = 1.88), and attending public school ( adjusted OR = 3.41) were identified as determinants for an increased probability of presenting deciduous teeth with untreated caries. Being a female ( adjusted OR = 0.83) was identified as a protective factor. The negative coefficients obtained for second- level independent variables indicate that the oral health profile of the cities included in the study were positively impacted by a higher municipal human development index ( beta = - 0.47) and fluoridated drinking water ( beta = - 0.32). Conclusions. The prevalence of untreated caries is influenced by individual and sociodemographic factors. The present study provides epidemiological information concerning the rural areas in the state of Sao Paulo. This information is useful for strategic planning and for establishing guidelines for oral health actions in local health systems, thereby contributing to oral health equity.


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Objective. To compare the nutritional value of meals provided by companies participating in the Workers` Meal Program in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, to the nutritional recommendations and guidelines established by the Ministry of Health for the Brazilian population. Methods. The 72 companies studied were grouped according to economic sector (industrial, services, or commerce), size (micro, small, medium, or large), meal preparation modality (prepared on-site by the company itself, on-site by a hired caterer, or off-site by a hired caterer), and supervision by a dietitian (yes or no). The per capita amount of food was determined based on the lunch, dinner, and supper menus for three days. The nutritional value of the meals was defined by the amount of calories, carbohydrates, protein, total fat, polyunsaturated fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sugars, cholesterol, and fruits and vegetables. Results. Most of the menus were deficient in the number of fruits and vegetables (63.9%) and amount of polyunsaturated fat (83.3%), but high in total fat (47.2%) and cholesterol (62.5%). Group 2, composed of mostly medium and large companies, supervised by a dietician, belonging to the industrial and/or service sectors, and using a hired caterer, on averaged served meals with higher calorie content (P < 0.001), higher percentage of polyunsaturated fat (P < 0.001), more cholesterol (P = 0.015), and more fruits and vegetables (P < 0.001) than Group 1, which was composed of micro and small companies from the commercial sector, that prepare the meals themselves on-site, and are not supervised by a dietitian. Regarding the nutrition guidelines set for the Brazilian population, Group 2 meals were better in terms of fruit and vegetable servings (P < 0.001). Group I meals were better in terms of cholesterol content (P = 0.05). Conclusions. More specific action is required targeting company officers and managers in charge of food and nutrition services, especially in companies without dietitian supervision.


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Objective. To search the literature for circumstances that impede injury and disease prevention and other activities intended to improve the health of the health care worker. Methods. The SciELO database was searched for articles published in 1967-2008. This was supplemented by a PubMed search for the period 1950-2008. The following key words were used to identify articles in English, Portuguese, and Spanish: work, health personnel, occupational, risks, diseases, ergonomics, work ability, quality of life, organization, accidents, work conditions, intervention, and administration. Articles on injury and disease prevention and occupational health in a health care setting in Latin America were selected, along with articles focused on health promotion in the health sector. Results. The following shortcomings were identified: activities lacked a sound theoretical foundation and were not integrated with the health services management; a failure to evaluate the effectiveness of the activity; health surveillance focused solely on a specific disease or injury; management not committed to the proposed activity; miscommunication; inability of workers to participate, or control the work environment; and, programs or efforts that were limited to changing the workers` behaviors. Conclusions. The literature shows that all the barriers identified by this study affect both the health care workers` health as well as their productivity.


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Objective. To describe dental research trends in Brazil (especially population-based oral health) in the early Twenty-first Century. Methods. The abstracts of studies presented at meetings of the Brazilian Society for Dental Medicine Research (Sociedade Brasileira de Pesquisa Odontologica) from 2001-2006 were assessed in terms of methodological design (aggregate or population-based and individual-based studies, observational and intervention studies, cross-sectional and longitudinal studies); general type (literature review, studies with human subjects, and laboratory studies); and classification into one of the 19 specialty categories recognized by the Brazilian Federal Dentistry Council. Of the 10 406 abstracts presented in this period, 5 203 (50%) were reviewed. Results. Concerning methodological design, 87.5% of the abstracts referred to individual-based studies, whereas 12.5% were of aggregate studies. Concerning the general category, 41.7% referred to studies with human subjects. The remaining abstracts (58.3%) described in vitro (31.1%) or in vivo (23.6%) laboratory research and literature reviews (3.6%). Concerning the Council`s specialty categories, only five had a frequency higher than 10.0%: esthetic dentistry, periodontics, endodontics, pediatric dentistry, and population-based oral health. Conclusions. Brazil`s scientific output in the field of oral health for the period 2001-2006 was balanced, with increasing interest in the area of population-based oral health.


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We report the first observation of two Cabibbo-suppressed ecay modes, Xi(+)(c) -> Sigma(+)pi(-)pi(+) and Xi c+ -> Sigma(-)pi(+)pi(+). We observe 59 +/- 14 over a background of 87, and 22 +/- 8 over a background of 13 events, respectively, for the signals. The data were accumulated using the SELEX spectrometer during the 1996-1997 fixed target run at Fermilab, chiefly from a 600 Gev/c Sigma(-) beam. The branching ratios of the decays relative to the Cabibbo-favored Xi c+ -> Xi(-)pi(+)pi(+) are measured to be B(Xi(+)(c) -> Sigma(+)pi(-)pi(+))/B(Xi(+)(c) -> Xi(-)pi(+)pi(+)) = 0.48 +/- 0.20, and B(Xi(+)(c) -> Sigma(-)pi(+)pi(+))/B(Xi(+)(c) -> Sigma(-)pi(+)pi(+)) = 0.18 +/- 0.09, respectively. We also report branching ratios for the same decay modes of the Delta(+)(c) relative to Delta(+)(c) -> pK(-)pi(+.) (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.