874 resultados para Rubin, Anita


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Five male 6-8 month-old Murrah buffalo calves were orally dosed with the fresh aerial parts of Baccharis megapotamica var. weirii at doses of 1, 3, 4, 5 and 10g/kg body weight (bw) (~1-10mg macrocyclic trichothecenes/kg/bw). The B. megapotamica used for the experiment was harvested on a farm where a recent spontaneous outbreak of poisoning caused by such plant had occurred. Clinical signs appeared 4-20 hours and 4 buffaloes died 18-49 hours after the ingestion of the plant. Clinical signs were apathy, anorexia, and watery diarrhea, fever, colic, drooling, muscle tremors, restlessness, laborious breathing and ruminal atony, and dehydration. The most consistent gross findings were restricted to the gastrointestinal (GI) tract consisted of varying degrees of edema and reddening of the mucosa of the forestomach. Histopathological findings consisted of varying degrees of necrosis of the epithelial lining of the forestomach and of lymphocytes within lymphoid organs and aggregates. Fibrin thrombi were consistently found in sub-mucosal vessels of the forestomach and in the lumen of hepatic sinusoids. It is suggested that dehydration, septicemia and disseminated intravascular coagulation participate in the pathogenesis of the intoxication and play a role as a cause of death. A subsample of B. megapotamica var. weirii was frozen-dried and ground and analyzed using UHPLC (Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography) with high resolution Time of Flight mass spectrometry and tandem mass spectrometry, it was shown that the plant material contained at least 51 different macrocyclic trichothecenes at a total level of 1.1-1.2mg/g. About 15-20% of the total trichothecenes contents was found to be monosaccharide conjugates, with two thirds of these being glucose conjugates and one third constituted by six aldopentose conjugates (probably xylose), which has never been reported in the literature.


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This research report illustrates and examines new operation models for decreasing fixed costs and transforming them into variable costs in the field of paper industry. The report illustrates two cases – a new operation model for material logistics in maintenance and an examination of forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions. Conventional material logistics in maintenance operation is illustrated and some problems related to conventional operation are identified. A new operation model that solves some of these problems is presented including descriptions of procurement and service contracts and sources of added value. Forklift truck fleet outsourcing solutions are examined by illustrating the responsibilities of a host company and a service provider both before and after outsourcing. The customer buys outsourcing services in order to improve its investment productivity. The mechanism of how these services affect the customer company’s investment productivity is illustrated.


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KÄYTTÄJÄYHTEISÖT JA TUOTEKONSEPTIT on monitieteinen avaus ajankohtaiseen ihmiskeskeisen teknologian tutkimukseen. Teos koostuu yhdestätoista artikkelista, jotka ristivalottavat uuden teknologian, yhteisöllisyyden ja visuaalisuuden välistä ongelmakenttää. Kirjoittajat kysyvät, toimiiko uusi teknologia uudenlaisten yhteisöjen perustana vai toisinpäin. Millaisia palveluita ja sovellutuksia nykyiset ja tulevat teknologian käyttäjäyhteisöt tarvitsevat ja kaipaavat? Mikä on käyttäjäyhteisöjen rooli uuden teknologian tuottamisessa ja muokkaamisessa? Miten tavalliset käyttäjät ja heidän kokemustietonsa olisi mahdollista integroida nykyistä paremmin tekniikan ja sen sovellutusten suunnittelutyöhön? Antologiassa pohditaan myös mainonnan yhteisöllisiä ulottuvuuksia ja tämän yhteisöllisyyden nopeasti muuttuvaa luonnetta tietotekniikan aikakaudella. Teoksen kirjoittajat ovat Porin monitieteisen yliopistokeskuksen tutkijoita, professoreita ja opiskelijoita, jotka ovat työskennelleet yhdessä vuosina 2005–2007 Tekesin ja yritysten rahoittamassa tutkimushankkeessa. Kuten käsillä olevasta teoksesta käy ilmi, hanke on synnyttänyt uudenlaista poikkitieteellistä keskustelua humanistien, tekniikan tutkijoiden ja taideteollisen alan tutkijoiden kesken.


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Anita Saaranen-Kauppisen väitöskirja Käsitykset sosiaalisista taidoista tekniikan alalla (Itä-Suomen yliopisto 2012).


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O arroz irrigado está sujeito à interferência causada por fatores bióticos e abióticos; entre os primeiros, as plantas daninhas são as principais responsáveis pela redução na produtividade, interferindo diretamente nos componentes do rendimento do cereal. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de épocas de início de irrigação por inundação, época de aplicação e doses de penoxsulam sobre os componentes da produtividade de grãos de arroz irrigado, cultivar Qualimax 1. O experimento foi instalado em campo, em delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subsubdivididas e quatro repetições. Nas parcelas alocaram-se as épocas de aplicação (precoce e tardia) do herbicida penoxsulam; nas subparcelas, as épocas de início da irrigação (1, 15 e 30 dias após a aplicação dos herbicidas - DAT); e nas subsubparcelas, as doses do herbicida (0, 24, 36, 48 e 60 g ha-1). A maior produtividade de grãos da cultura foi obtida quando se aplicou o herbicida penoxsulam nas doses iguais ou superiores a 36 g ha¹, independentemente da época de aplicação, e quando a irrigação foi realizada nas épocas iniciais. A antecipação da irrigação incrementa os componentes do rendimento de grãos de arroz, cultivar Qualimax 1. A aplicação de penoxsulam em doses iguais ou superiores a 36 g ha-1, independentemente da época de aplicação ou de inundação, não modifica os componentes de rendimento do arroz irrigado.