973 resultados para Risk - Mathematical models


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Bacteria of the species Salmonella enterica cause a range of life-threatening diseases in humans and animals worldwide. The within-host quantitative, spatial, and temporal dynamics of S. enterica interactions are key to understanding how immunity acts on these infections and how bacteria evade immune surveillance. In this study, we test hypotheses generated from mathematical models of in vivo dynamics of Salmonella infections with experimental observation of bacteria at the single-cell level in infected mouse organs to improve our understanding of the dynamic interactions between host and bacterial mechanisms that determine net growth rates of S. enterica within the host. We show that both bacterial and host factors determine the numerical distributions of bacteria within host cells and thus the level of dispersiveness of the infection.


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Based on the theory of the pumping well test, the transient injection well test was suggested in this paper. The design method and the scope of application are discussed in detail. The mathematical models are developed for the short-time and long-time transient injection test respectively. A double logarithm type curve matching method was introduced for analyzing the field transient injection test data. A set of methods for the transient injection test design, experiment performance and data analysis were established. Some field tests were analyzed, and the results show that the test model and method are suitable for the transient injection test and can be used to deal with the real engineering problems.


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Pulsed fluidization is of considerable interest in process engineering for improving fluidization quality. Quantitative understanding of the pulsed two-phase flow behaviors is very important for proper design and optimum operation of such contactors. The


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Tension Leg Platform (TLP) is a typical compliant offshore structure for oil exploitation in deep water. Most of the existing mathematical models for analyzing the dynamic response of TLP are based on explicit or implicit assumptions that displacements (translations and rotations) are small magnitude. Herein a theoretical method for analyzing the nonlinear dynamic behavior of TLP with finite displacement is developed, in which multifold nonlinearities are taken into account, i.e. finite displacement, coupling of the six degrees of freedom, instantaneous position, instantaneous wet surface, free surface effects and viscous drag force. Using this theoretical model, we perform the numerical analysis of dynamic response of a representative TLP. The comparison between the degenerative linear solution of the proposed nonlinear model and the published one shows good agreements. Furthermore, numerical results are presented which illustrate that nonlinearities exert a distinct influence on the dynamic responses of the TLP.


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[ES]El objetivo principal de esta tesis de máster es el estudio del comportamiento térmico del instrumento TriboLAB durante su estancia en la Estación Espacial Internacional, junto con la comparación de dicho comportamiento con el pronosticado por los modelos térmicos matemáticos empleados en el diseño de su sistema de control térmico. El trabajo realizado ha permitido profundizar de forma importante en el conocimiento del mencionado comportamiento. Ello permitirá poner a disposición de otros experimentadores interesados en ubicar sus instrumentos en los balcones exteriores de la Estación Espacial Internacional, información real acerca del comportamiento térmico de un equipo de las características del TriboLAB en dichas condiciones. Información de gran interés para ser empleada en el diseño del control térmico de sus instrumentos, especialmente ahora que la vida útil de la Estación Espacial Internacional ha sido prorrogada hasta 2020. El control térmico de los equipos espaciales es un aspecto clave para asegurar su supervivencia y correcto funcionamiento bajo las extremas condiciones existentes en el espacio. Su misión es mantener los distintos componentes dentro de su rango de temperaturas admisibles, puesto que en caso contrario no podrían funcionar o incluso ni siquiera sobrevivir más allá de esas temperaturas. Adicionalmente ha sido posible comprobar la aplicabilidad de distintas técnicas de análisis de datos funcionales en lo que respecta al estudio del tipo de datos aquí contemplado. Así mismo, se han comparado los resultados de la campaña de ensayos térmicos con los modelos térmicos matemáticos que han guiado el diseño del control térmico, y que son una pieza fundamental en el diseño del control térmico de cualquier instrumento espacial. Ello ha permitido verificar tanto la validez del sistema de control térmico diseñado para el TriboLAB como con la adecuada similitud existente entre los resultados de los modelos térmicos matemáticos y las temperaturas registradas en el equipo. Todo ello, ha sido realizado desde la perspectiva del análisis de datos funcionales.


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Most of the existing mathematical models for analyzing the dynamic response of TLP are based on explicit or implicit assumptions that motions (translations and rotations) are small magnitude. However, when TLP works in severe adverse conditions, the a priori assumption on small displacements may be inadequate. In such situation, the motions should be regarded as finite magnitude. This paper will study stochastic nonlinear dynamic responses of TLP with finite displacements in random waves. The nonlinearities considered are: large amplitude motions, coupling the six degrees-of-freedom, instantaneous position, instantaneous wet surface, free surface effects and viscous drag force. The nonlinear dynamic responses are calculated by using numerical integration procedure in the time domain. After the time histories of the dynamic responses are obtained, we carry out cycle counting of the stress histories of the tethers with rain-flow counting method to get the stress range distribution.


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How to regulate phytoplankton growth in water supply reservoirs has continued to occupy managers and strategists for some fifty years or so, now, and mathematical models have always featured in their design and operational constraints. In recent years, rather more sophisticated simulation models have begun to be available and these, ideally, purport to provide the manager with improved forecasting of plankton blooms, the likely species and the sort of decision support that might permit management choices to be selected with increased confidence. This account describes the adaptation and application of one such model, PROTECH (Phytoplankton RespOnses To Environmental CHange) to the problems of plankton growth in reservoirs. This article supposes no background knowledge of the main algal types; neither does it attempt to catalogue the problems that their abundance may cause in lakes and reservoirs.


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As análises de erros são conduzidas antes de qualquer projeto a ser desenvolvido. A necessidade do conhecimento do comportamento do erro numérico em malhas estruturadas e não-estruturadas surge com o aumento do uso destas malhas nos métodos de discretização. Desta forma, o objetivo deste trabalho foi criar uma metodologia para analisar os erros de discretização gerados através do truncamento na Série de Taylor, aplicados às equações de Poisson e de Advecção-Difusão estacionárias uni e bidimensionais, utilizando-se o Método de Volumes Finitos em malhas do tipo Voronoi. A escolha dessas equações se dá devido a sua grande utilização em testes de novos modelos matemáticos e função de interpolação. Foram usados os esquemas Central Difference Scheme (CDS) e Upwind Difference Scheme(UDS) nos termos advectivos. Verificou-se a influência do tipo de condição de contorno e a posição do ponto gerador do volume na solução numérica. Os resultados analíticos foram confrontados com resultados experimentais para dois tipos de malhas de Voronoi, uma malha cartesiana e outra triangular comprovando a influência da forma do volume finito na solução numérica obtida. Foi percebido no estudo que a discretização usando o esquema CDS tem erros menores do que a discretização usando o esquema UDS conforme literatura. Também se percebe a diferença nos erros em volumes vizinhos nas malhas triangulares o que faz com que não se tenha uma uniformidade nos gráficos dos erros estudados. Percebeu-se que as malhas cartesianas com nó no centróide do volume tem menor erro de discretização do que malhas triangulares. Mas o uso deste tipo de malha depende da geometria do problema estudado


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[EU]Lan honetan, software diseinu bat sortu nahi da, zeinaren bidez datu-trafikoen monitorizazio sistemak aztertzeko garatu den eredu matematiko bat ebaluatuko den. Eredu horrentzat interfaze bat egin beharko da, eta interfaze horrek esandako eredua ebaluatzeko softwareaz gain, software gehiago biltzeko ahalmena eduki beharko du. Horrela, ikertzaileek Trafikoa Monitorizatzeko Sistemak aztertzeko sortzen diren eredu matematikoak sistema bakarra erabiliz ebaluatu ahalko dute ahalik eta modu errazenean.


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Guided by experience and the theoretical development of hydrobiology, it can be considered that the main aim of water quality control should be the establishment of the rates of the self-purification process of water bodies which are capable of maintaining communities in a state of dynamic balance without changing the integrity of the ecosystem. Hence, general approaches in the elaboration of methods for hydrobiological control are based on the following principles: a. the balance of matter and energy in water bodies; b. the integrity of the ecosystem structure and of its separate components at all levels. Ecosystem analysis makes possible a revelation of the whole totality of factors which determine the anthropogenic evolution of a water body. This is necessary for the study of long-term changes in water bodies. The principles of ecosystem analysis of water bodies, together with the creation of their mathematical models, are important because, in future, with the transition of water demanding production into closed cycles of water supply, changes in water bodies will arise in the main through the influence of 'diffuse' pollution (from the atmosphere, with utilisation in transport etc.).


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Based on the Coulomb friction model, the frictional motion model of workpiece relating to the polishing pad was presented in annular polishing. By the dynamic analysis software, the model was simulated and analysed. The conclusions from the results were that the workpiece did not rotate steadily. When the angular velocity of ring and the direction were the same as that of the polishing pad, the angular velocity of workpiece hoicked at the beginning and at the later stage were the same as that of the polishing pad before contacting with the ring. The angular velocity of workpiece vibrated at the moment of contacting with the ring. After that the angular velocity of workpiece increased gradually and fluctuated at a given value, while the angular velocity of ring decreased gradually and also fluctuated at a given value. Since the contact between the workpiece and the ring was linear, their linear velocities and directions should be the same. But the angular velocity of workpiece was larger than that of the polishing pad on the condition that the radius of the workpiece was less than that of the ring. This did not agree with the pure translation principle and the workpiece surface could not be flat, either. Consequently, it needed to be controlled with the angular velocity of ring and the radii of the ring and the workpiece, besides friction to make the angular velocity of workpiece equal to that of the polishing pad for obtaining fine surface flatness of the workpiece. Copyright © 2007 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.}


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[ES] La entrada en vigor del proyecto de Solvencia II transformará por completo el sistema de determinación de las necesidades de capital del sector asegurador europeo. Recientemente se ha presentado el último estudio de impacto cuantitativo (QIS5), donde se establece la forma de cálculo del modelo estándar para la determinación de los requerimientos de capital. Este trabajo trata de analizar la adecuación de la calibración del riesgo de crédito de la contraparte mediante los modelos que se proponen en los últimos informes de impacto cuantitativo (cuarto y quinto). Para ello comparamos las necesidades de capital que se obtienen por ambas alternativas, frente a las que resultarían de aplicar un modelo de simulación basado en el enfoque estructural. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que el uso de probabilidades basadas en la metodología de Merton frente a aquellas basadas en ratings, dan lugar a requerimientos de capital sustancialmente mayores. Además, el modelo propuesto en QIS4 basado en la distribución de Vasicek no es adecuado cuando el número de contrapartes es reducido, situación habitual en el sector asegurador europeo. Por otra parte, la nueva propuesta (QIS5 o modelo de Ter Berg) es más versátil y adecuada que su antecesora pero requiere analizar con más detenimiento las hipótesis de calibración para de este modo aproximar mejor las estimaciones al riesgo realmente asumido.


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Os gestores de recursos hídricos estão encarregados da gestão de longo prazo, a regulação e a proteção dos recursos hídricos. No entanto, reconhece-se que a estes gestores devem levar em conta a multiplicidade de usos dos recursos hídricos que são apresentadas pelas partes interessadas, tais como agricultores, fornecedores de água e grupos de ambientalistas. Dada a complexidade do sistema hidrológico, o desenvolvimento e a utilização de modelos matemáticos são muitas das vezes necessários. Neste contexto a modelagem ambiental é frequentemente realizada para avaliar os impactos da degradação do ecossistema devido à ação humana. Essa aplicação orientada a investigações proporciona um importante meio pelo qual os cientistas podem interagir e influenciar nas políticas a nível local, regional, nacional e internacional. No Mato Grosso, durante a implantação da hidroelétrica de Aproveitamento Múltiplo de Manso foram adotadas medidas de mitigação dos impactos socioeconômicos causados. Essas medidas geram uma tendência de aumento populacional associado a uma mudança das características sócio-econômicas, para toda a região do entorno do Reservatório, o que agrava o problema de poluição por nutrientes e denota que existe uma necessidade proeminente de estudos do impacto que estas cargas causariam no ecossistema do reservatório. Utilizando o modelo hidrodinâmico e termodinâmico tridimensional ELCOM, associado ao modelo biogeoquímico Caedym, este trabalho tem a finalidade de criar uma modelagem representativa das cargas dos principais nutrientes causadores da eutrofização cultural, sendo eles: a amônia (NH4), o nitrato (NO3) e o Ortofosfato (PO4), com a finalidade de estudar os efeitos das dinâmicas espaciais e temporais destas cargas no estado trófico deste reservatório no em torno dos pontos de lançamento de esgoto e na sua totalidade.