961 resultados para Rheo-optics


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Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology® is the World's first encyclopedia ever published in the field of nanotechnology. The 10-volume Encyclopedia is an unprecedented single reference source that provides ideal introduction and overview of most recent advances and emerging new aspects of nanotechnology spanning from science to engineering to medicine. Although there are many books/handbook and journals focused on nanotechnology, no encyclopedic reference work has been published covering all aspects of nanoscale science and technology dealing with materials synthesis, processing, fabrication, probes, spectroscopy, physical properties, electronics, optics, mechanics, biotechnology, devices, etc. The Encyclopedia fills this gap to provide basic information on all fundamental and applied aspects of nanotechnology by drawing on two decades of pioneering research. It is the only scientific work of its kind since the beginning of the field of nanotechnology bringing together core knowledge and the very latest advances. It is written for all levels audience that allows non-scientists to understand the nanotechnology while providing up-to-date latest information to active scientists to experts in the field. This outstanding encyclopedia is an indispensable source for research professionals, technology investors and developers seeking the most up-to-date information on the nanotechnology among a wide range of disciplines from science to engineering to medicine.


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This study aimed to test the hypothesis that dentine alterations induced by 810 nm-diode laser may affect the interaction between root canal sealers and the dentin wall. Seventy-two single root human teeth were selected and root canals were enlarged with K-files. Dentine was treated with 0.5% NaOCl and 17% EDTA-T and irradiated (laser group) by diode laser (810 nm/P = 2.5W/I = 1989 W/cm(2)) or remained non-irradiated (control group). Six samples per group were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The remaining samples of each group were divided into three subgroups (n = 10) and sealed with one of the tested sealers (N-Rickert/AHPlus (TM)/Apexit (R)). Apical leakage was estimated by evaluating penetration of 0.5% methylene-blue dye. SEM analysis revealed that dentine at the apical third in irradiated samples was melted and fusioned whereas non-irradiated samples exhibited opened dentinal tubules. Despite the morphological changes induced by irradiation, laser did not affect the sealing ability of N-Rickert and AHPlus (TM) sealers. However, the length of apical leakage in roots filled with Apexit (R) was lower in irradiated root canals than in non-irradiated samples (p < 0.05). Morphological changes of root canal walls promoted by diode laser irradiation may improve de sealing ability of Apexit (R), a calcium hydroxide-based sealer, suggesting that improved sealing promoted by irradiation may represent an additional factor contributing to the endodontic clinical outcome.


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Although the cariostatic effects of CO(2) laser on enamel have been shown, its effects on root surface demineralization remains uncertain. The objectives of this in vitro research was to establish safe parameters for a pulsed 10.6 mu m CO(2) laser and to evaluate its effect on morphological features of the root surface, as well as on the reduction of root demineralization. Ninety-five human root surfaces were randomly divided into five groups: G1-No treatment (control); G2-2.5 J/cm(2); G3-4.0 J/cm(2); G4-5.0 J/cm(2); and G5-6.0 J/cm(2). Intrapulpal temperature was evaluated during root surface irradiation by a thermocouple and morphological changes were evaluated by SEM. After the surface treatment, the specimens were submitted to a 7-day pH-cycling model. Subsequently, the cross-sectional Knoop microhardness values were measured. For all irradiated groups, intrapulpal temperature changes were less than 1.5 degrees C. Scanning electron microscopy images indicated that fluences as low as 4.0 J/cm(2) were sufficient to induce morphological changes in the root surface. Additionally, for fluences reaching or exceeding 4.0 J/cm(2), laser-induced inhibitory effects on root surface demineralization were observed. It was concluded that laser energy density in the range of 4.0 to 6.0 J/cm(2) could be applied to a dental root to reduce demineralization of this surface without compromising pulp vitality.


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This study investigated whether subablative-pulsed CO(2) laser (10.6 mu m) irradiation, using fluences lower than 1 J/cm(2), was capable of reducing enamel acid solubility. Fifty-one samples of bovine dental enamel were divided into three groups: control group, which was not irradiated (CG); group laser A (LA) irradiated with 0.3 J/cm ; and group laser B (LB) irradiated with 0.7 J/cm(2). After irradiation, the samples were subjected to demineralization in an acetate buffer solution and were then analyzed by SEM. A finite-element model was used to calculate the temperature increase. The calcium and phosphorous content in the demineralization solution were measured with an ICP-OES. ANOVA and the t-test pairwise comparison (p < 0.016) revealed that LB showed significantly lower mean Ca and P content values in the demineralization solution than other groups. A reduction in the enamel solubility can be obtained with pulsed CO(2) laser irradiation (0.7 J/cm(2), 135 mJ/pulse, 74 Hz, 100 mu s) without any surface photomodification and a less than 2 degrees C temperature increase at a 3-mm depth from the surface.


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The objective of this study was to verify the influence of photoactivation with the argon ion laser on shrinkage stress (SS), followed by evaluation of Vickers microhardness (VM), percentage of maximum hardness (PMH), flexural strength (FS), and flexural modulus (FM) of a composite resin. The study groups were: L1-laser at 200 mW for 10 seconds; L2-laser at 200 mW for 20 seconds; L3-laser at 250 mW for 10 seconds; L4-laser at 250 mW for 20 seconds; H-halogen light at 275 mW for 20 seconds. Data were analyzed by ANOVA/Tukey`s test (alpha=5%). The values of SS (MPa) were statistically lower for the group L3 (1.3)c, followed by groups L1 (2.7)b, L4 (3.4)a, b, L2 (3.7)a, and H (4.5)a. There was no difference in the values of VM when the same time of photoactivation was used, with respective values being L1=70.1a, L2=78.1b, L3=69.9a, L4=78.1b and H=79.9b. All groups showed a PMH of at least 80%. Only the group L1 showed differences in FS (MPa) and FM (GPa), the respective values of 86.2 and 5.4 being lower. Therefore, the use of argon ion laser had influenced the composite resin polymerization. The L3 group presented adequate mechanical properties and minimum SS, reducing the clinical working time for photoactivation of restorations with the tested resin by 50%.


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Classical dynamics is formulated as a Hamiltonian flow in phase space, while quantum mechanics is formulated as unitary dynamics in Hilbert space. These different formulations have made it difficult to directly compare quantum and classical nonlinear dynamics. Previous solutions have focused on computing quantities associated with a statistical ensemble such as variance or entropy. However a more diner comparison would compare classical predictions to the quantum predictions for continuous simultaneous measurement of position and momentum of a single system, in this paper we give a theory of such measurement and show that chaotic behavior in classical systems fan be reproduced by continuously measured quantum systems.


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The Epiphany (TM) Sealer is a new dual-curing resin-based sealer and has been introduced as an alternative to gutta-percha and traditional root canal sealers. The canal filling is claimed to create a seal with the dentinal tubules within the root canal system producing a `monoblock` effect between the sealer and dentinal tubules. Therefore, considering the possibility to incorporate the others adhesive systems, it is important to study the bond strength of the resulting cement. Forty-eight root mandibular canines were sectioned 8-mm below CEJ. The dentine discs were prepared using a tapered diamond bur and irrigated with 1% NaOCl and 17% EDTA. Previous the application Epiphany (TM) Sealer, the Epiphany (TM) Primer, AdheSE, and One Up Bond F were applied to the root canal walls. The LED and QTH (Quartz Tungsten Halogen) were used to photo-activation during 45 s with power density of 400 and 720 mW/cm(2), respectively. The specimens were performed on a universal testing machine at a cross-head speed of 1 mm/min until bond failure occurred. The force was recorded and the debonding values were used to calculate Push-out bond strength. The analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey`s post-hoc tests showed significant statistical differences (P < 0.05) to Epiphany (TM) Sealer/Epiphany (TM) Primer/QTH and EpiphanyTM Sealer/AdheSE/QTH, which had the highest mean values of bond strength. The efficiency of resin-based filling materials are dependent the type of light curing unit used including the power density, the polymerization characteristics of these resin-based filling materials, depending on the primer/adhesive used.


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We examine constraints on quantum operations imposed by relativistic causality. A bipartite superoperator is said to be localizable if it can be implemented by two parties (Alice and Bob) who share entanglement but do not communicate, it is causal if the superoperator does not convey information from Alice to Bob or from Bob to Alice. We characterize the general structure of causal complete-measurement superoperators, and exhibit examples that are causal but not localizable. We construct another class of causal bipartite superoperators that are not localizable by invoking bounds on the strength of correlations among the parts of a quantum system. A bipartite superoperator is said to be semilocalizable if it can be implemented with one-way quantum communication from Alice to Bob, and it is semicausal if it conveys no information from Bob to Alice. We show that all semicausal complete-measurement superoperators are semi localizable, and we establish a general criterion for semicausality. In the multipartite case, we observe that a measurement superoperator that projects onto the eigenspaces of a stabilizer code is localizable.


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This paper deals with non-Markovian behavior in atomic systems coupled to a structured reservoir of quantum electromagnetic field modes, with particular relevance to atoms interacting with the field in high-Q cavities or photonic band-gap materials. In cases such as the former, we show that the pseudomode theory for single-quantum reservoir excitations can be obtained by applying the Fano diagonalization method to a system in which the atomic transitions are coupled to a discrete set of (cavity) quasimodes, which in turn are coupled to a continuum set of (external) quasimodes with slowly varying coupling constants and continuum mode density. Each pseudomode can be identified with a discrete quasimode, which gives structure to the actual reservoir of true modes via the expressions for the equivalent atom-true mode coupling constants. The quasimode theory enables cases of multiple excitation of the reservoir to now be treated via Markovian master equations for the atom-discrete quasimode system. Applications of the theory to one, two, and many discrete quasimodes are made. For a simple photonic band-gap model, where the reservoir structure is associated with the true mode density rather than the coupling constants, the single quantum excitation case appears to be equivalent to a case with two discrete quasimodes.


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What fundamental constraints characterize the relationship between a mixture rho = Sigma (i)p(i)rho (i) of quantum states, the states rho (i) being mixed, and the probabilities p(i)? What fundamental constraints characterize the relationship between prior and posterior states in a quantum measurement? In this paper we show that then are many surprisingly strong constraints on these mixing and measurement processes that can be expressed simply in terms of the eigenvalues of the quantum states involved. These constraints capture in a succinct fashion what it means to say that a quantum measurement acquires information about the system being measured, and considerably simplify the proofs of many results about entanglement transformation.


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The phase estimation algorithm is so named because it allows an estimation of the eigenvalues associated with an operator. However, it has been proposed that the algorithm can also be used to generate eigenstates. Here we extend this proposal for small quantum systems, identifying the conditions under which the phase-estimation algorithm can successfully generate eigenstates. We then propose an implementation scheme based on an ion trap quantum computer. This scheme allows us to illustrate two simple examples, one in which the algorithm effectively generates eigenstates, and one in which it does not.


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We obtain the finite-temperature unconditional master equation of the density matrix for two coupled quantum dots (CQD's) when one dot is subjected to a measurement of its electron occupation number using a point contact (PC). To determine how the CQD system state depends on the actual current through the PC device, we use the so-called quantum trajectory method to derive the zero-temperature conditional master equation. We first treat the electron tunneling through the PC barrier as a classical stochastic point process (a quantum-jump model). Then we show explicitly that our results can be extended to the quantum-diffusive limit when the average electron tunneling rate is very large compared to the extra change of the tunneling rate due to the presence of the electron in the dot closer to the PC. We find that in both quantum-jump and quantum-diffusive cases, the conditional dynamics of the CQD system can be described by the stochastic Schrodinger equations for its conditioned state vector if and only if the information carried away from the CQD system by the PC reservoirs can be recovered by the perfect detection of the measurements.


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We report on an experimental observation of bound states of solitons in a passively mode-locked fiber soliton ring laser. The observed bound solitons are stable and have discrete, fixed soliton separations that are independent of the experimental conditions.


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Recently there has been experimental and theoretical interest in cross-dispersion effects in rubidium vapor, which allows one beam of light to be guided by another. We present theoretical results which account for the complications created by the D line hyperfine structure of rubidium as well as the presence of the two major isotopes of rubidium. This allows the complex frequency dependence of the effects observed in our experiments to be understood and lays the foundation for future studies of nonlinear propagation.