995 resultados para Response complexity


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Utilization of salt affected wasteland by growing forage shrubs has enormous economic and environmental implication for developing countries like Pakistan, where approximately 6.3 million ha of the land is salt affected. Considering the importance of Atriplex and Maireana species, research has been conducted using their different species on the salt affected soils of Faisalabad. Most of Atriplex and Maireana species survived under the environmental conditions of Faisalabad and gave the good yield in the form of forage. Some of these species are woody and can be used for fuel purposes. Sixteen genotypes of Atriplex and Maireana were tested for their tolerance to waterlogging in order to identify halophytic fodder shrubs suitable for growth on secondary salt-affected and waterlogged farmland. The physiological and morphological responses of the species tested were typical of species with a generally poor tolerance to waterlogging. Despite this, some species (eg A. Amnicola) were surprisingly resistant, surviving up to five months of waterlogging at moderate salinity and high evapotranspirational demand. The most resistant species, A amnicola maintained higher transpiration rates, leaf water potentials and shoot extension rates than most other species during five weeks of waterlogging, and a return to control levels more quickly than other species after plots were drained. Although little morphological adaptation to waterlogged conditions was detected, a shallow and extensive lateral root system and the formation of many short aerenchymatous adventitious roots from procumbent branches appeared to advantage A. Amnicola in an environment highly heterogeneous in salinity and low in oxygen concentration. Shallow fibrous rooted species were quickly killed by waterlogging, although the procumbent branches of some individuals survived as clones if they developed adventitious roots.


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The adaptations of muscle to sprint training can be separated into metabolic and morphological changes. Enzyme adaptations represent a major metabolic adaptation to sprint training, with the enzymes of all three energy systems showing signs of adaptation to training and some evidence of a return to baseline levels with detraining. Myokinase and creatine phosphokinase have shown small increases as a result of short-sprint training in some studies and elite sprinters appear better able to rapidly breakdown phosphocreatine (PCr) than the sub-elite. No changes in these enzyme levels have been reported as a result of detraining. Similarly, glycolytic enzyme activity (notably lactate dehydrogenase, phosphofructokinase and glycogen phosphorylase) has been shown to increase after training consisting of either long (> 10-second) or short (< 10-second) sprints. Evidence suggests that these enzymes return to pre-training levels after somewhere between 7 weeks and 6 months of detraining. Mitochondrial enzyme activity also increases after sprint training, particularly when long sprints or short recovery between short sprints are used as the training stimulus. Morphological adaptations to sprint training include changes in muscle fibre type, sarcoplasmic reticulum, and fibre cross-sectional area. An appropriate sprint training programme could be expected to induce a shift toward type Ha muscle, increase muscle cross-sectional area and increase the sarcoplasmic reticulum volume to aid release of Ca2+. Training volume and/or frequency of sprint training in excess of what is optimal for an individual, however, will induce a shift toward slower muscle contractile characteristics. In contrast, detraining appears to shift the contractile characteristics towards type IIb, although muscle atrophy is also likely to occur. Muscle conduction velocity appears to be a potential non-invasive method of monitoring contractile changes in response to sprint training and detraining. In summary, adaptation to sprint training is clearly dependent on the duration of sprinting, recovery between repetitions, total volume and frequency of training bouts. These variables have profound effects on the metabolic, structural and performance adaptations from a sprint-training programme and these changes take a considerable period of time to return to baseline after a period of detraining. However, the complexity of the interaction between the aforementioned variables and training adaptation combined with individual differences is clearly disruptive to the transfer of knowledge and advice from laboratory to coach to athlete.


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Around 98% of all transcriptional output in humans is noncoding RNA. RNA-mediated gene regulation is widespread in higher eukaryotes and complex genetic phenomena like RNA interference, co-suppression, transgene silencing, imprinting, methylation, and possibly position-effect variegation and transvection, all involve intersecting pathways based on or connected to RNA signaling. I suggest that the central dogma is incomplete, and that intronic and other non-coding RNAs have evolved to comprise a second tier of gene expression in eukaryotes, which enables the integration and networking of complex suites of gene activity. Although proteins are the fundamental effectors of cellular function, the basis of eukaryotic complexity and phenotypic variation may lie primarily in a control architecture composed of a highly parallel system of trans-acting RNAs that relay state information required for the coordination and modulation of gene expression, via chromatin remodeling, RNA-DNA, RNA-RNA and RNA-protein interactions. This system has interesting and perhaps informative analogies with small world networks and dataflow computing.


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C. L. Isaac and A. R. Mayes (1999a, 1999b) compared forgetting rates in amnesic patients and normal participants across a range of memory tasks. Although the results are complex, many of them appear to be replicable and there are several commendable features to the design and analysis. Nevertheless, the authors largely ignored 2 relevant literatures: the traditional literature on proactive inhibition/interference and the formal analyses of the complexity of the bindings (associations) required for memory tasks. It is shown how the empirical results and conceptual analyses in these literatures are needed to guide the choice of task, the design of experiments, and the interpretation of results for amnesic patients and normal participants.


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Background: The immune response to Porphyromonas gingivalis in the mouse abscess model is known to be dependent upon CD4 T-cell activation and the regulatory role of cytokines. The role of interleukin-10 (IL-10) in this mouse model was examined in vivo. Methods: One-week-old, female BALB/c mice were divided into 4 groups. Groups 1 and 2 were given intraperitoneal (ip) injections of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) weekly for 5 weeks. Group 3 was given an ip injection of rat immunoglobulin. Group 4 was injected with rat anti-IL-10 antibodies. At week 6, group 1 was sham-immunized with PBS, and groups 2, 3, and 4 were injected with P gingivalis lipopolysaccharide (Pg-LPS) weekly for 2 weeks. One week after the final immunization, delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) was assessed by footpad swelling to Pg-LPS. The level of serum antibodies to Pg-LPS and IFN-gamma (IFN-gamma) was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Dorsal abscess formation induced by the injection of viable P gingivalis was examined daily for 30 days. Results: The footpad swelling of the anti-IL-10-treated group (group 4) was significantly higher than that of groups 1 to 3. Similarly, the serum IFN-gamma level in group 4 was much higher than that of the other experimental groups. There was no significant difference in serum IgG antibodies to Pg-LPS in any of the experimental groups. However, the level of IgM antibodies in group 4 mice was significantly lower than that in groups 2 and 3. In addition, serum IgG1 was suppressed in group 4 mice, while IgG2a antibodies were raised. However, there was no difference observed between the levels of IgG2b and IgG3 antibodies in any group of mice. The lesions in sham-immunized mice (group 1) persisted for 30 days, and those in group 2 and 3 were undetected by day 18 and 20, respectively. In sharp contrast, lesions in group 4 had healed completely by day 13. Conclusions: This study has shown that IL-10 depletion in vivo in P gingivalis LPS-induced immune response in mice led to an elevated DTH response, an increase in serum IFN-gamma levels, and raised levels of IgG and IgG2a antibodies. Treatment with anti-IL-10 antibodies resulted in suppressed IgG I and IgM responses and a more rapid healing of abscesses than in non-IL-10-depleted mice. These results suggest that IL-10 depletion in Pg-LPS-induced immune response in mice may lead to a Th1-like immune response and provide strong protection against a subsequent challenge with live P gingivalis in an abscess model.


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Single-unit electrophysiology was used to record the nerve impulses from the carbon dioxide receptors of female Queensland fruit flies, Bactrocera tryoni. The receptors responded to stimulation in a phasic-tonic manner and also had a period of inhibition of the nerve impulses after the end of stimulation, at high stimulus intensities. The cell responding to carbon dioxide was presented with a range of environmental odorants and found to respond to methyl butyrate and 2-butanone. The coding characteristics of the carbon dioxide cell and the ability to detect other odorants are discussed, with particular reference to the known behavior of the fly.


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In this study, we tested a model in which threats and opportunities lead directly to different organizational actions and compared it to a model in which organizational characteristics moderate organizational actions taken in response to threats and opportunities. To better understand these effects, we differentiated the dimensions of threat and opportunity associated with the threat-rigidity hypothesis from the dimensions associated with prospect theory. In this study, threats had the main and moderated effects predicted from the literature, but opportunities did not.


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The relationships between reproductive condition, level of reproductive investment and adrenocortical modulation to capture stress in marine turtles form the basis of this study. When subjected to either capture or ecological stressors, nesting marine turtles have demonstrated adrenocortical responses that are both small in magnitude, and slow in responsiveness. These observations were further investigated to determine whether this minimal stress response was a physiological strategy to maximize reproductive investment in adult green Chelonia mydas and hawksbill Eretmochelys imbricata turtles. Female green and hawksbill turtles exhibited a decrease in adrenocortical responsiveness with progressive reproductive condition. Breeding turtles exhibited most suppression of their adrenocortical response to capture compared to both non-breeding and pre-breeding female counterparts. Nesting green turtles maintained a suppressed adrenocortical response to capture throughout the nesting season despite decreased reproductive investment. In contrast, male green and hawksbill turtles were less able to modulate their corticosterone (B) response to acute capture stress. During breeding, male turtles possessed significantly greater adrenocortical responses to capture than females. These results could indicate that the large reproductive investment necessary for female marine turtle reproduction might underlie the marked decrease in adrenocortical responsiveness. This hormonal mechanism could function as one strategy by which female marine turtles maximize their current reproductive event, even though under certain situations this mechanism could entail costs to female survival.


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The purpose of this study was to determine whether the addition of iron alone or in combination with nitrate affects growth and photosynthesis of the scleractinian coral, Stylophora pistillata, and its symbiotic dinoflagellates. For this purpose, we used three series of two tanks for a 3-week enrichment with iron (Fe), nitrate (N) and nitrate + iron (NFe). Two other tanks were kept as a control (C). Stock solutions of FeCl3 and NaNO3 were diluted to final concentrations of 6 nM Fe and 2 muM N and continuously pumped from batch tanks into the experimental tanks with a peristaltic pump. Results obtained showed that iron addition induced a significant increase in the areal density of zooxanthellae (ANOVA, p = 0.0013; change from 6.3 +/- 0.7 x 10(5) in the control to 8.5 +/- 0.6 x 10(5) with iron). Maximal gross photosynthetic rates normalized per surface area also significantly increased following iron enrichment (ANOVA, p = 0.02; change from 1.23 +/- 0.08 for the control colonies to 1.81 +/- 0.24 mu mol O-2 cm(-2) h(-1) for the iron-enriched colonies). There was, however, no significant difference in the photosynthesis normalized on a per cell basis. Nitrate enrichment alone (2 muM) did not significantly change the zooxanthellae density or the rates of photosynthesis. Nutrient addition (both iron and nitrogen) increased the cell-specific density of the algae (CSD) compared to the control (G-test, p = 0.3 x 10(-9)), with an increase in the number of doublets and triplets. CSD was equal to 1.70 +/- 0.04 in the Fe-enriched colonies, 1.54 +/- 0.12 in the N- and NFe-enriched colonies and 1.37 +/- 0.02 in the control. Growth rates measured after 3 weeks in colonies enriched with Fe, N and NFe were 23%, 34% and 40% lower than those obtained in control colonies (ANOVA. p = 0.011). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sugar uptake and metabolism were studied in callus cultures and shoot tips of asparagus. Asparagus callus cultures were used to model senescence in shoot tips. Callus cultures absorbed glucose from a nutrient medium, and accumulated sucrose, glucose and fructose. This uptake of glucose by the callus cultures down-regulated expression of asparagine synthetase and beta -galactosidase transcripts that otherwise accumulated when sugar was withheld. When 80 mm-long asparagus shoots were excised from growing plants and placed in 2% and 8% sucrose solutions, endogenous concentrations of sucrose, glucose, fructose, UDPglucose, and glucose-6-phosphate declined in the 30mm-long meristematic tip regions. At the same time, asparagine and asparagine synthetase gene transcripts began to accumulate in these tips. When 10 mm-long asparagus shoot tips were placed on glucose- or fructose-containing agar, the tips accumulated sucrose, glucose and fructose, and asparagine accumulation and expression of asparagine synthetase were marginally reduced. We concluded that in callus cultures, asparagine synthetase expression was sugar regulated, but that sugar regulation was not as pronounced in asparagus shoot tips. This may be due in part to slower rates of sugar uptake into shoot tips and in part to compartmentation of sugars in the tips. We suggest that callus cultures are not a suitable model for metabolic studies in asparagus shoot tips.


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A data warehouse is a data repository which collects and maintains a large amount of data from multiple distributed, autonomous and possibly heterogeneous data sources. Often the data is stored in the form of materialized views in order to provide fast access to the integrated data. One of the most important decisions in designing a data warehouse is the selection of views for materialization. The objective is to select an appropriate set of views that minimizes the total query response time with the constraint that the total maintenance time for these materialized views is within a given bound. This view selection problem is totally different from the view selection problem under the disk space constraint. In this paper the view selection problem under the maintenance time constraint is investigated. Two efficient, heuristic algorithms for the problem are proposed. The key to devising the proposed algorithms is to define good heuristic functions and to reduce the problem to some well-solved optimization problems. As a result, an approximate solution of the known optimization problem will give a feasible solution of the original problem. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.