909 resultados para Respiratory Tract Diseases


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As doenças do trato respiratório são responsáveis por uma significativa taxa de absenteísmo laboral bem como por elevados índices de morbidade e morte, entre as quais as infecções respiratórias aguda (IRA) representam as maiores queixas nos serviços de atendimento médico-ambulatorial em todo o mundo. Os vírus são considerados os principais agentes etiológicos das IRA, atuando seja como patógeno principal ou predispondo às infecções bacterianas secundárias, entre eles encontra-se o Metapneumovirus Humano (HMPV). Este vírus foi identificado em 2001 apresentando-se como um importante agente causador de IRA adquirida na comunidade. É um vírus cosmopolita que causa doenças respiratórias semelhantes ao Vírus Respiratório Sincicial. No Brasil, são relativamente escassos os relatos da ocorrência do HMPV na população. O objetivo deste estudo é investigar a ocorrência de Metapneumovírus Humano (HMPV) em pacientes com diagnóstico clínico de infecção respiratória aguda (IRA) na Região Nordeste do Brasil. Entre o período de Junho de 2009 a Setembro de 2010, pacientes oriundos de atendimentos em unidades de atenção básica ou hospitalar de cinco estados da Região Nordeste, foram submetidos a coleta de espécimes para detecção a partir de técnicas de biologia molecular. Análises estatísticas foram utilizadas para escolha do tamanho amostral (545) e tratamento dos resultados obtidos. O estudo mostrou uma positividade de 4.7% para HMPV, sem a existência de uma faixa etária específica para a ocorrência da infecção. Ocorreu uma prevalência do sexo feminino entre os casos positivos, entretanto, sem significado estatístico. O pico de positividade para o vírus (n=16) mostrou existir no terceiro trimestre do ano em todos os Estados investigados. Neste estudo, foi possível descrever a ocorrência de HMPV na Região Nordeste, afetando pacientes portadores de infecção respiratória aguda, tanto acompanhados ambulatorialmente como hospitalizados, que preencheram critério clínico para Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Grave.


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Background: The main function of the mucociliary system is the removal of particles or substances that are potentially harmful to the respiratory tract. The tuning fork therapeutic for the purpose of bronchial hygiene has still not been described in the literature. The optimal vibration frequency to mobilize secretions is widely debated and varies between 3 and 25 Hz. It is expected that a tuning fork is able to generate vibrations in the thorax, facilitating bronchial hygiene. The aim of the present study is to develop tuning forks with different frequencies, for use in bronchopulmonary hygiene therapy. Methods: The first tuning fork was made with a fixed frequency of 25 Hz and it was recorded in the Brazilian institution of patent registration. This device generated a frequency of 25 Hz and had a weight of 521 g, with dimensions of 600 mm in total length. The device is characterized by a bottom end containing a transducer with a diameter of 62 mm and a thickness of 5/16 mm (8''), a rod removable 148 mm, fork length of 362 mm and an extension at the upper end of sinuous shape bilaterally.The tuning forks must be applied at an angle of 90° directly on the chest wall of the patient after pulmonary auscultation for location of secretions. The tuning fork is activated by squeezing the tips of the extensions together and releasing them in a sudden movement. Results: This study shows the result of the development of others three tuning forks of different dimensions to generate different frequencies. Each equipment reaches a fixed frequency preset of 12, 15 and 20 Hz measured by digital oscilloscope. Conclusions: The tuning fork models developed in this study generated different frequencies proposed by the scientific literature as effective in the mobilization of pulmonary secretions.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Respiratory syncytial virus is the major cause of acute lower respiratory tract illness in infants and young children. Because there is currently no licensed vaccine for RSV, there is a substantial interest in the identification and development of RSV specific inhibitory agents. There are clinical evidences that glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are potential inhibitors of viral infection. In this study, the performance of two GAGs (heparin and dextran sulfate) were compared for their antiviral and virucidal activities on RSV. Analysis was performed using an in vitro infection model where, previously to infection, Hep-2 cells or RSV were incubated with heparin or dextran sulfate. The presence of viral particles was analyzed by Reverse Transcriptase-Polimerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR) and indirect immunofluorescence assays (IFA). The results showed that viral infection was more efficiently inhibited when Hep-2 cells were pre-incubated with heparin or, when viral particles were pre-incubated with dextran sulfate. Our study suggest that, in the absence of cellular death, heparin and dextran sulfate reduce RSV infection by different mechanisms, antiviral and virucidal ones, respectively. These data contribute for recent medical, microbiology and biochemical studies which suggest that the use of antiviral and virucidal compounds as more effective treatment to control virus infections.


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This paper describes the in vivo Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)technique by endoscopy in tapirs (Tapirus terrestris) with clinicalsigns of tuberculosis. The technique was performed in two tapirs, male and female,from Curitiba Zoo, Paraná, Brazil. A flexible endoscope and a polyethylene catheterwere used after the chemical restraint of the animals. For BAL technique, 60mL ofsaline 0.9% were infused with a polyethylene catheter, introduced by the endoscope'working channel, and 15mL of BAL were recovered, analyzed and submitted tocytocentrifugation. Slides were stained by Papanicolaou, periodic acid-Schiff (PAS)and Ziehl-Neelsen methods contained high quantity of inflammatory cells on lightmicroscopy (macrophages 27.5%, lymphocytes 0.5%, neutrophis 67% and eosinophis 5%).BAL samples were submitted to culture, bacilloscopy and PCR and were negative forboth animals. Based on this study, it was concluded that the bronchoalveolar lavagetechnique in tapirs is feasible, simple, noninvasive, practical and fast, providingan important clinical information in vivo regarding the functionalstatus of the lower respiratory tract.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)